Hi, can someone help me plz I'm new to all of this.

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Hi, can someone help me plz I'm new to all of this.

Postby terinphx » July 4th, 2014, 4:14 pm

Just wanted to say hi, my name is terri. I'm new to this and to this site. Can someone please tell me where do I start, or how do I start listening to some of these files they sound kewl. Are there files I shoudl listen to first?
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Joined: July 4th, 2014, 12:00 am

Postby Endo » July 4th, 2014, 5:31 pm

I can tell you've already fallen victim to the most common rookie mistake: Your "eyes" are hungrier than your "belly". Take a deep breath, and pause for a moment. I'm sure you really want to try everything, and you're convinced it's all going to go soooo swimmingly well.

That isn't what happens for most people. It can take weeks for complex changes to set in, and don't expect anything hallucinatory to work for you for a while, and avoid any physical change (as opposed to behavioral or mental change) files.

Now, I have this really nasty habit of getting into new hobbies all the time and having to learn all the new things that come with it, but this has trained me how to sniff out the right info, and often puts me in the position of being the doorman for rookies in the hobby with questions like yours. So...

Here's what I'll advise you do:

First, take a read through this thread: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7804.

Second, take a moment to define what you want out of hypnosis. Now, this can be pretty fluid for most people, I've gone from wanting to achieve tons of various files to wanting to write my own files to doing self-hypno and achieving vastly different effects from the original ones I wanted. If YOU have a defined list of changes that you value as the most "important" ones, then you will be far better off.

Third, lock that list away and take a few weeks to a few months in order to complete some basic training. I wish there were some notable and specific files for people who were beginning hypno in order to get them to an advanced skillset without hitting all the sorts of typical roadblocks I see, but there aren't. There ARE, however, some files that most everyone who uses them has good things to say about them. Two of those are Bubble and Blank, available on this site. They both take you down into trance quite well, their respective authors are well known, then they give you an induction trigger to get you into trance quickly. After that, explore some of the other "training" files on this site. I can't name them individually, but I can say they're there. You'll figure out certain keywords to use in the searchbox when you're ready for those. Make sure you focus on one file at a time, give it one listen a day, daily, for a few weeks or at least several days after you're convinced it's fully solidified in it's effects. You should probably also listen to it weekly (or as necessary) after that in order to maintain the effects, files CAN wear off over time.

Some random tidbits of info:

Put all your files and inductions in an iTunes playlist. This will allow you to have them all in one place, and you can re-order the playlist as desired. This is helpful for if you have inductionless files, or raw bodies of files, so you can put an induction before those.

Be careful of people who want to hypnotize you in chatrooms. This really should be self-explanatory.

Don't get discouraged. This is the one area where I accept pseudo-scientific spiritualistic bullshit sayings like "Negative thoughts will hurt your world" or whatever. It's autosuggestion, if you get discouraged and doubt the process, you are essentially telling your subconscious to be less effective. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way.

Binaurals are great. So are metronomes (which I'm playing with a bit in my current batch of files) and isochronic tones. Find out what you like in this area, and get files with these sound effects. All of these have been shown to help the hypnosis process greatly.

Audacity is great and free. Get it, learn it, edit your files to your tastes with it. You can put in stuff like the stuff one line above, can edit out things you don't like, and if you get your hands on a script that isn't formally recorded, you can record yourself speaking the script.

The "Success Stories" section has lots of feedback on various files, often more-so than the comments section on each file. Search through that section for good reviews and feedback on each file.

Hopefully, I've given you enough info to help you, but not too much to scare you or overload you.

Oh, and as for actually listening to a file, you download it to your computer by clicking the title of the file. Once that's done, open iTunes and put it in your Library. The file should appear in your "downloads" section of your computer.
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Postby lew897 » July 5th, 2014, 2:29 am

I would also suggest sticking with one file until there are effects. If after a month Id make a remix of it with multiple voices playing at lower volumes. As well as the suggestions that you want to work playing over and over again. Even listening while doing other things can help. There is some debate as whether or not listening while you sleep is helpful. Even listening to subliminal messages at all. Mostly because its outside your awareness. I would suggest it full heartedly as I have seen results from the completely silent files to the ones that you can follow along with. If you do use subliminal messages I suggest only listening to one file as using more could just mess up the suggestions.
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Postby lew897 » July 14th, 2014, 12:14 am

As for the auto suggestion part, I do too agree as well. Basically its affirmations, and over time it should be effective. I would have to comment, be careful of what you say and talk to yourself. The main distinction is a statement like I am bad at this and I have been bad at this, is the latter doesn't stick it onto you. Your able to address the situation and not stick it back on you. You want to make comments sorta like they have happened before and that's it. Your aware of the problem but your not associating it with your psyche again with every statement you make.
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