Your Other Half: multiple personalites

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Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » July 1st, 2014, 12:43 am

I have just started listening to Your Other Half to add another personality to my body. Your Other Half seems to be what I want, which is basically another personality in my body, who will take over at times. We will share one body. I have always been fascinated by multiple personalities ever since I saw The Three Faces of Eve and Sybil.

I don't want what Eve or Sybil had, which were personalities that don't get along and/or were destructive of the shared body. I think of what I want as more of a group of friends who take turns running one body according to their various strengths/weaknesses. I believe the new DSM renames the syndrome Dissociative Identity Disorder. That, I think, should only apply if the personalities don't get along and at least one is destructive of the shared body.

I belong to LiveJournal -- -- where I have found at least one group dedicated to persons with multiple personalities -- -- who neither want nor need psychiatric help. I find their posts fascinating reading. The various personae all -- more or less -- get along and cooperate in running their shared body. I always have wanted to belong to that group, not as a lurker wannabe, but fully participating in and commenting on the experience.

I have been told of another file called Female Takeover also will establish another (female) personality in my body. However, the description and other threads devoted to Female Takeover make it sound extremely dangerous. The description says that the female personality eventually will take over and "I" become a voice in her head, being a totally passive observer. The possibility exists that "I" will totally vanish. That's not what I have in mind.

I will keep you informed concerning my/our progress. Meanwhile, if any of you want to contribute information or knowledge of other files that instill other cooperative personalities, please let me know.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on September 4th, 2014, 7:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Foxpaw » July 1st, 2014, 10:39 am

Willing creation of a second personality is something you should think long and hard about.

Part of my hypnosis efforts for the last while has been learning all I can about the creation, sustaining and etc of having a secondary personality. (or in many cases, more) I can say without a doubt this is VERY dangerous ground you're treading.

Due to how the mechanics of personality creation works, you can't create and control a personality fully, they, much like the most mind, will grow, learn, and change as time goes on. This of course leads to many personalities, especially those created as mere sexual objects, tend to turn against the host mind in some way shape or form.

And considering how vulnerable one's mind can be from the inside, it's no surprise many of these secondary personalities can cause a hell of a lot of damage.

Even ignoring the risks that it may very well be your secondary personality doesn't like you, consider also the ethics. You are, for all intents and purposes creating a second person inside your mind, unable to interact with people around it unless you want it to, or it takes control from you at times. Imagine someone creating you, simply to keep you inside a box that you can look and see out of, but not leave. Madness is a very real threat for a neglected personality.

As a final comment, yes, sometimes the two personalities (or more, again) do get along and both get enough "face" time to stay happy and sane. This is not something you can go back from, it is near permanent in nature and scope. You will be sharing your body with another person for the rest of your life, unless you find a way to destroy it, which is tantamount to murder.

Be VERY careful how you proceed with this and be sure you want this before doing it. Things like this are not a lark to be toyed with then discarded. They will come back and bite you.
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Postby danny1988 » July 1st, 2014, 10:44 am

I will be curious to see your progress I will admit :)
Hope it goes well for you and hopefully soon her :P

But I do agree with what Foxpaw said, its not a temporary thing this, I went into this knowing that it would be a permanent thing. Honestly I couldn't bring myself to destroying another personality I created anyways.

I would think and make sure you understand the risks fully before committing completely to the idea. There are a few ways to ensure it doesn't go wrong one good one involving a hypnotist who can guide you and help you come to a mutual understanding with each part of you.

Ensures you have backup and the tist can help you both.

Just keep an up to date journal then people can warn you if something seems off, better to be safe than sorry. But from looking at your posts I imagine your female side will be quite nice ^^ but what the subconscious thinks can be totally different entirely also.
Just be sure you are careful and don't rush into this for a temporary or quick fix for fun.

Best thing I found to help was sort of talk to myself and think what she would say, eventually she should have her own voice but it should help her along. Its some advice from a few hypnotists I was given.

Have fun and good luck :)
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Postby im_not_here » July 1st, 2014, 11:13 am

Be careful, is all I'm going to say. When I referenced Tulpae in the female takeover thread, I mentioned that part of the tulpa growth process is an identity crisis of sorts. Imagine being born without a body of your own, imagine knowing, instinctively, that you had a creator. Now imagine that this creator only made you because he thought the idea of you was "fascinating." I'm not sure how this file differs from traditional tulpae, or even if it does at all. All I'm saying is to be careful with this life you'll be making.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 2nd, 2014, 3:58 am

Be careful, is all I'm going to say.

Thank you for your concern, Danny, im_not_here, and Foxpaw. Having heard and understood the warning to Be careful from all of you, I plan to be extremely careful. The Your Other Half file has suggestions that the two of us will get along well and talk about any differences we have and come to an accommodation. I plan to be extremely cautious.

I think I've already met a bit of her. Either she hasn't picked a name, or, if she has, she hasn't revealed it to me yet. She seems quite nice.

I plan to report significant developments as they happen. Even if there are no significant developments, I plan to comment every few days.

There is only one tist in town listed in the Yellow Pages. I'm not sure if she would help with this. I might make an appointment after the July 4 weekend, describe what I'm doing, and ask her to watch over me/us. Already I'm not sure which pronoun -- singular or plural -- best describes me/us, which is an intriguing situation.
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Postby KIY » July 2nd, 2014, 6:42 am

A bit off topic, but this discussion reminds me about something I read in a book (I think its name was "The Holographic Universe" by ? Talbot-- now that I want to check the names I, of course, can't find it!) claiming people with certain mental illnesses age slower than normal folks. The only mental illness the author discussed was multiple personality disorder. It was part of the book's argument that the physical universe came from consciousness rather than the other way around.

I just find it an interesting possibility which I would like to see explored some more. There was quite a lot of things like that in the book.
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Postby danny1988 » July 2nd, 2014, 11:00 am

OxyFemboi wrote:Be careful, is all I'm going to say.

Thank you for your concern, Danny, im_not_here, and Foxpaw. Having heard and understood the warning to Be careful from all of you, I plan to be extremely careful. The Your Other Half file has suggestions that the two of us will get along well and talk about any differences we have and come to an accommodation. I plan to be extremely cautious.

I think I've already met a bit of her. Either she hasn't picked a name, or, if she has, she hasn't revealed it to me yet. She seems quite nice.

I plan to report significant developments as they happen. Even if there are no significant developments, I plan to comment every few days.

There is only one tist in town listed in the Yellow Pages. I'm not sure if she would help with this. I might make an appointment after the July 4 weekend, describe what I'm doing, and ask her to watch over me/us. Already I'm not sure which pronoun -- singular or plural -- best describes me/us, which is an intriguing situation.

Im glad you have listened to us and are being careful :)
Its a refreshing change for someone to actually take advice on here.
When I commissioned the file from EMG I specifically stated I wanted no domination to the file so I could share with her. I think he did that quite well as it does focus on how you two will interact together and work things out.

I look forward to reading your posts ^^
Generally professional hypnotherapists wouldn't normally advocate helping you with this sort of thing, but you may find one who is curious.
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Re: Your Other Half ... induced multiple personalites

Postby pczelda » July 2nd, 2014, 2:50 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:I have just started listening to Your Other Half to add another personality to my body. Your Other Half seems to be what I want, which is basically another personality in my body, who will take over at times. We will share one body. I have always been fascinated by multiple personalities ever since I saw The Three Faces of Eve and Sybil.

I don't want what Eve or Sybil had, which were personalities that don't get along and/or were destructive of the shared body. I think of what I want as more of a group of friends who take turns running one body according to their various strengths/weaknesses. I believe the new DSM renames the syndrome Dissociative Identity Disorder. That, I think, should only apply if the personalities don't get along and at least one is destructive of the shared body.

I belong to LiveJournal -- -- where I have found at least one group dedicated to persons with multiple personalities -- -- who neither want nor need psychiatric help. I find their posts fascinating reading. The various personae all -- more or less -- get along and cooperate in running their shared body. I always have wanted to belong to that group, not as a lurker wannabe, but fully participating in and commenting on the experience.

I have been told of another file called Female Takeover also will establish another (female) personality in my body. However, the description and other threads devoted to Female Takeover make it sound extremely dangerous. The description says that the female personality eventually will take over and "I" become a voice in her head, being a totally passive observer. The possibility exists that "I" will totally vanish. That's not what I have in mind.

I will keep you informed concerning my/our progress. Meanwhile, if any of you want to contribute information or knowledge of other files that instill other cooperative personalities, please let me know.

Sybil is a favorite of mine. And you didn't mention that another thing she had (that at least wouldn't be preferable to me) is she would black out and have memory lapses when other personalities were in control, as well as the other personalities seemed to "steal" personality traits from her main personality. And main reason I'm posting here is so I can be notified of when new posts are made in this thread, and to hear of your progress. Please let me know, also, if you have control over not, or when/how much, you black out, and about the personality traits thing, if you or anyone else thinks you're acting differently for any reason. I'd recommend you keeping on hand, or maybe even use, a file such as that she can use for when she's in control, in case she needed reinforcing of her mental image.

I haven't seen The Three Faces of Eve yet, maybe I should check that one out.

danny1988 wrote:Im glad you have listened to us and are being careful :)
Its a refreshing change for someone to actually take advice on here.
When I commissioned the file from EMG I specifically stated I wanted no domination to the file so I could share with her. I think he did that quite well as it does focus on how you two will interact together and work things out.

