Is it safe to have sex with your dog? it is gross.

This is an area for the discussion of Philosophy, Religion & Politics. WARNING! Debates may become heated, Personal attacks or religious recruiting are not permitted.

Moderator: EMG

Postby ohyouknow » December 31st, 2010, 3:35 pm

So that's what Uncyclopaedia thinks, what do you have to say though adby?
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Postby demigraff » December 31st, 2010, 4:47 pm

Poll needs an option for those of us who *don't* object to other people doing whatever turns them on in the privacy of their own heads.
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Postby MyVoice » December 31st, 2010, 8:21 pm

Censorship sucks, no mater how it rears it's ugly head.

If you don't like what you read in a thread, you always have the option of looking elsewhere. I do, all the time.
May Your Yuletime Be Jolly and Bright!
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Postby Jeshi » January 1st, 2011, 1:47 am

That's why it's a hypnosis file. So you won't actually have sex with dogs and you can satisfy your desire in your head. There are lots of files to let you experience an impossible or immoral thing, that's why it's just a file. Because you don't intend to do it in real life.
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Postby sarnoga » January 1st, 2011, 4:35 am

adby wrote:

Jeshi wrote:That's why it's a hypnosis file. So you won't actually have sex with dogs and you can satisfy your desire in your head. There are lots of files to let you experience an impossible or immoral thing, that's why it's just a file. Because you don't intend to do it in real life. that's why it's just a file. Because you don't intend to do it in real life.

Really? Surprised that is why it is Hypnosis you release your hidden desires and it spells over into real life..
have you actually experience a hypnotic fantasy that did not affected your real life?


You seem to be one of the most simple minded posters here in the forums as well as one of the most simple minded people visiting WMM. Quite frequently you splatter the pages of your posts with things you have found somewhere on the internet that have been written by others.

Perhaps you should examine your own professed desires before you go looking at, and criticizing the things that others do. You talk about bestiality being unnatural and because of that you criticize files that involve anything to do with people and animals.

Yet you talk about wanting to be turned into a baby. That too is unnatural. The natural progression is being born, aging and then dying. It does not reverse. The natural progression does not involve changing sex or gender as you also seem to be interested in.

You ought to learn how to think before you start trying to tell others what they should or should not do, and certainly before you try to tell people what should or should not be posted on WMM.

Quite frankly, I try to tolerate you because I don't want to be mean to someone as pathetic as yourself. But the fact is, you are a constant annoyance. It is fairly easy to overlook the fact that your spelling is atrocious and your grammar disgusting. If that was the extent of your problems it might not be so bad. It is quite annoying that you constantly quote others and still manage to mangle the use of the codes so that it looks like garbage. Time and time again you do this. It is worse than inept. It is an insult to everyone here and it shows a complete disregard for everyone here that you continue to attempt to participate in the forums but refuse to put forth the minimal effort required to make your posts readable.

It leaves only two possibilities, you are either a complete idiot, (That is a medical term. Go look it up.), or else you are a self centered jerk with a complete disregard for everyone here. Oh, or a third possibility, and probably the correct one, you are a combination of both.

It wouldn't even be so bad having you post your ridiculous and self contradictory opinions if they were your own. But you are so simple minded that you get sucked into every pinheaded post you find anywhere on the net and you want to bring it back here and puke it up onto the pages of these forums. Someone with your mentality should have someone to select their reading material for them. You have a brain without a filter. You believe anything you are told and probably should not be let out without a keeper. I doubt it is even safe for you to listen to hypnosis files as you are clearly too gullible to have even a clue what is good and what is not.

If we had to listen to you I would suggest you go have your lips sewed shut. As it is you do your mischief with your fingers. I think someone near you should permanently install locking baby mittens on your hands to keep your ignorant fingers off the keyboard.

Before you reply here again, please, show us all the courtesy of properly formatting your posts. Then, please learn how to do some original thinking. If you can manage that, then learn how to express those thoughts in words of your own instead of just regurgitating something you read somewhere but did not understand.

Oh, one last thing. If you are going to plagiarize, or continually re-post the writing of others, at least go out and find something well written and well thought out. Please stop bringing us this crap. If you have nothing original to say, you might consider not saying anything.

Since your tag line is constantly telling us that the mind is able to perform miracles. Why not give us a demonstration miracle. Start thinking for yourself and learn how to format your posts.

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Postby shadowcat444 » January 1st, 2011, 5:10 am

As one of the few people that actually has had the experience on here (and admits to it), I think that's it's fine - in my case, my partner was _clearly_ enjoying it. What more can you ask of any mutual encounter?

The moral calculus of such issues is complex; the cultural values and the fine interplay of context rule the equations. Is this better or different in your mind from fantasizing about becoming a hyper sexualized little girl or an adult with profound infantile tendencies? Many mainstream people would view these as the first steps toward abusing children - though I don't share this view, you must realize that it's not uncommon.

Censorship is a slippery slope, where does one stop? All our fetishes and paraphilias are offensive or concerning to a segment of the population. Does that make that segment right and you wrong just because they are offended? Does it make them right if they feel they have the mythical moral high ground?

Surely you must consider the meta-implications of your statements about other's desires as they would reflect upon your own.

