What to Expect!

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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What to Expect!

Postby MindMaster » May 27th, 2015, 1:42 pm

From professional and personal (S/M D/s play) I know and believe almost anyone can be retrained to wet like a baby all the time. Especially if they want to do so.

With proper phrasing and a reasonable subject, loss of bladder control and return to infantile bladder function can usually be achieved in about a month, with daily repetition of hypnotic suggestions.

Given the foregoing what can you expect once you start wetting like a baby again, all the time, everywhere, no matter what?

Well, let's see:

1. You'll need to wear diapers all the time. Disposable or cloth, it's up to you. And probably baby panties over the diapers (well certainly for cloth) to ensure no leaks. On average if you use disposable adult diapers look to spend 250.00 to 300.00 monthly on diapers, and 50.00 to 75.00 yearly on baby panties.

2. You'll need to carry a diaper bag with clean/dry diapers all the time. You'll probably wet your diaper every hour to 90 minutes once your bladder function regresses to infantile levels. That means 3 to 4 changes daily between getting up and bedtime. Night diapering will probably be double diapers. That's 4 or 5 diapers in your diaper bag for changes and maybe space to carry wet diapers home for disposal if you're too shy to dispose of them at work or school.

3. Your doctor and probably family members will NEED to know you need diapers and wet like a baby. Hell, you're carrying a diaper bag everywhere. When you go to change you take your diaper bag into the change/wash room with you etc. etc. People are going to know you wear diapers and need to be changed.

4. Once you start wetting like a baby in your diapers you will probably NEVER stop. Most files and hypnotists encourage a pleasure addiction between wetting and pleasure so you want to wet like a baby all the time.

I've written the foregoing just as an FYI. You need to consider these thing if you're going to spend the rest of your life in diapers wetting like a little baby.

I have some pets who've been in diapers for over 10 years, and 2 pets for over 30 years. They love their diapers, and their diapers are their symbol of submission to me or their master/mistress. They all had to make adjustments to their lifestyles and come out to family as far as needing diapers and wetting helplessly. The only real issue any ever expressed is the expense, of nearly $4000.00 yearly to enjoy their wetting.


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Postby kiram » May 27th, 2015, 6:28 pm

a fascinating look at why it remains a fantasy for many, rather than being reality.
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Postby MikeHaSmaller » May 28th, 2015, 1:33 am

What if someone is apprehensive? Does it happen slower(like twice the amount of time) or not at all? I am not talking about someone does not want to do it, just someone who is going slower than most.
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Postby wohermiston » May 28th, 2015, 7:07 am

hypnosis is not like having a wish granted by a genie! Any changes you adopt, you will take on naturallly and in your own way. You have free will. This is not about making you do somethng you don't want to do. This is always about changing behaviour, which is really a form of confidence building. And it can take a long time to take root. Everyone's tolerance is different, everyone's key phrases are different. That is why self hypnosis has such a harder task. We cannot get to know the subject. The subject has to get to know the hypnotist he is listening to. Once there is trust there, then you might just start to accept what you are hearing. Again, it can take a long time. WOH
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Postby MikeHaSmaller » May 28th, 2015, 8:10 am

Thanks so much!

But what I meant is that if the person has some apprehension then how would that affect the amount of time it takes to wet?
Last edited by MikeHaSmaller on May 28th, 2015, 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Duckypin » May 28th, 2015, 10:33 am

Hello Mindmaster,

That is exactly what I want. Yes!

Please collaborate with Wohermiston.

I look forward to a lifetime in diapers-including occasional leaks.


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Postby MindMaster » May 28th, 2015, 12:18 pm

Little Mikie. Many DLs and ABs dream of being in diapers full time and some try it out, then find "OMG, my best friend might find out' or "How will I tell my folks when I visit."

Many of my pets are young men or women, recent college grads exploring the D/s and/or S/m field. They are beginning their 'adult' lives and those into diapers have the financial means, and usually are alone, so it is fun to be put back into diapers and NEED to be in diapers because they wet like little babies.

Then a new reality hits. They have to travel for a job and stay in a hotel, double booking. Now a colleague will find they're in diapers. Or they're staying over at their parents for Xmas, vacation etc. and the parents will find they're back in diapers.

With my pets I help them accept their emotional need for diapers, and help them explain the physical need. My pets are truly incontinent and have infantile bladder function, once trained. If tested by a urologist they'll be found to have infantile bladder function, and diagnosis will be 'undetermined organic/physical loss of continence'.

Regaining control takes time and conventional potty training, but only a very few of my pets have ever wanted to regain control. I admit to planting suggestions to create a pleasure response to wetting uncontrollably in diapers but that helps them overcome shame or embarrassment issues.

