Please help a a body image script for a pregnant woman

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Please help a a body image script for a pregnant woman

Postby Wile_Maze » April 21st, 2013, 4:29 pm

My wife is pregnant and we have a worry about her weight causing issues. In addition she is an F cup and is worried about getting bigger than that. I drafted this script using body image to try and help. Any help would be appreciated. I have an anchor for her to go into trance so I am not really using an induction just jumping to the deepener.


You are in the chair at the top of the stairs, you are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up. You are in the chair at the top of the stairs, calm, relaxed and a peace.

Take a moment to look at the chair you are in. You will remember what it is like from your last trance. It is comfortable and one that you enjoy sitting in. You will be in it until I bring you out of this trance and you feel at home sitting there.

Relax and breathe, in a few moments the number five is going to appear on the screen in front of you. There is something about the number 5 that you have enjoyed since childhood, and now it is going to help lead you down deeper into this already deep trance.

You can see the number on the screen in front of you now. Let me know when it is perfectly clear. This may take a moment or two, so we can relax and wait for it.
[pause for her to confirm that she can see it clearly]

Now, as I count down from five to one, you will see the numbers on the screen change. When we get to one you will be so completely relaxed that you will be unable to think or react to anything, unless I tell you to. As we count down, you will relax more and more, you will feel any distractions or stresses from the day fading away and you will become more and more at peace, moving deeper and deeper into your trance. My voice will follow you down.

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling to wake up. You are calm and relaxed, at peace. You are in the chair in the room at the top of the stairs and can clearly see the five on the screen in front of you.

As we count down from five to one you will relax more and more, you will feel any distractions or stresses from the day fading away and you will become more and more at peace, moving deeper and deeper into your trance. My voice will follow you down. You can see the five now, so...

FOUR [pause]

You can feel yourself sinking down into the chair, your body relaxing, any stress you may feel being pulled down and out of you, leaving you feeling light and comfortable.

THREE [pause]

The room at the top of the stairs is comfortable and as your breathe deeply it smells pleasant, nothing overwhelming, just something nice

TWO [pause]

You have moved deeper into your trance, as deep or deeper than you have ever been...and

ONE [pause]
You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling to wake up. You are calm, relaxed and at peace and focused only on the sound of my voice. You are perfectly comfortable, far away from the concerns of the day, unable to think or react to anything unless I ask you to.

When you wake from this trance you won’t remember the details of the trance, and you will never consciously try to remember the details of your trances, but your mind and body will respond quickly, easily and effortlessly to my instructions.

Your conscious mind will only remember how good trance felt but beyond that it will be like a blank piece of paper with invisible ink that only your subconscious can know and responds to quickly, easily, and effortlessly.

You are surprisingly comfortable with the instruction you receive in your trances with me and will continue to enjoy them and their effects.

We are going to guide your body because whatever body you image you hold your body must become. Your mind controls everything your body does, easily and effortlessly; from breathing to blood pressure, from muscle tension to your pulse. Your mind will reshape your body the same way, easily and effortlessly. This is all going to be so very easy.

Move your awareness through your entire body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and imagine relaxing them. Think the word "Relaxed" as you think each muscle.
Imagine a wonderful sense of peace floating all the way down through your body, releasing the tension in each muscle.

In front of you is a beautiful path. See what you see around you, hear the sounds all around you and feel the feelings of how it feels to walk along this path, a path of your own design.

Hear your own footsteps on this path, notice how perfect everything is here, just right for you. With every step you take right now, imagine that you are tuning into your body and stepping deeper into your own mind.

Soon, you are going to sculpt your ideal body and rehearse the phases of your pregnancy all the way to the recovering weeks after.

Up ahead, in front of you is a full-length mirror. Imagine the details of it and as you get closer, see your own reflection in that mirror. Walk right up to that reflection of you in the mirror.
Think about what it is that you truly want for yourself as you look in your face, in your eyes, look at your body. You are going to very lovingly guide your body to change its form, to actually sculpt your body and to communicate to the cells, the hormones, every part in your body to instruct them to be the shape, the size, and the look that you want them to be.

So now, standing right in front of that mirror, let that mirror disappear, let it vanish so that all there is that exact duplicate version of yourself.

