Female Takeover - My Experience

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Female Takeover - My Experience

Postby over_the_edge_please » July 4th, 2014, 3:42 pm

After reading so many disapprovals of Female Takeover I reluctantly considered my experience with the file. Before diving into where I’m at now let me digress to what first attracted me to the file. My nick is the first clue where I am attracted to approaching that edge and thinking what it would be like to just cross the line or point of no return. It’s clear in my mind that this is foolish even just plain stupid, but the concept of playing on that tantalizing edge of no return is a huge driver for me. How close can I come yet not cross over? Or is it that I wish to see how close I can come to that edge and finally surrender thus changing my life to something totally outside my control. Do I wish to take that final step? Honestly I do not yet know the answer, but one who plays with file could well be burned. I am well aware I can get burned! Female Takeover has the ingredients to start a substantial fire. Not only is playing with that “edge” part of my fundamental fantasies so are combinations of memory creation/modifications and transformations intertwined with hypnotic control integral to my fantasies.

Enough preamble, now that the framework of “why” is addressed it’s time to discuss the what, when, and how. The file’s basic premise first caught my attention. Next those of you that posted warnings associated with the fire did not discourage me rather supplied more fuel for the fire. For those of you dying to know how long I’ve been using the file, it is just under a week. I figured I would listen either once a day or maybe even every other day. This is a long term endeavor so I can pace myself. I started Monday and listened once. A new name popped into my head, Vee, aside from that nothing much happened. She is a ten year old girl by the name of Vee. I clearly remember listening to the entire file and it gave me a warm comfortable feeling. Instead of feeling frightened it was relaxing and comforting. Tuesday I wanted to listen again and once again I developed this warm and safe feeling, but nothing really else. Wednesday I listened once more and this time I could almost develop a mental image of Vee. It was not a full image, rather a glance of Vee. Yesterday I was really looking forward to my next file session and it felt great. So great that I listened two additional times yesterday. After that I heard almost a tiny whisper of a voice asking me to slow down a bit since I was exceeding the driving speed limit. Today again I was looking forward to a listen of the file. This morning I listened to it and then while I just finished listening to it late this afternoon I was thinking about how nice and comforting it was to listen to the file and second time when it dawned on me that I had not listened to the file twice today but actually three times! Maybe would be frightened by the fact that I had almost forgotten listening to the file one time today, but for me it is a mental thrill and a huge turn on! Every so often I think I am hearing Vee speak to me via her voice in my mind but then I am thinking it is only me thinking that it is Vee speaking.

Hope you have enjoyed my short experience so far. I will continue updating my experience if asked. Bye for now.

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Postby BCaltGuy » July 4th, 2014, 4:34 pm

Very interesting! Yes, please continue to update your experience as often as you can notice things progressing! :-)
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Postby pczelda » July 4th, 2014, 10:15 pm

This is a dangerous undertaking, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. There will be a "point of no return" at some point, since at a certain point she will start listening to the file whether you want it to happen or not, you may not even know she's doing it, and thus affecting you as well since you both share the same subconscious mind. This is a pure example of a fantasy gone wrong, the fact that in the end you'll forever be a prisoner in her mind, that used to be yours, is terrifying to me. It would be much safer to try out a file that only gives a female personality complete control over your body for 24 hours, because once you become permanently trapped in your own mind you may discover at a certain point that you don't want this anymore, and it'll be far too late. Also, what of your personal hobbies? You'll be forced to permanently give them up. Anything you could give to the world will forever be lost as well, and there's no way she would let you do what you want or feel you needed to, or do them herself to please you. There are even accounts of people who couldn't use the curse removal file because the female entity takes control and not only doesn't let the curse file continue, she deletes the file. Plus even, killing her off could be seen as murder. I tend to believe it'd be self defense considering what she's doing to you, and since this isn't the kind of file to create a compassionate alternate personality, really, but it's all a matter of perspective. I gave EMG the idea in the voting section for a file that creates an alternate personality that's a mix of the Curse FemaleTakeover and Your Other Half files, called Partial Female Takeover, if you want some control without having to end up being imprisoned in your own mind. Give it a look and tell me what you think. :) All else failing, I too want to hear of how this goes for you. Take care!
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 5th, 2014, 3:34 pm

I share your enthusiasm with cutting edge files and even seeing how far I can push something. Right now, I'm using a much less dangerous file -- Your Other Half -- that creates another personality but ... that personality shares body time with me. Also, there are suggestions that we both share the entire memory, so there will be no "memory loss" or "lost time". Any disagreements between us -- I smoke; she's okay with what I do to a limited extent (5-7 cigarettes a day) -- will be peacefully talked out and resolved.