To answer your question more directly, if you're apprehensive about actually wetting uncontrollably like a baby, then probably no amount of hypnosis files will result in your wetting like a baby. However if your really DO want to wet like a baby, then your subconscious will accept the suggests to retrain your bladder response and you will end up wetting like a baby over time, and in a matter acceptable to your subconscious and self image/personality.

Once you start and have spent a few days or so in diapers because you NEED them, that is the time to decide if you want to continue your training and spend the rest of your life in diapers.

The first few 'accidents' are always a shock to those who begin to accept their retraining, but the pleasure they experience helps them continue and Voilà they're back in diapers full time and loving it.

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Postby MikeHaSmaller » May 28th, 2015, 1:13 pm

Thanks so much!

I wish I could start wetting now! I have been listening while asleep for 5-6 days straight. I hope to see some change soon!
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Postby wohermiston » May 28th, 2015, 7:00 pm

listening while asleep, really asleep, that's never going to work. the best times to listen are times when you have free time and are reasonbly alert.
before bed, first thing in the morning, you get the idea.
I have never felt that these sleeping loops are of any use except perhaps confidence building. And silent subliminals, now there's something! WOH
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Postby MikeHaSmaller » May 28th, 2015, 7:48 pm

Got it!
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Postby artemidorus » August 7th, 2015, 12:03 am

Informative and insightful, thank You for posting Sir.
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Postby wohermiston » August 8th, 2015, 6:23 am

you can read over this post.
otherwise, just back out to the main diaper forum and click on the mindmaster link and that will take you to his page and all of his files. or click on my link and do the same. or click files in the left main menu and see all authors. everyone is different and you will need to sample a few to find what works for you. Goodluck WOH
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby nikole » September 6th, 2019, 10:45 pm

Dear MindMaster,

In my opinion this information is still one of the most important ones.
But there is one topic, which may also help me and others a lot:
"With my pets I help them accept their emotional need for diapers, and help them explain the physical need."

Which advices did you give your pets? For example comeing out to family members or the doctor? How could I explain my sudden incontinence? How to respond to others asks; from stupid sayings to worried questions?

I would be great if you want to share your experiences and advices.

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Re: What to Expect!

Postby MindMaster » September 13th, 2019, 12:52 pm

Mika, Karim and others. Sorry I missed the last few comments over the past few days.

IMO, the best way to explain the sudden need for diapers is the truth. Come out and tell friends, family, doctors "I am a DL or AB and want to wear diapers. I've used hypnosis to help me achieve this goal and now I wet like a baby." Takes guts but it's the truth and stops any worry from parents/relatives.

If you can't admit it, then doctors will want to conduct some tests, called Urodynamic tests, which a bit bothersome but not dangerous. They will simply prove you have no control. Some doctors might want further neurological tests like a spinal tap and some blood tests to rule out neurological diseases such as MS, ALS or others that can impact the spinal cord and/or brain. A spinal tap is unpleasant but not normally dangerous.

Once neurological disease is ruled out, the doctors will probably stop investigating and just chart you as 'incontinent for undetermined reasons' so there you have it.

I come back to my original statement. The truth is usually the best way to handle things. If you really think about it what are you really admitting. You're not a pervert who wants to play with babies or children, you just want to be treated like a baby and use diapers like a baby.


Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby childlike » September 14th, 2019, 3:45 pm

Oh no! Reality strikes!

It's true. If I become completely incontinent, some people are going to know (especially if I do it with out a diaper on.) What do I tell them? The truth? Yes, to a point. But do I have to tell everyone (or anyone) my "true" motivation? I'm not so sure.

I always kept my lifelong bed wetting a secret until I actually got serious with someone and eventually married her. I had to talk to her about it. It's not possible to sleep with someone without them knowing something like that, so I better explain. Also, and most importantly, she has a right to know what she is in for. I am the luckiest baby in the whole wide world that she was OK with it and has grown to love that part of me - even the baby part. Before that, the bed wetting was known only by a few, but never spoken of (in my presence). In hindsight, it would have been better to be more (albeit, selectively) open about it.

I started opening up to doctors when I needed spine surgery. I knew that if I wet the bed after surgery, they would be worried about a potentially very serious complication. They needed to know beforehand that it is unrelated, or at least pre-existing. I talked about it more with my doctor and saw a urologist. I was clear that I wasn't willing to restart the drug therapy or alarms that had failed at a younger age, but it would be wise to have my prostate and anything else medical checked out. I told them that I wear diapers at night, but I never spoke about WANTING to wear diapers. Again, my thoughts and motivation are mine. I don't owe that much disclosure to anybody.