BTW Sarnoga: I liked your doing the dog file :)

(sorry for any ranting, I'm heading to bed with a head full of New Years bubbly! *grin*)

"I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Postby sfhole2stretch » January 1st, 2011, 10:09 am

THANK YOU SARNOGA!!! I'm sure I'm not alone in agreeing with you and in my thought that Adby is indeed a complete idiot and mostly offensive. This latest pile of brown and smelly proves it out 100%.
Posts: 165
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » January 1st, 2011, 11:05 am

I do not post here often so I was afraid to post what sarnoga wrote, but I find it all true. The "twisted wishes" thread he destroyed. I really really liked it too :(

Anyhoo, Happy New Years everyone.
Posts: 181
Joined: November 17th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby sfhole2stretch » January 1st, 2011, 6:20 pm

And another completely irrelevant, incoherent and nonsensical post from Adby. Clearly unwilling (read incapable) of entering into anything close to a sane discussion. Please go away.
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Postby Devacy » January 1st, 2011, 11:19 pm

Take a good look at the files on this site, the quantity of files for each subject considered. Do you remember that the age limit to this site is 21?
I think it is safe to say this is a very diverse community with many people of many opinions and preferences.

There is something interesting about such communities, in which we often look out for one another and are rather tolerant of their preferences and what they do. Intolerance doesn't have a place in such a community as this.

You may not agree with something but it does not hurt anyone or anything, and you do not have to partake in it. When we do not agree with something we tolerate it, as such we keep our opinion to ourselves unless our opinion was asked of.

you miss the whole point,"sfhole2stretch interpretation is so very complicated , i should not even bother to explain.
and besides this is my thread.

No, You miss the point adby. Interpretation is not complecated, and your statement is merely one of "those phrases" someone says when they know they are incorrect or in the wrong.

This may be a thread you started but is in no means yours. This is a forum, a community, and I am fairly certain you do not own the forum.

You are not writing your own opinion, you are copying the opinions of others, which is called plagiarism ...

If you are offended by my post I am sorry you are but the freedom of speech is admitted in this country.and if we get upset because someone do not agree with you then we do need to examining or intent.

... Freedom of speech is a right we all have and everyone here is telling you to exercise it elsewhere. Where freedom of speech is a right we all have, plagiarism is not, and it is quite illegal.

If you don't agree with something that isn't hurting anyone or anything and you don't have to even think about it, keep it to yourself.

We are more then just Animals

This is a mentality found mostly in the self centered and ignorant. I am just an animal, human or fox it matters not. Human beings are animals and as such there are urges and desires we ourselves do not even fully understand.

The only reason humans consider themselves higher than animals is that we can talk and comprehend each other and because we can choose to ignore those urges and desires. However, how is it possible to truly say that. Animals obviously have means of communication and expression, and simply because we can not understand them does not mean they do not think or make choices.

It is our job not to judge others or say what is or is not right. It is our job to be tolerant and make the world a better place not by opinion but by standard and fact. Opinion is not factual.

Now all you have are my thoughts on this subject mine not no one else.

No because in your first post you clearly were showing evidence in support of bestiality, and it was not your words it was the words of others. When asked your opinion you contradicted your original post and argued against yourself.

We can prove this because when you type we can not understand or follow you because the spelling and grammar is horrid. Not to mention you do not know how to use the very simple to use quote boxes and it clutters even more. Which I made a point of learning and using.

This site is for adults, if you wish to be a baby that is fine with me. It is your choice and does not affect me in any way. However I will ask of you to be an adult when on the site. That means using your own opinion, without spelling errors or plagiarism. If you can not do that much you are clearly not old enough mentally to be on this site.

and as to say more correctly what you tried to say. I am leaving you with only my opinion and thoughts on this subject.
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Joined: December 10th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby sarnoga » January 2nd, 2011, 2:27 am

adby wrote:
Adbys reply

And to sarnoga
Guru If you are offended by my post I am sorry you are but the freedom of speech is admitted in this country.and if we get upset because someone do not agree with you then we do need to examining or intent.
Here is my Web site on Rejuvenation I use to have over 2000 members that were intersted in Rejuvenation until msn moved it to Multiply they only move the group but not the members i'll stop talking negative about the Dog business if you look over my group and give me your honest opinion. because the rejuvenation is working for me.
My Home Page:


Lets be perfectly clear. While I find your post offensive for a number of reasons, I am not offended that you post your opinion in this forum.

I am offended that you do not take the time and trouble to properly format your posts, in spite of the fact that you post so frequently. I am offended by your complete lack of proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. I am offended that you splatter words, and things that resemble words, on the page without making any attempt to make them coherent and readable. I am offended that many of your posts are simply cut and paste jobs from some other web sites.

If you think another site has information that is relevant to a discussion or that you feel other readers would be interested in, a much better practice is to give a brief description followed by a link to that site. Those with interest can then go check it out. Those not interested do not need to wade though the stuff.

As for you posting your opinion, I have no problem with you telling everyone what you think. It is actually fair warning to everyone that reads it and you should be encouraged to do so.

That, however, does not mean that I have to agree with your opinion. Quite the contrary. When someone shares their opinion with others they open up themselves, and that opinion, to scrutiny and disagreement.

That is the thing about freedom of expression. It works both ways. Nobody should stop you from giving your opinion but nobody should shelter you from the consequences that follow from giving that opinion, or from the consequences of having that opinion. It is furthermore perfectly legitimate argument to point out the inconsistencies between a person's stated opinion and that person's practices or their other opinions. The same is true of the arguments they use in support of those opinions.

