Beginner help with EMG files

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Beginner help with EMG files

Postby geekdh » April 5th, 2024, 4:20 pm

I'm a newbie here, and I need some help.

I first found EMG Hypnosis when I came across Curse Breast Growth Male during a YouTube search. I'm a retired Computer Software Engineer, and while I have probably the same level of understanding of hypnosis as the general populace, I really know NOTHING about the details of what's going on in these files.

In computers, I write a program and run it and get a result. Assuming the conditions are the same, when I run it a second time, I generally expect the same result. I've quickly found out that is NOT the case in hypnosis. I've spent the last week in trial and error trying to get things to work, and I'm hoping EMG or someone can give me some pointers in the right direction.

When I ran the Curse Breast Growth Male on you tube, I was expecting some sort of response that would tell me when/how to achieve breast growth. (Okay, color me naive.) Since I've been on EMG Hypnosis, I've come much closer to an understanding. But, I still can't tell if it's working or not. I understand the file causes the user estrogen production to go up drastically, and testosterone to go down. But I don't know how to tell if that's really happening. The file that runs says something like "You can feel the estrogen running through your system." Well, unless I go to a lab and get a blood test, I can't. And it could take several months before I would expect to see any visible effects of the estrogen in my body. I really don't want to wait that long and then find out I screwed something up and there's really no estrogen being added to my system. Any hints?

In the course of all my trial and error, I explored some of the other files available, and there are a large number that intrigued me. I've probably downloaded at least 20, probably more, and run most of them. None of them worked, or at least as far as I could tell, they didn't. EMG said in a reply back in January about the "Curse - Fucked by a Dog" file, something like "Sometime it takes a few tries." I don't need an exact number, but can you give a better approximation than "a few tries"? I mean, are we talking 5? 10? 25? 150? Given that each time I run a file takes about 1/3 of an hour, I'd kinda like to have an idea of what my target is. I've been thinking I'd run the file morning and evening each day until the end of the month before giving up on it. Is that reasonable? (BTW, one FAQ answer suggested starting with TrigFreeze. I've tried that, and even that doesn't work after running it probably half a dozen times.)

Also, am I screwing myself up by having loaded so many different files? I mean, do they conflict with each other?

Another question - I've found at least 3 files (Curse Breast Growth Male, Curse Hormone Change, and Train Hormone Change) all of which appear to operate by increasing Estrogen and decreasting Testosterone.) Is there an advantage to that? Does running more than one of them cause any conflicts?

Sorry for being so long-winded. I hope I didn't overload you, and I hope that will get me started for a while. (I'm sure I'll have more questions when learn enough to find what I don't know.

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Beginner help with EMG files

Postby EMG » April 8th, 2024, 8:37 am

So here's the problem with hypnosis, it's a lot about how your subconscious mind processes things. Some people have success in a try or two, others take weeks(or months) or never.

So, let's start simple, do you feel like you are getting into trance? If so we have a good start, keep at it. If not, try a few different inductions and see if there's one that you respond to and if you can edit to the front of the files you want to listen to.

Next don't overstimulate, unlike a computer your mind can't process 20 things at a time. Think about it like cramming for finals, the more subjects you try to study at once the less your mind seems to absorb. I generally suggest no more than 2-3 files at a time until you're seeing some level of success.
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Re: Beginner help with EMG files

Postby geekdh » April 8th, 2024, 11:34 am

Thanks, EMG.

In the last day or so, I’ve come to the conclusion that my problem IS getting into trance. Here are the symptoms I’m seeing (aside from nothing working): in the inductions, you talk about “the more you listen to my words, the more the rest of the world just slips away.” I don’t ever experience that. By effort, I can maintain concentration on your words, sort of, but I’m still aware of the world and environment around me, and I have to fight to keep my thoughts from being distracted by a thousand other things. FWIW, I have that problem when attempting to meditate as well.
Secondly, in the countdown, you say “when I get to one, your mind will be in deep trance from which it will not return to consciousness quickly or easily. That does not describe me.
And when you count up to 5 to bring us out, I feel I’ve been awake the whole time. Except that there often a few moments during the induction when I sort of “space out” and suddenly realize I can’t remember what was said during the last minute or two.

I’ve tried some the files in the inductions section, some of them several times. I’ve tried Incredibly Deep, Focus Induction, Deepening and Deepening2, Perfectly Susceptible, Train Susceptible (several times!) Resist induction, and Massage Induction (and maybe a few others).
Is there way to tell if you’re responding, other than whether or not the program works? I’ve been using TrigFreeze2 as my test case, and I’ve probably run it at least 15 or 20 times.

Thanks for your help. I’ll keep at it (or, I guess, I’ll give up! LOL)
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