Best part of being a jock (discussion)

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Best part of being a jock (discussion)

Postby rigsby » September 14th, 2013, 1:12 pm

Bringing out your jock desires has its good side as well as its bad side, so I hope we can have a chance to talk about what you like the most about being jocked/masculinized.

At first, I would have said the increase in my libido, but now it's clear that the change in my mood has really made the most impact on my basic nature. I had no idea that becoming a jock would make me feel so much better on such a regular basis, but it really got my endorphins flowing.

I have weights at home now, as well as basically unlimited access to gyms where I live and work. Whenever I'm feeling worried, sad, or even just a little down, all I have to do is lift some weights for a few minutes and bam!, it's gone and I feel great again.

I'm a happy, friendly jock now, and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Strong mind, strong body
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Postby shadowguy » September 26th, 2013, 5:11 pm

My favorite thing is how open I've become, I'm not shy anymore like I used to be, and I'm glad about that
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Postby rubbapig » September 30th, 2013, 6:35 pm

I'm likin me improved mood.. Feelin happyer an a lot more positive about life generally.
I'm liking that I'm sleeping betta than have in a wile. That I'm less stressed an kopin wiv everyday shit much betta now. That I'm less interested in, an less bothered by all the worldly shit that kant do nuffin bout anyways.

Liking that I'm now startin to talk bout football an stuff wiv guys in work that have neva spoken to before - havin like real men's conversations! Lol. And makin new mates as a result - even bin out to straight pubs wiv a cuple of them resently an that's like a hole new world! And rather likin that to.

But best of all for me is that I've finally found sumfin that I'm realy injoyin. That afta the last few years of on/off depression (part of the reeson for wanting to exercise in the furst place as that's supposed to help) wher have struggled to injoy even the stuff I used to like.. I'm now gettin propa into it like. And I'm now feelin alive agen.. And that dudes, is a like totally fukkin awesum feelin.

Oh, and mustent forget the bros have met on here that have bin well kewl in ther support and encouragement wivout whitch wud not be as happy as have bin ova the last cuple of munfs.
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Postby rigsby » October 1st, 2013, 11:32 am

rubbapig wrote:But best of all for me is that I've finally found sumfin that I'm realy injoyin. That afta the last few years of on/off depression (part of the reeson for wanting to exercise in the furst place as that's supposed to help) wher have struggled to injoy even the stuff I used to like.. I'm now gettin propa into it like. And I'm now feelin alive agen.. And that dudes, is a like totally fukkin awesum feelin.

Totally, bro. Nature requires us males to exercise and develop muscle, and it builds in a lot of positive feedback loops when we do. That's what you're experiencing right now.
Strong mind, strong body
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Joined: July 8th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby rubbapig » October 2nd, 2013, 12:22 pm

rigsby wrote:
rubbapig wrote:But best of all for me is that I've finally found sumfin that I'm realy injoyin. That afta the last few years of on/off depression (part of the reeson for wanting to exercise in the furst place as that's supposed to help) wher have struggled to injoy even the stuff I used to like.. I'm now gettin propa into it like. And I'm now feelin alive agen.. And that dudes, is a like totally fukkin awesum feelin.

Totally, bro. Nature requires us males to exercise and develop muscle, and it builds in a lot of positive feedback loops when we do. That's what you're experiencing right now.

Wud not of believed that 6 munfs ago .. but I do now bro. Totally.

And the fing is.. its still early days for me and bin workin on me general fitness rather than building muscle like - so its the difference in me head an how im finkin that im noticing atm rather than xtra muscle like.

I no ya started this thred as a flip to the negative side to bein a jock thred a few weeks bak .. well, I kant see no negative side to bein a jock atm! Its ALL gud. :-)
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Postby Dogboy » October 3rd, 2013, 5:49 am

For me the best part has been better sex and how women keep checking me out. I never in my life would have thought women would be checking me out like the way they have been!
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