WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comment,

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WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comment,

Postby Tangy » October 10th, 2013, 1:06 pm

Why Do we have to Go to Hell lake of Fire in the first place?
what happen in heaven before the War came to Earth,
And what actually did we do as human's to bring the fighting to us are we Victims or did we have something to do with the war in Heaven? . :o

all the question's I just ASK about people has always shied away from why?

Last edited by Tangy on November 21st, 2013, 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby KIY » October 10th, 2013, 6:16 pm

I don't know, but it probably has to do with money (or power in some other form.)
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Postby Chibi » October 20th, 2013, 8:09 pm

Hell won't be an entirely bad place, Many Christians today often exaggerate how bad it will probably be. The Bible never says that hell will be torture.

Jesus often compares hell to a variety of things, so it is safe to say hell will probably come in different severities. Some people will probably just get a mediocre life with knowledge that they missed out on heaven as punishment, some may actually get torture, depending on the severity of their sins.

People will go to hell because God doesn't owe anybody heaven. Life is a blessing, a gift, not something God owes everybody.
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Postby Endo » October 21st, 2013, 8:44 am

Tangy, most people avoid you because you're either insane or just have a really fucked up shift key.

As for your actual question, I am assuming that you are saying that the ORIGINAL original sin was when Lucifer (devil, whatever, no need to get all "That's a mistranslated title" on my ass) tried to become god himself, got a bunch of other angels to follow him, and they were all cast out. (Someone refresh my memory, which book was all that in?) That's an entirely different debate/discussion than your first question.

Which would be who goes to hell and why? The answer is the apostates go to hell because they have rejected Jesus and chose to willfully sin after being saved. If you never accepted Jesus in the first place, then your soul will be destroyed on judgement day. There is no eternity for those people. Those who have stayed strong in the faith, and have rejected willful sin will be given perfect bodies and will live on a perfected Earth, and everyone will serve God forever.
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Postby robindf1 » October 21st, 2013, 8:20 pm

That's sounds amazing.
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Postby Tangy » October 22nd, 2013, 4:01 pm

robindf1 wrote:That's sounds amazing.

Thank you for your Wisdom :o
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Postby shadowguy » November 4th, 2013, 6:47 am

Honestly the best explanation I can think of is in the book of Enoch, it talks about each of the cast out angels along with Lucifer and their sins, as well as talks about the war, I think that it has a vast section on Hell and the torments inside it, while we don't read it in my church (a baptist one) it is quoted in one of the last 5-6 books in the Bible, I've personally only read a part of it though (the book of Enoch)
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Feed the Rapture

Postby allison-in-love » January 4th, 2014, 1:12 am

Jesus comes and judges everyone, if you accepted Him and believe, He will forgive your sins and you go to Heaven. There's a rapture coming and Armageddon, once that's done earth is re-built and 1000 years peace for Christians, fire and general hell for everyone else, hell is generally defined as everything that is opposite of God.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby Glasnerven » February 28th, 2016, 10:29 pm

Wait, before we start talking about who goes to hell or doesn't, can we demonstrate that any hell actually exists? Quotes from any religion's holy books don't really cut it as evidence.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby groggog » March 19th, 2016, 9:02 pm

I've been damned by people with far worse than Hellfire in the afterlife.

What I can't understand is this: Why are people are upset when Christians tell them they are going to Hell? If that is what a Christian believes, then it is what they believe. I see enough misery in this world.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby OxyFemboi » March 20th, 2016, 12:57 am

I's fairly easy to prove that Evil exists. Pick up your local newspaper. No matter what you believe, you will find something to go OMG about.

It's far harder to prove that Good exists. You can define good as the absence of Evil, but that's like saying that a vacuum is the absence of matter. An absence of something is not the opposite of that something. The Old Testament god did a lot of smiting and murdering of cities and populations for a god who was claiming to be good. He didn't set a good example, did he, when he said "Slay all those people and take their land, which I give to you as an inheritance forever"?

