Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 16th, 2016, 9:25 pm

im current wear some green on my pjs but im going to wear green tomorrow for work since the boss gave us permission to wear green as long as it not offensive or have beer logo or ( sadly cant wear this one ) kiss me im irish which would kinda true for me since im part irish on both sides of the family. i feel smaller today but havent noticed anything different today thought that might have been because i have done anything to make me notice any today besides washing pots and pans at work but ill keep updated you all on here where i do notice something
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 18th, 2016, 9:18 pm

today i was working from 12pm to 8pm and i think though i didnt ask my coworker if he was taller i figure i was slouching or he had newish shoes but i might ask him next time i see him if he gotten any taller he shorter then me maybe 5'8 or 5'9" but he looked a bit taller to me also so did another one coworker who about the same height as the other one i really hope that im correct in think they are taller and i did in deed shrunk a inch or two. and i have been feeling more tired then usual for me btw has anyone felt pain after while when they were listening to the file like growth pains but in reverse? because im trying to figure out why my back and a few other areas been hurting today i have done anything to cause my body to hurt a bit so just trying to rule out stuff
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby smaller2 » March 19th, 2016, 8:32 am

Yes sometimes I got back or muscle or joint pains after using the file. It could be that your mind is taking the instruction to make yourself smaller by hunching over or making your spine compress, tightening the muscles and such which can make them sore.

Maybe take a little break from the file till you feel better, your health is more important than your height. Then when you go back to the file remember it's a change on the cellular level and something your muscles cannot control, for they will shrink in porportion to the rest of you. When you return to the file remember that there's no amount of pushing or pulling your body can do to itself to change its size downward.. no more than pushing or pulling made you grow when you were younger. The sizes your body has been and can be are programmed into your dna, that target size you have is reverting your body to a height you used to be. While you may feel tingles and waves, the change is through the power of suggestion to your subconscious. Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » March 19th, 2016, 5:33 pm

Hey everyone. I'm finally back from another long work trip. I measured up this morning to see what I was at, and I'm happy to report even more progress! It looks like I lost another .7 inches or so, which is great! And after weighing myself, it looks like I'm down a bit of weight as well. I've now lost over 20 lbs since I started this journey. It hadn't really shown as much before, since I seemed to be shrinking in proportion, but now I can definitely see I've gotten a bit scrawnier and feel weaker as well. My arms and legs, especially in comparison to someone like my mom who goes to the gym regularly, are looking slimmer. The whole world is growing larger by the day as I shrink and shrink.

So during this last business trip, I had to go to a lot of dinners that required me to wear a suit. My tailored suit that I bought about a year ago doesn't fit right anymore. The cuffs of the sleeves now come halfway down my hands and the shoulders are far too big and wide for my shrinking torso. Also the pants drag on the floor, so it was hard to keep them looking pristine. All in all, the suit looks goofy and baggy on me now. As exciting as it is to be shrinking out of my clothes, I'm not thrilled that I need to drop money on a brand new suit (not too mention all of the other clothes I need to replace).

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 68.3"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 148 lbs

But overall, I can't complain too much :) This is what I wanted afterall and I knew the side effects. I just wonder if it's even worth buying a bunch of new clothes that I might be too small for in just a few more months... who can say...

As far as the "growing pains" 5HA99Y mentioned (or shrinking pains), I haven't noticed any. The most I get is the tingling sensation, which has become more and more pleasurable. It's a feeling that I look forward to everytime I fall into a trance because I know it means that my body is shrinking right then and there. Hopefully the pain doesn't persist for you; your body might just be telling you that it's "pain" because it's an abnormal feeling that you're not used to yet. Definitely try to train yourself to see those feelings as pleasurable instead of painful.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 19th, 2016, 7:34 pm

thanks for let me know it normal for the pains it seems to be gone after a night rest though i do feel a lil tiny sore but nothing like it was yesterday it hurt enough to need a pain killer (advil) but today it was like if you bumped into something and it be a bit tender after wards but nothing to make you Grinch in pain or flinch if you poked it ( not sure if this sounds clear/right) and when i to listen to the file i been recently been feeling the tingles or vibrations when i listen it not going up and down it more like it all over the body but it really strong near the pelvis area that where i feel the strongest but everywhere else it strong but just not as strong as the pelvis area is
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 20th, 2016, 1:56 pm

today i felt smaller today though the progress i been posting are mostly mental feeling except for the back pain i mentioned was physical feeling, im getting excited to see some physical proof like real lost of height in the near future though it still too early to see any yet in measurements wise but at least im feeling smaller. what the average time frame that i should see lost of height like 2"-4"? im only a week maybe lil over a week in so just trying to figure out roughly when ill notice it in my progress to get to my goal
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » March 20th, 2016, 5:01 pm

what the average time frame that i should see lost of height like 2"-4"? im only a week maybe lil over a week in so just trying to figure out roughly when ill notice it in my progress to get to my goal

