Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby Dischordian » May 22nd, 2011, 3:30 pm


The free hypnosis vids are great. The new one in particular really put me under... Considering getting a pay membership...
Anybody else like that site????
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Postby oddboyx » May 25th, 2011, 1:04 am

never really thought of mrdaniels as a feminization site...

I mean, looking at it, seems more aimed at people who view themselves as girls and towards making them more submissive, make-up heavy, oral fixated.

Only looked at the public parts of site though.
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Postby Khas » May 25th, 2011, 7:21 am

Mr. Daniels doesn't care who you are as long as he can turn you into a submissive, oral fixated, dumb, hooker or prostitute. Have had several friends with promising careers and other such things go to his site and stop talking to me. Though, I did run into one working at a strip club and she didn't even remember me. So, buyer beware that if you have friends, family, loved ones well you can kiss them good bye with Mr. Daniels. As well as anything other than a future working in the sex industry or hooters.
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Postby Blackjaz » May 25th, 2011, 9:45 pm

Khas wrote:Mr. Daniels doesn't care who you are as long as he can turn you into a submissive, oral fixated, dumb, hooker or prostitute. Have had several friends with promising careers and other such things go to his site and stop talking to me. Though, I did run into one working at a strip club and she didn't even remember me. So, buyer beware that if you have friends, family, loved ones well you can kiss them good bye with Mr. Daniels. As well as anything other than a future working in the sex industry or hooters.

Eh I wouldn't say that. I mean, I for one didn't go through that..then again like the poster said above...it's maybe aim for Women.
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Postby DavidR » May 26th, 2011, 7:14 am

Gave the premium bit a random punt (came to ~£7) since the free things were quite good

However, after paying there has been nothing. I get that it's attended to manually, but it's kind bad considering they now have my cash and I still don't have anything to show for it. If it takes much longer I'll rescind my payment me thinks (thank god for for Paypal)
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Postby zapnosis » May 26th, 2011, 5:08 pm

I like to think of myself as a bit of a brainwashing aficionado, so I have followed Mr Daniel's progress with interest, but from a distance. As a technician, I admire the effectiveness of his work. However, he seems to be motivated by the aim of forming a kind of online cult of biologically female slaves - and I imagine he would gladly admit it. I don't think that feminisation is his thing and I would urge the uncertain not to dabble. He does some genuine brainwashing, which is not to be messed with, and by reputation he suffers no fools. Be warned.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Foxpaw » May 27th, 2011, 2:51 am

...It's times like this I think we should get a code of ethics for new hypnotists going.
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Postby darkenedav » May 29th, 2011, 1:29 pm

DavidR wrote:Gave the premium bit a random punt (came to ~£7) since the free things were quite good

However, after paying there has been nothing. I get that it's attended to manually, but it's kind bad considering they now have my cash and I still don't have anything to show for it. If it takes much longer I'll rescind my payment me thinks (thank god for for Paypal)

let us know how it goes.
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Postby DavidR » May 29th, 2011, 2:30 pm

I eventually got the info for the account and checked out the content

Got to say, slightly disappointed. There are about 8 or 9 hypnosis 'studies' (mainly flash but one or 2 MP3s). I must say most of them don't pique my interest and 2 or 3 of them are kind of augmented / extended versions of the free studies available.

Although since it's fairly cheap, give it a try if you're curious. But don't expect masses of content
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Postby alanawarp » July 10th, 2011, 11:51 pm

after reading this forum i was wanting to review Mr Daniels web site, I thought nothing could make me obey but i was wrong after watching the free flash videos I wanted more, I tried not to watch for a few days but then i really wanted to watch again & after only a few weeks of watching, this week i now became a member of Mr Daniels castle.
You are right there is not a lot of content but the flash videos that are there make me want to obey Mr Daniels & i cannot stop thinking about hyposis, I want more.
You need to watch the videos for more than 1 hour for them to really start working.
I started watching two videos side by side on my computer but this was so intense I found that i had been watching for 6 hours & not sleeping.
This week i have started to notice that i now giggle when mr daniels tells me too.
So if you want to do what Mr daniels tells you to do then watch but be warned if you do start watching you may not be able to stop watching & you end up joining Mr Daniels castle.
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Postby james82 » July 12th, 2011, 8:58 pm

