File Suggestion

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File Suggestion

Postby Amanda3758 » March 24th, 2009, 6:38 pm

I had this posted in the wrong forum, so I moved it to here instead. Sorry! :)



I haven't really found the appropriate forum to post something like this, but I will post it here. My new boyfriend is trying to wear tighter underwear to please me, but it seems that he can't get comfortable wearing them. I think it would be cool to have a file that would inforce the wearing of tighter underwear. I think boxers are hot sometimes, so perhaps maybe if there was a file that allowed for boxer briefs or any other type of tighter underwear to feel comfortable on him, or at least enforce a desire to wear them occasionally?

Anybody else have an opinion? Thanks.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 25th, 2009, 9:14 am

Tighter underwear as opposed to what? Speaking from experience, the wrong sort of or badly fitting underwear can be incredibly bothersome. Switch to boxers when your used to something a bit more snug and you crush or slap things when you walk or twist sometimes. Switch the other way and you crush things from the constant pressure you aren't used to.

Are you trying to get him to make this change for short term in the bedroom type wear, or for day to day all day sort of wear? I'd suggest starting with short periods of a couple hours and move to longer periods of time as time progresses. You could hypnotize someone into thinking they were wearing one or the other when they really were not, even see or feel it with enough effort, but there would still be a bundle of fragile and very sensitive nerve clusters that scream at the brain from time to time until he's used to the change.
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Postby Amanda3758 » March 25th, 2009, 8:46 pm

FloridaPuppy wrote:Tighter underwear as opposed to what? Speaking from experience, the wrong sort of or badly fitting underwear can be incredibly bothersome. Switch to boxers when your used to something a bit more snug and you crush or slap things when you walk or twist sometimes. Switch the other way and you crush things from the constant pressure you aren't used to.

Are you trying to get him to make this change for short term in the bedroom type wear, or for day to day all day sort of wear? I'd suggest starting with short periods of a couple hours and move to longer periods of time as time progresses. You could hypnotize someone into thinking they were wearing one or the other when they really were not, even see or feel it with enough effort, but there would still be a bundle of fragile and very sensitive nerve clusters that scream at the brain from time to time until he's used to the change.

I was thinking of maybe a file that would encourage him to wear the tighter underwear. Perhaps not make it comfortable, but instill in his mind that he should wear it. Obviously, from there he would get used to it. He claims it is a weird feeling to wear tight things and he doesnt leave the stuff on long enough to get used to it. So, perhaps just a file to reinforce boxer-briefs, briefs, etc.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 25th, 2009, 9:02 pm

Amanda3758 wrote:
FloridaPuppy wrote:Tighter underwear as opposed to what? Speaking from experience, the wrong sort of or badly fitting underwear can be incredibly bothersome. Switch to boxers when your used to something a bit more snug and you crush or slap things when you walk or twist sometimes. Switch the other way and you crush things from the constant pressure you aren't used to.

Are you trying to get him to make this change for short term in the bedroom type wear, or for day to day all day sort of wear? I'd suggest starting with short periods of a couple hours and move to longer periods of time as time progresses. You could hypnotize someone into thinking they were wearing one or the other when they really were not, even see or feel it with enough effort, but there would still be a bundle of fragile and very sensitive nerve clusters that scream at the brain from time to time until he's used to the change.

I was thinking of maybe a file that would encourage him to wear the tighter underwear. Perhaps not make it comfortable, but instill in his mind that he should wear it. Obviously, from there he would get used to it. He claims it is a weird feeling to wear tight things and he doesnt leave the stuff on long enough to get used to it. So, perhaps just a file to reinforce boxer-briefs, briefs, etc.

You miss the point... there is a better method than hypnosis, the problem is not one that hypnosis could easily solve. Most guys don't care what they wear as long as it's comfortable and not embarrassing.
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Postby Amanda3758 » March 26th, 2009, 8:45 am

FloridaPuppy wrote:
You miss the point... there is a better method than hypnosis, the problem is not one that hypnosis could easily solve. Most guys don't care what they wear as long as it's comfortable and not embarrassing.

If hypnosis can get someone used to liking panties or wetting themselves, I think hypnosis can get someone to like to wear tighter things when they themselves do not. You say "most guys" don't care, but my boyfriend does, which is the problem.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 26th, 2009, 8:56 am

Amanda3758 wrote:
FloridaPuppy wrote:
You miss the point... there is a better method than hypnosis, the problem is not one that hypnosis could easily solve. Most guys don't care what they wear as long as it's comfortable and not embarrassing.

If hypnosis can get someone used to liking panties or wetting themselves, I think hypnosis can get someone to like to wear tighter things when they themselves do not. You say "most guys" don't care, but my boyfriend does, which is the problem.

You yourself said it was a comfort issue in your first post when you said "he can't get comfortable wearing them". Nature itself dictates that a comfort issue would be involved with that sort of change in pressure/support for reasons I already pointed out.

You are giving every appearance than you simply want a magic wand to do the work for you in your posting. You've been told of a way that would be both effective and simple to accomplish, but spurned it out of a desire for a quick and easy solution. Is your boyfriend a massocist? You want a file that makes him want to like doing something he finds uncomfortable and cite examples of people using hypnosis to reroute the often humiliating endorphin rush of wearing diapers/panties into pleasure as an example? You've given zero input on the situation, reasons for needing it, reasons for wanting it, and shown zero interest in what would be an effective solution to the problem you stated seemingly because it involves work. You didn't even bother to answer the question of what he was going from, let alone any other question that was posed... why would anyone bother helping someone uninterested in helping themselves, uninterested in answering questions that would be needed to help them, and unable to even nail down where their problem is?
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Postby Amanda3758 » March 26th, 2009, 6:42 pm

I wouldn't say they are "uncomfortable" for him, but they feel strange on him and he can't take to wearing them for more than a few hours at a time. I know that once he gets used to them, they will be fine on him. However, I need that "push" to get him to commit to wearing them.

