Dog Brain Journal

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Dog Brain Journal

Postby graywolf552 » November 27th, 2015, 4:15 pm


I've been lurking on WMM for a while now. I usually try transformation related files, with no real success yet, but this one has me hopelessly curious.

I've heard the warnings - and I'm okay with it. I want to become something else! I mean, how hot is that? Losing control to a new you and being unable to stop it.

The only problem is - not very successful yet. For some reason I just have never really "gone under" deeply or deep enough I guess. I want this file to work - sometimes I even try to push myself to focus harder or focus on a feeling if it seems like it's working.

Anyway, this is day #4 now of listening. I typically listen in my room with headphones. I've been looping it 2-3 times when I can. And the last two days I've looped it at work. My subconscious just isn't listening.

No loss of control, no doglike tendencies, no change in thinking. I don't really believe a person would fully lose themselves to this like people are afraid of... It's proven that hypnosis only goes as far as you want it to. But I would like the dog to take charge.

About all that happens is I get spacy or distracted. But if there is a sign of a dog in me, I'll try to post here.

Here's hoping. Woof.
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Postby blanketcross » November 27th, 2015, 5:04 pm

If there is a subliminal version of this file available, try downloading it and listening to that when at work, or even in free time. If you don't have premium, and cant pay for it, you can easily get it for free. (Look at the home page, and more info will be there). Hopefully it will work for you, and if it does please keep me updated.
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Postby chase1 » November 27th, 2015, 7:37 pm

The night before you have a day off stay up late, then set your alarm for an early time. Then after a few hours, try to trance to the file. I was having a really herd time getting into a trance, and that is how I taught myself. I had to get to a point where I was tired, but wouldn't fall completely asleep. An afternoon nap time worked perfectly.
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Day 5

Postby graywolf552 » November 29th, 2015, 4:19 am

Well, I listened 4 more times tonight. Did my usual routine but I must be distracted by some drama from earlier in the day. I just cannot go under! I found myself thinking of other things instead of the dog brain, so, maybe better results tomorrow.

I did try the canine subliminal with Dog Brain, Train Dog and You Have A Tail mixed altogether. No results.

Also tried naptime.

Today I downloaded two EMG inductions to see if that will help.

Thanks for the tips, will let you know if anything changes tomorrow.
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Joined: February 25th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby fearghus » November 29th, 2015, 5:41 am

You're only a few days into it ... a heavy transformation file like this can be hard to tackle ... give it a few weeks before becoming discouraged.

Also, don't overload on it ... twice a day tops should be fine, too much and your subconscious may actually just tune it out.
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Postby graywolf552 » November 29th, 2015, 7:46 pm

Heh, guess I'm excited about it. I'll tone it down though, didn't think about how that might negate the effects.
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Postby graywolf552 » December 3rd, 2015, 6:04 pm

Well, seems I neglected posting for a few days.

I downloaded the AFA subliminal track as well as the dogloop subliminal. I've played them back to back and on loop at work for the last 3 days.

Then in the evening, I listen to 7 plus or minus 2 induction EMG's accelerator, and finall dogbrain once or twice if I'm not too tired.

Here's what I've found:

A) I seem to be getting more comfortable with EMG's voice. I think at first something in me resisted his voice but I couldn't put my finger on it.

B) I think trancing is going better - I feel warm, relaxed, focused and a little lazy all at the same time. This has only happened once or twice before.

C) I woke up on my side the last two mornings when I normally stomach sleep. Then I realized I sat up in bed on hands and knees which could have been happenstance but seemed weird to me. Maybe these are nothing and just wistful thinking?

D) I feel more comfortable on my hands and knees. I don't feel like I /can't/ stand up, but sometimes it seems more comfortable to drop down when nobody is around. Again, maybe I'm humoring myself.

Sound like I'm doing it right? Any recommendations?

Thanks for the tips so far. :)
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Postby fearghus » December 3rd, 2015, 6:38 pm

That's the thing with some hypnosis ... are you 'compelled' to do a thing? Or do you just really 'want' to, so you do it because for some reason it now feels natural ...

And on a practical level ... what's the difference?

Sure seems like you are feeling the effects. Keep is posted on your progress!
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Postby Dogboy » December 3rd, 2015, 7:00 pm

Sounds like you are beginning to feel the effects. Its an exciting feeling.
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Re: Dog Brain Journal

Postby volkert » April 20th, 2018, 1:04 am


if you not wand to become a dog dond use this fille my brain is for a part replaced of thate of a dog some things y now do as dogs doo and lost for thos thing the human alebilties mean when y eat ore drink iam nog longer use a plate ore a mog just put my food and me drinks in a bow and eat out the bowl and for drinking u use my mouth and tong and realy y not no anny more how y must eat ore drink as a human thats beacuse y use the dog brains file for to long
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Re: Dog Brain Journal

Postby Fafnir789 » September 28th, 2018, 9:58 am

Can’t wait to hear about you becoming a good boy. The world needs more good dogs like you.
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