Beta (sexual) programming?

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Beta (sexual) programming?

Postby toxicalhell » May 11th, 2014, 1:17 pm

Could someone please explain to me how could I get some files for beta programming, sexual programming, for me?
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Postby Endo » May 11th, 2014, 2:56 pm

Not sure what you mean by that. If you have a specific change or set of changes you'd like to make hypnotically, then "we" can put those into a file for you, should there not exist a file that contains those changes already.

If you are asking how to obtain those files, then click on the "files" tab on the left bar, and you can then narrow your selections from there, or you can use the search function contained on that page. Once you find a file you'd like, you can click the title, and the file will download to your computer.
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Postby lew897 » May 18th, 2014, 2:15 am

I think he wants beta and sexual stuff endo. which im not sure this site has because everything on here is PG. the worst one is getting addicted to My Little Pony!
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Postby HypnoKatie » August 29th, 2014, 8:41 am

lew897 wrote:the worst one is getting addicted to My Little Pony!

Woah, no bashing MLP! There's absolutely nothing wrong with MLP.

And "beta programming"? My guess is he's talking about this thing common in conspiracy theories, usually involving celebrities and programmed sex-kitten alters in their minds. In that case... I can't think of any file themed around it, which is actually kind of unfortunate since the whole Illuminati mind control angle is a bit of a turn-on for me and a lot of other hypnofetishists. >_> Though I'll also add that, in the theories (their real-world veracity or more likely lack thereof aside), it's not just hypnosis alone that's used. Drugging and torture, which are legitimately more effective ways to break someone's mind, are used in tandem with it.
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Postby lew897 » August 31st, 2014, 5:33 pm

Drugging and torture sounds like all the casinos Ive been to. As for beta its a level below alpha. Even lower than beta, is theta and even lower is somnambulism. To get to alpha, you can do just by focusing on your breath and counting backwards from 50. To get all the way to full dreams while awake is another story.
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Postby lew897 » August 31st, 2014, 5:43 pm

Just so you know, the Illuminati just wanted to bring the truth out that god didn't exist. So, I really don't understand why people believe they are controlling people. Its everywhere in our culture because a few of our fore fathers were against religion and anyone who spoke out against god was thrown in jail or killed. Kinda like a lot of the world is still today. Which is a part of why we succeeded from the Brits, freedom, liberty and justice.
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Postby lew897 » August 31st, 2014, 5:49 pm

Or so I hear... at this moment the government can tap all of our computers, create riots in peace marches, and steal peoples saveings with the Fed. It does feel like the more I learn the more the big government wants to keep control to only a few idiots.
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Postby lew897 » August 31st, 2014, 5:54 pm

Oh yeah, and our idiotic wars of nation building everywhere but America. Obama wont even admit that Putin is the second coming of Hitler.
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Postby HypnoKatie » August 31st, 2014, 7:24 pm

Not to get sidetracked into politics/history, but...

lew897 wrote:Just so you know, the Illuminati just wanted to bring the truth out that god didn't exist.

It's a lot more than that, and that's a pretty big misinterpretation of it too. Adam Weishaupt, the founder of it, was a deist. Not an atheist; outright atheism was extremely rare and treated as basically crazy until an alternative origin for man came into the public eye with Darwin. Weishaupt's conception of god was as a sort of hands-off divine craftsman who fashioned an orderly, measurable universe that it's up to us to discover.

It was really more about the monarchy, and the church that propped them up. What the historical Illuminati were was a group of, mostly, academics and writers who embraced the emerging Enlightenment theories of liberalism, secularism, etc. That their ideas and those of the merchant class (OMG BANKERS!!!!11) coincided aren't surprising at all, ideas like the divine right of kings rather than right to rule by wealth or merit was a threat to the merchant class' own advancement in society.

So, I really don't understand why people believe they are controlling people.

Ultimately it goes back to uber-right-wing royalist fearmongering from the late 1700s, but it was revived by groups like the fascists (the more elite factions of which, like Vittorio Emanuele and many of the older Prussian officers, longed for feudalism) with "Jews" of course being behind it all, and the John Birch Society during the Cold War with "communists" being their agents. The latter is the source of most of the American conspiracy community, including Alex Jones. So, basically, it started as just a political scapegoat that plays on ignorance, and some people adamantly believed it. And so the meme continues.

Which is a part of why we succeeded from the Brits, freedom, liberty and justice.

More because the British government favored their merchants over our merchants, and imposed taxes which we had to resort to smuggling to get around. Economic reasons were what drove Sam Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and their actions got the ball rolling.

lew897 wrote:Or so I hear... at this moment the government can tap all of our computers, create riots in peace marches, and steal peoples saveings with the Fed.