From what I have seen you are incapable of putting forth a coherent argument. Whether that is because you lack the cognitive ability to do so or because you simply lack the literacy necessary to express that opinion, I may never know. Furthermore I do not really care. If it is the former there is no hope of improvement. If it is the later it shows an unwillingness to learn and a disregard and disrespect for all those that encounter your writing. If you took half the time you spend making unreadable posts and spent it trying to improve your ability to write legibly and coherently you might greatly improve your chances at meaningful communication.

No, I am not offended that you share your opinion. I am not offended that your opinion is one I disagree with. I am offended that you do not extend the courtesy of using some semblance of proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, or formatting, making it a chore to even attempt to discern your meaning.

Furthermore there are parts of your opinion, and the arguments you put forth in support of that opinion, that greatly offend me. I will attempt to elucidate for your edification.

I don't care that you find sexual activity between humans and other animals offensive, wrong, immoral, distasteful, or anything else. I don't even care that you are offended by fantasies of the same or files that support and encourage such fantasies, or god forbid, such behavior.

But when you argue that it is wrong because it is unnatural, while at the same time promoting your own unnatural activities and proclivities, I find it offensive because it is hypocritical. Hypocrites offend me.

One of the reasons I find hypocrites so offensive is that they are always wanting to apply rules to others. Furthermore they themselves refused to be governed by those same rules, believing that they are somehow exempt.

You sir, are a hypocrite. You say that the bestiality files are wrong because they promote that which is unnatural. At the same time you want to post your files that promote things equally, or perhaps even more, unnatural.

You sir, are a hypocrite. You come in here spouting about freedom of speech and your right to post your opinion, and yet you dare to argue for denying that same freedom to others. You do that when you argue that certain types of files should not be allowed on this site. You want freedom of speech for yourself but you want to take it away from others by restricting what files are allowed here.

You sir, are not only a hypocrite but you are a dangerous hypocrite who is trying to stifle the freedom of others because you do not agree with how they use that freedom, yet you want to claim that same freedom for yourself. Were it up to me, I would rouse the multitude whom you offend with your hypocrisy, those who's freedoms you attempt to destroy, to resolve this problem with a bucket of hot tar, a bag full of feathers, and a stout pole.

I have no intention of visiting your website on rejuvenation. It is of absolutely no interest to me. I can give you my opinion of it without even seeing it. If that is what you enjoy, if that is what floats your boat or tickles your innards, then have at it. Enjoy it and the more people you can find to enjoy it with you the better. Everyone can be happy. I care not that you want to go on about how wrong it is to even fantasize about sex between people and animals. Go on forever about it if you like. Do it here for all I care. But stop the hypocrisy. If you are going to argue that it is wrong, try to find some arguments that do not condemn your own actions, if you can, if there are any.

Argue that it is wrong, that it is distasteful, esthetically unpleasing, or even ugly. I don't care. But the moment you argue that it should be removed from this site, censored, banned, you have set yourself against me and called me out as your enemy.

Sure, I could easily ignore you, and in the future I will. There are few who take what you say seriously and few that you will persuade to your point of view on censorship of files. But when someone begins promoting censorship the alarm needs to be sounded, and they need to be pointed out to all as the enemy of freedom.

adby wrote:
You finish Good that was my opinion about Dogs. and humans any animal,sex should be avoided in mind soul and spirit . We are more then just Animals, this Thread is for those who would like to explore more then sexual fantasy's . but would like to expand their thoughts to create within themselves incurable feats that are be-leave to be impossible. it may look like i only use other people thoughts but believe me i only post thoughts that are smiler to my own if you really know my real thoughts, it would take up hours of reading.
here is my site
My HomePage:

Now there is one point on which I have to agree with you. If I were to understand your thoughts it would take hours of reading. That would be true even if your mind only contained one or two simple thoughts. It would require so much time because you refuse to adhere to even the simplest rules of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Quite frankly, your posts are an insult to everyone who attempts to read them.

That is not to say that all posts must be immaculate or perfect. What that means is that you should take the trouble to edit your posts to make them readable. If you don't know how to do that, go learn. If, on the other hand, your muddled posts reflect your muddled thinking, perhaps it is time to reconsider whether that thinking is worthy of being shared with the rest of us.

If you must continue to post, please do not spam us with material from other sites.

If you must continue to post please learn how to write coherently, with a bit more than a perfunctory adherence to proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting.

If you cannot learn this on your own, please, employ the services of a tutor.

If the tutor quits because you are hopeless then please, employ the services of a secretary to edit your posts for you.

If you cannot do any of these things, and cannot refrain from posting, then please show us all the courtesy of keeping your posts mercifully short.

As for me, I am done with you. Until you can do these things I will pass over your posts as though they do not exist. Until you begin, at a minimum, to post legibly, and coherently, I won't respond to anything you write, not even if you write about the pope involved in a three way with a twelve year old and his dog.

Oh, one last little hint. When you type a message in the window, in that same window, BEFORE YOU POST IT, if you see that squiggly red line under something you type, that means it probably isn't spelled correctly. And just because a word doesn't have a red squiggly line under it, doesn't mean it is the correct word or has any meaning at all in the context in which it was used. If you are not sure of the meaning of a word, try putting it into google and read the definition.