they are really good only problem is u cant view half the file i only get half the screen
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Postby iamli3 » July 14th, 2011, 6:05 pm

lol little piece of shit of a site has that like 50 error pop up text boxes insta link from just scrolling onto it trying to i guess put you in a trance to make you send the site an email and join that castle thing , i haha'd when it said like "now that i have you trapped on this silly little website" , cause having that error pop up window makes all other windows and tabs unclimbable , so i was just like "windows button open a new firefox and check my yt before finishing reading" , take that haxorz link......
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Postby alanawarp » July 18th, 2011, 10:25 am

to view the hypnosis studies without the title bar tab. all you have to do is hold down the Ctrl key when you click on the link. This normally like you see the videos, if not try settings & then change you browser's zoom level.
I am still watching everyday I have not missed a day & now i am in the castle i just want to watch more videos.
It is best to watch for at least one hour as most of the videos only really start to kick in after the first hour of watching but again be warned they are really starting to work on me. BE CAREFUL WATCH ONLY IF YOU WANT TO OBEY Mr Daniels. :D :D :D
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Postby jordyd19 » August 11th, 2011, 6:30 pm

there is no feminization just bimbofication. his slave hamie is a pig with makeup, i emailed him about that. its cheap n rightly so takes me forever to jo n lots of satanic symbology

way better of a deal here n better hypnotists
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Postby Ravyn » August 14th, 2011, 9:33 pm

his site is cool. im already listening to the mantra and one of the files from here combined. seems to be working as i can noticed how my boobs feel in my shirt.
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Postby aspirer » August 19th, 2011, 12:39 pm

very interesting site

satanic? perhaps - i'd say more like occult and or masonic or something which would likely include some of that

anybody know where to find other stuff that is this high quality?

thanks : )

p.s. hello and feel free to pm me
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Postby jordyd19 » September 21st, 2011, 9:43 pm

i got a siterip but i really didnt like his site or style n hes got no body transformation stuff. its better here n theres 2 threads i follow
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Postby Hypgnostic » September 25th, 2011, 10:01 pm

Where are the videos? It's a bitch to navigate that site.
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Postby kslava » September 27th, 2011, 10:23 pm

I happened upon Mr Daniel's site a few months ago and from time to time have listened in, with slightly increasing frequency. He originally had a very long "study" that was very extensive, repeating a basic theme and each time adding a little to the rest. Now, I'm more interested in his shorter/smaller file size studies, but they still have good spirals and compelling audio. I guess I'm experienced at going under, so it's harder for me to say how effective it would be for a novice.

Indeed there is no gender-change related feminization involved, but general feminization. As stated before, the general goal is total slutification, which can also involve bimboification.

Indeed there is masonic/satanic imagery. Mr Daniel's includes an icon of an owl in his studies and site. The owl can be referenced to a variety of good, evil and indifferent connotations. However, I think the masonic or satanic imagery may not be far off. This doesn't mean he's necessarily evil per se, but beware all ye who enter. The colors red and black suggest occult background and remind me of satanic colors.

The owl may reference Molech, the deity of Gehenna, a massive burning trash heap in Israel in Roman times (referred to as Hell in some Bible versions, but the original Greek was Gehenna) where supposedly children were sacrificed to fire and cannibalism. Incidentally, a giant owl statue sits at the ceremonial area of Bohemian Grove, a retreat center in California believed to be frequented by some of the most powerful people in the world, including possibly masons (though not sure of the connection, if any, there).

So who knows, perhaps Mr Daniels recruits for Bohemian Grove staff, hehe. At any rate, given that these aren't feminization oriented, I don't expect anything to go too far with this, but we'll see. I've been conversing with him on email, playing around (small stuff like being told to stroke myself, moan, and then type back in reply what he wants me to type).[/i]
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Postby alanawarp » October 14th, 2011, 4:09 pm

Mr Daniels site may not be aimed at Feminization but the effects of me watching is that i am starting to constantly wear stockings & panties. i even removed all of the hair from my legs which feels so good. I have been watching since July & i am still looking at Mr Daniels web site everyday just to see if there is anything new to watch. I was a castle member but that recently ran out, i am trying not to rejoin but i am finding it hard not too !!! one interesting point is that i get very aroused watching these flash videos & now i am really staring to want to dress full time as a woman & go out dressed. i have just started listening to allison_in_love hypnosis while watching Mr Daniels videos this really is starting to effect me. so if you really want to be feminized it may be worth trying the same.
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Postby verytricky » October 23rd, 2011, 3:54 pm

I have some really dark fantasies... So Mr. Daniel's style actually suits me quite well. He has some real talent, and has put a lot of thought into the techniques he uses.

