Adding to the ever growing list of Q's

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Adding to the ever growing list of Q's

Postby mutatedbunnyboy » June 15th, 2010, 4:45 am

Hey been a lurker for a while, iv listened on and off to files, Trigslave, CCP, and Curse Cum, iv been able to get into a relaxed state a lot of the time, well it feels like my body is submerged deep in water, and when i come out i often have the instruction of which ever file ringing in my ear. Trigslave was a bust, CCP is an unsure since im 21 and already have a fairly high sex drive. The Curse Cum one however is interesting, i will cum and then the instructions play repeatedly in my head, but im always able to turn around and go no.. no thanks, not today.

My question is to those extremists who seem to do everything thats told of them (please no "because i have to" answers) is this something you have to be naturally submissive for? Does true hypnosis require total submission to the Id's constant demands? Or is it something deeper then that?

I started self hypnotising to see if i was capable of resisting, so far it seems to be going well. Although it is a little annoying that i cant trance fully.

And even to those non extremists who find themselves doing as there instructed, is it something you actively choose to do in your mind? Do you realise you are doing it?

I ask these questions because iv only ever experienced memory loss once due to heavy ammounts of alchohol and drugs. The Same question to the email slaves aswell, do you actively choose to follow the instructions because you are naturally submissive? or do you find your body acting off its own accord (which is something i have hard time imaging) and resisting ever step of the way?

I guess i am looking more towards a persons will power then general sub/dom quallities.

Does hypnosis work only on those that want it to? In which case is it still hypnosis or is it just an excuse to act out the Id's desires?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 15th, 2010, 7:10 am

Thanks for posting a thoughtful question, mutatedbunnyboy.

It's easy to tell you've thought about things for awhile. And that's good. It's good because our lives are guided by the subconscious far more than we can ever consciously realize or understand.

That's an easy thing to say, isn't it? Harder to prove, though. So I'm going to give a few examples.

I don't know whether you drive. But I do. Before I got my driving license... and before I got a learner's permit... I saw other people driving. I saw it and wanted it for myself. But it was unnecessary for me to consciously want to drive. Somehow I just knew I would drive someday. And when the time was right, I took beginner's steps.

How about another example?

There was a time when you didn't know how to read. It's unimportant whether you can remember back that far. Back then, you saw other people read. And, you saw words all around you - books, television, billboards, newspapers & magazines. It caused you to unconsciously accept that you would read someday. And when the time was right...

One last example -

Athletes sometimes use hypnosis to visualize. Choose any sport you like.
    - A ballplayer visualizes success in catching a popup - and the cheering of the crowd that follows.
    - A bodybuilder visualizes success with bench-pressing - and the pride of adding mass to his pecs.
    - A golfer visualizes the perfect swing and then seeing the ball arc exactly the way he planned.
And the point of these examples, mutatedbunnyboy, is to bring clarity. What you focus on... what you love to focus on... that's the direction your mind will move. Focusing on even the impossible and the improbable allows your mind to create and to suppose and to imagine.

Is this something you have to be naturally submissive for? No. It's just the way our minds are wired.

Does hypnosis require total submission to the ID? No - that's fantasy.

Is it something one actively chooses to do in the mind? Sometimes - at least at first. Eventually, acceptence takes hold. And when that happens, actions and decisions become automatic. Today, I step on the brake pedal without the need for a conscious decision.

For example - a child's desire to read and desire to please his parents is exhibited through the action of playing with a book. And I'll leave it for you to decide how this example fits-in with the concept of 'force of will'.

Our lives are guided by the subconscious far more than we can ever consciously realize or understand. Hypnosis is simply an opportunity to fully consider things we desire - to imagine doing them - to imagine a habit taking hold.

With that realization - you understand that hypnosis is BOTH an excuse to take action on desire (ID) and a pathway of self-actualization (Super-ego).

And the next time you listen to 'Curse Cum' you'll consciously know the ID is there. You were already aware of it when you posted in the forum, weren't you? But will you also enjoy imagining a guy who has integrated it into his life so completely that it's become automatic for him?
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » June 15th, 2010, 7:53 am

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
Is this something you have to be naturally submissive for? No. It's just the way our minds are wired.

Does hypnosis require total submission to the ID? No - that's fantasy.

Is it something one actively chooses to do in the mind? Sometimes - at least at first. Eventually, acceptence takes hold. And when that happens, actions and decisions become automatic. Today, I step on the brake pedal without the need for a conscious decision.

