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Postby Linja » April 26th, 2005, 2:31 am

I was wondering if you'd be able to create a forum for people interested in hypnotising others or learning hypnosis. Most of these things have been discussed under general hypnosis, but that gets filled with lots of other things.
Thanks for reading.

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Postby sandy82 » April 26th, 2005, 5:07 pm

Linja, I'm thinking about your interesting suggestion. I'm sure many people know more about the subject than I do. One, in particular.

Wouldn't such a forum require a knowledgeable leader? Otherwise, it's like having a site about hieroglyphics, without someone to provide useful and accurate information.

Also, I have heard that there can be a danger when someone insufficiently experienced attempts to hypnotize a subject. The way things work these days, the responsibility might fall on the group leader.

Jack has posted an excellent list of books on hypnosis in another thread. That may be the best way to go.

Of course, I defer to those with more knowledge and experience. The ten-mile-long queue forms on the left. :-)
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 12:36 am

Hey Sandy, I'm interested in that thread with the list of books in it, do you think you'd be able to post a link to that thread or something? It'd be appreciated.

Also, such a forum may not require a knowledgeable leader (besides if it did we have EMG and others). A leader is not always required to learn. If a group of people all get together, and each individual has only limited knowledge but on a different aspect, then they can put all their bits and pieces together to make a whole, so to speak.

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Postby Jack » April 27th, 2005, 5:27 am

As far as learning hypnosis goes, I would suggest a leader(be that leader EMG or otherwise), or a group of leaders(if such is available). If you get people who all have bits and pieces, without a doubt you're going to come out with bits and pieces that are at the least less correct than others(without completely thought out processes and experiential criteria that is).

Above and beyond that.. here's the link you requested:
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Postby sandy82 » April 27th, 2005, 10:42 am

Linja, I share your enthusiasm for the topic; but on balance I have to agree with Jack.

We had better let EMG volunteer for himself. He already has a lot on his plate. Only yesterday he was asked to build into the site a cross-communications system for "buddies."

A free-flowing forum on hypnosis would be fine until someone decides to try out what [he thinks] he's learned. The possible results are clear to people who know more about hypnotism than I do.

By way of imperfect analogy, picture an eager and energetic participant in an unstructured forum on surgery.... :)

Incidentally, it's interesting to see the UK influence in your written English: hypnotiSe and different "to". Both add some welcome variety.
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Postby Linja » April 28th, 2005, 1:51 am

Jack, thanks a lot for the link, I'll have to give some of those books a read, and thanks for posting those books in the first place.

You're right, a leader would be best, but it's still possible to learn without one is what I was saying. But for sure, it's always easier to learn with a teacher rather than without. Imagine a class trying to learn off each other rather than having a teacher, you're right, it'd be pretty scrappy.

Thanks again for the book posts.

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Postby Linja » April 28th, 2005, 2:00 am


For sure I wouldn't want EMG to do it if he didn't have time. I'm appreciative enough of him for creating this site and I wouldn't have made the request under normal circumstances, but as there was a forum for suggesting improvements for the site I figured that I should give my ideas. As for a cross-communication system for buddies, I think that's a bit of a waste of his time personally. I mean, what's wrong with the forums or chat rooms? Well, maybe I feel that way 'cos I don't have many buddies here.

You're right about the surgery analogy. I've read some stories on hypnosis that were pretty wierd, others damn frightening.

One story that I read that comes to mind was of a hypnotist (a professional one) who was helping a woman remember her childhood.
She remembered being abused by her parents rather harshly and them leaving her. These memories were so traumatic that she killed herself.

I'm not sure if this is true or false, but I read or heard it somewhere, anyway it's in my head.

And yes, I'm actually English myself. I was born in Kent and migrated to Australia when I was 3 monthes old. My parents are both English too, so that also helps. And being in Australia, we tend to do things the traditional way.

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Postby Jack » June 1st, 2005, 9:33 pm

Alright, I'm willing to moderate/lead this forum if EMG is willing to create it.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
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