Giving it a another shot. So far so good.

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Giving it a another shot. So far so good.

Postby Jal379 » May 8th, 2014, 4:32 am

Hey there dudes!

I have been interested in jock hypnosis for several years now, but have had little success so far. A few years ago, I went from a very overweight 330 to a more normal 190. I then got discouraged with my physical appearance and gave up on the strict diet and exercise I was doing at the time.

I gained about 30 lbs back and knew I had to do something about it before I was a fat fuck again. I've always been geeky and sedative and I know I have to make some changes. I'm ready to be a bro. I wouldn't mind keeping some of my geeky loves, but I also won't mind saying goodbye.

So, I recently started listening to several of Majorpixel's files including Muscle Dummy, Dumb Jock, and Muscle Imp Likes the Gym. While it has only been a couple days, I am already noticing subtle changes. rnrnFirst, I notice myself feeling dumber. My brain feels foggier and I have trouble remembering words. Not to mention I normally have a much cleaner writing style but can't seem to figure out what is wrong when I look at my writing.

I am finding myself more interested in watching and learning about sports. I am feeling an increased desire to workout and eat correctly, and I am horny as shit!

Majorpixel gets into your head quick

Since I am a sick pervert, I really love his hidden suggestions within the files. He suggests things like being addicted to muscle men, wanting to have sex with muscle men and more.

I do want to warn people, his files are not for the faint of heart. In Muscle Imp he does suggest that you will begin to use steroids. (I did spend a good portion of the night looking up roids online) but if you have a strong constitution and are willing to be a little fucked up, I suggest his files. They are really enjoyable to listen to

I also find myself wanting to listen to these files as often as possible. Great for the gym! I love getting all hypno'd and hard while watching the hot gym dudes work out next to me.

Hopefully, I will finally transform into the dumb muscle jock I want to be. Thanks Majorpixel!
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Postby rugbyjockca » May 11th, 2014, 6:16 am

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Major Pixel. I'd sleep loop for perverts to your playlist if you really want to feel him get deep into your head. It works well with his muscle series without conflicting with anything.

I'm looping his files right now while at the laundromat, half hard in my jeans (no one is around), and letting myself drift thinking about muscle. I found out that I might be getting a small financial windfall so I might be following the muscle imp suggestions soon myself....I did that last year and do not regret it. In fact last spring and summer when I was heavy into his files I had a real blast.
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Postby Jal379 » August 29th, 2014, 1:56 am

I just wanted to give a give an update to all you jocks and jock hopefuls out there!

I've switched to using Muscle Mesmerizer's Dumb Jock file and what a difference it's made! I feel myself becoming a bro, and it's awesome!

I love the fact that the dumbing down is within reason and largely up to your own interpretation. It really focuses on a change of interest for more dumb jock type stuff. I could give two shits less about the news or current events, but I love watching baseball, and I just signed up for my first fantasy football league.

More importantly, I'm eating healthier, I'm working out and I'm feeling more like a chill bro. All I want to do is workout, watch sports and simple shit on TV like cartoons, eat right and fuck.

I even got a friend to start going to the gym and I've been helping him start his weightloss journey. It's really awesome to have someone look up to me in that respect. Even though I have a shit ton more to learning, I'm soaking up everything I can.

I find myself wanting to wear more sports attire (just bought a Diamondbacks Jersey) and I'm flexing all the time. My muscles may be small, but I'm working on them and I can see gains.

Taking supplements, drinking protein and I feel better than I have in years!

I'm 216 right now and the goal for the next several years is to turn as much of my body fat percentage into hard muscle as possible, have a tummy tuck to remove excess skin from being a 335 pound fatass at one point in my life, and get as freakishly big as possible!!!

More then ever before, I'm ready to go full beast mode on this bitch!

I am a dumb jock, and it's awesome to be a dumb jock bros.
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Joined: December 14th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Jal379 » September 1st, 2014, 1:29 pm

Just wanted to give a quick update...

I've had several friends make comments recently about my change in behavior and my shift in interests to more jockish things. My best friend recently said that he felt like he was "losing me". I feel like I should be more bothered by this, but I couldn't really give less of a shit. In fact, it's kind of a turn on to be reminded that I'm slowly leaving my old life behind.

Due to some health issues, I am taking a break from my supplements, (nothing serious, just rather not try and put my body through too much while trying to heal) and will resume them when I'm operating at normal capacity again.

Haven't made it to the gym in the last few days due to a hectic schedule, but will be going today. I went to a labor day bbq yesterday and went a little overboard with the bad foods. I instantly regretted it. I'm learning my jock body/mind is just no longer a fan of such things. Or at least not in high quantities.

Did my first fantasy football draft yesterday. I think I came out ok. Didn't get the best running backs but I got a fairly solid QB pick with Peyton Manning (Let's hope he doesn't injure himself in the first game)

To those who have private messaged me in the last few days, I will be returning messages shortly.

Peace out bros.
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Joined: December 14th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby bro78 » September 1st, 2014, 7:25 pm

Sweet! Keep us posted! I've been listening to Muscle Jock off the Muscle Mesmerizer site myself for the last week or two. No real changes yet bro but I'm going to keep it up and see what happens!
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Postby Jal379 » September 1st, 2014, 11:55 pm

Seriously dude, I have experimented off and on with a butt ton of jock files... Most of them just ended up being jerk off material.