You are now standing in front of a duplicate of you.

Now, beginning at the very top of the head, use your hands to lovingly, shape and sculpt your entire body.

From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, the things you would like to change, the way that you would like your body to appear. While you sculpt, send love through your hands and your fingers. Thank your body and subconscious for making these changes.

The way you see your body is very important because whatever body image you hold in your mind your body must become.

You send a very real communication to your skin, your muscles, the tissues to be the size and shape that makes you happier and happier. Let your hands sculpt just as if you were a sculptor, working with clay, taking away the excess or adding more lovingly here and there. Create the right shapes for you.
Take some time to shape it, smooth it, and tighten it, all the way down through every aspect of your physical body. Really create a work of art!

Imagine your body is producing all the hormones and chemicals that are needed to change your body the exact way that you desire. Feel the sensations as these hormones and chemicals double and then double again in strength. Feel the fat turning to lean muscle tissue. It is very exciting to feel the wonderful way your body reacts to your mind so easily and effortlessly.

As you do this, trust that your unconscious mind is learning how to change the internal image of your body, and is creating this body in reality. So take the time to go to every area and create beautiful shapes, wonderful curves and angles that you want and desire.

The way you see your body is very important because whatever body image you hold in your mind your body must become.

Imagine right now your body is producing all the hormones and chemicals that are needed to change your body the exact way that you desire. Feel the sensations as these hormones and chemicals double and then double again in strength. Feel fat turning to lean muscle tissue as your body uses all extra fat to fuel the changes in your body. It is very exciting to feel the wonderful way your body reacts to your mind so easily and effortlessly.

You watch with excitement as your arms reshape themselves quickly to the precise form you wish them to have, lean strong arms perfect for you in every way. Feel the happiness growing in you as you see the arms you have always wanted before you, it feels so very wonderful.

See all the fat disappear from your torso as it changes to lean muscle quickly before your eyes, your tummy drawing in until you can see it as flat and firm just as you desire. Feel how strong your back has become to help you move while pregnant easily. How good does it feel? Most of your body looks perfect for you that must make you extremely happy.

Now feel that happiness at least triple as you watch your thighs and legs become leaner and stronger and any remaining unwanted fat turns to muscle quickly and easily.

Watch with wonder and excitement as your hips and butt widen and shape perfectly for both easy of pregnancy and just so sexy. A perfect heart shaped butt, curved, shapely, firm and sensual.

Give your body the perfect tone and form, let your hands absolutely love your body and communicate in a way that tells your body the shape, the size, the muscle tone, every detail that you want your body to learn about of how it is to be shaped.

Standing in front of you is now you, your perfect body in every detail. Look at how very wonderful that body is and image how amazing you feel.

Just look at your work of art.

This is the body that you have formed and sculpted. Notice changes are being made inside of your mind as well and part of your inner mind is ready and willing to accept a new image of who you are.

Every time you look in the mirror you will step into this sculpted body, your mind becomes more accustomed, more comfortable, and more used to this being who you really are.

New cells and tissues are being formed all the time and sometimes your mind is just waiting for a new communication to create these cells in a new way, healthy, strong, firm, toned. Your mind learning right now every detail of this new shape, of this new image of you.

Imagine your body is right in front of you, just as it is right now. Form the body until it looks exactly like you and raise your right index finger as soon as you see it clearly and perfectly.

This body that you look at right now is a body that is loved, that is nurtured by your own hands.

Now watch as your body changes in the different stages of pregnancy and then return back to this nurtured and sculpted body . Feel the hormones and chemical changes as young life is forming in you. Watch as your body uses up all excess fat to make you stronger and feed this new life. Watch how strong you are as your body adapts itself naturally. Your lower back is getting stronger and stronger as is your upper back. This strength will allow you carry your child easily and effortlessly. Feel the muscles or your tummy and torso strength lifting your whole posture. The Muscles in your chest strengthen to lift and help carry your nurturing breasts without pain. As you go through this pregnancy you fine that as body is using anything of excess in your body, you feel flooded with energy. Your metabolism has increased to help make the changes in your body to insure both yours and the baby’s health.

