Bug Fixes

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Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 6th, 2016, 3:39 am

This Thread is where I am going to list bugs which have been repaired. Please do not reply in this thread, if you have a new bug(or a bug I list as fixed is still happening) Look in the Bug Report thread.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 6th, 2016, 3:43 am

Unread Message Count should now correctly reflect the # of unread message you have. Please note, the move may have marked messages as unread that you have seen, there is no help for that, this just means your message count will be correct going forward.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 6th, 2016, 2:57 pm

The errors we were getting last night when trying to download should now be fixed.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 6th, 2016, 10:19 pm

Password recovery has been enabled, hopefully it works :)
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 7th, 2016, 12:46 am

Ok, password recovery not so fixed, will work on it more tomorrow.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 7th, 2016, 11:49 pm

Password recovery now works, if you cannot remember your login you should see it from the main menu.

Once you have your new password, you can change it to whatever you want by going to:

Your Account -> Your Account
Then click on the Profile tab
Then click on Edit Account Settings and change your password from there.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 8th, 2016, 2:19 pm

Your Unread Message count should be a bit closer to correct, I may tweak it more but new messages will show up now.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 8th, 2016, 8:15 pm

The Shopping Cart issues should now all be ironed out.

WMM is now https only(for everyone's safety and security) and apparently we weren't redirecting a few http users properly.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 17th, 2016, 5:19 pm

Spent the last few days doing backend changes but I believe I'm happy with those so I'll be back to working on the front end starting tomorrow.

Expect to see emails begin to flow from the forums soon and I hope to add a few more options in the coming weeks including emails when people comment on your files/stories/journal entries.

That will be followed fairly quickly by an easy way to view all of an author's files.

The issue with sessions being so short has not been forgotten, but may take a while longer as it's a bit more complicated. Download issues with the iPhone/Pad are also high on my list.

Next Monday I'll post a list of everything I'm working on, please check it out and tell me if there's anything that I've missed.

Once the immediate needs are done I'll start a voting list for improvements/enhancements.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 19th, 2016, 5:06 pm

For those of you with iPhone/iPad/etc. You can now properly play files on your device.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 20th, 2016, 9:57 pm

Ok, the cookies should now be fixed, you can stop logging in over and over again.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 23rd, 2016, 7:55 pm

The forums are now properly indexed for all messages, not just the new ones.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 23rd, 2016, 8:30 pm

Since launching V2 I've fixed over 33 bugs both Obvious(chat not working) to a variety of issues that kept users from using the website as it's designed.

As of today, there are 41 Bugs/Improvements currently in the pipeline. Some of which will happen soon, others may take weeks or months(or be discarded as impractical). The current list of know bugs is:

Add Sort by date to the voting list
Premium files may not be becoming free after 6 months
Users cannot change their time zone in their profile
No useful user profile(including links to things like when your premium membership expires etc)
Some users are reporting a problem accessing forums using Safari on the Mac
Quotes from old site no longer refer to anyone
No Quick way to list all of a users files
The Users part of gallery broken(the whole gallery may get replaced, I'm not happy with it)
Emails informing users of new posts etc are not working

These are the things I plan to add:

Simple Search that allows a search through files/forums/votes/etc
Whos online/live chat
File and Story Notifications(optional setting)
Comment Notifications
Author Notifications(know whenever someone you like posts something new)
Voting List for new features
Mobile Friendly Site
WMM Andriod App

There's more, but that's what I'm willing to admit to right now
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 23rd, 2016, 11:09 pm

Premium Members no longer see any advertising. If you are a premium member and want to see the ads again contact me(this will become an option later but right now I have to turn it on by hand)
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 26th, 2016, 4:58 pm

Forums should now work properly under safari.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 2nd, 2016, 3:24 am

Users can now download the body/script/etc of any payfile they purchase.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 4th, 2016, 6:52 pm

You can now view ALL of a users files by clicking on their name.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 14th, 2016, 1:02 am

Users posting stories over 1000 words or files over 5 minutes in length will now automatically get a premium membership.

If you have posted files or stories in the last month and not received a membership drop me a PM and I'll get it straightened out.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 14th, 2016, 5:17 pm

Changing your email address no longer breaks things including your password.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 16th, 2016, 2:00 am

I have fixed the Quotes, Links, and other BBCode in the older messages. There may still be a few that are broken but it should be a LOT better.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 25th, 2016, 7:16 pm

Users who have uploaded files may now fully manage those files including adding body/script etc and deleting things as needed.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 25th, 2016, 7:54 pm

Minor Version Mismatch Error should no longer happen when posting comments etc.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 25th, 2016, 10:16 pm

Pagination on the voting page has been repaired.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » February 20th, 2018, 2:09 pm

Added a new item to the file menu titled popular authors. This lists the most popular authors for the past 30 days. I'll be updating it every month.

