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why didn't anybody tell me walking like a girl is so hard...

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 12:51 am
by kunoichi
lol but I swear i'm starting to love my predicament. when if It just is mild. so whats this going to be like when I can turn it on at all. I'm hopping I can do this the right way.

btw walking like a girl is hard... how do they do it.. lol.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 12:53 am
by kunoichi
I'm am starting to have fun with this.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 10:59 am
by Guuliar
Wear high heals and just let your body flow, but not in an overly relaxed way. It helps out a lot.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by KimLynn
How about you learn to do it correctly. Measure around yourself just under your breasts, That is your band size for a bra. Go and get yourself a C or D cup bra. Pick up some ballons while you are there. Put your bra on, then fill a couple ballons, yea they will be heavy thats part of the point. Slip them in the cups and you may need to adjust the straps up some.

Ok put on your shoes, heels will work better. Now walk and if you have a mirror to look at all the better. First off ladies take shorter steps so you dont do the splits and bust your ass. Watch your new breasts, Do they bounce up and down or sway side to side. If they do either you are walking wrong. Try to suck in your gut just a bit and loosen up the hips and let them roll, or maybe you are letting them roll a bit to much. You may also need to shorten those steps again. As you walk everything from the waiste up should not move much.

Ok you are still haveing problems then go to the mall and watch the ladies with the larger breasts. See how they move how the hips and waste moves... See how some waddle and bounce themselfs all over the place. When you bounce and shake alot it hurts and wears you out, also harder on the back.

Just a few thoughts I wanted to share.
Kim Lynn

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 5:42 pm
by kunoichi
thank you..... first of all I wanted to say. any excuse to watch ladies with large breast is ok with me...{yeah wanting to be a girl}}}... but unfortunately I can't afford a brawl or heels so... that sucks. thank you for such good advise though... I'll try and remember it.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 5:36 pm
by kunoichi
i swear i am starting to stand with one knee bent.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:27 pm
by Guuliar
I always did. XD Never thought much about it. Used to like putting my hands on my hips until someone started making fun of me for doing it. ^_^ So what exactly was your fantasy and why are you doing it? I'm just curious.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:33 pm
by kunoichi
it was dual fantasies... one life fantasy and a sexual fantasy

1. my life fantasy was to be a tough/ awesome tuff girl Japanese of coerce.{shooting guns and being feminine and tuff}

2. my sexual fantasy was to be a submissive Japanese girl and trapped within that life.[P{{entrapment and stuff like that.}}}}l

why i like each... one brings me ultimate happiness... the pother brings me ultimate pleasure. it's as simple a that.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:39 pm
by Guuliar
Awesome! I was just kind of curious

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:46 pm
by kunoichi
that's cool

PostPosted: March 21st, 2012, 12:17 am
by KimLynn
If you were asking me, well I have all kinds of fantasies. I am a TransWoman and thought I would toss out some of what I learned. I knew I was a girl at age 4. I have been full time for a few years now.

I dont wear heels much. I am a jeans, nice top and tennies type of girl.

Kim Lynn