Which can all be summed up with one thing: your interests and theirs don't coincide. If leaders can get away with exploiting you, unfortunately, most will. And they'll pull out whatever stops they can to preserve that exploitation, including tapping phone calls (the NSA revelations), infiltrating opposition movements (COINTELPRO against the civil rights and peace movements and other stuff like that), etc.

It does feel like the more I learn the more the big government wants to keep control to only a few idiots.

Elites in any society want to keep control to themselves, that's how they keep their power. :p And in this case, we have to look at stuff like campaign finance, government contracts, banking loans, all kinds of other things that make our system of government basically held by corporate pursestrings.

lew897 wrote:Obama wont even admit that Putin is the second coming of Hitler.

Honestly, I can't see that he is. There are some similarities, sure; he rose to power promising order and security after a national humiliation and during a period of deep economic suffering, he's authoritarian and nationalistic. But he doesn't seem to have the burning populist hatred or genocidal imperialism that Hitler had; if he did it seems more like he'd try for all of Ukraine instead of cutting it short at the eastern provinces once his dwindling poll numbers were sufficiently drummed up.

Plus, his record before this has been exactly what I'd expect of some generic chauvinistic-but-smart Russian conservative. Appeals to nationalism to appeal to the anti-liberal and anti-imperialist sentiments common among Russians, while maintaining a pretty integrated role in the Western-dominated geopolitical/world trade system. Simply representing an alternative neoliberalism, one that wants Russia's oligarchy in charge rather than America's but that isn't willing to overturn the whole world geopolitical system (and thus the bedrock of their own power) to achieve that.

The system he's set up and sentiments he's lent legitimacy to have the potential to create a Russian Hitler in the near-future, with the people looking for a strong leader to step into the post-Putin vacuum. And I doubt Medvedev, basically his designated heir, has the gravitas to be that strong leader. But nothing Putin's done tells me he'd play that role himself. He seems much more like a Bismarck.
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Postby Endo » August 31st, 2014, 9:07 pm

Um, guys? This discussion REALLY DOESN'T belong here.
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Postby lew897 » September 1st, 2014, 5:55 am

Thanks for the non history lesson. I really don't know what your talking about, but I would like some time to check everything you've said so far. Which seems kinda stretched at first reading to be honest. As for Putin, I definitely see him as a dictator who has done everything except start a war which he has done. As for the polls, hes in control of the polls. Its a police state. I doubt Putins regime couldn't get away with anything since the world is literally watching this war as if nothing is happening as you've admitted but cast off as something people do on the weekends. As for a strong leader, huh that's understating it, what Putin says is law. Ive been deeply connected into Putin for the last decade and reading up on him since he first stepped in. Your view of him is much too gloss painted like the rest of the world. People are being murdered everyday by his regime, hes created a second KGB, and any judge will not rule against the police even with video evidence because that would be against Putin. Im with the opinion that Russia might experience another collapse with Putin leaveing.

The American Revolution, to me freedom is extremely tied to economic reasons. Of course, America then did go and have slaves. I would like to add that I am kinda new to the whole history thing as Ive only gotten interested in it about two years ago and even then I admit I still don't understand politics in any era. And it seems there is an ideology for just about anything.

Well, the original post was a few months back, Im sure hes long gone listening to some sexual file getting it up for dirty socks or long fingernails by now. I envy him. Hes probably the best subject to ever grace these forums.
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Postby lew897 » September 1st, 2014, 6:00 am

Also, I did answer the beta question.
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Postby lew897 » September 1st, 2014, 6:05 am

Also, hypno kate did in a weird way, and trying to explain to why its true. Although I disagree with it. If there is evidence for the Illuminati still being here I would have to accept it, except the very fabric of this country would all be Illuminatus if that were true. Which seems idiotic to me.
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Postby HypnoKatie » September 1st, 2014, 8:52 am

lew897 wrote:As for Putin, I definitely see him as a dictator who has done everything except start a war which he has done. As for the polls, hes in control of the polls. Its a police state.

United Russia is in control of the vote tallies, as made obvious by the probably-stolen 1996 election by Yeltsin. But talk to any Russian. Putin's regime was, for all its faults (and there are a ton), very popular until recently because it restored order and economic stability to a country which was in the 90s essentially run by the mafiya. It established a dictatorial regime to do this, but Russia has been a liberal state for only a little over 20 years. They don't usually see representative democracy as the be-all and end-all.

And as evidenced by the very fact that due to restored economic turmoil Putin's poll numbers were dropping very sharply (something a state-doctored poll wouldn't allow) before Russia got involved in Crimea and now Eastern Ukraine, no, the opinion polls are not controlled by the Russian government. They're operated by, mostly, the same companies that control them here. Gallup, AP, etc.

Also, dictator =/= Hitler. Generic right-wing authoritarianism and Nazism are two completely different kettles of fish, unless you believe the US is currently propping up Second Comings of Hitler in Turkey (Erdogan) and Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah) too. Unless their ideological underpinnings are explicitly based around xenophobia and/or racial hatred, and they start outright committing genocide, I can't see it as anything but trivializing the Holocaust.