For example - a child's desire to read and desire to please his parents is exhibited through the action of playing with a book. And I'll leave it for you to decide how this example fits-in with the concept of 'force of will'.

Our lives are guided by the subconscious far more than we can ever consciously realize or understand. Hypnosis is simply an opportunity to fully consider things we desire - to imagine doing them - to imagine a habit taking hold.

With that realization - you understand that hypnosis is BOTH an excuse to take action on desire (ID) and a pathway of self-actualization (Super-ego).

And the next time you listen to 'Curse Cum' you'll consciously know the ID is there. You were already aware of it when you posted in the forum, weren't you? But will you also enjoy imagining a guy who has integrated it into his life so completely that it's become automatic for him?

So the idea is that it becomes a natural behaviour in the sub-concious? That being the case, is the simple idea of being able to to make someone act like a chicken, for example, a farse?

I read many of the success stories with a healthy level of sceptisism, some of the more interesting and long winded ones are the curse threads gay/sissy etc etc, and the idea of not being able to delete this mind set. Chemical addictions i can understand, and i realise that once you associate certain characteristics to pleasure you're more inclined to act that way for the gratification, then I go on to read how people are stuck or cant help it or etc, is there any truth there? are they mentally incapable of thinking differently?

I have far too many questions and if i continue i will just keep rambling them off X3,

I DO understand that after years of listening to a particular file that the brain interprets this as the way things are, but what about the quicker responses, people listening to the files for a month and it changing them, and as i have said, the email slave one, which is a particularly interesting one since any command can be given, so it doesnt always necessarily follow what the mind wants. Is there any truth behind these or is it mearly people looking to be commanded to do what they want to do, and would they behave any different in company that wasnt aware of there fetishes?

Is acceptance and and the behaviour simply Lewins Equation in play or is there any deeper control?
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Postby dottie » June 15th, 2010, 6:05 pm

I've not much formal psych training, but I've dabbled a fair amount with hypnosis, and can probably be of help.

mutatedbunnyboy wrote:
So the idea is that it becomes a natural behaviour in the sub-concious? That being the case, is the simple idea of being able to to make someone act like a chicken, for example, a farce?

Yes and no. I assume you are talking about the classic stage hypnosis skit. In a stage hypnosis situation, the subjects are convinced that they will do whatever the hypnotist tells them. The obedience is automatic (within certain constraints of duration/attention-span and safety/anxiety), the avian behavior is less so. However because of the audience selection techniques used, the subjects chosen to be on stage are generally people who have particularly strong visualization skills, and the capacity to convince themselves of unlikely things. So the hypnotist convinces them that they will do what he instructs, then the subject convinces himself that he's a chicken or whatever.

I DO understand that after years of listening to a particular file that the brain interprets this as the way things are, but what about the quicker responses, people listening to the files for a month and it changing them, and as i have said, the email slave one, which is a particularly interesting one since any command can be given, so it doesnt always necessarily follow what the mind wants. Is there any truth behind these or is it mearly people looking to be commanded to do what they want to do, and would they behave any different in company that wasnt aware of there fetishes?

Note that hypnosis "convinces" the subject of something or "teaches" it to them. Some things - like trigonometry - take a long time and repeated sessions to learn, but there are other things - like "FIRE HOT!!!! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!" - that can be learned as quickly as a single session.

"Email slave" can be effective in a very short period of time, many (most?) people are affected after only a few listenings. I'd compare it to a stage hypnosis experience in that respect. I've played with something very similar, and found that I just "knew" that I was going to do whatever I was instructed to, and obeyed those instructions instinctively. I found that obeying my instructions was the obvious thing to do, and while I knew that I could disobey if I really wanted to, I really didn't want to. E.g. it would have been possible for my conscious mind to override my knee-jerk (subconscious) behavior if I were to be exposed to a physical or social threat of great enough magnitude.

I would expect that if email slave instructions were given from a particularly untrusted source, or someone who would be a "buzzkill", that the threshold for ignoring or deviating from instructions would be significantly lowered. Your mileage may vary based on the strength of your fetish, your trance & visualization skills, how comfortable & safe your environment is, etc.
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » June 15th, 2010, 7:07 pm

dottie wrote:
Yes and no. I assume you are talking about the classic stage hypnosis skit. In a stage hypnosis situation, the subjects are convinced that they will do whatever the hypnotist tells them. The obedience is automatic (within certain constraints of duration/attention-span and safety/anxiety), the avian behavior is less so. However because of the audience selection techniques used, the subjects chosen to be on stage are generally people who have particularly strong visualization skills, and the capacity to convince themselves of unlikely things. So the hypnotist convinces them that they will do what he instructs, then the subject convinces himself that he's a chicken or whatever.