Oh, and there is a Preview button at the bottom of the window in which you post. It is right next to the Submit button. If you learn to use it, you can see what others will see before you post it. If you don't see your quotes of others in those nice neat little boxes like the rest of us use, that means they won't be in there when you post it unless you fix it. So fix it. Get a tutor to show you how if you have to.


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Postby Devacy » January 2nd, 2011, 10:58 am

Nope, I hate English classes, language classes for that matter. I however hate more being unable to read because something is written poorly.

Though your spelling was much better that time (because it was only two words) you still failed to get the quote box to work properly. You need not copy everything from a post to quote. Quote only what is relevant.

There is a button at the bottom of the reply box. It says preview. Click it more often and make sure your posts look right before you click submit.

Also, if "English Majors" is all you read from my post, re-read it. You missed a lot.

This site is for adults, if you wish to be a baby that is fine with me. It is your choice and does not affect me in any way. However I will ask of you to be an adult when on the site. That means using your own opinion, without spelling errors or plagiarism. If you can not do that much you are clearly not old enough mentally to be on this site.
Posts: 14
Joined: December 10th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby sfhole2stretch » January 2nd, 2011, 4:42 pm

The bottom line with Adby is his passion for being an adult baby. I have no problem with that if it's your thing. I DO however, have a problem with someone who hides behind it, spouting incoherent gibberish and plagiarizing said gibberish from other sources. It is patently offensive and causes all of us who can write, read and speak for ourselves to be put off.

Further his regular suggestion to others that wine, liquor and poppers are helpful in experiencing trance are against all the legitimate published research I've read and are irresponsible at best. Perhaps the problem with Adby lies therein. Too much wine, weed and poppers will make a horses ass out of anyone.

This will be my last response to Adby and his idiocy. His poor manners, lack of original thought, stupidity and lack of any regard for others is just an extremely sad ploy for attention. We will all be best served by completely ignoring him. It is what he fears most. Babies only rant for attention. I'm done listening.
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Joined: July 1st, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Devacy » January 3rd, 2011, 11:26 am

So you last post... you didn't even reply... you merely copied the one before you...

And I noticed that you changed the poll results by deleting and changing and re adding options...

I know the "I like to get fucked by a dog" had 33 votes yesterday... and now you have changed that spot to say it is nasty... So I know you are intentionally rigging the results. This is a very bad thing, very bad.

It is not your place to judge people, nor is it your place to decide what is right or wrong. It is not good to be intolerant.

You Are Not Old Enough To Be On This Site Mentally
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Joined: December 10th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby xavious » January 4th, 2011, 9:32 am

I won't vote because I don't like the way the options are presented in the poll.

I will simply say this though: I agree to anything done by consenting adults with other consenting adults within the realm of fantasy and not done with the intent to harm that person or go beyond ethical boundaries. I would discourage people doing something that could cause them great harm or risk of death, but if they aren't hurting anyone else and wish to take the risk then it is up to them.

I would rather people fantasize about things like bestiality and under-age sex in safe and supportive environments on the web than bottle it up, act out these desires in real life with those that cannot consent or cause themselves and others harm. Fantasy only really harms people when they take the fantasy too far. As long as we all know our limits and respect the rights and boundaries of those around us then I am happy for people to fantasize about becoming an alien space dog that has sex with transsexual sheep if it makes them happy.
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » January 4th, 2011, 4:29 pm

This has been fun to read, personally i couldn't give a shit what people do, just don't be raping anything.

ADBY.... you poor poor creature.

Everyone else, I see where you're all coming from but with the constant poppers,wine and weed, plus the files intended to make Adby younger (I'm guessing mentally as well) it is very possible that Adby is now a gibbering mess only capable of menial tasks. He/she can't type properly and has no sense of grammar. Has basically the mind of a child and is incapable of free thought. I don't think it can even register whats happening here.

Although bravo for all having a go at him.... Adby sort your coding or don't use it. Is that simple enough?
Posts: 71
Joined: May 19th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby sarnoga » January 6th, 2011, 3:19 pm

adby wrote:
Adbys reply

I just went to school for English from 2007 to 2009 June 14 i just graduated with honers after you guys just shot down my ability to write i am afraid to go back TO SCHOOL TO FINISH THAT MEANS MY INSTRUCTORS LIED TO ME.


Thank you for posting a legible and coherant paragraph.

There are a bit more caps than necessary to express what you are saying, but what the hell, why get picky. You checked the spelling, the punctuation isn't atrocious and whats more the grammar is passable. Still a few problems with spacing and formatting. Almost as though you wrote it elsewhere on some other word processor and then cut and pasted it here. But then, there is nothing wrong with doing that, if that is what it takes to make a readable post. You still either need to learn how to use the codes or stop using them. Overall a vast improvement.

If you posted the majority of your posts like the paragraph above, you would be more apt to find people here willing to at least read what you are posting, and those who were reading it anyway wouldn't have to gnash their teeth and pull out their hair with frustration and disgust.

Now if you want people to go beyond just reading your posts and actually be willing to enter a discourse with you on a topic, you will still have to present in a somewhat logical, organized and coherent manner.

Now, in regard to what you wrote and I quoted. IF what you say is true, and it was a big peoples school and not some nursery school somewhere, then before they would have let you graduate, let alone graduate with honors, any reputable English program would have insisted on you demonstrating an ability to write coherently, logically, and with proper spelling, formatting and grammar.

