Enchanted Object

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Enchanted Object

Postby Noctifer » September 16th, 2007, 10:19 pm

I am a relatively new hypnotist (as in 'absolute newbie compared to any hypnotist on this site, but with some research and practice') and I have one, possibly two people in my area interested in letting me practice more on them. Naturally I have no intention of doing anything too risky with their minds off the bat, but I had the idea of preparing them for later by...:

Enchanted Objects. Basically my idea (and it may not be new, though I haven't found too much on this topic yet) is that depending on the purpose of the hypnosis having the subject put on something special - a ring, a necklace, something appropriate. Throughout the induction tell them that in this case all results will apply to them when and only when the object is being worn, and that everything that is added to their personality in that session will always apply when the ring is worn. Each time I want to enhance or strengthen a particular set of effects I would make sure they were wearing the item again.

The main reason I am considering this is that I definitely want to add some of the really fun kinky affects to someone (such as slutification - at least one friend will likely be interested in that, or perhaps feminization when wearing particular earings.. etc) but not such a way that it would permanently affect their professional and social life.

What my concerns are (the purpose of the post) are:
- would something like this be likely to leak into their normal personality anyways, and how would I prevent that?
- would this risk causing multiple-personality disorder (in the negative psychological sense)

So, for those of you on here who are more experienced then I, has this been done? Should the above concerns worry me and if so is there a way to minimize the risks? (And for some of you yes, I know, hypno erotica should be fun and risky, but for me a consenting mind is a terrible thing to waste just so I don't have to take the time to prepare properly)

And if you think its safe enough I will record an induction (and awakening, and test body) for here too so you can all play with it and let me know how it goes.

Oh! And thank you all for maintaining this site and adding new scripts - I had become jaded with so many things and when I found out this was a viable outlet... SQUEEEEEEEE!! (oh wait, dom face, dom face, no squeeing)
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Postby cardigan » September 17th, 2007, 2:57 am

If you hypnotize somebody that will likely think that the kinks, that a ring or necklace is told to posses are OK, then imho they will react fine when they wear this object. On the other hand - if you try via said object to introduce kinks, that are not OK to the person in question, then the ring or necklace will probably have no effect.
So - no matter how you do it - rings or spells or whatever - if what you are trying to make the other person do, is in disharmony with what this person would be willing to do or try, then you will not succeed.
If you ar successful in bestowing - say a ring - with magical properties, then I don't think that they will spill out into life with wearing the ring. That should work fine.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby dharden » September 17th, 2007, 5:18 pm

Just trying to brainstorm a little, but maybe something like that could be worked into the initial "enchantment" of the items. Maybe tell them that each "enchanted" item would have to attune itself to the wearer's mind, and wouldn't be able to do so unless the wearer allowed it to.
Last edited by dharden on September 18th, 2007, 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Draygone » September 18th, 2007, 10:53 am

I'd be more concerned about whether they'd be able to have the willpower to take the item off, personally.
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