Looking for someone to make possession file.

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Looking for someone to make possession file.

Postby aranies » April 30th, 2023, 4:03 pm

Hello everyone,

Im looking for someone who would like to make permanent possession file which make listener transform into Kitsune (of course being it for MTF and female).
I was trying to make some hypnosis but couldnt even get to trance so i just gave up. (thank to having now new PC i dont even have scripts i was working on)

My inspiration i was taking from this DeviantArt fanart which was just something i would love to happened to me.

My idea was to make it that listener is visiting temple in Japanese but suddenly it looks like everything next to him/her changed and see sakura tree in distance next to temple. Because it looks beautiful listener starts coming to the tree. Standing under the tree and enjoying the atmosphere it is making you dont notice the presence of 9 tailed fox which is coming closer and closer to you. When you finally notice the fox its already to late because she already jump into you and start possessing you.
Fox speaks to the listener in head making listener weaker to the influence of fox and she is starting to change listener to the form she wants.
Making it permanent

If male listener: then start by removing bodyhairs, lowering height to ideal one (165cm +- :D ), making more feminine appearance, smaller waist, hourglass body, penis change to vagina, starts growing longer hairs, change hairs to white color with red highlights, longer painted nails, growing breasts, change face, change human ears to fox one, change clothes to kimono and in the end starts growing tails. Whole body become female kitsune - then starts change the mental to accept the fox and merge fox + listener mind

If female listener: making more feminine appearance, smaller waist, hourglass body, starts growing longer hairs, change hairs to white color with red highlights, longer painted nails, growing breasts, change face, change human ears to fox one, change clothes to kimono and in the end starts growing tails. Whole body become female kitsune - then starts change the mental to accept the fox and merge fox + listener mind

The idea of Curse is that every time listener listen to this file the strength of fox rise and mental changes become stronger.
This doesnt change sexuality, but change personality because fox mind is older and merge with listener.

If someone wants to make it or knows about anyone who would like to do it even for price please tell me. i would really love this

(sorry i choose wrong discussions, please dm me and i will put it in right one)
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Joined: October 15th, 2021, 10:09 am

Re: Looking for someone to make possession file.

Postby Jackstock » May 4th, 2023, 1:59 pm

I make great custom files if you want to discuss that with me
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Re: Looking for someone to make possession file.

Postby aranies » May 6th, 2023, 4:03 am

Sure i would love that. Where do you want me to contact you? there via PM or something else?
Posts: 2
Joined: October 15th, 2021, 10:09 am

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