As for a strong leader, huh that's understating it, what Putin says is law. Ive been deeply connected into Putin for the last decade and reading up on him since he first stepped in.

"Strong man" is the usual term in the social sciences for an autocratic leader who the state revolves around. Putin fits that.

Your view of him is much too gloss painted like the rest of the world.

I don't support Putin at all, and in fact I'd be happy if United Russia lost even if Zyuganov and the Communist Party (their main opposition) came out victorious instead.

I just don't think Putin is anything particularly special, and no more Hitler than any authoritarian ruler is. As with anything, his rule is what we could expect from the history/cultural conditions and material/economic conditions of Russia. Meaning, an autocratic leader (as they're traditionally accustomed to) who won popularity by restoring a semblance of order in the chaos following the USSR's collapse. And yes, that meant restoring a veneer of the USSR's system, though given his relationship to international capital and Western trade (i.e. suggesting a common market from Lisbon to Vladivostok) what that seems more like is just a veneer. He's still a neoliberal, and just a nationalist-conservative with vague longings for Russia's old empire. Russia's Bismarck.

Im with the opinion that Russia might experience another collapse with Putin leaveing.

There we agree, because the current Russian state revolves around the figure of Putin and Medvedev probably can't step into his shoes. But that's where people like Hitler come in. Not during a system where their country's power is sustained and growing.

Also, hypno kate did in a weird way, and trying to explain to why its true. Although I disagree with it. If there is evidence for the Illuminati still being here I would have to accept it, except the very fabric of this country would all be Illuminatus if that were true. Which seems idiotic to me.

Except I never said that. :roll: I think it's most likely true that the Illuminati haven't existed in any form since the early 1800s and explicitly said these theories mostly just exist as fearmongering from the far-right. First to back up royalism (the order and Enlightenment liberalism in general's actual enemies), then fascism in the 30s (with "the Jews!" tossed in), and ultraconservatism since the Cold War (with "the commies!" tossed in). The latter is what predominates today, as any peek at the usual political leanings and connections of the conspiracy community can show. Like Alex Jones' close relationship to the head of the John Birch Society.

But since the OP talked about "beta sexual programming," which is a mainstay of mind-control-themed conspiracy theories and which I've often seen talked about as a turn-on in the hypnofetish community (to the point where I've seen it speculated, probably rightly in my opinion, that the people who invent theories about this stuff are probably just hypnofetishists in denial), I had to assume that's what they were referring to.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » September 1st, 2014, 9:39 am

This Illuminati conversation is totally off topic for this thread and does NOT belong in this Forum. Please take your conversation to Idle Chatter if you have nothing to contribute to the original topic.
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Postby HypnoKatie » September 1st, 2014, 9:50 am

sfhole2stretch wrote:This Illuminati conversation is totally off topic for this thread and does NOT belong in this Forum. Please take your conversation to Idle Chatter if you have nothing to contribute to the original topic.

Yeah, feel free to delete any and/or all of that. It started with trying to interpret what the OP might mean, but then just... spiraled off. I kind of tried to bring it back around to that towards the end there, but only after a long response on Russia. :lol:
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Postby lew897 » September 1st, 2014, 10:49 am

The original topic sucked, and the guy left without a reply. Usually, its about one person saying hey why is no one commenting? Give me those comments. Come on, give them to me. Now, you want us to move to idle chatter, pssh Im more worth it than some idle chatter. I don't understand how people dont see beta programming is connected with the Illuminati?

Hypnok did say it was fear mongering, but I assumed you meant it was apart of the Illuminati code not an actual trick by the British :twisted: to use the Illuminati as a way to get what done exactly? In all honesty, you've peeked my interest in the Illuminati even more than before because I believe a godless world is full of reason which is why I said any Church ruled country has killed and locked away numerous people for a god. There would be no religion if you could reason with them. -House.

As for the Putin subject I hope you realize you just spewed the same post again. Why dont you repeat one more time in caps. Right-wing authoritarianism is characterized by obedience to authority, moral absolutism, racial and ethnic prejudice, and intolerance and punitiveness towards dissidents and deviants.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » September 1st, 2014, 10:52 am

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Postby HypnoKatie » September 1st, 2014, 11:03 am

lew897 wrote:The original topic sucked, and the guy left without a reply. Usually, its about one person saying hey why is no one commenting? Give me those comments. Come on, give them to me. Now, you want us to move to idle chatter, pssh Im more worth it than some idle chatter.

8O Uhm, no, it's clearly off-topic. The topic fits in the Idle Chatter section.

Hypnok did say it was fear mongering, but I assumed you meant it was apart of the Illuminati code not an actual trick by the British :twisted: to use the Illuminati as a way to get what done exactly?

