
This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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Postby GreenFuzzball » May 2nd, 2015, 2:44 pm

Stroke Manly sounds like what you're looking for

Also, what part of Ireland are you from? I'm south west myself
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Postby Conco » May 2nd, 2015, 4:18 pm

I'm the south-west as well- live in West Clare.
I was wondering though, does that file just increase your desire to be masculine, or actually make you manly itself? I tried downloading it but it didn't work for some reason so I'll have to try again tomorrow....
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Postby Conco » May 5th, 2015, 1:03 pm

I've been listening to Stroke Manly for a couple of days, I find it difficult to trance it, I'm not sure why.
AbsoluteJock/TrainTotalJock are still going well for me I tend to kind of "zone out" while listening, that's kind of what I refer to as trancing, where my mind kind of just wanders while I hear the voice of the file.
Hetero Conversion is good as well, I prefer it to Curse Forced Straight, and finally I've been listening to Big Dumb Bodybuilder as well.
I just really want to be the kind of person who gets on well with men because I feel like not having as many male friends really hurt me in life.
I'll keep my progress posted here regularly :)
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Postby Conco » May 8th, 2015, 8:47 am

Ahh, what's happened since last time...
I've kind of given up on Stroke Manly, I don't know why but my body just like refuses to trance to it and I don't understand, I guess it's just one of those things...
AbsoluteJock/TrainTotalJock/Jockify are all going well, I don't know if they're working but I guess time will tell more.
Hetero Conversion is having an interesting effect on me. I still can't really imagine going up to a girl and fucking her, but... the idea of being straight is really turning me on now. Like, imagining being big and buff and fucking some girl's brains out really arouses me, I'm getting hard writing this post to be honest. I guess being a straight, smart, sports jock is my real fetish.
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Postby Conco » May 10th, 2015, 1:06 pm

This is very much just going to be a journal about kind of understanding and figuring out my fetish and what kind of person I want to be at this point so apologies for that.
I guess, what I want more than anything is to just be macho. I wanna be masculine, kind of arrogant, cocky. Not stupid or rude or anything, just kind of a manly arrogance. I want to be nice to people, I wanna be intelligent, I just want to be more of a man, to be able to kick back with a beer and watch sports with my guy friends. If anybody can recommend types of files to help me get to this kind of personality, please tell me.
I'm using AbsoluteJock to help me with the sports aspect, and am debating StrokeManly for the confidence aspect. If anybody has personal experience with Stroke Manly please tell me as I am very curious as to how effective it is.
(I'm still using HeteroConversion for becoming straight btw)
So, I think I've explained myself OK and I'd really appreciate any help the people of this forum could give me. I really wanna give myself a personality overhaul because I'm not happy as I am.
Thanks for reading. :?
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Postby GreenFuzzball » May 10th, 2015, 2:23 pm

You could try using a sub blaster as well as hypno files.

They're pretty good for specifying ideals like the ones you want
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Postby Conco » May 11th, 2015, 9:36 am

Huh, that's a really interesting idea I hadn't considered that...
Do they work well, if you've used one yourself that is...
Oh, by the way, in terms of the files having effects, I'm pretty sure that one of them did something.
So usually, I get a pretty unhealthy lunch, but today as I was paying for it I felt really uncomfortable and kept thinking about how I should have been eating something that was good for me and I only ended up eating some of it and throwing the rest away. I think it may have been the Jockify file that did that as it might have a healthy eating message hidden underneath it because the other files definitely don't.
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Postby GreenFuzzball » May 11th, 2015, 12:34 pm

Blasters are great for enforcing file ideas, but you definitely don't want to rely on them. They only really worked for me when I was listening to the file regularly as well, but the make you accept the file much faster.
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Postby Conco » May 12th, 2015, 3:11 pm

So, I got SubBlaster today and I've set up my own subliminals. I honestly don't know how many there should be or if having more lowers the effectiveness, but so far I have:
I enjoy sports.
I enjoy participating in and watching sports.
I love soccer.
I enjoy watching soccer.
I enjoy playing soccer.
I have an urge to play soccer.
Soccer is very interesting to me.
I love rugby.
I enjoy watching rugby.
I enjoy playing rugby.
I have an urge to play rugby.
I enjoy have male friends.
I enjoy having female friends.
I make friends easily.
I am totally heterosexual.
Women are incredibly attractive to me.
Nice breasts arouse me.
Nice female legs arouse me.
A nice female ass arouses me.
The female face attracts me.
I love exercise.
I love working out.
I love being strong.
I am strong.
I have an urge to grow stronger.
I have an urge to exercise.
I am intelligent.
I love all kinds of sport.
I love cars.
Cars fascinate me.
I love looking at cars.
I am passionate for sports.
I am passionate for women.
I enjoy being heterosexual.
I am heterosexual.
I am assertive.
I am dominant.
I am charming.
I am witty.
Women arouse me.
I love to masturbate to women.
I love to shift girls.
I love to think about pleasuring women.
I love playing sports.
I love being friends with boys.
I love JUST being friends with boys.
I love being a jock.
I love being me.
I love watching porn, sports and car shows.
I am a man.
Sports are my biggest passion.
Even if I love sports, I will still be myself.
I have an urge to watch soccer.
I have an urge to watch rugby.
I have an urge to watch porn.
Titties arouse me.
Female butts arouse me.
Lesbian porn arouses me.
I am solely heterosexual.

Do they seem OK or do I need work? I want some jock/manly affirmations if anybody can recommend some :)
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Postby sfhole2stretch » May 12th, 2015, 11:31 pm

I use a sub blaster on my computer. I've learned that a giant script like that is just way too much. None of it soaks in because there is just too much info. I've found what works best is to break stuff down into small concise bits and slam on one set of commands for a couple weeks at a time. I wasn't getting results at all with a broad script but when I switched to the more direct concise scripts it soaked in fairly quickly.

Just my 2 cents from my own experiences.
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Postby Conco » May 17th, 2015, 6:17 am

So, I've given up on trancing. Like, totally. I just can't, my mind refuses to go that deep, I just get bored lying there. I get relaxed, but I can't enjoy it, I don't know.
So I have a set of commands running on SB4 constantly at a fast rate, and I think some of it is soaking in already, nothing specific but I'm finding I feel a bit different these last couple of days, I can't quite put my finger on it. I have the suggestions from AbsoluteJock and HeteroConversion running on a constant loop and I'm thinking this might actually work.
Here's hoping!
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Postby WatDo » May 18th, 2015, 2:08 pm

Best of luck. Trancing is an acquired skill. You will eventually begin to go into trance if you listen to the file enough. Also, listening before bedtime also helps because you are already tired and relaxed. Not to mention, the the dreams you have will most likely be related to the file that you just listen to. So it is like double reinforcement.
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