I look forward to reading your posts ^^
Generally professional hypnotherapists wouldn't normally advocate helping you with this sort of thing, but you may find one who is curious.

That's what I'm doing too, except in my case it's to fully prepare before I decide when or if I want to even try this out at all. So far there's just too many questions.

And yeah, I can't imagine a hypnotherapist being willing to help you develop what he may see as Multiple Personality Disorder/Disassociative Identity Disorder (MPD/DID) or an induced neurosis, especially if he has morals.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 3rd, 2014, 6:00 am

danny wrote:
Its a refreshing change for someone to actually take advice on here.
When I commissioned the file from EMG I specifically stated I wanted no domination to the file so I could share with her. I think he did that quite well as it does focus on how you two will interact together and work things out.

EMG did an excellent job accommodating your requests. Not only does the {b]Your Other Half[/b] file specify that the two of use will work together, it specifies that we will work things out ... and that we will share memories, so that there will be no "blackout" periods where I don't remember anything.

danny wrote:
... but you may find one who is curious.

I hope so. I want to do this with supervision but if I can't find someone who will, I plan to do it without supervision or possibly only with the supervision that this site affords.

pczelda wrote:
you didn't mention that another thing she had (that at least wouldn't be preferable to me) is she would black out and have memory lapses when other personalities were in control, as well as the other personalities seemed to "steal" personality traits from her main personality. And main reason I'm posting here is so I can be notified of when new posts are made in this thread, and to hear of your progress. Please let me know, also, if you have control over not, or when/how much, you black out, and about the personality traits thing, if you or anyone else thinks you're acting differently for any reason. I'd recommend you keeping on hand, or maybe even use, a file such as that she can use for when she's in control, in case she needed reinforcing of her mental image.

The file specifies that we share all memories. So there will hopefully be none of those pesky "blackout" periods. I'm not sure about the stealing of personality traits from each other. I never thought of that.

I took the COGIATI test. Information can be found at: I've been thinking for a few years that I may be trans. The scoring ranks from :
Score: -650 to -389, COGIATI classification ONE, STANDARD MALE
Score: -390 to -129, COGIATI classification TWO, FEMININE MALE
Score: -130 to +129, COGIATI classification THREE, ANDROGYNE
Score: +130 to +389,COGIATI classification FOUR, PROBABLE TRANSSEXUAL
Score: +390 to +650, COGIATI classification FIVE, TRANSSEXUAL

I just scored 470 (I have listened to the Your Other Half file for two days), which puts me in CATEGORY FIVE: TRANSSEXUAL When I took the same test about six months ago (after listening to Feminine Conditioning for a few months), I scored 290, which put me in CATEGORY FOUR: PROBABLE TRANSSEXUAL.

Neither of these two scores startled me or caused me any concern. In fact, I suspected this would be the case. I expected these scores.

There have been some questions raised concerning the accuracy of the test; it was developed by a non-psychiatrist (aka someone without credentials). However, it does conform to the latest in brain research and is constructed in a way similar to the MMPI and does incorporate other tests into it. A discussion of the accuracy of the test may be found here:

I plan to talk to my GP at my next appointment (early August) to ask him to recommend a therapist that I could talk to about this.

pczelda wrote:
I can't imagine a hypnotherapist being willing to help you develop what he may see as Multiple Personality Disorder/Disassociative Identity Disorder (MPD/DID) or an induced neurosis, especially if he has morals.

Neither can I, which is why I looked for files on WMM, which has all sorts of strange -- some of which are possibly immoral -- files. As one example, there are files here that will help you start smoking. Helping someone add and enjoy a fetish is not exactly what a normal hypnotist would do. But none of use is -- I detest this word -- "normal" or we wouldn't be here.

KIY wrote:
A bit off topic, but this discussion reminds me about something I read in a book (I think its name was "The Holographic Universe" by ? Talbot ... claiming people with certain mental illnesses age slower than normal folks. The only mental illness the author discussed was multiple personality disorder.

The book is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. A link to a free download from the Internet Archive is: I may get it. I'm fascinated by stuff like this.
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Postby KIY » July 3rd, 2014, 7:07 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
KIY wrote:
A bit off topic, but this discussion reminds me about something I read in a book (I think its name was "The Holographic Universe" by ? Talbot ... claiming people with certain mental illnesses age slower than normal folks. The only mental illness the author discussed was multiple personality disorder.

The book is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. A link to a free download from the Internet Archive is: I may get it. I'm fascinated by stuff like this.

Thanks. I've already read the book-- I bought a copy when the first Border's went out of business around here. Presently my view on whether physical reality arises from consciousness or consciousness from physical reality is "yes." They both come from the other. (Admittedly, a good portion of my reasoning is that reality seems to like being difficult that way.)

I would have checked on the title and author, but I am being evicted and everything around here is a mess.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 3rd, 2014, 8:20 am

KIY wrote:
Presently my view on whether physical reality arises from consciousness or consciousness from physical reality is "yes." They both come from the other. (Admittedly, a good portion of my reasoning is that reality seems to like being difficult that way.)

I would have checked on the title and author, but I am being evicted and everything around here is a mess.

Sympathy on your needing to move. I detest moving. Packing, moving, unpacking ... I detest it. There always seem to be boxes left over, including some with stuff I never bought. Once I unpacked a box with an electric orange juice squeezer; the only problem was that I had never bought -- or even heard of -- an electric orange juice squeezer.

I agree with your description of "reality". I've found reality to be much more malleable that even I believed. Considering that I believe reality is extremely malleable -- otherwise, how could I have shrunk three inches without any consequences? -- that's extremely malleable.

One hypothesis I've heard of is "Reality is a thought." Who or what is doing the thinking is left up to the imagination of the reader. If that is the case, we are left to hope whoever or whatever is doing the thinking does not have ADD/ADHD. If it's a computer, then prayers from believers of various stripes, spells of mages, and requests from pagans to various gods and goddesses are attempts to hack (modify) various subroutines from inside the program.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 14th, 2014, 4:41 am

We thought we'd write a synopsis of what has been happening in our lives.

Ox here. First, her name is Holly. She and I have been mostly agreeing on things. However, Holly wants me to stop smoking. I don't want to. Besides, it's not that much ... only a pack every three to four days.

Holly here. I want him to stop but Ox says that it's a pack every three or four days (five to seven cigarettes a day; not quite but I'll let him get away with that estimate.) It's still unhealthy. But as long as he keeps it within a reasonable amount, I won't bring it up again.

Holly here. We share the body fairly evenly. He takes over when there is a migraine or seizure, since he's been dealing with them since forever. I bought some nice Grasshoppers (shoes) on Tuesday. He got some sandals. He picked out some nice Alfred Dunner [I helped Mom pick her clothes, so I know the quality brands.-- Ox] pants.

Ox here. I've noticed a change in our taste buds. I taste more flavors and more subtle flavors.
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Postby danny1988 » July 14th, 2014, 5:28 am

OxyFemboi wrote:We thought we'd write a synopsis of what has been happening in our lives.

Ox here. First, her name is Holly. She and I have been mostly agreeing on things. However, Holly wants me to stop smoking. I don't want to. Besides, it's not that much ... only a pack every three to four days.

Holly here. I want him to stop but Ox says that it's a pack every three or four days (five to seven cigarettes a day; not quite but I'll let him get away with that estimate.) It's still unhealthy. But as long as he keeps it within a reasonable amount, I won't bring it up again.

Holly here. We share the body fairly evenly. He takes over when there is a migraine or seizure, since he's been dealing with them since forever. I bought some nice Grasshoppers (shoes) on Tuesday. He got some sandals. He picked out some nice Alfred Dunner [I helped Mom pick her clothes, so I know the quality brands.-- Ox] pants.

Ox here. I've noticed a change in our taste buds. I taste more flavors and more subtle flavors.

Heyas Ox and Holly ^^

Glad your both getting on, its nice to see.
I have to say I would agree with Holly on the smoking though, but I know it can be hard to quit not because ive smoked but my mum does and she has tried to quit many times.
That being said hypnosis can help you quit if you want it :)

What's it like for each of you when the other is in control im curious?
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Postby NeoSilver » July 14th, 2014, 9:57 am

OxyFemboi wrote:We thought we'd write a synopsis of what has been happening in our lives.

Ox here. First, her name is Holly. She and I have been mostly agreeing on things. However, Holly wants me to stop smoking. I don't want to. Besides, it's not that much ... only a pack every three to four days.

Holly here. I want him to stop but Ox says that it's a pack every three or four days (five to seven cigarettes a day; not quite but I'll let him get away with that estimate.) It's still unhealthy. But as long as he keeps it within a reasonable amount, I won't bring it up again.

Holly here. We share the body fairly evenly. He takes over when there is a migraine or seizure, since he's been dealing with them since forever. I bought some nice Grasshoppers (shoes) on Tuesday. He got some sandals. He picked out some nice Alfred Dunner [I helped Mom pick her clothes, so I know the quality brands.-- Ox] pants.

Ox here. I've noticed a change in our taste buds. I taste more flavors and more subtle flavors.

Hate to say it, Ox, but I have to back Holly here. You either need to cut back your smoking. , or at least switch to e-cigs so you're not also harming everyone within several feet of you. Just a suggestion. Not meaning to be rude or pry or anything.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you two.
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Postby pczelda » July 14th, 2014, 11:13 am

OxyFemboi wrote:We thought we'd write a synopsis of what has been happening in our lives.