Keep trying and if that file doesn't work for you, try something different. I feel so good knowing that I'm finally having some success with something I've been wanting for a while.

I'm sick of being a weak nerd. I'm sick of overthinking things too much. I'm sick of not having confidence in myself. Transforming into a jock is helping me with all of that. And while I would have never thought before that I'd want to be a dumb bro, I realized I hated them so much because I envied them. So I just keep reminding myself that this is what I want, and it helps reinforce the hypno.

Bro78, be sure and keep us posted on your progress too.

I went as beast mode as I could tonight in the gym to work off the labor day calories. Gonna be sore tomorrow.
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Postby Jal379 » September 3rd, 2014, 1:00 am

I feel so excited about football season starting! I can't fucking wait! Been following a shit ton of news on ESPN and I'm so stoked for thursday to come and the season to start! I hope Seattle shoves those foam cheese heads up Green Bay's asses.

Also, going to another Diamondbacks game before the season ends on Sept 13th. Then if all goes according to plan, I will be visiting Fenway Park to see the Red Sox take on Tampa Bay on Sept 23rd.

In other news, I previously mentioned a friend who is letting me help him with his weight loss journey... I don't know why I felt weird about sharing his personal shit, but he is also doing jock hypnosis with me as well. He's always been a super flamboyant, beta gay man, and I can see changes in his personality. He's trying so hard to eat right and work out, and he's talking more and more like a bro. It's kinda fucking hot. While I previously had little attraction to him because of his personality, I have actually been finding his jockification super fucking hot. He's coming with me to the d-backs game on the 13th since he has been wanting to watch more sports too. It's awesome to have a hypno jock buddy.

I can't stop flexing. My muscles may be small, but they are growing and I can see it. At least they are bigger than they were before.

Need to figure out how to post some pictures on here.
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Joined: December 14th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby WatDo » September 3rd, 2014, 8:28 pm

Good to hear it, bro!

What files are you using? Also are there any files that helped you get to the point where you are now?
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Postby Jal379 » September 3rd, 2014, 11:48 pm

I've experimented with pretty much every file out there, but I'm currently using Muscle Mesmerizer's "Dumb Jock" file. It's really effective IMO. i'm becoming more and more of a dumb jock everyday, and I love it. I keep imagining what I am wanting to become and I find myself working so hard to be that dude. I'm eating as healthy as I can, I'm working out and trying to improve my form, and I'm getting stronger. It's fucking awesome!

The dumbness isn't too bad either. I'm not retarded... I can still function as a member of society, I just don't care about reading, or history, or math, or any kind of nerdy shit unless it has to do with sports or fitness. I still have some geeky interests, but I don't spend much time on them. TV shows I used to enjoy are boring me now (though that might also be shitty writing), I got a call from my comic book store telling me that I NEEDED to come pick up my comics as I had too many waiting for me. I do a podcast with 2 other dudes, about nerd culture and drinking. I find myself less interested in nerdy shit and I have less to say. Thankfully one of my cohosts is a pretty decent mix between nerd and jock, so we still have a lot to talk about. I can still be my old self if I try... but why would I want to do that when I can be a chill bro? People have taken notice, and I love it.

BTW... Tickets for Red Sox game on September 23rd have been secured. Grandstand behind home plate! I'm so fucking stoked!
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Postby WatDo » September 4th, 2014, 3:25 am

Glad to hear that! I'm in the same boat minus the sports. I use MMs Muscle Jock file and also tried musclehead. Maybe I should give the non-bodybuilder versions a try. But I'm not interested in sports and really don't wanna be.
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Postby rigsby » September 5th, 2014, 11:38 am

Jal379 wrote:I've had several friends make comments recently about my change in behavior and my shift in interests to more jockish things. My best friend recently said that he felt like he was "losing me". I feel like I should be more bothered by this, but I couldn't really give less of a shit. In fact, it's kind of a turn on to be reminded that I'm slowly leaving my old life behind.

Why not get your friend to listen to a jock file once a day for a month, and see what happens to him?

Peace out, bro!
Strong mind, strong body
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Postby Jal379 » September 16th, 2014, 7:57 pm

Dude, I would love to turn my best friend into a jock too, but it's not his thing.

Anyway, despite a slip up here and there still going to the gym. Lifting weights. Seeing improvements. My diet could be better but I keep it mostly healthy with high protein and low fats. Turning some of this fat to muscle.

Constantly thinking about sports. I've been playing fantasy football and I fucking love it! I'm constantly reading about players, watching clips, and watching as many games as I can. Been really digging on baseball more and more. I had so many dumb bro moments at the ball park the other day. I was loud and shouting and jumping up and down and shit. It was awesome. I have a baseball game on in the background right now as I'm typing this.

My friend who is doing this with me is coming along nicely too, and even though he is feminine as fuck (which is totally ok, just not my thing) I find myself becoming more and more attracted to him as he becomes more and more of a gym obsessed bro.

Haven't listened to the files as much, but I still do, but I find myself constantly telling myself... I am a dumb jock. And it's awesome bros. I just have to keep working on my shitty body so it can match the personality I'm becoming.
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Joined: December 14th, 2006, 1:00 am

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