Well, I started actively listening to files and setting goals around January 2nd (it was sort of a pseudo New Year's resolution for me), but I had been not-so-seriously dabbling with hypnosis and the idea of shrinking for a few weeks prior to that. So overall, it's probably been about 4 full months for me. And I'm down over 4.5 inches. So, I guess you can say a little over an inch a month, though my progress hasn't been steady through that time. Some weeks yielded better results than others, depending on how often I could listen, if I was sick, if I was traveling, how easily I could fall into a trance, and likely several other factors I'm not even aware of.

Your best bet is to just keep at it. Listen when you can and try to practice falling into a trance. All the hypno files in the world won't do you any good if you can't find that relaxation and really let them do their work. If one thing isn't working after a work, shake it up. Listen at different times of the day, for different durations, in different rooms/positions, and figure out what works for you.

Hopefully you'll be shrinking away in no time!

Oh and also set a definitive goal and concentrate on it. The mind is a powerful tool when it's determined, so the more focused you are on your goal, the better your progress will be.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby OxyFemboi » March 20th, 2016, 8:33 pm

But overall, I can't complain too much :) This is what I wanted after all and I knew the side effects. I just wonder if it's even worth buying a bunch of new clothes that I might be too small for in just a few more months... who can say...

My fellow littles,

My solution to the "new clothes" dilemma is to shop at various thrift stores. I buy a few shirts, sticking to one color palette (I like blue, so I buy mostly blues, tans, and peach.) They can be washed together along with the coordinating pants that fit my current body. [Six or seven shirts plus one or two pairs of similar-colored pants = one washer load.] If I need really good work shirts, I buy a few on sale. I don't go overboard.

For lounging around, I buy one comfortable pair of jeans and shoes/sandals (on sale), depending on the season. I use military web belts which are infinitely adjustable and very good quality. I wear comfortable tee-shirts at home, so I buy a few in colors that match the palette of my work clothes. Cotton socks stuffed into the toes of shoes greatly extend shoes' wearable lifespan. Workout clothes are treated similarly.

I will not buy a tailored suit until I am done shrinking. I invest in a sports jacket when needed. The color is dictated by my current work pants and shirts.

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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » March 22nd, 2016, 6:30 am

Thanks for the suggestions, Oxyfemboi! I will definitely look at thrift stores and see what other tricks work for getting more mileage out of my clothes.

The trouble is that the nature of my work requires some nicer clothes; thrift stores will be great for casual wear, but for work purposes, a tailored suit is pretty necessary. Hopefully it doesn't break the bank too hard.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby STCL » March 26th, 2016, 9:03 am

Oh man >.< everyone posting about their success really makes me want to go back to this file again, at least to knock off an inch or two. As much as I would love to lose four or five inches like the rest of you, I just can't afford to lose that much, but the idea of shrinking still gets me so excited. I would love to go down to a nice and small 5'2", since that'd be an entire foot shorter than I was before I started this file, I just don't have the patience for it, y'know?
Current height: 6'1"
Goal height: 5'7"
Starting height: 6'2"
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 26th, 2016, 8:52 pm

still dont know if i gotten any smaller physically yet but according to the scale at the gym it looks like im just a hair under 69inches so it looks lke im am shrinking but maybe i need to lose more then a inch or two before i really feel and notice it ill keep you all posted
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby OxyFemboi » March 26th, 2016, 9:16 pm

My fellow Littles,

I know I've shrunk since my last post. When I moved into my new apartment on January 4, 2016, I bought some new chairs for the island; my old apartment didn't have one. My feet touched the ground ... or at least the balls of my feet did with no problem. Now I have to stretch in order for the tip of my big toe to touch the floor. It's good that the chair has a crossbar I can use to rest my feet. I'm starting to feel like Edith Ann (played by Lily Tomlin) on Rowan and Martins's Laugh-In. For those of you too young to remember Laugh-In, here's a clip showing Edith Ann: (I enjoyed Lily Tomlin's Ernestine the telephone operator much more: )

I'm trying not to be obsessive about measuring myself. The last time the file worked, I was measuring myself multiple times a day.