Ox here. First, her name is Holly. She and I have been mostly agreeing on things. However, Holly wants me to stop smoking. I don't want to. Besides, it's not that much ... only a pack every three to four days.

Holly here. I want him to stop but Ox says that it's a pack every three or four days (five to seven cigarettes a day; not quite but I'll let him get away with that estimate.) It's still unhealthy. But as long as he keeps it within a reasonable amount, I won't bring it up again.

Holly here. We share the body fairly evenly. He takes over when there is a migraine or seizure, since he's been dealing with them since forever. I bought some nice Grasshoppers (shoes) on Tuesday. He got some sandals. He picked out some nice Alfred Dunner [I helped Mom pick her clothes, so I know the quality brands.-- Ox] pants.

Ox here. I've noticed a change in our taste buds. I taste more flavors and more subtle flavors.

Observation: Ox, maybe you mean "our life" since you both share the same body and mind, you both likely share the same life. It's also not like you can both do things independently of the other at the same time, even if one of you decided to black out for some reason while the other one was in control, both would still be there anyway, whether that was wanted or not; and if something fatal happened to the body you'd both die.

Friendly suggestion to Ox: Your smoking is affecting Holly's health too. You made her in your mind, thus you need to consider her needs here. You're not only smoking for yourself now, you're smoking for 2 people. Also, the smoking could affect your taste buds, she wouldn't want her food tastes to be dulled, so that's something additional to consider. Also, the smoke smell is very hard to wash out of clothes, it gets in everything in your home, and it stains the skin, and that's just the nicest of what smoking can do to you; I can't see Holly enjoying that.

To Holly: Hi! It's GREAT to meet you, please continue to reply here. Couple questions: Do you ever want to buy some nice girl clothes to wear, high heels and dresses, etc, or do you have a special agreement there with Ox? When you think of yourself and your mental image, if you were able to look into a mirror and see yourself instead of Ox, how would you look? Interested in hearing some of your thoughts.

To both of you: Please consider using different fonts and maybe even colors when you type here (at least for Holly, it'd be nice to tell which is you because your font could look pretty and feminine, for example). Also, I second the question about how you both are when the other is in control, and I'm eagerly waiting to see any updates.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 16th, 2014, 5:09 am

I just want to say "Thank you" for supporting my position on smoking. However, it is a hard habit to quit and Oxy doesn't smoke that much. As for affecting other people's health, he only smokes in our apartment and then only after a meal. It's not like he chain smokes.
Danny, I started to smoke when Mom was admitted to the nursing home. I was extremely stressed. I had to clean out her house while living in its extreme clutter. It took over a year. It was not quite as bad as those extreme clutter/hoarder shows depict (but it was close). I needed a release; otherwise I might have ended up in a psych ward. (I was on anti-depressants then.)
I agree. You have no idea how bad it was. His medications require liver tests; that rules liquor and most non-prescribed drugs out. I still don't like it, but knowing the background now, it's ... understandable. Up to six or seven cigarettes a day isn't too bad.

How's it like when the other is in control? Interesting. I can compare it to my petit mal seizures (aka "absence seizures"). During my petit mal seizures, I feel like my senses are at one end of a long tunnel and the brain at the other end. By the time my brain receives the information from my senses, processes it, and sends a response, something else is happening. It's not "absence" as much as a minutes-long processing and input/output lag.
This is somewhat similar. It's not a long processing lag -- there is no lag involved -- but have you ever been watching a horror film and had the desire to scream, "You idiot! You don't split away from the party to look for the cat!. You are soooooo dead!" Of course, neither of us try to scream at the other person or jog elbows unless it's to prevent a truly egregious mistake.

Actually, that's quite a vivid and accurate description. It is like watching a movie where you can predict the plot or dialogue ... and occasionally mumbling some improvements to the dialogue. Thanks. Any time.

Zelda, you asked about clothing. As far as that goes, both Oxy and I have similar tastes. Oxy is trans; he's already invested a bit in quite tasteful feminine clothes. They're a bit more on the androgynous side than totally femme. Oxy has the most marvelous collection of darling skirts, even if he isn't wearing them outside of the apartment yet! We do have to compromise a bit on shoes. He has larger feet than most women, so finding tasteful shoes that fit is a challenge. As I wrote I did find some quite dressy black Grasshoppers.
We tried to find sandals in lady's shoes but they are extremely rare in our size. The guy's sandals I chose were greyish with black accents, neither mannish nor femme, but rather neutral. And comfortable, which is a big plus. Pain for the sake of style is not a big selling point for me. Actually, it's a deal-breaker. I understand. I agree. Clothing must be comfortable or it shouldn't be bought. Shouldn't? Just "shouldn't?" All right. ... "or it won't be bought." Better? Much better. Thank you.

Actually, our clothing is probably going to be undergoing a radical change when I talk to my doctor about being trans. If he prescribes HRT and/or suggests a therapist both good ideas according to our research I will probably start dressing more femme -- and act more obviously femme.
Interestingly, one suggestion in the file states that I will be more femme that Oxy, so we are going to be either femme or extremely femme. We need some jewelry, earrings and bracelets and such. We need to get our ears pierced; I refuse to wear clip-on earrings and we need both ears pierced, not just one. Agreed. Could you do the make-up? We both need to learn, dear.

Intriguingly, after Holly and I started having conversations, food started having more flavor and I could taste more subtle flavors.

I really hope Holly likes science fiction and fantasy, though or we are going to have a problem.
A little less of the military SF, please? Ringo is a good writer, but ... why must everything be blown up, shot, or otherwise be violently destroyed? You want the major characters preaching pacifism to zombies? Survival is a necessity. When something is trying to shoot you, infect you, or eat you, there are a limited number of options available. Well, yeah. But books with a lower body count would be appreciated. Please, tell me: how do you write an apocalyptic novel (before, during, and after the end) without having most of the world's population dying? I have read paranormal romances that have high body counts. Most of those with plots of a werewolf or vampire falling in love with a mortal, for example.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on September 9th, 2014, 12:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Postby NeoSilver » July 16th, 2014, 8:12 am

Holly would probably enjoy David Brin's Uplift series of novels, the latter half of the Honor Harrington series (after it's moved past purely military scifi into a space opera), and you both would probably enjoy the webcomic Schlock Mercenary. Though on that last, it'd probably be better to buy the print collections rather than suffer the eye strain you'd get having to read the entire run on screen.
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Postby pczelda » July 16th, 2014, 11:43 am

OxyFemboi wrote:I just want to say "Thank you" for supporting my position on smoking. However, it is a hard habit to quit and Oxy doesn't smoke that much. As for affecting other people's health, he only smokes in our apartment and then only after a meal. It's not like he chain smokes. His medications require liver tests; that rules liquor and most non-prescribed drugs out. I still don't like it, but knowing the background now, it's ... understandable. Up to six or seven cigarettes a day isn't too bad.

I understand, but to be fair, 6 or 7 a day still sounds like a lot (then again I've never touched a cigarette in my life) and have heard how hard quitting/staying quit can be.

OxyFemboi wrote:Danny, I started to smoke when Mom was admitted to the nursing home. I was extremely stressed. I had to clean out her house while living in its extreme clutter. It took over a year. It was not quite as bad as those extreme clutter/hoarder shows depict (but it was close). I needed a release; otherwise I might have ended up in a psych ward. (I was on anti-depressants then.)

Sorry to hear about how hard your life has been. I hope things improve for you. :)

OxyFemboi wrote:Zelda, you asked about clothing. As far as that goes, both Oxy and I have similar tastes. Oxy is trans; he's already invested a bit in quite tasteful feminine clothes. They're a bit more on the androgynous side than totally femme. Oxy has the most marvelous collection of darling skirts, even if he isn't wearing them outside of the apartment yet! We do have to compromise a bit on shoes. He has larger feet than most women, so finding tasteful shoes that fit is a challenge. As I wrote I did find some quite dressy black Grasshoppers.

Ah you did mention Grasshoppers, but I guess you can chalk that down to me not knowing brands very well, so I probably misunderstood what you meant by grasshoppers here. (Actually what came to my mind was crocs lol) and hence I asked you what I did.

OxyFemboi wrote:Interestingly, one suggestion in the file states that I will be more femme that Oxy, so we are going to be either femme or extremely femme. We need some jewelry, earrings and bracelets and such. We need to get our ears pierced; I refuse to wear clip-on earrings and we need both ears pierced, not just one. Agreed. Could you do the make-up? We both need to learn, dear.

That IS interesting. I wonder how this would be for someone who is straight and doesn't have any [crossdressing] tendencies towards being femme at all. So Holly may start becoming ultra femme (high-pitched "Don't get mad get Glad!" female voice, lots of pink and purple in clothing, higher heels, red nail polish...) As a side-note though, if you [Holly] do decide to do that, be sure to research online first. There are not only sites for nice women's shoes sold in men's sizes, but also lots of sites warning about the dangers of high heels and how you can take measures against physical health problems developing due to their wear. You wouldn't want shorter tendons, hammertoes, bunions, ingrown toenails, pump bump, sprained/broken ankles, or any of the other conditions that develop from regular use, etc.