If you want to prove that Good, as a positive force, exists -- continuing the analogy -- you have to demonstrate in a physical sense that anti-matter (with positively charged electrons and negatively charged protons, exists. (Theory is fine, but actual physical proof is necessary for any physics theory. Anti-matter and matter cannot exist in the same place at the same time; when they do, it has been shown that they annihilate each other in a massive release of energy.

I haven't seen any massive explosions of Good lately. Have you? As for Evil, I will gesture vaguely in the direction of the Presidential races and leave it at that. Q.E.D. = Quad Erat Demonstratum = Thus it is demonstrated/proven.

I have heard it posited that Earth is Hell. But Heaven is ... where and when? I have also heard some political theories described as "pie yesterday and pie tomorrow, but never pie today." I'd rather have some pie [strawberry/rhubarb or blueberry or cherry, please ... or even chocolate cheesecake (which is, technically a pie)] today. Could I have some actual real-life examples of Good today before you start asking me to believe in a personal Good god?

The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Celts, Germanic tribes, and Norse (and many others) had gods who were just as capricious as real life humans. Those gods were and are understandable and believable, as are the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Wise Woman) and Triple God (Youth, Lover/Hunter, and Protector) of the Wiccans/pagans. Even Satan is believable and his motives understandable. A god of pure, positive good? Not so easy to believe in when you don't see (m)any examples of altruism ... especially from people who claim to be his followers.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby daugo » May 27th, 2016, 1:20 pm

can't help thinking this is a odd topic for a site like this since by judeo-christian standards we are going to hell but I digress.
Been there, have a condo on the river phlegethon.
Some gnostic texts say hell is only for 10k years. descriptions vary. all in all it is a jumbled mess of stuff from several religions.
Personally I see this world as hell and man is the great beast.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby OxyFemboi » May 27th, 2016, 7:15 pm

daugo wrote
can't help thinking this is a odd topic for a site like this since by judeo-christian standards we are going to hell but I digress.
Been there, have a condo on the river phlegethon.
Some gnostic texts say hell is only for 10k years. descriptions vary. all in all it is a jumbled mess of stuff from several religions.
Personally I see this world as hell and man is the great beast.

Can you go or be sent to a place when you have no evidence of its existence? There is more evidence for Middle-Earth's or Asgard's existence than evidence of Heaven's (or Hell's) existence.

I have a great condo in Dis.

I've read the gnostic texts. They make a lot more sense than either the Protestant or the Catholic Canon of Scripture.

A Hell for Man and a Heaven for mosquitos can be easily combined.

Interesting slightly off-subject matter: "agnostic" is made of two parts: the prefix a-, which means "not" ... and the root "gnostic", which means "knowing", leading to the definition of an agnostic as one who "does not know which god is correct" as in not knowing which god is THE god. (The pronunciation shifted over the centuries.) In the same way, "atheist" is made from the same prefix a- (not) and "theist" (believer in god), leading to the definition of '"not believing a god exists."

I won't go so far as to say that is Earth is Hell. I will say it's a really rough school in a bad neighborhood ... and the students are mostly people who have been thrown out of other schools for such nasty things as raping teachers and using the chemistry lab to make bombs. This is the Last Chance Military Academy. The students are in teh process of taking over the joint and some of them are running the place.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby daugo » May 27th, 2016, 7:44 pm

I have a great condo in Dis.

Heard it is lovely this time of year.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby OxyFemboi » May 27th, 2016, 9:10 pm

daugo wrote
Heard it is lovely this time of year.

Yes, it is. Humans are doing a wonderful job of making Earth into a superhot version of Hell with Global Warming.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby daugo » May 27th, 2016, 10:22 pm

Yes, it is. Humans are doing a wonderful job of making Earth into a superhot version of Hell with Global Warming.

Ah.... Yes. I remember when I lived in the sub-tropics instead of the tropics.
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Re: WHy do We have to Go go Hell? /lAKE OF fIRE?no more comm

Postby OxyFemboi » May 27th, 2016, 11:21 pm

daugo wrote
Ah.... Yes. I remember when I lived in the sub-tropics instead of the tropics.

And I used to live in a temperate climate instead of the sub-tropics. At least I'm not near an ocean.
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