This means that one of the following three statements is probably true.

1. Either you are lying now about your educational accomplishments,


2. It was some remedial school, nursrey school, school for mentally retarded, or some fly by night, or otherwise disreputable operation, maybe online, maybe not, that just wanted to take your money without forcing you to become educated along the way,


3. You can write properly and have been able to do so all along, and your failure to do so was a deliberate action.

If number one is correct then just apologize and go away. Stop bothering me, I do not have any time for those kind of lies or for you. I will let others state their own position I speak only for myself.

If number two is correct, then I pity you. If it was a nursery school it is your own fault, you are an adult and should have known better. If it was a school for the mentally retarded and you were there because you belonged there then I wish you the best but suspect your dream of a career in stage and set design was never likely to become a reality anyway. But not to worry, stage and set design probably doesn't pay as well as being a stage hand. I don't know how much education you need to be a stage hand but the AVERAGE stage hand in NYC makes well over $200,000 a year. The highest paid stage hand at Carnegie Hall makes over $400,000 annually in salary and over $100,000 per year in benefits and deferred compensation. You see, if I had been smart myself I would have gone off and been a stage hand.

If you went to scam school that pretended to be legit, and yet graduated you without insisting that you educate yourself, I feel bad for you. You should have been more careful. You also may want to consider suing them to make them return your money and compensate you for your time that they used up that you will never get back. Perhaps see if they criminally misrepresented themselves. After you get done wiping your tears and feeling sorry for yourself, pick yourself up and go out and get the education you thought you were getting the last time.

If number 3 is correct, then shame on you. All this time you were both needlessly and willingly making an annoyance out of yourself with no regard for your fellow members of this forum. If that is the case I would recommend you take the following steps.

Step one: Apologize sincerely and profusely to everyone here and then proceed with step two or you just wasted your time.

Step two: Change your ways. Those that follow after that carpenter of yours often call it repenting.

You have severely irritated and offended a great many people here. The folks here, on the average, are much more tolerant of others and their eccentricities, their proclivities, and even their faults than seems to me to be the average on the internet. It is probably for that reason alone you were not run out of here ages ago, with, as I suggested in my previous post, a bucket of hot tar, a bag of feathers and a stout pole. It is probably also for that reason that you ended up here, no other places would put up with you.

Folks here may be more tolerant than average, but you have taken advantage of everyone's patience and tolerance and now it has run out. Not to mention that you repaid us for our patience and tolerance with intolerance. But that was the issue that started this thread, it is a separate issue from what this thread has become.

In my opinion, this thread, what is left of it, has become about no less than your future at WMM and your future in this forum. True, there is only one person here who can banish you from WMM and that is EMG. The fact is he is probably the most patient and tolerant among us.

It would probably require much more provocation that you have provided before he would do that, and to the best of my recollection I have not seen anyone in this thread ask him to do that or suggest that he should. Nor has he spoken up and said a word about any of this. No doubt he does not believe this merits any intervention and will work itself out. If that is what he is thinking about this thread, if he is even thinking about this thread, I would agree.

But regardless of how tolerant and patient EMG is, he cannot govern or change how people on this site feel about you, and I have no reason to believe that he would want to. Still, it should be noted that while EMG could terminate or banish your account instantly, should he want to, and the rest of us can't, it would be a mistake to believe your future on this site is entirely in his hands. Right now I have no reason to believe he is even thinking of you, much less thinking about doing anything about you.

Keep in mind, this is a community, and as a community, collectively we have certain powers and things we can do, with or without approval from EMG. As sfhole2stretch mentioned, we can ignore you, ostracize you, refuse to acknowledge you and if we felt strongly enough about it we could do the same to anyone who refused to join us in ignoring you. Of course if there was enough people who disagreed with those who felt that way, then it would not work so well. But if there are enough that feel you need to be ignored and treated as an outcast it would be very effective even if there were some that didn't go along.

As I said I can only speak for myself and am only speaking for myself. But I can offer my observations. It seems to me that you have come to the place where, at least for many here, you have abused the patience and tolerance of people on this forum for too long and finally worn out your welcome.

There is an old saying, that god protects drunks and fools. Perhaps there is some truth to that. But a fool should not depend on such protection. Rather when a fool has witnessed such intervention they should take advantage of it by avoiding the perilous situation a second time. The protection may not come more than once.

Perhaps that saying is true. There may yet be a way for you to pull yourself out of this sticky pit in which you have become mired. Again, I speak only for myself. But as I earlier mentioned, the community here appears to me to be more tolerant than most.

But that is not your salvation, it is too late for that. Some may say we should turn the other cheek. My grandmother was great believer in turning the other cheek. Wonderful woman my grandmother, in spite of teaching Sunday school for decades. But while she was a great believer in turning the other cheek, if the appropriate situation arose, she would also remind you that turning the other cheek does not mean becoming a door mat.

No, Adby, it is too late for you to be saved by our tolerance. We have turned the other cheek too often and are tired of being treated like a bunch of door mats.

But all is not without hope. The thing that might yet save you is that, at least based on my observations, the people here are not only exceptionally tolerant, but they seem to be exceptionally forgiving.

While I cannot speak for anyone but myself, I suspect that if you were to follow those two steps I set out for you, all might eventually be forgiven.