Shorty (Yoshi)
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 26th, 2016, 9:25 pm

My fellow Littles,

I know I've shrunk since my last post. When I moved into my new apartment on January 4, 2016, I bought some new chairs for the island; my old apartment didn't have one. My feet touched the ground ... or at least the balls of my feet did with no problem. Now I have to stretch in order for the tip of my big toe to touch the floor. It's good that the chair has a crossbar I can use to rest my feet. I'm starting to feel like Edith Ann (played by Lily Tomlin) on Rowan and Martins's Laugh-In. For those of you too young to remember Laugh-In, here's a clip showing Edith Ann: (I enjoyed Lily Tomlin's Ernestine the telephone operator much more: )

I'm trying not to be obsessive about measuring myself. The last time the file worked, I was measuring myself multiple times a day.

Shorty (Yoshi)

i think i saw that on tvland long time ago and that show is older then me i was born 1990 i try to look check my height every so often but i try not to check everyday or every week though i think i should maybe check once a week just to see if anything changed
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » March 27th, 2016, 6:56 am

Hey there Shrimps!

I have some quick progress to report before my mom and I hit the road for the day to see our extended family. The last week has been solid and I'm finally rested from my trip that I took the previous week. I also managed to not catch yet another bug that was going around the office, so I'm feeling much better than I have in weeks. I think that puts my mom's mind at ease, since she was convinced I was dying :P (constantly being sick AND getting smaller everyday would have that appearance, I suppose).

She's still suspicious of my condition and well, I've scheduled a Doctor's appointment. I don't really want to go but I figure (a) it will calm mom down and give me some more time to decide if I want to tell her that my shrinking is deliberate and (b) getting an official, accurate measurement and weight from the Doctor sounds great!

Until then, here are my current numbers! Consistent progress is a wonderful thing!

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 67.9"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 145 lbs
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » March 28th, 2016, 3:38 pm

Wow, just under 5'8", that's amazing!

Well done seesinpinkandwhite!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby psiboi1977 » March 28th, 2016, 3:50 pm

Here's an oldie, for all you teen-y titans!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » March 31st, 2016, 6:05 am

Wow, just under 5'8", that's amazing!

Well done seesinpinkandwhite!

It is quite amazing, especially when I think back to last year and how tall I was. I can't wait to see how far I can take this file!

I also have my doctor's appointment scheduled for this afternoon. I will let everyone know how it goes in my next update! We'll see what the doc has to say about my "condition" :)
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » March 31st, 2016, 9:06 pm

im still trying to shrink and not much is new so far though i did check my height a few days ago and according to the scale im just barely under 69inches or 5'9 but if i round it or had to put it down in a doctor form for a check i would have to say 5'9" because i cant say 5'8" yet but it does seem like im shrinking a tiny bit
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 1st, 2016, 6:32 am

Just keep at it; it's a good balance between focusing on the progressing and striving towards a goal, and stressing too much over it.

I suggest measuring once a week at maximum... anymore than that, and you'll be analyze the little details too much. You don't want to stall your progress by stressing yourself out!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 11th, 2016, 6:33 am

Hey shorties!

Sorry for the long time without an update. I've been meaning to post, but have had some extended family stuff come up which has kept me quite busy outside of work. So here is an update on my progress. All in all, despite some family stress, things have been awesome in regards to shrinking! I'm now officially down a half a foot! A whole six inches!!

So, let's rewind a bit though. I did have a Doctor's appointment a little over a week ago. He gave me a measurement and gave me an odd look as he clearly had a much taller number in my files from my last visit over a year ago. He asked me straight up if I had always been that height or if something had been changing recently. I decided that it was probably best not to lie to my own doctor, so...well, I told him everything.

