by Fractalbad » January 31st, 2012, 11:22 pm
I like the file cursed to be muscular. I downloaded that one back in November, when I decided to start walking to work. Its VERY motivating, I believe it's the remix version. But I always find myself super power speed walking when its playing. But since November I've lost 25 lbs, and that is the most I've ever lost at a single time before. I still have 55 lbs to go, but I'm finally on the right path.
I should also point out that in late December, my car died on me. now I have to walk everywhere. It can be a bit of a pain, especially since I live in Minnesota, and its February. But I've gotten over that for the most. I have a different perspective on travel now. grocery shopping is no longer a menial task then it is an adventure (especially considering its 5 miles round trip). plus I have to think of terms of what I'm physically able to carry. Needless to say my grocery bill has gone down, and junk food is completely out of the question.
This spring I plan on actually running/jogging. so I'm betting the weight is gonna start plummeting once that gets going. People have asked me why I haven't already started doing this, and the answer is simple: Its the middle of winter and the ground is slick, and I'm working up to that type of pace. I know had I just started going all out, I would have quit two days in.
But as I said I like cursed to be muscular, and there are some submissive overtures in it, but they don't really bother me.
*quick edit* I also have a couple of 10 lbs dumbbells that I keep next to my chair, I will watch TV while working my arms, shoulders, and back. I know they don't weigh much, but you would be amazed how many reps you would do while zoned out watching a 2 hour movie!