Looking to get into making hypnosis files- advice, please?

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Looking to get into making hypnosis files- advice, please?

Postby Indykins » December 28th, 2013, 1:52 am

Hello! I've been contemplating this for a while, and I've decided that I want to try my hand at making my own scripts and recordings for fun/recreational purposes. Might I request some advice, as well as resources to help me get started if possible?
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Postby Endo » December 28th, 2013, 10:13 am

A cheap microphone, Audacity, and a USB drive.

That's about all you need.

My microphone was several grades below "cheap", so it sounded bad, but it all turned out okay.

Audacity is free to use, and is generally easy to use for low-level editing (cut/paste stuff, all I ever did.)

I recommend a USB drive, because it keeps thing neatly organized, and keeps your work safe. Make folders for several things: Finished audio files, currently running projects, finished scripts, unfinished scripts, script ideas that aren't quite complete yet, scripts you've stolen from the 'net (Very important when you're starting off, examining other's "voices" and language.)

You'll have 2 points of learning necessary: learning Audacity for the basic stuff (not that bad), and learning how to talk "Hypnosis". You might be able to find (on other sites, WMM is more user-side) some guides about how to hypnotize someone, but you'll need to look for those things and do some reading.

Good luck!
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Postby Indykins » December 28th, 2013, 3:50 pm

Hi! Thank you for the tips; they should be very useful!

I'm having some issues when it comes to finding guides and such; a quick google search yields nothing useful, and going deeper in, all I can find are pay-to-learn courses, how to hypnotize animals, and guides/articles that I'm sure were written by creepy megalomaniacs, for creepy megalomaniacs. Are there any, uh, sane places to find good guides?
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Postby Endo » December 28th, 2013, 11:36 pm

I'd take a look at some forums that cater more towards the 'tist-side of hypnosis. Try googling "hypnosis forums" and see what that gives you.
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » December 29th, 2013, 6:29 pm

as a practitioner in the chatroom and abroad. here are a few tips that have worked for me with subjects:
A:) know what you want to say,how you want to say it before you say it. you want to keep a good flow in that regard. any "um" or' ah" if its on recorded media is disjointing and a distraction
b:) ALWAYS be sure you leave a safety loophole in the beginning for your subject for such instances as uncomfortability and/or outside disctraction or emergency
C:) try to use synonyms if you are going to use the same meaning twice or more such as : Pulse ,throb, etc. giving interesting alternatives for the same feeling or action will prevent the subject from getting too bored. also be sure to not be overly long in your induction.
D:) use metaphor if necessary . be very descriptive on what you want your subject to see/feel/experience.
E:) above all: Be concious of your potential subjects feeling and/or emotions.. follow the Golden rule " do unto others as you would have done to you" chances are if you dont want it done to you ..others wouldnt want it done to them.
F:) if it feels like work. take a break.

i hope this helps in yours and others endeavors in this.

Best Regards.
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby Endo » December 29th, 2013, 10:07 pm

A: Good advice, making and editing a script, then reading from that can clean that up a lot. Any stumbles can be scrubbed with Audacity. Not possible to do live, of course.
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Postby Limbolux » January 6th, 2014, 2:26 pm

My 2 cents: Listen to various Hypno files here and on other sites like youtube for example. Focus on the style you like. Read the scripts that you can find here or on other sites and analyze the phrasing. Learning about Erickson patterns will help alot. The very best files have a quite inconspicuous language to them and lure the mind in trance without it even noticing.

Once you got some ideas you can write a script and record it afterwards. The recording is the least work in this process, but you need to be calm, speak with a clear and deep voice and take a break if your voice needs to recover.
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Postby Indykins » January 6th, 2014, 5:28 pm

I appreciate the advice, guys, thank you. :) I've managed to come up with an induction script. The boldfaced words are words that I would stress slightly, placing emphasis. If any of you are willing, could you take a look at it and tell me what you think? Anything I may need to work on or change?

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Postby Endo » January 6th, 2014, 11:10 pm

Record it, and upload it. Or just listen to it yourself. The complete package is what you want to look at when evaluating it.
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