I told him that I had a fascination with becoming shorter and that I had been using hypnosis to shrink. He just sort of listened patiently while I spilled everything (it was really nice to actually say it out loud) and in the end I just kind of waited for him to respond. And honestly, he didn't seem that surprised (or at least he was pretending not to be). He said that it wasn't his first run-in with hypnotherapy and that a lot of people use it for various things. Quitting smoking/alcohol, getting over a break up, giving yourself motivation to diet/workout. In the end he told me that as long as I was being healthy, it didn't really matter. But then said obviously if I ever feel sick or like somethings wrong, I should stop and contact him immediately.

I also made sure he wasn't going to tell my mom, which he assured me patient confidentiality was in full effect.

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 67"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 139 lbs

So overall, it was kind of a crazy trip, but I'm more excited than ever. And now with all of my progress, I'm excited to see how far I can go! I can't believe that I used to be 6 inches taller! I've become quite the shrimp :P
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » April 11th, 2016, 8:49 am

Only 1 1/4 inches to go until you'll be the same height as me, so keep it up - or down, lol ;)
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby psiboi1977 » April 11th, 2016, 11:41 am

Areally there any progress photos? This sounds awesome to see you all shrink!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby OxyFemboi » April 11th, 2016, 2:42 pm

seesinpinkandwhite wrote
Hey shorties!

Sorry for the long time without an update. I've been meaning to post, but have had some extended family stuff come up which has kept me quite busy outside of work. So here is an update on my progress. All in all, despite some family stress, things have been awesome in regards to shrinking! I'm now officially down a half a foot! A whole six inches!!

So, let's rewind a bit though. I did have a Doctor's appointment a little over a week ago. He gave me a measurement and gave me an odd look as he clearly had a much taller number in my files from my last visit over a year ago. He asked me straight up if I had always been that height or if something had been changing recently. I decided that it was probably best not to lie to my own doctor, so...well, I told him everything.

I told him that I had a fascination with becoming shorter and that I had been using hypnosis to shrink. He just sort of listened patiently while I spilled everything (it was really nice to actually say it out loud) and in the end I just kind of waited for him to respond. And honestly, he didn't seem that surprised (or at least he was pretending not to be). He said that it wasn't his first run-in with hypnotherapy and that a lot of people use it for various things. Quitting smoking/alcohol, getting over a break up, giving yourself motivation to diet/workout. In the end he told me that as long as I was being healthy, it didn't really matter. But then said obviously if I ever feel sick or like somethings wrong, I should stop and contact him immediately.

I also made sure he wasn't going to tell my mom, which he assured me patient confidentiality was in full effect.

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 67"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 139 lbs

So overall, it was kind of a crazy trip, but I'm more excited than ever. And now with all of my progress, I'm excited to see how far I can go! I can't believe that I used to be 6 inches taller! I've become quite the shrimp :P

Greetings, fellow Littles!

Congratulations on shrinking a full six inches, seesinpinkandwhite! WOW! *envy* Your doctor sounds extremely cool, especially when he didn't blink and eye about using hypnosis to shrink. I especially like the bit about "patient confidentiality was in full effect" when you asked him not to tell your Mom. Are you going to tell your Mom when you reach your goal? It's not that admitting you've always wanted to be shorter is going to affect her love for you. She might look at you a little strangely for a while, since this is not a desire that is commonly talked about. When I've brought it up among friends, I find at least some of them want to be either shorter or taller, which causes referrals to WMM's Shorter/Taller files.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » April 11th, 2016, 9:58 pm

Sorry I haven't posted lately I had to stop for a bit since my one headphones was annoying my stitches and I don't want to annoy it much but I do plan on getting back on it tonight with some speakers behind my pillow
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby STCL » April 13th, 2016, 7:15 am

Damn, another person with amazing results! Six whole inches and you still want to keep going!? I envy you, man, I really do. I think that settles it for me, I'm gonna try the file again, and start trying to knock a few inches off my height.
Seriously, though, congrats. I'm super jealous of you right now.

Quick questions, seesinpinkandwhite, but what will you do when you hit 5'0? Stay that height for the rest of your life, keep going? Maybe try to grow back?
Current height: 6'1"
Goal height: 5'7"
Starting height: 6'2"
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 14th, 2016, 6:26 am

Congratulations on shrinking a full six inches, seesinpinkandwhite! WOW! *envy* Your doctor sounds extremely cool, especially when he didn't blink and eye about using hypnosis to shrink. I especially like the bit about "patient confidentiality was in full effect" when you asked him not to tell your Mom. Are you going to tell your Mom when you reach your goal? It's not that admitting you've always wanted to be shorter is going to affect her love for you. She might look at you a little strangely for a while, since this is not a desire that is commonly talked about. When I've brought it up among friends, I find at least some of them want to be either shorter or taller, which causes referrals to WMM's Shorter/Taller files.