I am very happily male. I don't want to be feminized. It isn't a fetish of mine at all... er, well, it wasn't. My fetish is mind control, pure and simple. So, feeling that I should buy a pair of high heels or some nice lip gloss to wear when I listen to his files is pretty convincing evidence to me that his hypnosis is very powerful. And that thought makes me crazy hot.

Is he unethical? I mean, there are plenty of disclaimers on the site. To my knowledge, he has never kidnapped anyone and physically restrained them in a brainwashing chair and forced them to accept more programming. (If that is a service he provides, though, please direct me to the link. I'd pay good money for that!) So, if you know you are looking for someone to warp your mind and you get what you wanted, how is the person giving it unethical? I don't get that.

The free hypnosis studies are fantastic. There isn't a lot of content in the pay area, but the content that is there is more graphic. I have joined twice now. I let my first membership expire, but found about a month later that I really wanted to join again. It isn't that expensive... $10-12 a month depending on the length of membership you buy. Given that it is a site that I am spending at least a half hour a day using, that isn't bad... even if there isn't a lot of new content.

I came here to check out what people here thought of him. Sometimes I worry that I'm wasting too much time trancing to his work, that I should really consider a different hobby... I tell myself that I'll stop listening... right after this session. And then the next day, I feel this need building up, this intense desire to submit to more brainwashing. Recognizing that need presses all my fetish buttons and I find myself logging in again. After all, I did pay for another month of membership. Maybe I'll quit at the end of the month? Yeah, right.
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Very Addictive

Postby alanawarp » October 28th, 2011, 7:00 pm

I have been listening to Mr Daniels for about 3 months & now i have started to buy stockings, short skirt, low cut top, high heels the works. this week i watched one of Mr Daniels studies & then i put on allison_in_love hypnosis which made me feel so Confidence & my female face was so good that i even when outside dressed like this, so Mr Daniels may not be aimmed at Feminization but with allison_in_love as well its starting to make me feel like a very sexy woman that needs more hypnosis & more change, i have started thinking about voice lessons.
While watching sirs flash studies i am so aroused, even when i daydream about Mr Daniels flash studies i get so aroused i cannot think.
My castle membership ran out about 4 weeks ago but now i am starting to want to join again & see what is new in the castle but i am trying to Resist but i am finding it harder to resist.
I am still checking out Mr Daniels web site everyday just to see what new free stuff he has put there.
I too am just watching Mr Daniels studies as much as i can i want more & more, the changes i feel make me want more so i watch more.
I cannot get out of this cycle, but do i want to as this is what i have wanted for a long time !!!
Are you all starting to feel the same after watching Mr Daniels studies or is it just me ?? 8O :o
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Postby andrew » November 5th, 2011, 6:08 am

mr. daniels web studies gave me a head ache 10 seconds into one of them
so I left the site. it was one of his free ones
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Postby saaass » December 29th, 2011, 8:03 pm

mr. daniels is not safe stay away he dos not care about you just your cash and body he will fuck you rob you and leave you broken in a dumpster his site is a trap stay away or you will be hurt as soon as he looses interest in you you wont be able to live a normal life
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Postby whipme43 » January 1st, 2012, 12:15 am

Did you have a bad experience there saaass? i just discovered the site a couple days ago but have been enjoying it so far :)
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Can You Download

Postby freshlydirty » February 20th, 2012, 1:40 am

The free hypnos on his website, are they downloadable? I watched some of one, but can't see a way to download it. Please let me know if there's a way to save them.
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Re: Can You Download

Postby hernan7h » February 20th, 2012, 1:20 pm

freshlydirty wrote:The free hypnos on his website, are they downloadable? I watched some of one, but can't see a way to download it. Please let me know if there's a way to save them.

the videos are made in flash with a code that does not allow to play outside of mr daniels website
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Postby Guuliar » March 15th, 2012, 11:49 am

hmm illuminati or reptilian? Or both? Lots of satanic symbolism lol It's kind of funny. The sites a major turn off for me. Feels too musky and my panic response goes off often. Even when not viewing something.
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Postby alanawarp » October 29th, 2012, 2:49 pm