It really has nothing to do with the British. The Illuminati were an Enlightenment-liberal anti-royalist society in Germany and France. Their detractors, early on, were mostly royalists who used supposed ideas of their continued existence as a scapegoat against revolts. Specifically, the liberal French Revolution and 1848 revolts in Prussia.

Later on, it was used by countries like Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as something supposedly "behind" their international opposition, and during the Cold War groups like the John Birch Society revived those theories as supposedly being the conspiracy behind communism.

In all honesty, you've peeked my interest in the Illuminati even more than before because I believe a godless world is full of reason which is why I said any Church ruled country has killed and locked away numerous people for a god. There would be no religion if you could reason with them. -House.

Any country has killed and locked away numerous people, having a god or no. Usually it first and foremost has more to do with material interests, preservation of wealth or power. Even the Crusades were more about that than anything.

But it still stands: Dan Brown's delusions aside, the original Illuminati had nothing to do with there being a god or a lack thereof. Most of their members, like most secularists pre-Darwin in general, were deists; Weishaupt, Goethe, etc. They were anti-Church, but that's because the church's idea of "the divine right of kings" was the backbone of the monarchy and feudalism and clerical edicts were a threat to freethinking. They were Enlightenment liberals.

As for the Putin subject I hope you realize you just spewed the same post again. Why dont you repeat one more time in caps. Right-wing authoritarianism is characterized by obedience to authority, moral absolutism, racial and ethnic prejudice, and intolerance and punitiveness towards dissidents and deviants.

Right-wing authoritarianism is characterized by a powerful and repressive state combined with a fixation on tradition, and in the present neoliberal system where "right-wing = capitalist," a market economy too. That's it. Neither Putin, nor Erdogan, nor Abdullah, nor Pinochet, nor Suharto was a Nazi. Horrific authoritarians, but not warranting a Hitler comparison.

Nazism is characterized by racial chauvinism and genocide as the very foundation of their ideology, a focus on mobilizing and reshaping society (making it in some ways anti-traditional), and anti-liberalism in the social and to some extent economic spheres (still preserving the market economy, but focusing on what they call "class collaboration). Putin's regime does not have any of that, just the usual agitprop of generic right-wing nationalists. Its propaganda focuses not on Russians as a "race," but on Russia's history as a Tsarist empire. Tradition-minded, stability-focused voters are its very support base. It retains the market economy mostly as-is, and though it's a very socially conservative government by Western standards, so is any conservative regime with near-absolute power.
Last edited by HypnoKatie on September 1st, 2014, 11:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby lew897 » September 1st, 2014, 11:07 am

I honestly wish people would communicate more but the current trend is that these guys can chat with them over there. Which is my main problem with these types of forums. They are great at focusing on a point but fall apart in bringing together a community because everyone is the next guys neck.

To stay in the discussion of sexual programming, an interesting way by Bandler is to visual what you like to see on a big screen tv, take whatever you like out of the area in your head that you see, and put in something new. The main reason there are so many negative hypnosis is because there is a few people out there who are so hypnotically easy to trance that their lives are changed after giving away their money to some file. Id like to see anyone comment back to me on that. Seriously, the only topics people seem to care on this site are how to get the dick hard for other dicks, or make your dick shorter, or your head dumber than a brick, or ruled by your dick. Which if you haven't noticed everything has already been done before, why doe people still think their dick is the only thing hypnotizable. The brain is incredibly powerful, we should focus on making a great file to train people to get past beta into theta and into full awake dreams. Which I tend to think now is mostly mindset versus pure file creation, as no file will fix your life. I believe you have to go with the flow of the file.
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Postby lew897 » September 2nd, 2014, 11:54 am

As for the Illuminati and Putin stuff please give references as to where I can learn more as I don't think your getting through as every time I just see the same post again. I said to use caps! I would also like some acknowledgement that the topic was only off with the Putin bid. I have a friend who says MJ was killed by the Illuminati because he didn't join them. I only started the conversation because I thought hypnok was also a nut. As before I am interested in any comments on hypnosis but doubt that there will be since everyone only wants a file given to them on their lap, through their speaker phones, free, hours later after its been written, want a file to break the spell, admit that in reality the file actually was by their free will and no file could ever do anything after clearly having had their brain break any will or resistance on the owner of the new set of panties. Basically more negative stuff. I also have been trying to troll most of you since no one ever comments past once every few months or give any positive feedback as they themselves give up and return back to their lives working a nine to five barely having energy for this little niche. Like seriously how many people do you think have only commented once or twice in ten years?
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Postby lew897 » September 2nd, 2014, 12:39 pm

Never mind looked up difference between hitler and putin. Was extremely shocked about the points between hitler and putin. Don't want to be gay in Russia.
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