On a side-note: I recall earlier hearing that Ox takes over when there's a migraine or seizure. Please forgive me if this isn't my place to say, but could I offer a suggestion? He takes over for those things, maybe you [Holly] could take over for make-up? Seems like a compromise that could be made, then again I'm not in your situation so I can't speak for you two.

OxyFemboi wrote:Intriguingly, after Holly and I started having conversations, food started having more flavor and I could taste more subtle flavors.

You two seem to be getting along swimmingly, to use the expression. I'm very impressed by how nice this file sounds. Questions: how much do you [both] have to listen to the file before Holly is a permanent addition? We wouldn't want her to disappear because [you both] stopped listening too soon. Also, Ox, will you tell your family (assuming you have much family) about/introduce them to Holly, or is there some other arrangement there to keep her hidden at get-togethers? Assuming such arrangements can be made; I'm in close quarters with my family so me taking on an additional personality would be a difficult prospect at best, at this point in my life. Although Holly does seem quite lovely, I'm definitely interested in the prospect sometime of having a lovely female in my head.

OxyFemboi wrote:I really hope Holly likes science fiction and fantasy, though or we are going to have a problem. A little less of the military SF, please? Ringo is a good writer, but ... why must everything be blown up, shot, or otherwise be violently destroyed? You want the major characters preaching pacifism to zombies? Survival is a necessity. When something is trying to shoot you, infect you, or eat you, there are a limited number of options available. Well, yeah. But books with a lower body count would be appreciated. Please, tell me: how do you write an apocalyptic novel (before, during, and after the end) without having most of the world's population dying? I have read paranormal romances that have high body counts. Most of those with plots of a werewolf or vampire falling in love with a mortal, for example.

How about fantasy/detective novels? I've always loved the Sherlock Holmes series, great classics, maybe you could try those to take an edge off of the body count every so often for Holly's sake? Also, Harry Potter is a great book series.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 17th, 2014, 8:20 pm

I think this is mostly for you, dear.

Let's see. Where to start ...

I've been reading extensively since I was seven. I was born in 1950, so ... I've read a few hundred thousand books. No, that is not an exaggeration; I have more books than my public library. My collection was devastated once by a flood; it's recovered nicely, thanks. In every house I've ever rented or owned, I needed to reinforce the floor so my collection did not collapse into the floor below me. No, I am not kidding.

I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy; it's the major genre I read. I just got two boxes of books from the SFBC (two-plus feet worth of books; that's -- maybe -- three weeks worth or reading). It's just that this month's releases was mostly apocalypses. Next month it may be mad scientists or evil wizards or whatever. These things do tend to run in cycles, like all SF covers being one color because "nobody is putting out covers using ____. We should do that, our books would stand out." It never works.

I agree. Harry Potter is a good introduction to fantasy.

However, the Twilight series -- sorry -- reeks. The writing is not even worthy of freshman English. Twilght and its sequels are overpriced, horridly written, and under-edited. Every rule of writing is broken for no reason. The books are thick solely because of the large margins, the big type, and the repetition. No, I didn't buy them. A friend lent them to me so I could see what the fuss was about. I still don't know. The actors were cute, but is that enough to drive a book to megasellerdom? A book that thick should have taken me a day and had a few original ideas. It took maybe two hours to read and was unoriginal.

I know a lot about weightlifting and bodybuilding, so I know what to do to avoid leg problems. Mom needed a heel on her shoes or she -- literally -- couldn't walk. She even needed a heel on her slippers. I'm not going to fall into that trap. Thanks for the concern.

zelda wrote:
Ox, will you tell your family (assuming you have much family) about/introduce them to Holly, or is there some other arrangement there to keep her hidden at get-togethers?

Sigh There is no one to tell. Mom and Dad are dead. So are their parents, Mom's three brothers and Dad's two sisters. They were both the youngest and the only one of their sex in their family. My only brother (four years older) lives three thousand miles away and wants nothing to do with me; I don't know why. My brother told my parents when they were visiting one time (before I told Mom and Dad I was gay) that "You're welcome to visit any time as long as you don't bring (me)." There are no local first or second cousins.

The last time I saw my brother was at Mom's funeral in 2010. I suspect that he came to make sure she was dead ... and what he would get. (Answer: Nothing. My parents rewrote their interlocking wills to disinherit him when he told them I wasn't ever welcome in his house. They told him that.) That's the last time I heard from him. No phone call, no letter, no e-mail. Nothing.

zelda wrote:
Sorry to hear about how hard your life has been. I hope things improve for you. :-)

Thanks. My/our life has improved quite a lot lately.

zelda wrote:
how much do you [both] have to listen to the file before Holly is a permanent addition? We wouldn't want her to disappear because [you both] stopped listening too soon.

Don't worry. We're both listening to the file for a while longer. We both want to make sure I stay here, too. Thanks, honey. :*

zelda wrote:
Ox takes over when there's a migraine or seizure.

I take over for the migraines and seizures because I've coped with them for decades. I'm used to coping with them. I'd rather Holly didn't need to cope with them. If Holly can function while I'm coping with them, it's a win for both of us. If not, well ... Holly can calm me down afterward ... or care for me. Whatever.
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Postby pczelda » July 18th, 2014, 12:49 am

OxyFemboi wrote:I think this is mostly for you, dear.

O.O Please don't stop writing, Holly! I want to hear from you as much as Ox. :)

OxyFemboi wrote:I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy; it's the major genre I read.

Cool. I don't do as much reading as I'd like, but I do love books. I've been meaning to start reading Philip K. Dick and H.P. Lovecraft (I know, horror not fantasy or sci-fi; for horror I've also enjoyed reading Edgar Allen Poe's works)

OxyFemboi wrote:However, the Twilight series -- sorry -- reeks. The writing is not even worthy of freshman English. Twilght and its sequels are overpriced, horridly written, and under-edited. Every rule of writing is broken for no reason. The books are thick solely because of the large margins, the big type, and the repetition. No, I didn't buy them. A friend lent them to me so I could see what the fuss was about. I still don't know. The actors were cute, but is that enough to drive a book to megasellerdom? A book that thick should have taken me a day and had a few original ideas. It took maybe two hours to read and was unoriginal.

Lol I never mentioned Twilight. And when you mention how terrible the books are, this comes to mind about Stephen King, who also happens to be one of my favorite authors. I also love quite a few [traditional] vampire films, stuff like Interview with the Vampire, The Lost Boys, Nosferatu (1979 remake better than the 1922 original), Bram Stoker's Dracula, Stephen King's Salem's Lot, and the Underworld series, to name what I can think of for now, and so I'm not likely to get into a series about "fake" vampires who are distorted from their true legendary sense to be even more romantically appealing.

OxyFemboi wrote:Sigh There is no one to tell.

Oh heck I'm SO sorry. :( I appreciate what your parents did in the end to your brother though, not in a stick-it-to-him sense, but because of how you must have felt when they did that, based on how your brother acted towards you. Made no sense to me either, him being like that.

OxyFemboi wrote:Thanks for the concern.
Don't worry. We're both listening to the file for a while longer. We both want to make sure I stay here, too. Thanks, honey. :*


OxyFemboi wrote:I take over for the migraines and seizures because I've coped with them for decades. I'm used to coping with them. I'd rather Holly didn't need to cope with them. If Holly can function while I'm coping with them, it's a win for both of us. If not, well ... Holly can calm me down afterward ... or care for me. Whatever.

Yes, but I was saying more than just what you go through, Ox. Now I can understand if you two don't want to respond to my suggestion here in the thread. But whether you two go with it or not, reply in the thread about it or not, I hope I stated it in a way so as to convey no offense.
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Postby danny1988 » July 18th, 2014, 5:46 am

Heyas Ox and Holly :)

Glad to hear your still listening to make sure Holly stays around ^^
You both are lovely people and im glad your having fun with the file.

I am slightly tempted to listen myself again but I seem to be very hard to hypnotize :/ Im glad this file has worked for you both though :)
Maybe I have too many issues with the other file in the other thread it really did a number on me mentally and emotionally.

As for some scifi without action Holly, I find Fringe was a good balance and very interesting, bit like the xfiles. I loved that show :D
Also I have been watching a lot of Teen Wolf atm love the story in that there is so many plot twists and stuff ^^

But if you want something thats not always action Star Trek is a good bet :P Some episodes are action but its a lot more about the characters.

Hope your both having a lovely day, im currently enjoying the sunshine where I am ^^

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Postby pczelda » August 9th, 2014, 2:39 pm

Wow this thread has been quiet, it's been over 2 weeks.
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 9th, 2014, 10:44 pm

pczelda wrote:
Wow this thread has been quiet, it's been over 2 weeks.