That is, if you apologize and change your ways.

Or if you prefer to invoke mystical references, confess and repent.

Yes, people are frustrated, angry and fed up. But if you abandon the behaviors that made them that way, conduct yourself well, be courteous when you post It is likely that over time you will be forgiven and once again people will respond to you more normally.

Being courteous when you post is a multi-faceted task that most of us still manage to handle each time we post. You can to. Being courteous in your posts means doing several things.

1st, Make a serious attempt to properly format your posts and use correct or at least decent spelling, grammar and punctuation. It need not be perfect, the goal is to make your posts easily readable. Failure to do this is discourteous and disrespectful to everyone. Post rudely a few times and people shrug and think you ignorant. Do it a few more and they start to get aggravated. Do it all the time, like you have been doing, and eventually they will take no more.

It also means avoiding being overly judgmental or confrontational. You can state your opinions without doing it in such a way that says that whomever disagrees with you is a piece of shit.

It is even worse if you start your post by saying that anyone who dares to disagree with you is bad, evil, garbage, unnatural, etc etc. That does not start a discussion, it picks a fight. And you, my friend, are not in a position to pick a fight. You cannot survive it.

Being courteous means not intentionally doing things that you know annoys others, unless there is a very good reason for doing so and no other means of accomplishing your end. So pay attention to what annoys others in this context.. What annoys others? I will make you a short list. I will not again go back to grammar, spelling and punctuation. I have beat that one pretty good. I would not be surprised to see someone come along and decide my list is too short and add to it. If they do, I would suggest you pay attention. This is not meant to be a list of everything, simply a starting place for you. Perhaps if I set them out more like rules or commandments they would be easier to understand.

Rule 1,

Thou shalt properly format thy posts.

If a post is poorly formatted it is very difficult to read. Some don't bother to read an un-formatted or badly formatted post. Others try to read it and get annoyed before they can finish, if they finish.

Rule 2,

Thou shalt not use formatting codes unless thou usest them correctly and properly.

Be courteous of others, use formatting codes correctly or don't use them at all. When formatting codes are used properly they can make a post look really spiffy and easy to read. But when used improperly they do not do what they are intended to do and garble up the page and make it look like a bird shit on it. Using formatting codes properly is part of Rule 1, proper formatting. But messing up the codes can make a post so unreadable that I decided to give it a rule of it's own. Frequent improper use of formatting codes is unacceptable. Still, accidents with formatting codes, can and do happen sometimes. When they do, remember, that is one of the things the edit button is for. Go back and fix it.

Rule 3,

Thou shalt only post coherent messages.

Nobody wants to read messages where there is either no logic, or if there is, it is decipherable only to the one who wrote it. The purpose of writing is communication. If you want to communicate this is a must.

Rule 4,

Thou shalt refrain from posting rude or insulting comments.

Unless your goal is to start a fight rather than a discussion, or unless it is absolutely necessary to respond in kind to someone, always try not to make rude or insulting comments.

Misunderstandings happen more easily with text communications than with the spoken word. There are no intonations, inflections or facial expressions to use as cues as to someones meaning. With text it also takes much longer to correct or apologize for a misunderstanding.

For this reason it is absolutely essential to avoid comments that could be construed as rude or insulting. This is especially true if you are stating an opinion that you know, or should know, is controversial and likely to be a point of contention. Go ahead, express that opinion, but look for the least inflammatory way of expressing it. Unless of course your goal is to piss off as many people as you can. Right now, Adby, you cannot afford to piss off anyone.

Rule 5,

Thou shalt not change posts after there has been a reply.

Changing posts after someone has posted a reply to that post is very rude and very distasteful. The edit button is not there for you to go back and rewrite entire posts after someone has replied to them.

This is actually one of the most offensive, rude and unethical practices that can take place in a forum. Once someone has replied to a post, if you then go back and substantially edit that post, it often makes it look like the person who replied doesn't know what they are talking about, are confused, or maybe just a plain idiot because they appear to be making irrelevant comments on the post they are responding to. They respond to a statement or question and after they do you change the statement or question.

This is offensive and makes people unable to trust you. They feel they have to quote your entire post back before they reply for fear you will go edit the message they were replying to, giving it a different meaning. If I desired to do so I could easily make you look like the worlds biggest idiot by editing posts. Adby lets imagine I posted to you a question in the forum that read as follows and resulted in the following exchange....

Sarnoga: Adby, what does the stable hand have to shovel from under the horses?

Adby's reply: Horse shit, everybody knows that.

No big deal right. Now, how would you feel if you come back two days later to discover I had gone back and edited my original post. Now it reads this way.....

Sarnoga: Adby, please tell me, what is your favorite food and what did you have for dinner last night?

Adby's reply: Horse shit, everybody knows that.

Or maybe I ask the question as follows.....

Sarnoga: Adby, tell me if you can, what animal is consider man's best friend.

Adby's reply: A dog, what else.

Now I go back and edit my post. We are left with the following exchange....

Sarnoga: Adby, if you could have sex with anyone or anything in the world and wanted it to be the best, who or what would you choose to have sex with?

Adby's reply: A dog, what else.

So, tell me now, Adby, do you see a problem with editing posts after there has already been a reply?