Yeah my doctor is quite the professional. Even if he did think the whole hypnosis thing was weird, he didn't show it and was encouraging. It was great to have his support and to be able to get it all off my chest. I might just tell my mom about it afterall; perhaps she'll be supportive too. I'd love to be able to be honest with her.

It's true that almost everyone wants to change something about themselves, especially height. So many short guys wanting to be taller, or tall girls wanting to be shorter, and vica versa (though it's less common). The difference is that we are actually trying to change it instead of just complaining about it :P Now that I'm 6 inches down, my new height has definitely become apparent to people. I'm still not brave enough to tell them the truth about me wanting the change and that I used hypnosis to achieve it. But maybe it's best I start telling them; maybe will encourage more people to give it a try and see what they can change about themselves?

Quick questions, seesinpinkandwhite, but what will you do when you hit 5'0? Stay that height for the rest of your life, keep going? Maybe try to grow back?

I really haven't thought about it. I guess 5' still seems like a ways off and it used to feel unobtainable (though now, I'm convinced I can get there!). So who knows. Maybe I'll keep going? I've always loved taking things to the extreme. My mind always says "Why stop here?" and it's fun to keep pushing things. But I guess I'll have to see if my ambition changes once I actually get there!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » April 14th, 2016, 7:36 am

It must be getting quite expensive to keep buying a whole load of new clothes every time they get too big for you, or are you buying sizes smaller than you are and shrinking in to them?

I guess you'll need to wear children's clothes when you get below my height - I can fit into boys age 12-13 jeans because of my leg and waist length (how I know is a friend who had a son around that age gave a few pairs to me)
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby psiboi1977 » April 14th, 2016, 9:45 pm

That small? Sounds interesting to see...what has people staying away from showing us this awesome shrinkage? I'd love to see how I tower above someone with a 12 year old boy's waist!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby OxyFemboi » April 14th, 2016, 10:19 pm

psiboi wrote
That small? Sounds interesting to see...what has people staying away from showing us this awesome shrinkage? I'd love to see how I tower above someone with a 12 year old boy's waist!

Th file's suggestions tell us that we shrink in proportion. We look exactly the same. What changes is how we look in relation to other things, like furniture and pictures on the wall. [I'm sure that could be faked with some photo editing programs.] Pictures can be moved (and probably will be so we can look at them without looking up). What we need is something like that police mug shot background ... and very few of us have something like that available. Bricks would work but how many of us, even given the popularity of "industrial design" look, have bricks showing in our houses or apartments?

Some people also don't want to post pix which show faces.

Make a practical suggestion that can be implemented fairly easily and we will probably start posting pix.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 15th, 2016, 6:17 am

It must be getting quite expensive to keep buying a whole load of new clothes every time they get too big for you, or are you buying sizes smaller than you are and shrinking in to them?

I guess you'll need to wear children's clothes when you get below my height - I can fit into boys age 12-13 jeans because of my leg and waist length (how I know is a friend who had a son around that age gave a few pairs to me)

I've been buying tighter/smaller clothes lately and just shrinking into them. Buying a new wardrobe every few weeks is just unsustainable; way too expensive and sucks up far too much of my free time, which is in limited supply. But I did something kind of embarrassing this week. I asked my mom if she still had any of my clothes from when I was a boy... I told her that since I've gotten smaller I don't want to keep buying new clothes. I'll need to buy new dress clothes for work; no way around that. But any casual clothes for the weekends that I don't have to buy would be helpful.

She looked at me strangely for a bit then ended up laughing. We laughed about it together, which was nice, and felt like a weight off my chest (seeing her being more accepting of my shrinking). She said most of those clothes are long gone; given away to charities or my younger cousins years ago, etc. But she did have a box in the attic with some stuff she never got around to giving away. Going through that box was nostalgic, embarrassing, and exciting to think how much I've progressed to require little boys clothes.