I just wanted to up date everyone i have been in Mr Daniels castle for over a year now & the more i watch his hyponsis the more i want.
I can sit watching for hours upon hours & not sleeping because i need Mr daniels hypnosis.
the Hypnosis has changed me before watching i would listen to Files from this web site on & off & the effects would be little on none.
But now after watching Mr Daniels hypnosis when i listen or watch other hypnosis i go very deep & any file effects me straight away.
SO i now need to be careful what i listen to & how many times i listen as i can change just like that.
i.e i started listening to Alision in love file again recently & i was so changed by them i wanted to start dressing as a woman as much as i could, currently I am trying to just understand do i want to go full time or just dress up Occasionally.
I have started to talk about going on hormones & going through a full transition.
So yes do not listen & watch Mr Daniels unless you want to change because you will !!
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Postby Blackjaz » October 30th, 2012, 9:48 pm

I never really had his stuff affect me, his free stuff that is, so maybe I give it try for the pay stuff.
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Postby jane-sg » October 30th, 2012, 11:24 pm

I think Mr Daniels website is super, so many hidden studies, I love this site and have regularly visited it for over a year. I feel so good when I dress up like a bimbo for Mr Daniels, and I now love to giggle :lol:
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Postby pogo » November 4th, 2012, 2:18 am

I signed up for a few months because it seemed like something I would like, but I found the "studies" very frustrating. You would keep waiting for something to happen, and then there wuld be another countdown. I swear there might be 100 countdowns in a study, and then just when things would advance a (very) little bit -- there it was again.

Plus with those flash studies, you have no idea how long they will take, if indeed they ever finish, so you can't budget any time for them.

Maybe they are for some, but for me, frustration and hostility to the process aren't effective induction methods :-)

Did I mention those useless jumps to youtube that don't work half the time?
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Re: Meh

Postby Blackjaz » November 4th, 2012, 9:54 pm

pogo wrote:I signed up for a few months because it seemed like something I would like, but I found the "studies" very frustrating. You would keep waiting for something to happen, and then there wuld be another countdown. I swear there might be 100 countdowns in a study, and then just when things would advance a (very) little bit -- there it was again.

Plus with those flash studies, you have no idea how long they will take, if indeed they ever finish, so you can't budget any time for them.

Maybe they are for some, but for me, frustration and hostility to the process aren't effective induction methods :-)

Did I mention those useless jumps to youtube that don't work half the time?

lol! I take your word for it, time to spend my money on something else then lol
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Postby debbie32 » November 20th, 2012, 4:33 pm

gee thanks for posting the site I did enjoy it very much hon. As a long time cd I find the hypno very powerful . I get dressed and listen now before stepping out into public to remind me who I am giggles
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Postby hotstuffmm » February 14th, 2013, 11:11 pm

I got to agree with Pogo here. I discovered the site about a year ago and off and on I tried going under but it seems like the free files are just loops that are never ending and I'm stuck waiting for something else to happen. Maybe I'm just not going deep enough or they are designed to be like that and make you think that there is more just to keep you there. Sometimes I'm half tempted to get a castle membership but I still haven't taken the plunge yet. Maybe I'll get enough courage to try it out someday.
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Postby ztshp » February 16th, 2013, 5:33 am

Don't do it, that site has ruined peoples lives and so has he
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Postby danny1988 » February 16th, 2013, 7:36 am

ztshp wrote:Don't do it, that site has ruined peoples lives and so has he

Totally agree here, I thought his name sounded familiar for some reason and now I remember all the talk over on HF. Seriously dont do it, plenty of good tists over on HF who can help you :) did I mention usually for free.
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Postby hernan7h » February 16th, 2013, 1:16 pm

can anybody tell me what is HF o post a link about mr daniels site
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Postby hypnoidf » February 16th, 2013, 1:18 pm

It'd Hypno Fetish ;-)
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Postby ztshp » February 16th, 2013, 3:33 pm

No you don't get a link to mr daniels
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Postby Ravyn » February 17th, 2013, 1:48 am

so how does he ruin peoples lives...explain in detail..plz
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Postby oddboyx » March 16th, 2013, 9:15 am

I joined his site a few weeks ago.