Well, we -- both Holly and Ox -- have been sick. Or rather our body has been. High fever, coughing, just feeling miserable. Thankfully, one of our doctors -- the plastic surgeon -- didn't like the look of one of our (healing) non-lesions and prescribed an antibiotic. Apparently it's helping with the whatever-it-was we had.
[I suspect strep throat -- Ox]
[Whatever it was, we have been miserable -- Holly]
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Postby pczelda » August 10th, 2014, 2:48 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:Well, we -- both Holly and Ox -- have been sick. Or rather our body has been. High fever, coughing, just feeling miserable. Thankfully, one of our doctors -- the plastic surgeon -- didn't like the look of one of our (healing) non-lesions and prescribed an antibiotic. Apparently it's helping with the whatever-it-was we had.
[I suspect strep throat -- Ox]
[Whatever it was, we have been miserable -- Holly]

Oh no! Thanks for the update, and sorry to hear you both have been so sick. I hope you feel better soon!
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Postby Scarlett_S » August 27th, 2014, 12:06 am

I've been listening to this file for the better part of a week. I'm really really hard to hypnotize, but ever time I listen to this file I trance so hard I come out with no recollection of the file. I hadn't thought I had any effects yet, but I listened to the body on loop while I was working today and actually listened to it and I'm actually progressing nicely. No voice yet, no solid name yet, but I realized today that the influence gets stronger before any voice appears, and I'd say there's definite influence showing. Random wants to cross dress throughout the day, and in fact I made my first purchase the other night (socks, but socks have always been a big thing for me. Not a fetish, but I've always loved how soft they are and all that) and after trance last night, I emerged feeling... Odd. Kind of out of it, maybe? I don't really know. But it's progress, as far as I'm concerned, and I'm excited to see how it continues to appear.
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 28th, 2014, 4:32 pm

Scarlett wrote
No voice yet, no solid name yet, but I realized today that the influence gets stronger before any voice appears, and I'd say there's definite influence showing.

We look forward to her introduction.
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Postby danny1988 » August 28th, 2014, 4:52 pm

Good luck and im sure she will speak to you soon :)
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Postby Boopdoop » September 4th, 2014, 11:12 pm

Hey there, I'm kind of new here, not to the thread, but to really this whole website. Aaaand this file has really caught my interest. How do you think it would go for someone who is a near-complete loner and really just wants someone to talk to? Also, congrats to Oxy and Holly for their success with this, and thank you, because reading your posts have really bolstered my confidence on this. I'm going to be getting paid soon and i plan to grab this file, but i am afraid that it might go awry in some way. I guess I'm a pessimist.
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 7th, 2014, 2:47 am

boopdoop wrote:
Hey there, I'm kind of new here, not to the thread, but to really this whole website. Aaaand this file has really caught my interest. How do you think it would go for someone who is a near-complete loner and really just wants someone to talk to? Also, congrats to Oxy and Holly for their success with this, and thank you, because reading your posts have really bolstered my confidence on this. I'm going to be getting paid soon and i plan to grab this file, but i am afraid that it might go awry in some way. I guess I'm a pessimist.

First, we both want to say "Welcome!"

Yes, the file will work great for you. Holly is a great companion. We have lots of chats. Not many disagreements, though. She's great fun.

I hope it works as well for you as it did for us! We love each other's company and thoroughly enjoy each other and the various perspectives we get.

It won't go awry. It's designed not to go awry.

Both of us: Enjoy! You will enjoy the results. Muah!
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 7th, 2014, 5:13 am

There is a story behind this post that Oxy and Holly wrote in the File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges Forum.

Holly appeared when Oxy used the Your Other Half file. We were writing a PM to a friend who knew about the two of us. While Oxy and Holly were busy trying to think of how to phrase something, someone else wrote a paragraph using our fingers. Neither of us noticed the extra paragraph until our friend wrote back and said "Tell Yoshi I said 'Hi'." Then we re-read the last PM and saw the extra paragraph.

pczelda wrote
How did Yoshi appear?

Actually, we're not really sure how Yoshi came to be among us. We were reading some stories we had printed out from Choose Your Own Change -- One story -- The Rising Son by Chaoswolf -- was about a normal white guy who wanted to be a Japanese dude. (Most of the stories on cyoc are about other types of transformations -- male to female, female to male, human to other species (and genders), human to anthropomorphic animals (furries), human to mythical creatures such as satyrs and centaurs, etc -- so this story sort of stood out. He got his wish granted via a friendly magician. We both remember thinking that would be fun. [In fact, Ox thinks Asians are sexy.]

We went to bed shortly afterward and had strange dreams. We like anime, though it's hard to find on television around here, so that part wasn't strange; however, they were from a first person viewpoint and that was really weird.

Our best guess is that Your Other Half created a template for creating a new personality. Our guess is that our subconscious took advantage of our thinking "that -- being Japanese -- would be fun ... and damn, the dudes are extremely sexy" as either permission or a command to create Yoshi. Interestingly, that was not the name of the Japanese dude in the story; he was called Toshi. [Yoshi means "righteous dude" in Japanese.]

Now for some new information:

We were at the doctor's on Friday. Afterward, we did some shopping and walked to the nearest bus stop. That bus was very late, so we walked to another bus stop that gave us more chances for a bus; this bus stop services two routes. While waiting for the bus to come, Ox zoned out or went into a deep meditative state for something. I (Holly) was busy rejoicing over the cute blouses we found. So nobody was minding our body right then.

Well ... yeah. One of the buses that used that stop roared by. It was very behind schedule; I suspect it broke down, since it had been very late when we were waiting for the bus at the closer stop to where we were shopping. When it was ten minutes overdue, we walked to this bus stop that served two bus routes.

A bus zoomed past us without stopping. I never saw a bus go that fast. Ever. I became aware of it as it roared past, but didn't get alarmed. There was at least one other bus route that went past that bus stop and it wasn't due yet. I leaned back and sort of zoned out.

Ox won't do justice to this part of the story. He was totally out of it. His eyes were open but ... he was just taking everything in. It was a perfect warm autumn day; we were sitting on a comfortable bench in the shade with a slight breeze blowing. I was people-watching. Ox was ... relaxing. Think "sleeping with his eyes open".

I was watching this extremely sexy runner -- bald head, great tattoos, nicely muscled but not over-bodybuilder muscled, more like a sexy male model -- running by, his skin slick with sweat. I was looking at him and wishing I had a camera (or camera-phone) so I could post his pic on our Tumblr -- -- my, he was fine! Anyway, I wasn't thinking of a bus coming either.

So neither of us was minding the body. Suddenly, we found our body getting up, dig the change out of our pockets, and get on the bus. Our body paid the fare, sashayed our way back the aisle, and got a good set. Someone else was watching intently out of our eyes. I finally felt Ox start a travelogue.

Yes, I decided that the person in charge had to be Yoshi. I started pointing out some sights I thought he might be interested in. You know ... what you usually do when you're showing someone your home town for the first time. [This place is important to me because ...]

I said, "Hi, I'm Yoshi." Everything was just so ... new and fascinating! I looked at everything like it was new. Well, it was. I asked if I could keep being in charge for a while. It was so much FUN! When the bus stopped near our apartment building, I got off instead of getting off at the Transit Center where they usually get off. It was about a block less to walk and I could tell we were tiring.

It was such a great day, though! Beautiful. It was like that great song from Oliver! called Who will buy -- -- and I wanted someone to do that for me! It was so gorgeous!

We got home and then I undressed us. We had a snack and lay down for a while. It was an eventful day!

When we woke up, we actually got a change to talk to Yoshi. He's extremely shy. He wasn't sure if he'd be welcome, so he was hiding. We've since reassured him that he is more than welcome.

I have "owned up" to engendering the interest in Japanese. I know Ox will love doing Japanese calligraphy; he loves the "normal" calligraphy of various Romaji calligraphic alphabets. I'm sure he will love the elegance of Japan's Hiragama and Katakana syllabaries as well as the kanji.

I probably will enjoy it. I've looked at the letters -- well, syllables; Japanese uses syllables instead of letters. There are 48 letters (two very uncommon, rarely used any more) in each syllabary: the five (5) vowels (a,i,u,e,o) and one (1) consonant (n) appear alone; three (3) syllables are three letters -- tsu, shi, and chi; the rest (39) are two letters (a consonant followed by a vowel). They're elegant. A subtle mixture of curves with a few straight lines thrown in.

Yoshi seems to be a teenager. At least that's how he acts. Oh, gosh, gee, wowie, awesome, etc. We'll let you know more as well find out.

I like anime and manga, too! And I love yaoi and shonen-ai! (Look it up!)
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Postby danny1988 » September 7th, 2014, 5:35 am

Heyas Ox, Holly, Yoshi :)

Nice to hear from you all I look forward to talking more when I get back from wales ^^
It's really nice to see you talking more Yoshi and I too share your love of yaoi and shonen-ai :P

I do love the Japanese language and would love to learn it I find the language very beautiful too :)

Off to go get some food and hopefully some surfing in a little while xD

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Postby Boopdoop » September 7th, 2014, 7:51 am

Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting a reply so quickly but thank you all the more for it. I'm pretty set on doing this now, still a little nervous about this kind of thing but I'm gonna do it regardless whenever I can manage to afford it, which will hopefully be soon.

Thank you so much for the reassurance you have given me and I really hope it goes as well as it did for you two.
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 8th, 2014, 9:53 pm

boopdoop wrote
Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting a reply so quickly but thank you all the more for it. I'm pretty set on doing this now, still a little nervous about this kind of thing but I'm gonna do it regardless whenever I can manage to afford it, which will hopefully be soon.

Thank you so much for the reassurance you have given me and I really hope it goes as well as it did for you two.

I hope and pray that you have as good an experience as Holly and I have. I'm certain you will.
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Postby pczelda » September 13th, 2014, 10:27 am

OxyFemboi wrote:Our best guess is that Your Other Half created a template for creating a new personality. Our guess is that our subconscious took advantage of our thinking "that -- being Japanese -- would be fun ... and damn, the dudes are extremely sexy" as either permission or a command to create Yoshi. Interestingly, that was not the name of the Japanese dude in the story; he was called Toshi. [Yoshi means "righteous dude" in Japanese.]

