General concerns, and advice needed

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General concerns, and advice needed

Postby docfreeze » July 4th, 2013, 7:13 pm

So last night downloaded my first hypnosis files and listened to them hoping to see some result (I'm aware it will take more than one listen). I listened too MEG'S accelerator, trig virtual crisscrossing, and trig custom boobs. My concerns are that they may alter how I act or think in any way, and being that I'm around family and friends on a daily basis I feel as though they will notice. Has anyone who listened to these files seen that happen? As for the advice I can't tell if I'm prancing and accepting what is being said during the body portion, how would I know? I feel semi conscious and can clearly hear what meg is saying, but I've heard others talk about blacking out and waking up at the end without remembering what happened. So am I trancing or does it still need work? I plan from here on out to focus on the virtual crossdressing file for maximum effect, and was wondering if I would hear some success stories with that particular file, and advice on how to make it work more effectively.

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Postby Endo » July 4th, 2013, 9:20 pm

These files are purely hallucinogenic, meaning they create false images that your mind then stitches into reality. They are not designed to alter your behaviors or mannerisms.

NOW, everyone responds differently under trance. It certainly is possible that you may react to these hallucinations in such a manner without even noticing it. Or, you might even find that you get fed up with a lack of progress, and abandon those files. Seeing as how these are your first files, that's definitely plausible. You SHOULD focus on practicing trance.

Now, back on track from that tangent, I would like to say that if these files do affect you, it might not even be what you suspect. I read someone report once that "Curse Succubus" a file meant to make you dream of being used by a demon, actually made him/her think that THEY were the succubus in the dream. Being a dream file may have had something to do with the "elasticity of suggestion", but it goes to show that in rare cases, files may not work exactly as they are intended to.
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Postby docfreeze » July 5th, 2013, 12:10 pm

I'm aware they are hallucinations, and hoping they have that effect on me because the file's description really caught my attention, if it work I'll be really happy. Do you have any ways for me to practice trance? Any ideas that could help me? If so let me know. And I'm still looking for stories about these files success or otherwise.

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Postby Endo » July 5th, 2013, 12:46 pm

To practice trance, all you have to do is go into trance consistently. As your mind becomes more used to trance over a variable (by person) period of time, you will slip into a deeper trance more quickly. There are things that MAY accelerate this process, such as using a trance training file, designed to hypnotize you into greater hypnotizeability like Accelerator. There are files like Blank or Bubble, which are meant to take you as deep as you usually go, then install a trigger to drop you right back to that point instantaneously. I think Bubble is the best for that, because it has a long, slow induction, so you can really relax and get down there. You could also try isochronic tones, binaurals, or pink/white noise.
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Postby docfreeze » July 5th, 2013, 6:36 pm

One more concerns mine is whether or not the hallucination files could cause physical symptoms in me, I haven't listened to any of the files since the first time, but ever since trying to use the custom boobs file my chest has been itchy which I know to be a symptom of budding breasts in females during puberty. I of course can't say for certain if this is what the cause is but it worries me and I would like to know if this could be the case, or if it's just psychosomatic and I'm Imanning it.

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Postby Endo » July 5th, 2013, 8:50 pm

Like I said before, your mind works differently than other people's will. If you are interpreting those suggestions to actually affect you, then they might. You cam try to ward this off by telling yourself that you will not grow boobs, you will just see them.
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Postby Endo » July 5th, 2013, 8:51 pm

Like I said before, your mind works differently than other people's will. If you are interpreting those suggestions to actually affect you, then they might. You cam try to ward this off by telling yourself that you will not grow boobs, you will just see them.
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Postby docfreeze » July 5th, 2013, 9:06 pm

Thanks a lot Endorsed you've been a huge help to me getting started here, but if I may ask one more question is just listening to the file I'm going to focus on good for practice prancing? Because I will go into a trance( or tryto) with any file I use.
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Postby docfreeze » July 5th, 2013, 9:28 pm

Thanks a lot Endorsed you've been a huge help to me getting started here, but if I may ask one more question is just listening to the file I'm going to focus on good for practice prancing? Because I will go into a trance( or tryto) with any file I use.
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Postby docfreeze » July 5th, 2013, 9:30 pm

Sorry for the misspelling of your name, my tablet has auto correct
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Postby Endo » July 6th, 2013, 8:08 am

Haha, the exact reason I have a pre-paid beater.

Yes, you could JUST use what you already have to practice trance, BUT, you may find that you get burned out on the file after a while.
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