If you want to use the edit button to go back and fix a misspelled word, nobody will complain. If you go back and add something, mark it as added and nobody will complain. But start taking things out or changing a post's meaning and everyone will want to take you out and hang you from a tree limb and rightfully so.

If you don't like what you have written and now think differently write a new message in the same thread explaining that. If you regret something you have written, do not go back and delete it, apologize for it, write something to correct the situation and move on. Unless you have written something so hurtful or damaging that leaving it up is going to create more damage than taking it down, leave it there and explain. If you absolutely have to take something out of a post that has already been replied to, make a note in the post summarizing what you took out and why you did it.

Rule 6.

Thou shalt keep quotes short.

When it comes to quotes please go back and read about codes and formatting.

But even properly formatted quotes from off site should always be brief. If there is something long you are tempted to quote, don't! Summarize it, and then post a link to it. That means don't splatter the forum with off site stuff. If you know of something relevant that may interest others use your post to tell others what it is, why they might be interested, and where to go find it.

Do not quote the entire text of the message you are replying to if it is more than a paragraph or two long, unless you are going to break it into smaller pieces so that it is clear which part of your reply is to which part of the post. It is rude and unnecessary to quote an entire message in one big block. If the message is only a few lines, nobody cares. But if it is more than a paragraph, maybe two, nobody wants to see that again. If they are following the thread, then presumably they just finished reading that whole message. Do not repeat the whole thing again unless you can give a good sound reason for doing so. One good reason might be the other person has a habit of going back and editing their posts after someone has replied.

End of rules.

Ok, Adby, That is enough. I'm tired of explaining how not to be rude. I am sure there are others who would be more than glad to help you with that if you cannot figure it out on your own and if you are willing to listen and apply what they tell you.

Besides, some consider an overly long post rude and I am way past that point already.

Let me summarize for you. I would have done it this way earlier but I wanted to make sure I was clear and I didn't want anyone to think I was being overly terse and curt.

Adby, you have aggravated and offended enough people that things might be close to reaching critical mass.

Adby, your greatest sin is your lack of courtesy and disrespect for those who use this forum. This is demonstrated in your posts and discussed above.

Adby, you are very close to being, figuratively, tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.

There is probably still time to save yourself.

If you want to save yourself here on this forum, use common sense and courtesy and stop making posts that are rude and insulting to everyone for the reasons stated above. (or other reasons)

Adby, amend your ways and over time people have a tendency to forgive.

The process of being forgiven, or getting people to change their mind about the tar and feathers takes time. You might speed up the process by first apologizing profusely and sincerely.

If you are not going to permanently change your ways, don't bother to waste your time and ours with temporary pretense. People may forgive but they do not forget. Go back to your old ways and it will very quickly be just like starting out right back where you are now in the midst of this thread.

I hope I followed my own advise and made this easy to read and reasonably easy to follow. This is not all that might be said on subject of forum courtesy and etiquette. It is just all that is likely to be said by me. I am sure there are others that can put out important things I missed or correct some place I may have erred. If anyone desires to do so that is up to them. I am done with this thread. Finally, adby, if someone comes to you with some good advise or wise counsel you should think about it long and hard before you turn them away.

If you follow the advise in this post, I wish you the best of success in turning things around and I hope you are soon enjoying yourself here again.

If instead you want to continue on as is, as you have been, then please do your best not to speak to me or even mention me. If you return to your old ways of posting, just ignore me, because I will be doing my best to ignore you. If under those circumstances I have to stop ignoring you, I will not be kind.

Last edited by sarnoga on January 6th, 2011, 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sarnoga » January 6th, 2011, 3:51 pm

Hello everybody,

Do you think I should be laughing. Perhaps I made the previous post too soon, or maybe too late. It was a response to a post by Adby. I finished it and submitted it only to discover that the post I was replying to had been deleted and the poll options changed again.

In case anyone is curious, I don't know why you would be, but just in case. Below is the entire text of adby's deleted message that I was replying to.

I had thought my last post was really going to be my last post in this thread, and still, it really is. Unexpected circumstances, (the deletion of the post I was replying to) required that I make this next one but it is simply to show the text of the message I was responding to in it's entirety.




This does not change anything I have written in the post above that was responding to the post you deleted but that can be found below. Make of it what you will. Heed it, ignore it, whatever you please.

My previous post is what I have to say and states my position.


The first box is the subject, header and author information from Adby's post.
adby wrote:

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New postPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:22 am Post subject: Reply with quote


Below is the next box is the entire text of adby's deleted post.

adby wrote:

mutatedbunnyboy wrote:This has been fun to read, personally i couldn't give a shit what people do, just don't be raping anything.

ADBY.... you poor poor creature.

Everyone else, I see where you're all coming from but with the constant poppers,wine and weed, plus the files intended to make Adby younger (I'm guessing mentally as well) it is very possible that Adby is now a gibbering mess only capable of menial tasks. He/she can't type properly and has no sense of grammar. Has basically the mind of a child and is incapable of free thought. I don't think it can even register whats happening here.

Although bravo for all having a go at him.... Adby sort your coding or don't use it. Is that simple enough?

Adbys reply

I just went to school for English from 2007 to 2009 June 14 i just graduated with honers after you guys just shot down my ability to write i am afraid to go back TO SCHOOL TO FINISH THAT MEANS MY INSTRUCTORS LIED TO ME.
The mind is Able to preform miracles.
You will learn how to release your mind from the limit­ations of matter and soar into the inspiring and lofty realm of the spiritual dimensions of life.