Yes, I'm playing with having multiple personalities in one body. I've been fascinated for decades with shit like this. Your file promises to have your personality vanish when the female personality gets to be one year older then you are now. [She starts as a ten year old and ages a year a week, so your total time (in weeks) until she takes over completely is your age minus nine years.]

Please update your experiences as often as you can.
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Postby over_the_edge_please » July 5th, 2014, 8:22 pm

Today I thought I would listen to the file only once. I enjoy it so much I am not ready to miss a day. After I was done listening to it one time I started to do other things but my thoughts kept wandering back to the file. I ended up listening to it a second time. I felt it would be no big deal to listen just one more time for the day. I am going to try to listen only once tomorrow.

One interesting thing happened this afternoon when I starting taking my laundry down from drying on the clothesline. I folded my clothes. I normally take the dried wash of the line and not do a good job of folding. Routinely I fold my laundry so that I don’t need to do ironing but this time it was different. I folded each item of clothes almost painstakingly neatly including my underwear! I have not in my life folded it the way I did today. Vee was suggesting that I do it that way and I blissfully did it! Not overly exciting but I wanted to share my experience.
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Postby over_the_edge_please » July 7th, 2014, 1:12 pm

Yesterday I was hoping to listen to Female Takeover only once, yet ended up listening three times. Not only have I found myself folding the laundry very neatly, far more neatly than I have at any point in the past, but also hanging it up more neatly. It’s not an exciting thing to report, but that’s what’s up.
Now I am thinking to see if I can manage to not listen to the file today.

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Postby transformed » July 7th, 2014, 1:32 pm

It sounds like the file has a pretty firm grip on you. Be careful that it doesn't grip you beyond your ability to escape.

If you can't stop at just one listen, you are walking very close to the edge!
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Postby transformed » July 7th, 2014, 1:34 pm

It sounds like the file has a pretty firm grip on you. Be careful that it doesn't grip you beyond your ability to escape.

If you can't stop at just one listen, you are walking very close to the edge!
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Postby over_the_edge_please » July 9th, 2014, 3:12 pm

Yesterday I was busy so I didn’t listen to the file. It may have been the first day I did not listen since I started more than a week ago. It was a proud feeling that I could get through the day without listening to the file. That got me wondering how I feel about the file’s goal and should I be feeling great or terrible that I could miss a day. Still not sure, but today was less busy. Thus far I’ve listened to the file five times today. I often think about Vee but I have not noticed any pending personality coup. I had some discussion with her about buying some cotton candy. There was no way I was going to eat any of that crap! Hadn’t even thought about it in many years!

After not listening to the file yesterday I more than made up for it today with five listenings so far today! What I can say about the trancing is after the file is over the session seems more distant and not as clear and crisp in my mind. With earlier listenings I clearly remember the entire trance including the counting up to awaken, but now at the end of the trance it’s more like I hear the word “five” and my eyes open. I am not as aware of being awakened now.

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Postby broerk » July 22nd, 2014, 12:19 pm

over_the_edge_please. It's been almost two weeks since your last message and have just returned to the forums. I must admit after reading your first posts I'm kinda curious how it's going now. If you can share something new please do.
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Postby Scarlett_S » August 19th, 2014, 2:28 pm

Please post back. She should only be 17 now, but it seems like they have a habit of aging faster than intended.
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Postby danny1988 » August 22nd, 2014, 6:19 am

Yeh I do hope everything is ok :?
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Postby Stacie5959 » August 22nd, 2014, 7:25 am

I am sure Edge and Vee are doing fine. Getting to know one another and building a relationship for the transition.

I am sure when Vee is 18 she and Edge will speak to us and let us know how wonderful there experience is so far.
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Postby danny1988 » August 22nd, 2014, 8:20 am

I hope it is a nice experience for them or they at least share control or something. Cant help feeling anxious for people over what this file does sadly.
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 22nd, 2014, 11:45 am

Danny wrote:
I hope it is a nice experience for them or they at least share control or something. Cant help feeling anxious for people over what this file does sadly.