I saw the signs beforehand and walked in knowingly. Mr Daniel's studies have mentioned a "cult". Mr Daniel wants those who join to become sexually submissive slut bunnies in his service.

And I've been enjoying myself!

Before, I would have never thought of trying pantyhose and heels (I just liked sucking cocks.) Now? Heels are FUN to wear, and hose feels so nice snug and tight on me.

Mr Daniel's hypnosis studies are encouraging me to try bondage and submission more and more. One has even encouraged me to practice my oral skills every night on a toy.

Mr Daniel does aim for orgasm control. Before, I'd probably get off at least once a day unless really busy. Now, I've been trying to only hit that moment when Mr. Daniel says to. One of his studies told me too last night and it just felt so much better than the times I got myself off normally.

I can see pieces (like his encouragement to share dirty secrets) that have potential bad sides, but they also have the spin of being the type of things you would share with a dominant.

And there was a recent suggestion to recruit more for the castle. That's probably the biggest part I can object to. Was going nice and deep when that little suggestion slipped onto the screen. Guess I'm sorta going with it by giving this information on how wonderful his castle site is.
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Postby alanawarp » March 20th, 2013, 4:12 pm

I have re joined the castle after 3 months trying not to but I finally did it.
Now Mr Daniels new castle studies have taken control of me & I cannot stop watching them.
I want more & more hypnosis I want to be turned into a woman now, I am actually sitting here typing this letter dressed in tights panties, bra.
I have started taking hormones after much consultation I can now feel the effects on my mind plus the hypnosis are making me like I want to dress & change into a woman all of the time.
I have started to think about wanting to meet similar people but I am resisting this at the moment.
So anyone that thinks hypnosis will not change them is very wrong.

I am happy as I have wanted to be a woman since I was small I always had feelings that I was different so the hypnosis has help me start to fore fill my dream.
So Mr Daniel's & all of the other hypnosis that I have watched or listened to has given me the conference to start the next steps.

I feel great & happy.
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Postby qv » March 22nd, 2013, 2:44 pm

ztshp wrote:Don't do it, that site has ruined peoples lives and so has he

Agreed. Anyone with a modicum of sense will find someone that hasn't been repeatedly talked about as a hypnosis abuser and all-around fucker that deserves to be shot in his sleep like the worthless sack of shit he is.

I mean really... there are plenty of good hypnotists with sites out there. LeeAllure, HypnoGoddess Dreamsender... even EMG is more ethical!

Just remember: giving up control to someone is all well and good, but for god's sakes, give it to someone who uses it safely, sanely, and consensually. Else, it's rape, and not a sexy kind.
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Postby oddboyx » July 2nd, 2013, 1:01 pm

Follow up.
My 3 month subscription ended in May.

Heels are still interesting, and I still want to find some thigh highs. The time spent probably encouraged, but I don't see them as the source.

Still wanting to be someone's cock slave in rl, but that was there beforehand as well.

All my safeties still seem to be in place. If anything, I seem more comfortable with some of my interests and have actually talked with a friend about them.

Though, I am tempted to re-subscribe because it was fun.
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Postby Angel3052 » July 3rd, 2013, 12:15 pm

I read all of this, and its completely obvious his site should be avoided. Anyone who doesn't see it is lying to themselves. Guys like that should be put in an asylum or jail for damaging people's minds and destroying their lives.
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Postby saints56 » July 3rd, 2013, 1:48 pm

What does Mr Daniels do that is exactly demented if you want to know another one try mind mistress she LITTERALLY wants everyone turned into a lesbian there's even some lesbian conspiracy documents on her site there's also more on another hypnosis site but I don't remember which one
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Postby JenniJenni » July 3rd, 2013, 7:34 pm

I just watched a few of the "studies" on Mr Daniels site and have to say that other than trancing a bit and a noticing he has a fetish for lipstick and pantyhose, I don't get what he's really trying to do there. Nice production quality, but for me they actually got to be a bit tedious after a while. I just didn't see what the purpose was.
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Postby Isabaellchen » September 10th, 2013, 9:53 pm

Yea Mr Daniel is like sooo dangerous, hihi
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Mr. Daniel is good for me.

Postby bluetango » October 1st, 2013, 6:28 pm

I am in my second month as a member of Mr. Daniel's Castle. I love it. I feel so feminine after my training visits. It might not be for everybody, but I love, love, love it.
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