Note that hypnosis "convinces" the subject of something or "teaches" it to them. Some things - like trigonometry - take a long time and repeated sessions to learn, but there are other things - like "FIRE HOT!!!! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!" - that can be learned as quickly as a single session.

"Email slave" can be effective in a very short period of time, many (most?) people are affected after only a few listenings. I'd compare it to a stage hypnosis experience in that respect. I've played with something very similar, and found that I just "knew" that I was going to do whatever I was instructed to, and obeyed those instructions instinctively. I found that obeying my instructions was the obvious thing to do, and while I knew that I could disobey if I really wanted to, I really didn't want to. E.g. it would have been possible for my conscious mind to override my knee-jerk (subconscious) behavior if I were to be exposed to a physical or social threat of great enough magnitude.

I would expect that if email slave instructions were given from a particularly untrusted source, or someone who would be a "buzzkill", that the threshold for ignoring or deviating from instructions would be significantly lowered. Your mileage may vary based on the strength of your fetish, your trance & visualization skills, how comfortable & safe your environment is, etc.

Thankyou very much for your input, you and
MN_FriendlyGuy, its sort of clarifying and annoying to hear that at the same time, because the attraction for me is the loss of control XD, but thankyou, im afraid this post wont be filled with as many questions as its 2 am and brain is going to sleep.

But any one else who can provide a clear insight into the thought processes that go into obeying the instructions and how there effected would be most useful, once again i must stress please no "because i had to" or "it seemed like the thing to do", i imagine many of these instructions are pleasurable to most, but were dealing with extreame fetishes in most cases, i want to know more about the thoughts behind acting out such things, as Dottie said she/he (sorry i never know with forums >.o) could have stopped if she'd chosen to, is this the same with everyone else?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 15th, 2010, 10:21 pm

Consider viewing this YouTube (video) re-creation of Stanley Milgram's experiment on obedience.

Even though the participants are clearly uncomfortable about continuing, they obey.

    1) Please continue

    2) The experiment requires that you continue

    3) It is absolutely essential that you continue

    4) You have no other choice, you must go on
Is it Lewins Equation in play? Or is it something deeper that causes them to be guided by authority?
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Postby sarnoga » June 16th, 2010, 12:48 am

mutatedbunnyboy wrote: Dottie said she/he (sorry i never know with forums >.o) could have stopped if she'd chosen to, is this the same with everyone else?

To some extent I think simply asking that question is likely to leave you misinformed. You are assuming people would know the answer. There may be those who believe they can stop but really cant as well as those who believe cant but can.

If you want to learn anything of value perhaps it would help to refine your questions. Do you feel you could have stopped? Did you stop?

You may even learn something by asking why they did or did not stop, though again, that question may provide inaccurate answers as they may not fully understand why they did, or why they did not, follow a particular course of action. All the same it might be interesting to find out what they think even if they are incorrect

People may be able to tell you how they thought or felt and what they did. Beyond that is much speculation.


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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » June 16th, 2010, 3:42 am

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Consider viewing this YouTube (video) re-creation of Stanley Milgram's experiment on obedience.

Even though the participants are clearly uncomfortable about continuing, they obey.

    1) Please continue

    2) The experiment requires that you continue

    3) It is absolutely essential that you continue

    4) You have no other choice, you must go on
Is it Lewins Equation in play? Or is it something deeper that causes them to be guided by authority?

i know this experiment well, those following orders because they believed the blame was shifted elsewhere, a select few chose not to continue and one guy who knew about the experiment from the start XD, that comes down to where "blame" or responsibility lies, and i think this may play some part in the whole experience. Theres another interesting one involving authority figures, but i wont bore people with studies.

sarnoga wrote: To some extent I think simply asking that question is likely to leave you misinformed. You are assuming people would know the answer. There may be those who believe they can stop but really cant as well as those who believe cant but can.

If you want to learn anything of value perhaps it would help to refine your questions. Do you feel you could have stopped? Did you stop?

You may even learn something by asking why they did or did not stop, though again, that question may provide inaccurate answers as they may not fully understand why they did, or why they did not, follow a particular course of action. All the same it might be interesting to find out what they think even if they are incorrect

People may be able to tell you how they thought or felt and what they did. Beyond that is much speculation.



