tried a lot, no success

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tried a lot, no success

Postby dracolich35 » October 16th, 2009, 3:12 pm

So i have been trying hypnosis for a few months now. At first i overwhelmed myself because i kept finding more and more files i wanted to try and none of them worked. since then i have calmed down and have been focusing better on trying to get a single file to work. unfortunatly i have had little to no success. for the past three months i have been trying to get the file trig freeze2 to work. seemed like a basic file that i could easily test to see if it worked. so far i have had no luck, i have tried editing the file to go with multiple inductions, figuring that maybe i just wasn't responding well to the induction that comes on the file, but still no luck. Honestly i can't even tell if i'm experiancing trance or not. I do not plan to give up on this. I am determined to be hypnotised, mostly because i have found files that my girlfriend and i could have a lot of fun with if they work. Does anybody have any insightfull pointers that might help? If you need more information about how i listen to my files or anything like that i will gladly answer any questions.
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Postby iamli3 » January 24th, 2010, 8:27 pm got no reply , what a supries , neather have i , man , i still havn't figured out what envokes a responce out of these ppl , im thinking soon im just gonna have to start spouting random oppinions left and right that ppl wont like just to get a re out of them..........
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Postby rgn » January 24th, 2010, 11:55 pm

I think the lack of response is probably due to there being many threads of this type posted and people just start skipping over them.

I'm no hypnotist. But I have read a little about it, watch vids of people being hypnotised, listened many hours to mp3s myself. I think most people are trying too hard. Sort of like sex performance anxiety - you get hung up on the "will it work this time" mentality. I believe many people basically need to learn how to relax and sort of zone out. Think of it as trying to meditate - clear your mind, relax, focus a bit. You will come to find that it often does not even matter if you pay much attention to what is being said in the file. Initially I think it really helps to find a hypnotist style that appeals to you (voice, phrasing, etc.).

I remember finding this site and trying lots of files. Then read some forum posts of people having trancing problems. I decided I should focus on induction files. There's lots of induction only files around here - EMG has one I really like but cannot think of its name right now, blink has an interesting one, lutz bubble induction is great. And there are many, many, more. My favorite right now is dldrip009 and have listened to it several times each day for the past 2 weeks (I am hooked on this one BIG time :D - and I do not even remember what is in it when it finishes, I just feel good afterwards and slightly aroused for some reason - MANY THANKS DRIP!!!). OK, let me get back on track...

I found it worked best for me if the file has no awakener and loop it. I drop deeper with each play of the induction file. I seem to eventually get tired of trancing and wake up. Or sometimes I loop a file when I go to bed, trance awhile and drift off to sleep (it can be interesting to wake up with an induction playing to tempt you back into trance).

Of course my problem now is that I seem to trance fairly well (sometimes very deep) but I do not hang onto suggestions. In other words, I experience some things while in trance (some very well) but not much carries over outside of trance. And sometimes things that do carry over outside of trance will suddenly stop even if I still listen to the file. Perhaps I have not found a file that is appealing to my subconscious. Or perhaps my subconsious is a control freak and does not like being influenced. But I'm sure it will work itself out in time.

Hopefully you will find some of this helpful. Just keep trancing... or attempting to trance... Just know and believe that eventually it will happen.
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Postby iamli3 » January 25th, 2010, 12:15 am

wow super special awsome reply o.o

youll forgive me if i don't have much of intrest to say as i was JUST about to go listen to my files again , so i guesd i was already gearing down my brian or something when i get hit with a reply like this (big!) that is very worth of being called a reply o.o , and was made very quickly too it seems

well 1 thats no ecxuse , especialy since so many ppl who posted after you that were doing better than you said you were got half a dozen res each

and 2 , most of the things i would say in reply to this i have already posted in my jurnal (again , which is the place things like this should be discused , i don't see this site's forum having a "help for newbs" section , soooo go take a look at my horably writen jurnal (if your even able to read it >_>) if you want my replys i guess...........
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Postby zapnosis » January 25th, 2010, 7:43 am

rgn wrote:I think the lack of response is probably due to there being many threads of this type posted and people just start skipping over them.

Also people don't like repeating themselves. Ah well, sometimes we have to do things that we don't like because they should be done...