They're still way too tight on me for now, but at least I know I have those if my shrinking keeps up.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » April 15th, 2016, 2:24 pm

psiboi1977, if you're referring to me about the 12-year old's waist..

...I'm not shrinking.... I've always been that as an adult - 28 inch waist, 29-ish]?] inch legs
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby 5HA99Y » April 21st, 2016, 9:55 pm

Not sure how to put it I don't think I shrunk physical still yet but I did felt shorter when I took off my shoes though shoes do add inches to you but still felt weird
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 25th, 2016, 6:34 am

Hey there tinies!

Some progress and news to share! I measured in at 66.3 inches, which is over half an inch less than the last time I was measured. Still moving steadily towards that goal! I had a pretty interesting experience this weekend too. So, I was helping my mom clear out things from our basement. She wants to get the whole area redone, so we needed to move a bunch of boxes and junk out into the garage. And wow, this was the first time I really noticed how much strength I've lost.

I was really really struggling with some of those boxes. And I likely could have handled them pretty easily at my old height/weight. I mean, it makes sense. I'm down over 6.5 inches and 35 lbs. There was one point where I was really having trouble getting a box off the ground. I had it pinned against the wall and I was trying to use the friction to get a good grip on it. And my mom just walks over and grabs it from me, easily hefting it into her arms like it weighed nothing. It was kind of embarrassing haha. I gotta get used to being short AND being weak in this big scary world.

One of my co-workers/friends approached me on Friday and directly asked about my new height. She basically came right out and asked if I was aware how much smaller I look. I was kind of nervous talking about it and didn't want to divulge the details, so I just said yes. I guess more and more people are noticing (how could they not?) She also asked me if I was seeing anyone because she has a friend that likes shorter guys. I was a bit taken back but after talking for about ten minutes I agreed that I'd be up for meeting her (what do I have to lose?)

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 66.3"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 136 lbs

Anyways, hope things are great with all of you! Enjoy the short life!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » April 25th, 2016, 9:03 am

Well done again still seesinpinkandwhite! Double well done for finding a girl that likes shorter men too!

Just curious to how tall the co-worker who asked you this was? Was she taller or shorter than you?
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby smaller2 » April 25th, 2016, 9:43 am

Wow that is astounding and awesome! Hope things go well with meeting the lady and whatnot. If things go really well in that area over time, maybe the 'pleasure causes shrinking' could be explored at a much more interesting level - even to the point of her seeming to become bigger or her mentioning that you seem even smaller, in the course of an evening, become noticeable.

For the strength decrease, well if you look at yourself in the mirror and it seems you are shrinking in scale (unless you look any younger?) then the 'cube square law' for reduction appears to be applying to you ... areCubeLaw
Be mindful of your body temperature as you decrease in size, have you needed to dress in more layers compared to the temperature? As your mass decreases so does the ease at which heat passes through you, in or out.

Can you jump higher or run faster than you could at a larger size? Is it easier to lift yourself up off the ground, such as with a pull-up? While your mass is lost at a cubic factor, the cross-sectional area of your muscles is lost at just a square factor, so for what you can do in your own smaller body, let us know if you have ... what to call it, miniature superpowers? The Atom of DC comics did need a control on his belt to retain his proportional strength, as I recall, compared to the world of giants
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » April 26th, 2016, 6:21 am

Just curious to how tall the co-worker who asked you this was? Was she taller or shorter than you?

Well, it's not like we stood back to back or anything, but from my perspective we seemed about the same height. Of course, that is a drastic difference from me previous looking down on her haha. You can't imagine how excited and nervous I am to have her set me up with a friend, especially one who "likes short guys". That's also the first time I've really been publicly called "short". I've gotten reactions that I'm shrinking, sure, but no one has ever not classified me as "tall" or at least average in some regard when describing me. Now, in the eyes of the people around me, I'm officially short! That feels crazy!

Wow that is astounding and awesome! Hope things go well with meeting the lady and whatnot. If things go really well in that area over time, maybe the 'pleasure causes shrinking' could be explored at a much more interesting level - even to the point of her seeming to become bigger or her mentioning that you seem even smaller, in the course of an evening, become noticeable.