I hope it's a good experience for them as well. I'm having great fun with my "Other Half", Holly. Holly and I get along swimmingly; each of us does what each does best. Holly is much better at relating to people than I am (Ox is painfully shy in person), so Holly does most of that. Ox does most of the intellectual stuff like taxes and balancing the checkbook and stuff. (He does need reminding though.)

We do tend to switch back and forth when writing though so it does get confusing when we're writing comments.

I can thoroughly recommend Your Other Half. Holly and I get along wonderfully. Of course, that's included in the suggestions, so that's not too surprising.

I hope Edge and Vee give some feedback concerning their progress soon.
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Postby danny1988 » August 22nd, 2014, 12:45 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:
I hope it's a good experience for them as well. I'm having great fun with my "Other Half", Holly. Holly and I get along swimmingly; each of us does what each does best. Holly is much better at relating to people than I am (Ox is painfully shy in person), so Holly does most of that. Ox does most of the intellectual stuff like taxes and balancing the checkbook and stuff. (He does need reminding though.)

We do tend to switch back and forth when writing though so it does get confusing when we're writing comments.

I can thoroughly recommend Your Other Half. Holly and I get along wonderfully. Of course, that's included in the suggestions, so that's not too surprising.

I hope Edge and Vee give some feedback concerning their progress soon.

Glad to hear your having fun Ox and Holly :)
Always nice to hear from you two.

Haha I am shy a lot of the time too, part of the reason I wanted another personality ^^
I am very tempted to listen again to the file myself.

I am getting a better handle on my finances atm too lol, need to stop buying clothes though haha.

I can only imagine :P

I hope so too. I guess the thing I never understand still about the takeover file is why anyone would want to be never in control again just sounds scary as hell to me :/
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 22nd, 2014, 12:49 pm

Danny wrote[/b]
I am getting a better handle on my finances atm too lol, need to stop buying clothes though haha.

Our weaknesses are purses and skirts. I got this great Bliss (tm) crocheted purse on Amazon ... though we have resisted going on eBay and Amazon this month (so far). :-D
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Postby BobbyS » August 22nd, 2014, 4:13 pm

I hope so too. I guess the thing I never understand still about the takeover file is why anyone would want to be never in control again just sounds scary as hell to me :/

There are lots of hypnotic suggestions on this site I will never understand the appeal of. Once people started asking for help in being hypnotically raped by a wild dog, I stopped questioning the logic.
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Postby danny1988 » August 22nd, 2014, 4:51 pm

BobbyS wrote:
I hope so too. I guess the thing I never understand still about the takeover file is why anyone would want to be never in control again just sounds scary as hell to me :/

There are lots of hypnotic suggestions on this site I will never understand the appeal of. Once people started asking for help in being hypnotically raped by a wild dog, I stopped questioning the logic.

Yeh I guess just this one I sort of see as mental suicide o.0
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 24th, 2014, 2:01 am

Danny wrote
Yeh I guess just this one I sort of see as mental suicide o.0

Yeah, we've used those exact words -- mental suicide -- several times already when talking to people about this file and why we chose to use Your Other Half instead. Thanks for commissioning that file, Danny dude. We owe you! Both Holly and Ox thank you.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on August 28th, 2014, 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby danny1988 » August 24th, 2014, 5:43 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
Danny wrote
Yeh I guess just this one I sort of see as mental suicide o.0

Yeah, we've used those exact words -- mental suicide -- several times already when talking to people about this file and why we chose to use {b]Your Other Half[/b] instead. Thanks for commissioning that file, Danny dude. We owe you! Both Holly and Ox thank you.

I am greatful you did, thoes words are very accurate for this file I think.
No worries im glad I could help :)
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Postby slanador » August 31st, 2014, 9:53 am

broerk wrote:over_the_edge_please. It's been almost two weeks since your last message and have just returned to the forums. I must admit after reading your first posts I'm kinda curious how it's going now. If you can share something new please do.

I learned from over_the_edge that he/she stopped listening to the file due to the warnings and due to surprising shopping results. Maybe we will hear more details later, but he/she is not available right now.
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