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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » January 7th, 2011, 2:04 pm

Adby, if you can count, that's 4 very useless over sized posts, you do NOT need to quote everything. All your replies could have been said in one very short and simple post. I think you should go back and read all 4 posts. Just so you know how very annoying it is.

Unfortunately Sarnoga is far more eloquent then I personally can be bothered with on a forum, but he lines out your flaws very well, yet you still have not listened!

Count them, four, that's right, four! One after the other, all containing exactly the same thing, why?
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » January 7th, 2011, 3:08 pm

I have learned one thing form this thread, I take MY intelligence far too much for granted!

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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » January 7th, 2011, 8:54 pm

No! This has absolutely nothing to do with the poll.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » January 7th, 2011, 9:59 pm

Firstoff, I didn't say "how" intelligent I was babyad! Simply, I took however intelligent I am, for granted.

Secondly, if you're going to outsmart me... you need to be smarter than me. You trying to goad me into hypnotizing you with the statement "if you are as intelligent as you say you are..." simply is not going to work. Hehe. I would say nice try but, it wasn't ;)

I will have to say, this has been one of your "better", for lack of a better word, posts.

BTW, the clue you need for us to communicate would be that I'd need to unlearn all that I have, you know, things like grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading comprehension etc etc.

mutatedbunnyboy is spot on, nothing at all to do with the poll.

Anyhoo, all best to you.
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 9th, 2011, 11:31 pm

So adby goes and removes all their posts to try and make everyone else look like and idiot and only ends up looking stupid himself for doing so. Only an immature person would remove their posts if they can't win the debate.
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Postby ohyouknow » January 10th, 2011, 3:44 pm

'What I tell you three times is true'
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 10th, 2011, 4:05 pm

Let's make that four times - got exactly the same post in pm.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » January 10th, 2011, 6:35 pm

inferiorwoman wrote:Let's make that four times - got exactly the same post in pm.

Yeah, his last reply to me I also received in a PM... a FEW days later!

I think this person truly is not of the maturity level, age wise, to be on a site such as this. As I have never encountered threads/posts/polls that seems so much like a kid, or someone with limited faculties, is posting!

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Postby Foxtail » January 10th, 2011, 8:04 pm

He is a adult baby. But yes, adby, please don't PM me a response to my post, but don't use the chewbacca defence to claim you win simply because your debate opponents know not how to respond.

Edit; Ohh, good show changing the poll answers too.
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » January 11th, 2011, 12:13 pm

Foxtail wrote:He is a adult baby. But yes, adby, please don't PM me a response to my post, but don't use the chewbacca defence to claim you win simply because your debate opponents know not how to respond.

Edit; Ohh, good show changing the poll answers too.

Foxtail and supposed members of the public, Adby is grown human being, with mind of a child, who visits an adult website.... think about it. That does not make sense. Why would a baby, a young, once a man now a girl, baby want to spend it's time on and ADULT website, this does not make sense! But more importantly you have to ask yourself, what does this have to do with the poll? ...... Nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen this has nothing to do with the poll and does not make sense!

Remember if Chewbacca lives on Endor you must acquit.
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Postby curiousguy92 » January 11th, 2011, 2:21 pm

While I'm not particularly a fan of adby's and I share many of the sentiments expressed by Sarnoga and others, I have to say that the thrashing that's been given was quite thorough and should end. For now.

Forgive me if I'm a little behind (I didn't care to check all the dates of posts), but I say we do as Sarnoga proposed early on: just ignore adby from now on. The reason I've read this thread at all is that I was surprised by how active one of adby's posts was. I personally ignore all of his other posts due to the reasons brought up against him.

As for where this thread has gone, it would not be the first to deviate this far from the poster's original message. I don't feel like any of the reactions therein are unwarranted. Adby has trolled multiple forums on this site, and while he is fully within his rights to do so, we are within our rights to voice our annoyance.

Said. Done. Moving on.
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Postby ohyouknow » January 14th, 2011, 5:30 pm

Adby has trolled multiple forums on this site, and while he is fully within his rights to do so, we are within our rights to voice our annoyance.

Yes, particularly when he starts pming us copies of posts. Adby, don't send me any more pms.
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Fuck a dog, HELL NO! I'm a chicken fucker :-P

Postby uw_onsterfelijk » January 14th, 2011, 7:36 pm

This "pole" is dog gonned stooopid!

Oh hey... ORANGES!
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Postby ray2 » January 20th, 2011, 4:19 am

Gods above i feel 100 points stupider after reading all this lol (no offence Sarnoga and other normals) bestiality in practice bad unintelligable posts worse, reposting bestial unintelligable post hellfire and damnation. remember love the goat just dont LOVE the goat :oops:
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Postby xavious » January 21st, 2011, 8:29 am

ohyouknow wrote:
Adby has trolled multiple forums on this site, and while he is fully within his rights to do so, we are within our rights to voice our annoyance.

Yes, particularly when he starts pming us copies of posts. Adby, don't send me any more pms.

Did s/he do that to you too? First time I've ever felt the express need to complain to the forum moderator and request something be done.
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Postby ohyouknow » January 21st, 2011, 5:03 pm

And the first time I've ever called someone out in public for a pm, on any forum.
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