Good, Now I would like for you to watch with amazement and extreme happiness as the breasts on your body shrink rapidly to the exact size and shape you desire after pregnancy. They are the perfect breasts you have always wanted and you are filled with joy. You are amazed how quickly after the pregnancy you recover because your perfect body must continue to be, because this is who you are.

Every time you look in the mirror you will step into this sculpted body, your mind becomes more accustomed, more comfortable, and more used to this being who you really are.

As you look at this body, let it reach out a hand and that hand is going to lead you right into your sculpted body so that you become that body, you feel it, you see through those eyes, almost like you are putting on that body, like putting on a new jacket. You are stepping into that new you and feeling what it is actually like to be inside that new you.

Get used to what you are beginning to look like, what you're becoming, what you're beginning to feel like. Take that hand right there and let it pull you in.

And as you enter this body, your learn that it is okay to be this way and you enjoy it. Love your body and accept your body. Accept that this is who you are.

In this new body continue on the path. You begin to walk with these legs, feel with this stomach, and see through these eyes. Let yourself see and feel your future as your body changes through the stages of pregnancy and back to your nurtured and sculpted body.

Try everything feel with this body, smell the air with this body, hear with this body, taste with this body that there is everything right with being in this body, that this truly is who you are.

The way you see your now body is very important because whatever body image you hold in your mind your body must become.

Your body changes your every cells every 52 days, this IS a whole new you.

Instruct the new cells, your metabolism, that part of you that decides on your appetite, the level of exercise that you get all those things will begin to change to match this internal image of your body and sending a message to the part of you that knows what actions you need to take today, this very day to achieve and truly be this new you.

Become more and more comfortable with this, your body. Walk in it, be comfortable in it, walk up the path, and look at the world all around you and let it feel really good to be in the body you truly deserve.

Every time you look in the mirror you will step into this sculpted body, your mind becomes more accustomed, more comfortable, and more used to this being who you really are.

It feels so very good to have the body you have always wanted. Feel the energy level of your new body, so strong, so agile and so wonderful. On your path in your new body, Take a deep breath and notice how good the smells and listen to the birds singing. The weather is perfect and you feel like dancing. Easily and effortlessly you glide over the ground completely relaxed. You are dancing harder and longer than you ever have yet, you are relaxed and breathing easily. Hear the leaves crunching under your feet and feel how good your body feels. You move gracefully and full of energy, it is easy and effortless. This is the most amazing feeling, you feel ecstatic as you realize you have danced two hours and you are still breathing easily and effortlessly.

You to go to the place in your mind where you keep yourself image, when you get there raise your right index finger.

Good, now step out of your new body and put it where yourself image is as you put it there, your self-image will dissolve and this new image will seal itself in place so tightly that no matter how hard you try you won't be able to move it. Go ahead and try as hard as you can to move it. OK, you can stop trying now. This is now your strongly rooted self-image. Anytime you think of yourself it is the image you will see. No matter how hard you try you cannot change this self-image. The more you focus on this self-image the faster your body will conform to it.

Every time you look in the mirror you will step into this sculpted body, your mind becomes more accustomed, more comfortable, and more used to this being who you really are.

You now have a strong self-image and you know how your new body will feel so even if you were to try to fail you would still attain the body you have always wanted. You have total faith that this will work perfectly now don't you?
Yes that's right and you are in full control of your body.

When you wake from this trance you won’t remember the details of the trance, and you will never consciously try to remember the details of your trances, but your mind and body will respond quickly, easily and effortlessly to my instructions.

Your conscious mind will only remember how good trance felt but beyond that it will be like a blank piece of paper with invisible ink that only your subconscious can know and responds to quickly, easily, and effortlessly.

I am going to count from 5 down to 1. When we reach one you will wake happy and eager and aroused, ready for the new adjustments to your life that we have discussed today.


You are a good hypnotic subject and you will enjoy being in trances more and more.


Every time you look in the mirror your subconscious will step into this sculpted body, your mind becomes more accustomed, more comfortable, and more used to this being who you are.


You will find that the special feel of your body changing grow stronger each day as you move more and more.


You will not remember the details of your trances and will never consciously try to remember the details of your trances. Your conscious mind will only remember how good trance felt but beyond that it will be like a blank piece of paper with invisible ink that only your subconscious can know and responds to quickly, easily, and effortlessly.


Wake up and tell me how you feel.
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