Hmm I'm not sure I like this so much (not saying anything against Yoshi) it's just about the file, if I considered to try it out some day, I'd only want the 2 personalities total (myself and her) and I wouldn't want the file creating a third (or even more).

OxyFemboi wrote:I said, "Hi, I'm Yoshi." Everything was just so ... new and fascinating!

It's very nice meeting you too Yoshi, and I too share a love of anime and manga, so I'll have to check out your links. (And Oliver is one of my all-time favorite movies!) Are you familiar with The anime show The Irresponsible Captain Tylor and the manga/anime series Ranma 1/2? By the way I put a bold into your text color to make it easier to read.
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 13th, 2014, 10:46 pm

zelda wrote
I wouldn't want the file creating a third (or even more).

I don't think that the file created Yoshi. It just showed my mind how to do ti ... and when I was thinking about that so much ... it just happened. I don't mind; in fact, we like Yoshi.

zelda wrote
Are you familiar with The anime show The Irresponsible Captain Tylor and the manga/anime series Ranma 1/2?

I've seen a few of the Ranma 1/2 shows. It's next to impossible to find anime on television around here. The book store has some manga. That's why I want to (re)learn Japanese -- to read the manga without having to have a translation. I'll have to look on computer to download shows ... but time is limited right now ... and not sure if I can download shows using this computer.

zelda wrote
By the way I put a bold into your text color to make it easier to read.

That's a great idea! Thanks! :*
Last edited by OxyFemboi on September 18th, 2014, 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby pczelda » September 13th, 2014, 11:39 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:I don't think that the file created Yoshi. It just showed my mind how to do ti ... and when I was thinking about that so much ... it just happened. I don't mind; in fact, we like Yoshi.

Oh I wasn't trying to insinuate that you didn't, or shouldn't, like him. That wasn't the point in me saying that at all, just that me, personally, I wouldn't want to end up with multiple personalities. And unlike your journey, I have no desire to become female, so if I got a 2nd female personality, (and maybe even gifted her with a trigger so we could see ourself as female when she's in control, if possible), I wouldn't have need of another male personality to balance anything, and wouldn't want my brain suddenly creating a third (of any gender really) just because I may have been thinking 'Hmm I wonder how that'd be...' It had nothing to do with Yoshi personally.

OxyFemboi wrote:I've seen a few of the Ranma 1/2 shows. It's next to impossible to find anime on television around here. Teh book store has some manga. That's why I want to (re)learn Japanese -- to read the manga without having to have a translation. I'll have to look on computer to download shows ... but time is limited right now ... and not sure if I can download shows using this computer.

That's a great idea! Thanks! :*

Well I've been collecting them when I can. I own the first 14 manga graphic novels of Ranma 1/2 and the first season of the TV series. The Irresponsible Captain Tylor I own both series, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor and The Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA (the OVA is the 2nd, and only watch it if you love the first, but the first is highly recommended) and you should be able to watch the series (or at least the first episode to give you an idea of it) on Youtube. It's pretty easy to find these to buy in the US (and you don't need to know Japanese for them), but I don't know how the money situation exactly is with Ox etc, so you'd have to take that into account, maybe, because collecting these could take a fair amount of money.

It's np at all! I hope you're fully coming out to Ox and Holly by now. :)
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 20th, 2014, 1:05 am

Yoshi is doing most of the writing because we used another file to permanently (well sorta, kinda) change my -- Ox -- name/identity to Yoshi. This might give him enough stability so he won't vanish. I plan to do the same for Holly. It was and is my idea; we've taken precautions so Yoshi won't be dominant for more than this week or so.

zelda wrote
... just that me, personally, I wouldn't want to end up with multiple personalities.

Well, it's something Oxy had been imagining and/or fantasizing about for decades, so he loves the idea of us in here with him. He did download and listen to the file of his own free will. That I showed up unexpectedly was a bit of a surprise, but they took it well.

zelda wrote
I wouldn't have need of another male personality to balance anything, and wouldn't want my brain suddenly creating a third (of any gender really) just because I may have been thinking 'Hmm I wonder how that'd be...' It had nothing to do with Yoshi personally.

Yeah, I see. Well, there's Holly (very female, Ox (basically a 50-50 neuter right now but moving toward femme and moving away from male), and me (I'm male -- I'm definitely not macho; I'm more of a nerd ... I love being a male me, though, unlike Ox and I love my/our dangling bits). It will eventually be two-and-one, so we need to think of balance. Don't blame me; that's how Ox thinks. He's very Libra in some ways. He's taken the idea of Conservation of Matter and Energy and extended the idea way beyond whatever data can support. Conservation of masculine/feminine balance (think yin/yang) ... yeah, Ox thinks like that; the idea appeals to him/her/us. Pronouns are hard -- Holly likes she; Ox uses they; I prefer he ... that's one vote for each; we need a tiebreaker. I can see Ox's point; I just don't agree with it. -- and singular/plural is just as weird and fucked-up.

I really don't know where I came from. His brain creating me is solely Ox's speculation. Ox does his best to label speculation as speculation. He started each sentence of my possible creation as "Our best guess is ..." I could have been here all along and just happened out right then. Yeah, that stretches coincidence way out of shape, and "synchronicity" is just as bad. That leaves cause-and-effect, which is Ox's reasoning ... but "I don't know." works for me. [Ox defines "god" as the [b]Uncaused Cause"
. *shrug*][/b]

zelda wrote
I've been collecting them when I can ... collecting these could take a fair amount of money.

Well, think of how long you've been doing it and think of how much money you've invested. Nobody is going to be able to match that in a short time. Nobody here is related to the Koch brothers. (Ox follows politics; gods, does he follow politics!)

Actually, there is a fair chance that we're like fifth or sixth cousins. My great-great-grandfather's brother, Henry Glitsch (Heinrich Glitsch, later Henry Glitch for that branch of the family tree,was born in Germany and immigrated to the USA at the ripe old age of one) of Landenhausen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany (near Fulda) founded the firm the Koch brothers now own, so if they married into the family to acquire the firm, it's possible. The data on that branch is skimpy the last generation or two. [Ox is the family genealogist.] But, no, we aren't about to write them to ask for money. Though I will not turn down an extra ten thousand or so .... Send donations to my PayPal account. PM me/us for details. :-D

zelda wrote hope you're fully coming out to Ox and Holly by now.

Yeah, I didn't want to spring myself on them since I knew I was a surprise. I wasn't sure of his/her/their reaction, so I introduced myself gradually. I'm fully out now.

One of Ox's friends had a Jock personality established in him by a former Master to protect him from tists who would take advantage of him as well as making sure that the Master would have all the information He needed. Eventually that Master tried to take advantage of him, so Jock Boy got Ox's friend out of that relationship. When Ox's friend later got involved with that tist again, the tist tried to delete Jock Boy. It didn't work, even though he tried really fucking hard ... so maybe, just maybe, Holly and I might be here permanently. I love that idea!!!!!
Yea! Kewl! I love not having to be responsible all the time! Sometimes it's relaxing to let someone else take over and deal with the boring, mundane shit of real life ... like balancing the checkbook.
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Postby pczelda » September 20th, 2014, 10:57 am

OxyFemboi wrote:Yoshi is doing most of the writing because we used another file to permanently (well sorta, kinda) change my -- Ox -- name/identity to Yoshi. This might give him enough stability so he won't vanish. I plan to do the same for Holly. It was and is my idea; we've taken precautions so Yoshi won't be dominant for more than this week or so.

Great, keep me posted. :)

OxyFemboi wrote:Well, it's something Oxy had been imagining and/or fantasizing about for decades, so he loves the idea of us in here with him. He did download and listen to the file of his own free will. That I showed up unexpectedly was a bit of a surprise, but they took it well.

Ok so I'd likely be safe since I wouldn't want it to happen, the file wouldn't make or help it happen.

OxyFemboi wrote:It will eventually be two-and-one, so we need to think of balance. Don't blame me; that's how Ox thinks.

Hey don't worry, I'm not blaming anyone for that. Balance is important, it's how everything works in our world, science and mathematics included, and the mind is so complex that this could be just the thing to keep out madness, so I think it's very sensible to think of proper balance. (This is assuming of course that multiple personalities isn't madness in itself-- that's probably up to personal opinion.)

OxyFemboi wrote:Pronouns are hard -- Holly likes she; Ox uses they; I prefer he ... that's one vote for each; we need a tiebreaker. I can see Ox's point; I just don't agree with it. -- and singular/plural is just as weird and fucked-up.

Understood. Mixing singular and plural can be very confusing to an intelligent mind. And it could take you 3 (or 4, later) a long time to come to a middle-ground agreement.

OxyFemboi wrote:Yeah, that stretches coincidence way out of shape, and "synchronicity" is just as bad. That leaves cause-and-effect, which is Ox's reasoning ... but "I don't know." works for me. [Ox defines "god" as the Uncaused Cause". *shrug*]

Eh I don't believe in coincidence, or luck even. Now synchronicity is a deeper subject, I hadn't really given much thought into that.

