keegan112099 wrote:what do you think is the most effective feminization file on the web site?
It depends...
Depends on what kind of feminization you have in mind. There are tons of very different ways to feminize someone.
Are you after a more fetishy kind of feminization, or after a general "think and act feminine, even in non-sexual contexts" file?
Triggered or permanent?
Are you OK with a TTS voice?
Does shame/humiliation of being feminized turn you on, or is it something you want to get rid of, burn with fire, bury the ashes and dance on its grave, and then go shopping?
Is it OK if a file encourages being in drag 24/7, transition and other RL-disruptive stuff?
Then, there are millions of other, generally not as important things I'm just too lazy to type out, but for you they might be deal makers or deal breakers. It's all very individual stuff.