I finally managed to record my file [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/8363/Re-re-regress.php]"Re-re-re-gress"[/url]; after staring at a script for ages. However, converting the file to an MP3 gave me all kinds of problems. I'd export the same file from Audacity, without changing anything, and get different results.
Now, the file that's on the site is the best I've got, but still not perfect. It's an ogg file, but seems to have some clipping. In the 'binaural' slot is one of the mp3's, where everything seems OK except that the left and right audio tracks are somehow out of sync. I'm not sure if this will be problematic, or if it might actually add to the atmosphere.
I'd welcome feedback from others on either or both versions of the file.[/url]