The Chapel

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The Chapel

Postby makidas » June 28th, 2005, 11:18 pm

Ok, hi everyone! This thread is for everyone to post their religious questions/rants/debates. This is basically supposed to be a combination of the HeyGuys thread (and the one before it), the Morality thread, and the Is this Satanic thread. Before anyone asks, no I am not of the cloth or the opposite. I disagree with Christianity because the concept of absolute good is as ridiculous as the concept of absolute left, or the absolute center of a circle or an absolutely perfect circle. What I'm getting at is there is no absolute. Christians tend to focus more on proselytizing than they do actually practicing what they preach (note: this is just a personal observation). The way I look at it is when you try to convince people how great your faith is, it just shows you doubt your faith personnally and are trying to prove it to yourself. Now the satanists, the concept of absolute evil is just as preposterous. I know satanists don't necessarily believe in satan (if you follow Mr. Anton LaVey's teaching's that is). To me, note I'm not a satanist, this religion makes alot more sence than Christianity as a whole. Something about the animal instincts of humans appeals to me. But I digress, a person with a hateful heart misses out on a lot of great things that life has to offer.

Anyways, religious nuts post away! (I can think of one in particular) Have fun kids!

This boy has Tumo-sifilis-itis-osis.
For just 500 more dollars we can heal this boy!
Oh wow it looks like we'cve readhed our goal!
God really appreciates it people, he can really use your money, apparently he forgot he's god and if he really wanted to he could create as much as he wants.
Now let the healing begin!
Demons OUT! FWAP!
Now how do you feel son?
How the hell do you think I feel, you just slapped me in the face!
Are your demons healed?
What demons?
Are you healed son?
I was never sick to begin with.
By god! He's healed.
(Everyone starts shouting PRAISE the LORD)
Oh lordy lordy gawd lordy gawd lordy gawd gawd lordy.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
Posts: 413
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby BobbyS » June 29th, 2005, 5:38 am

I have to say I disagree that satanism makes more sense than christianity, neither has one reason to support it over the other, and if you believe what one religion believes, surely you believe the other, though you don't follow its teachings. (Satan needs God as God needs Satan.)
It is interesting though how lots of 'christians' go to church every Sunday and at Easter and Christmas, but aren't necessarily very nice people. 'Good' people are those who support charities, help those in need and are prepared to inconveniance themselves to help others.
The difference, by comparison, is that if you are a 'real' satanist, surely you cannot be 'good' in that sense.
As for me, I am who I am and I'm honest about it. If God does exist, then he can't ask more than that. If he did, I'd be lying about myself and that would be breaking a commandment. Long story short, if I'm on the path to hell, there's little I can do about it.
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Postby Mortal » June 29th, 2005, 6:20 am

Good Observation. I too believe a good person is not marked by the words that come from his mouth but the quality of his character. A good person does give selflessly. I guess there is no room for improvement in your life though Bobby? You never learn anything new or improve upon anything?

I agree Christins worry too much about preaching and not enough about practicing what they preach. I feel the string urging that all this is geared to me... I wonder where that comes from?
I don't know if I'll post in this thread anymore it kind of bores me.
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Postby BobbyS » June 29th, 2005, 6:24 am

Oh, I'm not saying I can't improve. If I find a way to help someone I do it. If someone convinces me that something I'm doing is wrong, I'll change. However, the person that I am, that can't be changed is what may be doomed to hell or not.
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Postby sandy82 » June 29th, 2005, 8:50 am

Mortal wrote: I feel the string urging that all this is geared to me... I wonder where that comes from?

Interesting string. Maybe supernatural string, eh?

Mortal wrote:I don't know if I'll post in this thread anymore it kind of bores me.

You'll post in this thread as you long as you can.

You're not bored. You're scared. You're still picking out the splinters after you got a 2 X 4 rammed up your butt last night.

Go find a more "reputable location" for yourself.
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Postby makidas » June 29th, 2005, 8:57 am

Just a quick note, satanists don't necessarily worship satan. The reason I say the religion makes more sence to me is because I'm not a generally cheerful person, I can identify with them more. One who lives their life without worry or hate is blind. But like I said before, one who lives their life with only hate can never truly enjoy some of the great things life has to offer. Satanists do not require Christianity to exist, if you don't believe me, check out All for now.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
Posts: 413
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby loadedkaos » June 29th, 2005, 10:05 pm

Satanists do not require Christianity to exist, if you don't believe me, check out All for now.

Actually Makidas if it wasn't for christianity Anton Szandor Lavey may not have made some of the observations he has made, that's not to say that the philosophy of satanism wouldn't exist. Although I am merely substituting my opinion for a real "satanist's". Like wise satanism may not have been called satanism because it wouldn't have the badboy aesthetic apeal to Anton.

