by Linja » April 28th, 2005, 2:00 am
For sure I wouldn't want EMG to do it if he didn't have time. I'm appreciative enough of him for creating this site and I wouldn't have made the request under normal circumstances, but as there was a forum for suggesting improvements for the site I figured that I should give my ideas. As for a cross-communication system for buddies, I think that's a bit of a waste of his time personally. I mean, what's wrong with the forums or chat rooms? Well, maybe I feel that way 'cos I don't have many buddies here.
You're right about the surgery analogy. I've read some stories on hypnosis that were pretty wierd, others damn frightening.
One story that I read that comes to mind was of a hypnotist (a professional one) who was helping a woman remember her childhood.
She remembered being abused by her parents rather harshly and them leaving her. These memories were so traumatic that she killed herself.
I'm not sure if this is true or false, but I read or heard it somewhere, anyway it's in my head.
And yes, I'm actually English myself. I was born in Kent and migrated to Australia when I was 3 monthes old. My parents are both English too, so that also helps. And being in Australia, we tend to do things the traditional way.