To an extent, trancing is something that you have to learn to do. Some people can do it first time, others take longer. Some people take a lot longer, it took me about 4 years. Patience is a virtue.

Every mind is slightly different, so this learning process is quite a personal journey. What works for one person may not work for another. This makes it annoyingly difficult to answer many newbie questions, e.g.:

Should I use binaural beat files?
Should I lie down or sit down?
How many files can I listen to?
How often should I listen?
Will it work if I ... ?

The answer is to try it, and if it works then try it again. Do what works for you. Simple.

What does it feel like when you are going into trance? Again this is something that varies. The most common signs are:
heaviness in arms or legs
lack of awareness of your situation
slowing of thoughts
pleasant numbness or tingling in the body
generally feeling pleasantly relaxed and still

Remember that hypnosis is not magic, and it is not what you have seen in films or cartoons. Just because a file is written, doesn't mean that it will work on anyone. Just because it worked for someone, doesn't mean that it will work for you. Different hypnotists have different hypnotic techniques, styles, recording techniques, voices... etc. Sometimes a particular file or style will just click. Other times, you will adapt yourself to a style or technique with practice. Other times, it works for other reasons that I don't understand.

Hope that this helps.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby iamli3 » January 25th, 2010, 2:42 pm

i like how 1 i thought the guy that made a reply to me was the same guy as the topic poster >_>
and 2 the i didn't get an email telling me about this reply

hope that this helps? you mean you say (my short and to the point version) "stfu quit your whineing b$%ch and work moar"

it helps , its just not exactly encuroging (<-don't even comment >_> ......)

problem is all of what he listed off and more (except this "drip" thing , havn't looked at it , but i doubt it would be any different) of posable things to try out are all......i find not good , refuse to listen to anything by that "e" guy , the bubble i tryed listening to for 2 f$%^ing months and for a bit i did find i was posative and in agreeance with most of the intro of the file , what was being said and all (actualy that is all) , but nothing ever came from it except sleep or just waisted time , blink's im having problems with thanks to last night and really i half don't even want it to work cause of some of the things he says in it , but this entier post has just been me repeating things i've already said in my jurnal that nobody likes to visit............
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Postby zapnosis » January 25th, 2010, 3:43 pm

iamli3, I wasn't talking to you. If I had been, your "short and to the point version" would have been more accurate.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby iamli3 » January 25th, 2010, 4:10 pm

...........not sure what to say...............
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Postby Inanenoble » January 26th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Four years! 8O

Well that isn't good news for myself.

Is that Four years of nothing or four years of nothing but elementary?
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Postby dracolich35 » January 28th, 2010, 3:31 pm

wow i've been gone for a while. I'd like to say thank you zapnosis, i found what you said helpful. and to iamli3 all i can say is relax, that's what trance is about to start with and you don't seem to relaxed. i know i haven't been on the site for like a month or so but i have been listening to induction files for a long time and can happily say that i THINK i am finnaly getting into a good trance. i'm testing this week with a file that has an effect that i want and if it works i'll be posting in the success stories fourm hopefully soon. And zapnosis i know you said patience is a virtue but i thnk you are a little off, patience AND diligence are virtues.
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Postby zapnosis » January 28th, 2010, 6:24 pm

Thanks, dracolich35. Quite right too...

Inanenoble wrote:Four years! 8O

Well that isn't good news for myself.

Is that Four years of nothing or four years of nothing but elementary?

4 years of trying to trance before I "went under". In that time I tried quite a few hypnotists and hypnodommes. I often felt relaxed when listening, but unsatisfied... much as many people describe on here. It was the awesome Mistress Joanne of who really broke me in.

4 years was a long time, but then I was always resistant to trance because I analyse everything. To this day, progressive relaxion inductions (relax feet, then legs... etc.) just don't do it for me, because they are predictable and that makes me bored which in turn makes me restless. I needed an intuitive hypnotist, which Mistress Joanne most definitely is, to show me the path. I have tried to take the same approach with my own files, albeit without Her kindly and subtle Touch. [/plug]

"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
Posts: 267
Joined: December 30th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Inanenoble » January 28th, 2010, 8:08 pm

4 years!?! and another person said more.

Honestly you both are frieghtening me quite a bit.
Posts: 29
Joined: January 23rd, 2010, 1:00 am

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