Thank you Sarnoga, those questions seem a lot more logical, as i stated it was the early hours of the morning, i probably should have waited untill today to reply properly :roll: My general assumption is that peeople dont want to stop because its what they want, i understand many of the people here are afdter the control and by mearly accepting and complying they are getting what they want. Ok i will ask my questions again hopefully leaving less room for error.

To those who experience a trance along with compliance to an order, do you only follow orders you are combfortable with? If so, do you still class this as being under a state of hypnosis if there is no true conflict in the thought process?

Are there any that feel conflicted by the orders they are given but still do them anyway? If so, why? i would like to know this especially, where there is conflict in the brain there is reasoning, how do you see something you know/feel you wont enjoy, and still comply to it?
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Postby angel123 » June 20th, 2010, 11:38 am

mutatedbunnyboy wrote:

To those who experience a trance along with compliance to an order, do you only follow orders you are combfortable with? If so, do you still class this as being under a state of hypnosis if there is no true conflict in the thought process?

Are there any that feel conflicted by the orders they are given but still do them anyway? If so, why? i would like to know this especially, where there is conflict in the brain there is reasoning, how do you see something you know/feel you wont enjoy, and still comply to it?

I can only answer as a subject, you asked about compliance after being tranced.
There are only two files I listened to that I felt compelled to perform the task required. I knew what I was doing, I ''knew'' I didn't have to, but on the other hand I also ''knew'' I had to.

That feeling of having to do something was not like in ordinary day to day life. Like someone in authority asking you to make them a drink, this is a totally different feeling. Almost still in trance but not quite, until I performed the task, then I was more fully aware and laughing that I actually complied.

BUT, on the other hand, there are many more files that have commands in them that I do not follow at all.
Why ??
I don't know, I just don't know.

Maybe because the first two files had commands to perform the task immediately and the remaining are long term?
No, that isn't it either.

I used email slave and was able to be triggered by a friend but not by a stranger .... so is trust part of the answer ?
I doubt it is all of the answer because I followed the first two files only days after finding this site and not knowing much about the hypnotist.

So I don't know, I can only tell you what I subjectively ''feel''.

Does anyone 'really' know very much about the human mind, it's not like we can cut it open and examine it .... we can assess, experiment, test, analyse but not all people fit into all the categories .....
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby Jeshi » June 26th, 2010, 12:16 am

For me I've found that with hypnotic suggestions, the really good ones end up feeling like a food craving.

Like when you really really know you shouldn't have that chocolate bar. But you find yourself eating it anyways. Even though the whole time you find yourself thinking "No! No! Stop it! This is bad for me! I don't want to do it!" but you still eat it. (Or if they're really really good I don't actually know if I'm obeying them at all. There are a few files I have in my hypnosis folder that I don't remember the contents of one bit and I keep listening to going "This time I'll remember what's in it!" and still don't remember the contents. I don't even know if I'm following their suggestions)

But the files that aren't quite so good feel more like peer pressure or smelling popcorn. Like you wouldn't have really done it otherwise, but now you feel like it doesn't take any effort anyways so you might as well. Like I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't listened to the file. But I still feel like I'm making the conscious action to do it.

However my body overrides hypnosis commands a lot. I once listened to a really really good file that had lots of various suggestions in it. One of them was to shave my body completely. I'd never shaved anything but my face before so I wasn't very experienced. And I ended up with thousands of tiny razor cuts all over my legs and armpits and crotch and oh god was it painful.

Even when it hurt at first I was still doing it until I was completely shaved. But after the cuts my body was just like "No! I don't care what the hypnotist said! You aren't shaving your body anymore!" And now whenever I listen to that file, My mind just gets all "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" when the suggestions to shave come up.

I also tend not to follow suggestions to give personal information or pictures to Hypnotists. Or to "Recruit" people I know. Because Consciously I know that it's a really bad idea before I even listen to the file. And when the suggestions come up I just go "Nope!".

I think hypnosis can make stupid ideas sound like good ideas. Neutral ideas to sound like GREAT ideas. And good ideas sound like REALLY REALLY GOOD IDEAS. But can't make bad ideas sound like good ideas unless you have some sort of humiliation fetish.

I know that I'm pretty submissive when it comes to hypnosis. And really susceptible to the point that really really bad hypnotists that can't hypnotize most people could probably still hypnotize me because I'd heard elements of an induction and go under on my own(Probably has something to do with EMG's Train susceptible). But if a random person went up to me and told me to do something I probably wouldn't. I'm not very submissive in every day life. And if somebody tries to boss me around I'd probably get really annoyed with them. So I think I'm probably not the best person to answer all of these questions.
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