by ProfessorPig » August 29th, 2015, 11:27 am
posting the file names as they appear on your computer might help get a positive id on them. various types of hidden subliminals can create unusual sounding audio, so that may be the case with your file.
the second half of your request might get better responses in the request forums. there are already a couple files out there that might fit your needs. i dont personally like any of the art making files out there. i should probably write one myself.
but i can tell you that the secret to drawing every day is to draw every day. set aside 1/2 hour each day to do some drawings from life. dont work from photos, you wont learn how to train your eye to draw from photos (although later on taking reference photos can be a great tool for making other finished works) it does not matter what you are drawing from life, it could just be the stuff on your table right now, the only thing that matters is that you are practicing your eyes and your hands. try and work as fast as possible and free of any concerns. once you get the whole page filled in roughly you can go in and redefine stuff. by training yourself to work fast and loose you can free yourself of fears and doubts about how a specific line is, get a whole sketch in, and still have plenty of time to go back and fuss about wether something looks right.
if you think you dont have time every day to draw, there are plenty of opportunities to draw all around you that you are likely missing. when you go out to eat, bring a sketchbook, and doodle the people at the other tables while you are waiting for the food.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.