When asked if I have daytime accidents, I told them I have had a few. That was only a half truth. I have actually had accidents, but they were a little more like "on-purposes". The urologist agreed that while there were several treatments available, none of them were likely going to cure my Nocturnal Enuresis, and he did not recommend interfering with my circadian rhythm by using alarms at this stage of life. He also said, (and this was secretly music to my ears), "guys like you pay the piper when they hit 50."
In other words, I could expect the daytime accidents to increase. he gave me sample of super expensive name-brand OAB meds that gave me headaches and dry mouth and so I stopped taking them. I was secretly happy about that. obviously, I don't really want to cure my daytime or night wetting anyway.
I guess I'll need to be in diapers. (fake disappointment :( - secretly cheering :D ).

I am in charge of my medical care. I choose not to have a bunch of procedures that likely won't work anyway. Most importantly, I don't have to tell the doctors or anybody else that I want to be in diapers. The reality is that if I do tell them, they are more than likely to chalk it all up as being a psychological disorder and send me to a shrink.

So my suggestion to Mika, Karim and others is to listen to MindMaster's sage advise, but consider who you decide to come out to and how much you need or want to tell them. Building lie upon lie will only lead to a word of hurt and the lies are bound to be found out eventually. But your dreams and desires are yours alone. It is you right as a human being to disclose as little or as much of that as you wish.

As WOH said in one of his scripts, "its nobody's business why you need to wet".

When do we get to start the next step in the series?

Your baby forever,
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby MindMaster » September 14th, 2019, 5:18 pm

childlike wrote:Oh no! Reality strikes!

It's true. If I become completely incontinent, some people are going to know (especially if I do it with out a diaper on.) What do I tell them? The truth? Yes, to a point. But do I have to tell everyone (or anyone) my "true" motivation? I'm not so sure.

As WOH said in one of his scripts, "its nobody's business why you need to wet".

When do we get to start the next step in the series?

Your baby forever,

Childlike, thank YOU for your forthright recount and explanation. It is excellent advice to all little ones.

As for the second file in the series, you need to ask Mommy about that. I am merely the script writer, She is the true artist who creates the files. In fairness to Mommy, I have been making some judicious edits to the script for file 2, so she will need a day or two before she'll have it ready for upload.

Remember now, you have to tell Mommy that you are ready to be her sweet submissive baby now and want to continue your training.

Be good all.

Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby nikole » September 15th, 2019, 12:02 pm

Dear MindMaster,
MindMaster wrote:IMO, the best way to explain the sudden need for diapers is the truth. Come out and tell friends, family, doctors "I am a DL or AB and want to wear diapers."

I expected something complicated, a secret receipe. But your answer is really simple. And after thinking about it a little bit, it's possibly the only really working one on the long run.
Although it's probably initially also the hardest one.

Concerning part 2: I'm really waiting very much for part 2. But Mommy told me, that she knows best when my training should be changed. And as long as Mommy does not post it I will listen to part one again and again and again...

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Re: What to Expect!

Postby MindMaster » September 15th, 2019, 12:32 pm

Mika and others, what I said IS the secret formula. It seems so strange today that people have so much trouble "coming out" and admitting their kink. Gay people can now come out pretty easily and tell others they are gay. So why not be able to tell them you like wearing and using diapers, or dressing as a baby, or dressing as a girl or whatever your kind is.

I've always said, "If you're not hurting others and not hurting yourself, then go for it." You are free to enjoy your diapers and enjoy being babied or whatever. You first need to accept that yourself then be confident you can tell others.

Your true friends will accept you in your diapers. Those that don't accept it aren't really your friends. Parents will always love you and care for you no matter what.

Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby espfrench » April 25th, 2021, 10:15 am

thank you for the information.
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Re: What to Expect!

Postby espfrench » July 6th, 2021, 11:35 am

Dear MindMaster,
Thank you for such an insightful post.
Speaking as someone that's finally met with success, using Sarnoga's 4Step DiaperDependency files.
I'm thinking you're right. The feedback loops of, "The more you listen, the more you love your diapers, the more you love your diapers, the more you listen", really does help the user accept and become comfortable with this aspect of who and what we are.
It also makes it easier to accept that this really is what you need to be happy. (It's personally taken me almost five years of therapy and a year and a half of Sarnoga's files.)
It also makes it easier to take each successive step. When I personally started this "journey?" I was so certain that I wanted to only use the first three files. I'd almost convinced myself that the third step would be enough. That urinary incontinence, real diaper dependents, and just the ability to voluntarily void my bowels in them would be all I'd want. But as I worked through the first three steps, I finally started to become more comfortable with this aspect of myself, and my need to be totally incontinent.
So when the time finally did come. I was totally at ease with my need to use the final file, and give up my voluntary control of my bowels.
Looking back now I'm really glad that I was able to come to terms with all of this part of myself, and make that final decision. I'm perfectly happy now knowing that even if I wanted to, (And no I don't.) I Will never again be able to go back to using a toilet. That knowledge makes me happy and content. And if Sarnoga and his "feedback loops" were what it took to help me come to terms with that... Then I'm perfectly willing to give them they're just acknowledgments.
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