OxyFemboi wrote:Well, think of how long you've been doing it and think of how much money you've invested. Nobody is going to be able to match that in a short time. Nobody here is related to the Koch brothers. (Ox follows politics; gods, does he follow politics!)

I wasn't talking about a major fortune, I don't have thousands of $ lol, volumes 1-14 of the Ranma 1/2 novel cost me around $6-$10 each maybe, and then there's a few anime series. My copies of The Irresponsible Captain Tylor and The Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA (if you can still find them online) run more expensive since they're Ultimate Collector's Editions, with very nice thick telescoping boxes and included bonuses, but not even those would be more than a couple hundred. I was just saying that you wouldn't want to suddenly surprise Ox by spending several hundred, if he had that much.

OxyFemboi wrote:Actually, there is a fair chance that we're like fifth or sixth cousins. My great-great-grandfather's brother, Henry Glitsch (Heinrich Glitsch, later Henry Glitch for that branch of the family tree,was born in Germany and immigrated to the USA at the ripe old age of one) of Landenhausen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany (near Fulda) founded the firm the Koch brothers now own, so if they married into the family to acquire the firm, it's possible. The data on that branch is skimpy the last generation or two. [Ox is the family genealogist.] But, no, we aren't about to write them to ask for money. Though I will not turn down an extra ten thousand or so .... Send donations to my PayPal account. PM me/us for details. :-D

Wait... where'd the genealogy come from? Does this have something to do with not having that much in money? And I wish I did have money like that to make donations lol.
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Postby OxyFemboi » September 21st, 2014, 11:25 am

zelda wrote
Ok so I'd likely be safe since I wouldn't want it to happen, the file wouldn't make or help it happen.

Well, that depends. Considering that the Curse Forced Gay file is one of the most ongoing of the Success Story threads at 100+ pages (and still going strong). you can't say that all of those people who listened wanted to be turned gay. In fact, one of the latest posts -- by Str41ght , page 106-- which says Not really the sort of content you go searching the web for but after reading the success stories I feel a need to see if it is true. Kind of like a double dare. I am not gay or bi. Just your regular old horny pleasure seeker. Can't see any harm in listening just once to satisfy my curiosity. I'd be willing to bet that, if he does listen, he ends up gay.

I remember reading the entire 100+ pages: there are a lot of dudes who listened because "I'm only doing this as a dare" and "My gf asked me to listen to this"... or whatever.

It may take a little longer if you listened to Your Other Half than it did for Holly and me but you would eventually get another personality in your head. You wouldn't necessarily be as happy about it as Holly and Ox and I are ... but it would happen.

I only listen to hypnosis files where I want the effect. That way, the only time I'm disappointed is when it doesn't work. I'm not trying to figure out how to incorporate an -- "Holy shit, it worked! I am so screwed!" -- unwanted effect into my fucked-up life.

zelda wrote
Eh I don't believe in coincidence, or luck even. Now synchronicity is a deeper subject, I hadn't really given much thought into that.

Synchronicity -- according to WikiPedia -- is the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally related. The subject sees it as a meaningful coincidence. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung.

zelda wrote
I wasn't talking about a major fortune

Well, it's still going to be a major investment. We'll rely on YouTube for now, at least until we decide which anime we want to buy. DeathNote is fun.

zelda wrote:[/b]
Wait... where'd the genealogy come from?

Well, Yoshi wrote Nobody here is related to the Koch brothers. Ox jumped in with a correction since Ox might be related on his mother's mother's mother's father's father's side. Sorry. He should have just edited that out. It is six generations back. In fact, Ox's Mom referred to those very distant relationships as "genealogical cousins": something only a genealogist would get excited about. You share one-sixty-fourth of your genes? Oh, wow ....

zelda wrote
I wish I did have money like that to make donations lol.

Yeah, us too!
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Postby pczelda » September 21st, 2014, 3:21 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:Well, it's still going to be a major investment. We'll rely on YouTube for now, at least until we decide which anime we want to buy. DeathNote is fun.

Agreed, DeathNote is great. I'd love to collect that manga series sometime (It's only 10 volumes) and while the anime is good, I prefer the live-action movies: Death Note, Death Note II: The Last Name. And then Death Note: L Change the World was neat because it was totally new, never before covered in the manga, and details what L did at the end. (Even though it had little else to do with Death Note; it didn't have the whole battle of wits aspect that makes the main series so fascinating.)
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Postby Ardea » September 27th, 2014, 5:44 pm

Interesting thread. Me coming from a more dominant hyp perspective. Ive been working on some things of my own. But I have to say that... I need a new microphone. HA!

Reading this has given me some ideas as to a new direction I would like to go in. Not nearly as kinky- if any- or destructive. If your subconscious mind is like 90% of your brains processing power then... I want to use it to my advantage.

A personality that is always under my control and that in its case, takes pleasure in persuing my goals in life whatever they may be. Id like to think of a personality that I can call-upon at any time to solve any problem.

Lets say you read a book. Most people understand and can remember the Beginning; how it started, the climax and the ending. Lets say you wanted to remember more... such as small minute details of the characters or settings.
Things you would not consciously remember. This is where you could say "hey____" in your minds eye and call upon your subconscious personality and get the answer you need. After all your subconscious is always- always paying attention.

Need to Ace a test and only studied once? Call upon your subconscious personality in the present moment. After all he/she knows all the answers.

Its like those crazy stories you hear, how on rare occasion someone hears a guitar solo. And then sits down with the guitar and plays it perfectly- Even if that person has never touched a musical instrument in his life.

Theirs one other example that was in the news recently...
A man was in a coma and woke up speaking perfectly-perfectly fluent Chinese (I think it was) language. His primary language was English. He took a couple classes in Chinese but never practiced... and that was 5 or 10 years before the coma.

To be honest... creating personalities even one with counter goals as yourself is extremely counter-productive. Your subconscious will always win right? Why not make it work for your goals?

Instead of you being the little boat vs the cruise ship... be the rudder on the cruise ship and take your subconscious mind consciously by the reigns.

Have any of you seen Sherlock? I believe the main character is just like us except he is able to harness extraordinary power of detail and thinking. Making the subconscious mind enter the present moment at will.

This is what you are doing in this hypno session right? Except giving extreme free will to the subconscious mind and throwing the reigns away.

Something I will be experimenting with!

Thanks for the idea!


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Postby OxyFemboi » September 27th, 2014, 8:26 pm

Ardea wrote
To be honest... creating personalities even one with counter goals as yourself is extremely counter-productive. Your subconscious will always win right? Why not make it work for your goals?

Instead of you being the little boat vs the cruise ship... be the rudder on the cruise ship and take your subconscious mind consciously by the reigns.

Have any of you seen Sherlock? I believe the main character is just like us except he is able to harness extraordinary power of detail and thinking. Making the subconscious mind enter the present moment at will.

This is what you are doing in this hypno session right? Except giving extreme free will to the subconscious mind and throwing the reigns away.

Something I will be experimenting with!

Thanks for the idea!

You're quite welcome. Let us know how (and who) the idea develops, its success or failure, and any other details we may find pertinent.

Some of what you term "throwing the reins away" has been quite valuable. There have been parts of both Holly and Yoshi that were part of Ox's personality that had been abandoned years (even decades) ago such as the Sense of Wonder Yoshi has at all the "new" stuff he encounters. Ox would never have thought of using that as part of a new personality. However, it got used and is quite valued now. Yoshi's astonishment at some things, as well as the innocent questions he asks -- like "why not this way?" -- are revealing in finding new ways to do things and refreshing in their simplicity.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on September 29th, 2014, 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ardea » September 27th, 2014, 9:27 pm

So what your saying Oxy is that you have re-discovered parts of yourself that you lost?

I can see that...

Its like playing your first video-game (for me it was MMO) and your just so blown-away by the stimuli. Its awesome but then you sort of loose it. You play new games but don't have the same feeling.


Id have to say that what I want to do, I think will be very powerful... granted im fumbling in the dark until I get the right combo of words and suggestions to make it happen.

I forget who said it and exactly how it goes.

Something like "if you give it a name, you make it real..."

Im a bit bummed by the track costing $$. Albeit I want to use it as a template or what suggestions EMG uses so that I can take that and make my own flavor.

For now its just notes on paper what I want to add and such. Clauses at to the personality gaining control over your body if you were going to make a bad decision- like drinking and driving (your not thinking strait anyway) or getting into a bad confrontation and your able to think clearly and go kung-fu on the dudes ass. lol All speculative- im going out on a limb on that one.

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Postby OxyFemboi » September 29th, 2014, 6:01 pm

Ardea wrote
So what your saying Oxy is that you have re-discovered parts of yourself that you lost?

I can see that...

Its like playing your first video-game (for me it was MMO) and your just so blown-away by the stimuli. Its awesome but then you sort of loose it. You play new games but don't have the same feeling.

Yeah, sort of like that ... I remember when I thought the world was a big new toy just waiting for me to shake it, find out how it worked, improve it ... al that good stuff. Yoshi is still like that. I hope he never loses that sense of wonder! It's not quite "Oooooh, shiny!" OCD-like ... but close! Was I ever that excited? Hard to imagine, but damn, it's wonderful ... and embarrassing, too!]

Ardea wrote
I forget who said it and exactly how it goes.

Something like "if you give it a name, you make it real..."

I hope you can find who said that quote. I might enjoy reading where it came from.

