so I've been listining to the Wolf permenant tf remix file

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so I've been listining to the Wolf permenant tf remix file

Postby bunniesofdoom » October 29th, 2012, 12:38 pm

So I've been listening to the wolf dark echo transformation permanent remix file. I hadn't been listing long to hypnotism files but i had success with bdsm ones and doll ones in the recent past so i found this one interesting. I've been listing to The classic induction with binaural beats as the induction and deepener , before i started with this one it was the bubble induction. Also I've been using the canine sub during the day for a few hours. So this is the results I've had after about two weeks of listening.

I keep thinking my feet have gotten longer, my hands palms have become larger. My feet and hands seem rougher but it could just be a trick. I wake up sometimes after sleeping thinking and seeing my hands as claws and covered in fur but this only last a few seconds until I inspect it closer. During the day and at night I keep having strong urges to bark and run around, As well I feel i need to howl at the moon for some reason. I'm not sure if this is just me trying really hard or the hypnosis actually working

Well anyways I'm new to this whole hypnosis thing and I was wondering if the induction I'm using works good as both an induction and deepener or is there a deepner I can use between the file into the wolf file that would increase my depth. About every other time I go through the files I feel like I have vertigo and sometimes I space out till the end of the file and then awaken not really remembering the files at all. I was wondering if any of this is good or can anyone give me some tips?

anyways thanks
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Joined: September 26th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby Foxfuz » October 29th, 2012, 10:16 pm

I don't know of there is a "trying to hard" in hypnosis (unless your straining so much it hurts, then there would be a problem). But, hypnosis is achieved by following suggestions to the best of your ability. Try not to focus on depth. Try to focus on what the file is actually telling you. But even with those results your getting I'm sure your doing just fine.

Now, the part about the blanking out baffles me. I have read up on hypnosis and that might mean you are entering a deep trance almost similar to sleepwalking. Also amnesia is higher then a medium trance here but the chance of amnesia occuring is still at a 30% chance. Now, I need study up on those statistics, but, if your waking up when the hypnotist tells you to then you were in a trance.

For me this state of trance (or what you called "blanking out") feels like a dream like state does it not? Other people have experienced this state that seems to develop during a deep trance where they see random images and feeling of dreaming. But a lot of people have confirmed it's a deep trance and suggestions are still going through.

You seem to have some success with the file and that's good. Keep at it the way your doing. Also if you need any more tips or just want to report your experiences, then just pop me a pm. I'll be glad to answer your questions or hear any of your storys. ^.^
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