I'm still thinking that religion and dogma should be useful if it is not then don't entertain it. Why would you have it a part of your life if it was just a set of rules, why would you let your spirituality enslave you when it should set you free. I think the Dalai Lama said it best when he said he thinks that their should be a religion for each and everyone individual person. I'm paraphrasing of course.

Oh and just for a little fire I can certainly understand the fundementalists and pro-lifers view point. After all they are motivated by the commandment (don't remember which number it is) thou shall not kill. Unfortuneately that's where the fundamentalist and war supporting pro-lifers lose me (yeah baby you know where this is going. Don't chya!). Their is no smegging asteriks after thou shall not kill..... Why are poloticians who are perpetuate that they are christian support this war? It's not like they asked themselves "who would Jesus bomb?" (sorry for the blatant bumper sticker rip off!) To me it is lip service that they are giving, if they are Christian then they would be acting Christ like (the very meaning by the way). This I think tends to be the bigger problem with major religions any way. Any way I'm probably going of topic although the topic is sorta vague.
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Postby Mortal » June 30th, 2005, 5:44 am

First a correction. Thou shalt no kill is actually Thou shalt not murder.

War is a tricky thing. Many Christians believe it to be justified in a battle of Good vs Evil. Many others believe it is never justified. If you are honestly asking the question, Jesus made it clear wars would happen until his return. The world would become as "like the days of Noah" where sin was rampant and the Christians will be persecuted. (paraphrasing). Christ will then return and cut the evil servant (Anti-Christ) to pieces.

Personally, I have to agree with you in theory. If we as a nation were "enlightened" enough then we should not engage in war. However, we have failed to achieve this enlightenment and so war is going to happen. As for the current war, we are engaged already. To retreat now would be to lose. Someone could make a strong argument that we never should have entered the war but it's too late for that now. To me there is no excuse to surrender now.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 30th, 2005, 10:43 am

Thanks for the correction mortal. I'm not arguing that we shouldn't be in war or that things are going on where people aren't sinning(according to christian thought). My frustration all together is not with the actions but it's with the message. In a sense I guess I'm a hypocrit because if Bush wasn't christian and didn't try and support laws that have a religious appeal to him, then I would have less of a problem with the war. In fact the only problem I would have with the war in said situation would be that he is rushing into battle with out properly equiping his troops, and countless other mistakes.

Any how let me reiterate I can't stand people, especially politicians who give LIP SERVICE to their religion and that's what I feel that the fundamentalist do.

Another thing I thought about the other day is the religious fundementalist laws they are trying to pass maybe someone has more input on this than me. But most laws by secular ethics I think are the best way to go. I feel that the more laws the fundies try and push on us because of their religion the more they are betraying some of it's core principals. i.e. lets take the anti-sodomy law by secular ethics this would be okay because what two grown individuals do behind closed doors is no ones bussiness but to try and pass a law against it where some one can be punished based because the bible has one scripture about homosexuality seems not only asinine but it seems to go against god himself. Let me explain for those who have more info feel free to correct me. But god from my understanding in the bible, gave us free will, and to attempt to try and force people to follow the bible via laws is trying to crush the free will of others. Thus turning polaticians into god themself or into some type of religious authority. Laws should be in place to help victims and to keep society from going nuts. Thanks to freedom of speach I can say goddam all I want. If they pass a law on that who are they trying to protect, is it god? Is it me so I won't go to hell? Where are the fundies trying to go with these asinine laws? If it gets out of hand I wonder if they will get to the point where every American citezen will have to be baptized and except the lord Jesus Christ as their savior. I don't mean to rant about religion and politics but it just seems wrong to me. Some times I wonder if the main religion was to suddenly shift, that all the politics would all of a sudden have an epiphany.
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Postby Mortal » June 30th, 2005, 1:04 pm

I actually couldn't agree with you more. God gave each person free will and no one has the right to take that away. I disagree with most legislation (religous or otherwise) as it really doesn't change hearts or minds and doesn't protect anyone, but, just creates criminals. Thus the saying you can't legislate morality. Their are a few subjects that walk a fine line on this with me. One is abortion. Abortion I believe to be murder (which is based on my religion) but I have no proof that a baby is alive before the end of the first trimester. As a result I think this is what the law should be. That if life can be sustained outside the womb then it should be sustained inside the womb.

However, Since the communist party was brought up in a negative context let me post this for posterity. If you think communism is a bad thing then please feel free to read the Communist Goals as entered into the Library of Congress in 1963. Read them and let me know where the commuists would stand on the issues we have discussed.
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