According to friends with experience using hypnosis programs, it's next to impossible to get rid of a hypnosis file's effects. So ... Holly and Yoshi aren't going to go anywhere any time soon. *Whew*

Ardea wrote
Im a bit bummed by the track costing $$

You don't need the file, you need a script. Unfortunately, there is no script listed. Maybe I can transcribe it.

Ardea wrote
I want to use it as a template or what suggestions EMG uses so that I can take that and make my own flavor.

For now its just notes on paper what I want to add and such. Clauses at to the personality gaining control over your body if you were going to make a bad decision- like drinking and driving (your not thinking strait anyway) or getting into a bad confrontation and your able to think clearly and go kung-fu on the dudes ass. lol All speculative- im going out on a limb on that one.

Well, when you get the script done, we will be available to beta-test it. I'm sure there are a few others who are willing to volunteer as well. You don't want your new personality to be too much like you. What's the point?
Last edited by OxyFemboi on September 29th, 2014, 8:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Ardea » September 29th, 2014, 7:57 pm

well for me im not to concerned on how this Alias or "Proxy Personality" as Zafari put it is on a personality scale. I want to give the power to the subconscious part of my mind to create ONE personality or drone(I don't know at this point) that my SC (subconscious) gets to choose the guy/girl and the name. The SC needs to come up with a name by itself so that I can do a mental "conversation" and know who im talking to.

Personality for me implies difference of goals and such which creates a push-pull tension. Im not super against but my "must-haves" are that the SC personality or proxy always listens to my commands/requests, always has itself aligned with my goals and provides a wall to prevent accumulation of bad beliefs.

You may find this far fetched. But my other goal is that this for me is a science experiment. If I want a new powerful belief, I dont want it to take 21 days (most things to learn take about 21 times or 21 days- driving a manual car and such etc. etc. etc.). If I have some knowledge about the subject (if I saw a person drive a manual car example) then I want to call upon this proxy and hopefully advance my learning ten-fold.

Again what I am suggesting has never been done by my knowledge. So it could be really awesome or kind of not-as-cool... although having a proxy personality to access my subconscious- which WE cannot do... while conscious would be cool to... well fix some things on-the-go.

You got me in the zone...

Im going to write some more on my notebooks...!!!
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 1st, 2014, 12:56 am

Ardea wrote
well for me im not to concerned on how this Alias or "Proxy Personality" as Zafari put it is on a personality scale. I want to give the power to the subconscious part of my mind to create ONE personality or drone(I don't know at this point) that my SC (subconscious) gets to choose the guy/girl and the name. The SC needs to come up with a name by itself so that I can do a mental "conversation" and know who im talking to.

A "Proxy Personality" to me is more than a drone -- I'm thinking of a radio-controlled airplane when I hear drone nowadays; I blame the Pentagon for that image -- rather it's something or someone to whom I can give directions -- I want this to happen -- and he/she will decide how to implement that desire. In other words, I give the desired end -- with stipulations that some areas are not to be changed; strengthened, perhaps, but not weakened or eliminated -- and the Proxy uses its intelligence to decide how to implement.

Ardea wrote
Personality for me implies difference of goals and such which creates a push-pull tension. Im not super against but my "must-haves" are that the SC personality or proxy always listens to my commands/requests, always has itself aligned with my goals and provides a wall to prevent accumulation of bad beliefs.

Yes, the three of us (so far) -- Holly, Yoshi, and Ox -- have different motives and goals, and sometimes that creates tensions. We talk about major problems. We discuss things one of us wants to do that will take a major commitment of resources -- usually time or money -- to accomplish. Since we all need certain things -- food, shelter, clothing, the usual suspects -- we budget for these first, wants next, and desires last of all. [TV ads may make me desire a new cell but is it a necessity? Regardless of what most advertisers may want me to day, the answer is "no". Is my current one adequate for my needs? Yes. That makes is a tertiary "desire". As that is a major outlay of cash, it needs to budgeted for ... if it's that necessary a purchase, we should be able to give up other "necessities" to save for it.]

What you are describing is not a secondary personality; it's a robot that is able to execute your desires in such a way that you will always be happy with the results. I suggest that this is not possible. Nobody can predict the consequences of our actions perfectly ... and I think that's what you're describing.

Ardea wrote
my other goal is that this for me is a science experiment. If I want a new powerful belief, I don't want it to take 21 days (most things to learn take about 21 times or 21 days

I've read stories/studies that say that any new habit or change takes twenty-one (21) days to become established. You have a new hair style or color? It takes 21 days to become used to it. Likewise with any new habit, even one as minor as using another chair when you've rearranged the furniture. If you want to start working out, it will take twenty-one times on a regular basis for this to become an established routine in your life.

This is akin to -- perhaps related to -- muscle memory. Perhaps it is muscle memory. But it takes time for anything to become an established routine. That fact can't be changed.

Ardea wrote
Again what I am suggesting has never been done by my knowledge. So it could be really awesome or kind of not-as-cool... although having a proxy personality to access my subconscious- which WE cannot do... while conscious would be cool to... well fix some things on-the-go.

Yes, I agree; that would be cool if it can be done. It does take time for anything to become established in memory. I see no reason why it needs to be twenty-one days ... or twenty-one times. There is no reason for it not to be twenty-one days/times ... other than your desire for it to be shorter, that is.

Some things -- like "pi is an irrational, never-repeating decimal" which is about 13/10,000 less than 22/7. The true value of pi is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 ... (etc) -- do not care whether on not we like them. They are "just" facts we need to accept and work with. In other words, this might not be possible and you might just have to "deal with it" or find another work-around.
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Postby Dazkid33 » October 3rd, 2014, 9:06 am

Well, I've found myself taking the plunge into this ride, and I'm not too sure I expected what I got from the first listen.
I found myself blanking out a couple of times during the file, something that has never happened before while listening to a file. By the end of the file, I felt a tad lightheaded, nothing too serious, but just noticeable. Over the course of two hours, which is when I woke from trance to now, my first opportunity to write this, I thought I heard the occasional sound, momentary and low in volume...
I feel like this will be an interesting experience. Heck, I'm still feeling a tad lightheaded now! I'll go ahead and give it another listen, just to see if I can get through without blanking.
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 3rd, 2014, 9:28 am

Daz wrote
Well, I've found myself taking the plunge into this ride, and I'm not too sure I expected what I got from the first listen.
I found myself blanking out a couple of times during the file, something that has never happened before while listening to a file. By the end of the file, I felt a tad lightheaded, nothing too serious, but just noticeable. Over the course of two hours, which is when I woke from trance to now, my first opportunity to write this, I thought I heard the occasional sound, momentary and low in volume...
I feel like this will be an interesting experience. Heck, I'm still feeling a tad lightheaded now!

Hi, Daz!

All of us welcome you to our colorful weird world.

We expect it won't be long now ...
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Postby Dazkid33 » October 3rd, 2014, 11:31 am

I went ahead and gave it another listen, and yeesh, I received different results.
For one, I didn't black out during the file, so that's something. When I awoke, though, I felt rather heavy-headed, as though there was a fog. After a few minutes of being up, I practically shut down. I just stood there, hardly able to think, act, move... I was half unaware and unfamiliar with my surroundings, of which I am quite familiar with. I was just looking around the room for several minutes before I finally trudged into the kitchen for a lunch. Over the period of making food, the heavy-headedness wore off...
I really don't know what to make of this. I think I'll wait a while before I give it another listen. Could I have a rough projection of when I should be hearing her voice fairly clearly? I've been hearing the occasional... I don't know, but it's there only for a second, and seemingly incoherent.
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 3rd, 2014, 11:57 am

Daz wrote:
I went ahead and gave it another listen, and yeesh, I received different results.
For one, I didn't black out during the file, so that's something. When I awoke, though, I felt rather heavy-headed, as though there was a fog. After a few minutes of being up, I practically shut down. I just stood there, hardly able to think, act, move... I was half unaware and unfamiliar with my surroundings, of which I am quite familiar with. I was just looking around the room for several minutes before I finally trudged into the kitchen for a lunch. Over the period of making food, the heavy-headedness wore off...
I really don't know what to make of this. I think I'll wait a while before I give it another listen. Could I have a rough projection of when I should be hearing her voice fairly clearly? I've been hearing the occasional... I don't know, but it's there only for a second, and seemingly incoherent.

For Ox and Holly, Ox "heard" from Holly mostly when she was thinking about names. Parts of songs dealing with female names -- like "Wake Up Little Suzie" and "Delta Dawn" to name two -- played for a bit, then switched to another song. Ox was sort of clued in, so he decided to see what he could do about helping her picking a feminine name. He started with plants, herbs, and natural items. He thought about songs with names in them; eventually Neil Diamond's "Holly Holy" -- -- came to mind. He played it, liked it, and had good associations with the name. Shortly afterward, Holly showed up.

Help to pick a "female" name with good associations ... or at least try to find one without negative connotations. (Ox has several male names he can't stand. Anybody named "Robert" or any variation of it has a lot to overcome before Ox will trust you; Ox has been screwed over by several people who used a version of that name.

Look at the girl's names popular the year you were born. One of those -- or a name in a song popular in your teens or twenties -- will probably suggest a feminine name you like.

Your reaction to the file does seem to be extreme. Gee whiz, Ox, you really think so? The master of understatement strikes again. You might consider playing the file before you go to sleep.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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