Let me explain more. He wears and has worn boxers all of his life. I find them unflattering and unsexy. I have tried to get him to wear boxer-briefs and tighter underwear for a long time now. He just can't seem to wear them long enough to get comfortable. I figured asking if a file could be made that would encourage him to wear them more and more until he gets used to them. From there, I think that tighter and more sexy underwear (perhaps even using other files on this website?) will be less of a problem.

I mentioned panties as an example because, for example, in the Sissy files, they feel compelled to wear panties. I was merely suggesting that there could be a similar file for tighter and skimpier male underwear for guys. Long story short, I think it would be cool to hypnotize him with something as harmless as this. It would be cool for him and sexy for me, long story short.

If nobody wants to help me, I am ok with that. I have tried to answer every one of your questions the best way that I can. I am not that familiar with hypnosis and was merely asking a few questions. I am sorry to have, obviously, offended you with my requests. I just wish you'd be more patient with people new to hypnosis. I apologize if I have angered you (as I so obviously have done so to merit a response as the one you gave me), but I'm new at this. Thanks for your help, however. :)
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 26th, 2009, 7:13 pm

Let me phrase it a different way...

Take a person who lived in a cave their entire life and never saw the sun, they will be incredibly pale and have very little tolerance for direct sunlight. stick them above ground in a place where the sun is very bright all the time and give them a job that requires being out in the sun for long hours. Do you:
  • A: Hypnotize them not notice the unpleasant side effect of being in the sun.
  • B: Over a period of a few weeks acclimate them to the sun with short and slowly extending periods in the sun with sunlight to allow their body to adjust to the change.
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Postby Krysta » March 26th, 2009, 8:46 pm

although puppy, it is possible to have it both ways. A file could be made, if he would choose to listen to it, to encourage, not enforce, the wearing of a different type. Deriving pleasure from the act of doing so, but with no compulsion to remain in the once discomfort sets in. Over time he might find that the enjoyment he gets from the act of wearing them makes him more willing to wear them longer. until a full switch is made completely of his own choice.

Now, ideally, no such file would be needed at all, and you two would decide to follow puppy's advice and just build to it gradually, but a file really is what's needed, it could conceivably be done.

Finding someone to record it, now... that's the hard part
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Postby Amanda3758 » March 26th, 2009, 9:55 pm

Krysta -- you hit the nail right on the head. A file might reinforce that he wants to wear them more and more. With that, of course, he would be forced to wear them more and, eventually, he will get used to them.

Puppy -- I understand that if he gradually were to wear them over the course of a few weeks, he would get used to them. However, he is not used to wearing them, so its hard to get him to wear them for extended periods of time. A file that encourages him to have the desire to wear them, however, would get him acclimated faster and he would get pleasure out of it.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 26th, 2009, 10:26 pm

Amanda3758 wrote:Puppy -- I understand that if he gradually were to wear them over the course of a few weeks, he would get used to them. However, he is not used to wearing them, so its hard to get him to wear them for extended periods of time. A file that encourages him to have the desire to wear them, however, would get him acclimated faster and he would get pleasure out of it.

Sometimes when two people are dating, and one of them has something that they would like the other to do, they ask them to do it. You haven't said anything to suggest there is some sort of D/s style relationship. People get hypnotized into all manner of horrible things all the time without any long term results if it's something they actively don't want to do. Getting ill and disgusted by what they are doing when smoking in an attempt to make them quit smoking for a common example... if they don't want to quit smoking though, they will go back to smoking fairly quick in most cases. Convincing them that they want to quit smoking and flipping the switches needed to reach that goal will generally work better.

Your situation isn't all that different and doesn't really need hypnosis to solve. Try talking to him, explain why it's something important to you. Find out from him why he doesn't like them, "because" "I don't know" and "I can't get comfortable" aren't answers... they are nonanswers that fail to address the reason why he doesn't like them. Look at your own posts trying to explain it, how many times have you suggested he can't get comfortable in them but it's not discomfort? Even if you do use hypnosis to solve it, you have to consider if he's even interested in it, what he wants to get out of it, and what the actual problem in making the switch is.

It's fairly easy to use hypnosis to accomplish a goal. It really only takes a few simple words to nudge the clusters of nerves you want to nudge, most people can feel a toothache just by thinking about it. You don't have to close your eyes and think about a toothache, and of course almost nobody wants to feel that weight growing in the back of their mouth in that spot. Very few people, yourself and your boyfriend included, are likely to want to feel that weight in that one tooth growing and growing. But eventually it grows to the point of searing itself into that red hot lance of pain that comes with a toothache. Sure it would be effective to feel that sort of throbbing pain racing through your jaw whenever the wrong type of underwear are worn, but making someone want to rub their jaw and squeeze their eyes when that pain explodes through their entire jaw is generally not very endearing. Talk to the guy and understand the problem before you go looking for a solution that addresses something else.

You seriously seem to be overthinking it more than that phantom toothache... you want your boyfriend to wear a different sort of underwear because you find it sexy according to your own words. Get him to understand that, get him to help you understand exactly where his hangup is with that.
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