Currently working on a quick search option that runs form the main page and (of course) the gallery.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 2nd, 2018, 9:15 pm

Ok, a few more new things.

  • We now have a quick search at the top of the page
  • We now have "highly rated" for authors, this will reflect voting over the past month.
  • I've added "Trending Now" This lists files that have been popular in the last 24 hours.

There will be more.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » March 12th, 2018, 1:33 pm

As I continue to work on WMM we have 2 new features:

1) The Gallery is now working again, I need to tweak it a little as the upload function is kinda hard to spot(hover over home and it'll show up)
2) We now feature a new author every month on the main page. Authors are selected among active payfile authors.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » April 11th, 2018, 7:53 am

Users can now share WMM's content via Twitter, FB, GooglePlus, StumbleUpon, and WhatsApp just to make it a little easier to let others know what you're into.

I've debated this decision with myself for years, but there are a lot of people out there who's kinky lives are their public lives so I might as well make it easy for you to help others find our stuff.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby Jackstock » April 11th, 2018, 10:43 am

Yeah, I can totally see how that may be a difficult decision. Porn sites have been doing this a long time though, and people actually use them.
A few things to note though:
-Google Plus is basically dead, and most people dont even post the share link anymore (on updated sites)
-Most people just do not use share buttons in general
-I would add Tumblr instead of Google Plus

I think the share buttons look great, though!

Heres an image showing the top trending social media sites
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » April 11th, 2018, 2:04 pm

I can add Tumblr pretty easy, but only have so much real estate so I may have to drop something else. I don't truly expect a TON of people linking using those buttons but I'm doing a lot of work on the site right now and that made the list.

Hopefully in the next few weeks we'll have opt in notifications for new files etc. I'm trying to make that option as painless as possible as I know how annoying the request to allow notifications can be. I want to make it so you have to opt in before you're even asked and then you can choose exactly what sort of notifications you get.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » April 11th, 2018, 4:43 pm

Tumblr added. I won't be adding any more social sharing. Time to move on to other fun.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby Jackstock » April 13th, 2018, 10:27 am

Integrate an email signup and get a VA to send out a weekly email that lists all the new files from that week.
If you want to take it a step further, use Convertkit to allow users to sign up for certain categories, then make an autoresponder series for each category. That may be more work though, so it's not necessary.

Make sure it complies with the new GPDR rules and all that EU nonsense (you have to include a checkbox as confirmation that they are receiving adult content, don't collect cookies from Europeans, etc.)

Speaking of which, it appears that Warp My Mind does not have a privacy policy or Terms and Conditions page. Google gives you a higher ranking just for having those pages.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » April 13th, 2018, 5:27 pm

Hmm, wonder how the privacy policy and terms got lost. I thought those were given on signup but I'll see about correcting that.

As to the GPDR rules, guess I'd better look those up and make sure we are in compliance.

Finally, we do intend to let users follow authors and categories so they get everything they want. That's in process, I'll think about changing it so it's a weekly email as daily could get annoying and every time a file posts could be painful(and sometimes not at all painful, depends on the day).

Sounds like you know way too much about this stuff :)
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby Jackstock » April 14th, 2018, 9:59 am

Having some kind of email or notification system is essential.
I like the idea of following authors!
Yeah, I know all about what people are doing with this stuff nowadays. I've been reading a lot of blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. and implementing it with my own sites.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » July 4th, 2018, 9:11 am

I have replaced the old flash based video player with HTML5, that should make videos play a LOT better on WMM.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » July 28th, 2019, 8:38 pm

Journals views now increment, you can also sort on author and type and it no longer lets you post an untitled journal that you then can never view or delete.
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Re: Bug Fixes

Postby EMG » January 12th, 2020, 1:21 am

The File system now does the following things it didn't do before:

help new users realize they need an account if they want to download files
explains premium membership better
only lists free files in the free files tab
has a nice big ? that offers help and information about the file system
tracks views for videos.

Oh, and we added a nice little discord link so you can check out the general chat.

More changes coming as soon as I can code them. If you know of a bug, let me know as I'm feeling productive.
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