I mean, don't even get me started on how incredible that sounds haha, however at the moment I'm just taking it one step at a time. I have no idea if me and this girl will even "click". I'm not exactly desperate for a girlfriend; I've been single for a little while now and have been mostly enjoying it. I'm in no hurry to rush back into a relationship. However, if she's a really awesome person, who knows where things will go! Just the idea that she likes short guys is a big plus though!

Can you jump higher or run faster than you could at a larger size? Is it easier to lift yourself up off the ground, such as with a pull-up? While your mass is lost at a cubic factor, the cross-sectional area of your muscles is lost at just a square factor, so for what you can do in your own smaller body, let us know if you have ... what to call it, miniature superpowers? The Atom of DC comics did need a control on his belt to retain his proportional strength, as I recall, compared to the world of giants

I haven't really noticed. It feels to me like my overall strength per my body weight is about the same, but I haven't really tested it. However, interacting with objects around me seems to be much tougher. Lifting heavy things or awkwardly shaped things is more difficult than ever.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » May 3rd, 2016, 2:21 pm

Hello hello,

Time for another update! I've fallen into a really great rhythm with the file, which has made achieving a trance state easier than ever (which I'd also correlate to consistent progress). For anyone having trouble with achieving their desired results, it really all comes down to finding that trance, fugue state where you're incredibly susceptible to suggestion. Takes a lot of practice, that's for sure, and simultaneously, the harder you "try" to fall into it, the less likely it is to happen. Anyways, it's recently dawned on me how good I've gotten at becoming hypnotized haha. Good to know if I want to try other files in the future.

But, for now progress has been great and on Sunday I took the dive and met up with my co-worker's friend for lunch. First off, wow, what a cool girl! It was a little awkward at first; I mean understandable considering we were set up. But after breaking the ice for a bit, she seems like a sweetheart; a cool, easy-going girl that just wants to have a good time. Talking with her was a breeze and the time seemed to slip away as we chatted for almost 4 hours!

And, of course, what everyone is waiting to hear: She's tall. Really tall (at least from my perspective). I was a bit embarrassed to ask at first, but after the tension wore off I inquired about her height. She says she's about 6', which is certainly tall in my book. Luckily we were sitting down the whole time or I would have strained my neck trying to look at her!

I didn't really tell her anything about my shrinking or my preference for tall girls (that sounded like a far too forward conversation for a first "date"). But I did ask if she was interested in going out again and she said yes! Got her digits and have been texting her a bit for the last few days. Let's just say I'm feeling pretty good right now!

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 65.6"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 131 lbs
Posts: 39
Joined: June 29th, 2015, 12:00 am

Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby smaller2 » May 4th, 2016, 5:07 am

Wow that's great news seesinpinkandwhite!
Congrats on the success both with the lovely lady, and your accelerated shrinking! Consider that she likes short men, and were it not for my file and your success with it, you would be about an inch taller than her!

As your success has been charted and reported reliably, I made a chart of the changes over time going back to the start of this year
You can see where the reported change is steeper, that's when you were shrinking faster. It is all to scale. If you like, you can PM me your email and I can send you the excel file that I used to make those charts, if you would like to track your own changes over time.

Have you been feeling the shrink waves at least once an hour? Ever get to a state where you feel the tingling or shrink waves pretty much constantly? I achieved such a state way back when I first made the file and was testing it out - it is quite a rush! Very exciting to feel every little piece of you dwindling away, even noticing your clothes becoming looser, everything and everyone about you seem to get larger as you dwindle down. Pleasurable even. And you know how the pleasure comes from shrinking? Another way to look at that association is that shrinking causes pleasure - such that the more you feel it, the better it feels, the faster it happens. I mean look at this past 10 days on the chart, that's a rather significant decrease in size given the history so far. It seems you are shrinking faster...
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby smaller2 » May 4th, 2016, 5:08 am

Here is the link to the chart
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » May 5th, 2016, 11:50 am

Wooo seesinpinkandwhite, welcome to my world in height! :shock: :o :D :P

Congratulations, you're now actually - finally - roughly 1/2cm shorter than me!! You're definitely well below average height now - although you're still a stone heavier than me (I'm about 112 lb), but I'm just skinny

How does it feel to be this short now, seeing most guys taller than you (and a lot more girls as tall or taller)? As you walk around the village/town/city you're in - especially when I look at school kids - I'm always subconsciously comparing myself to other people's height; obviously you'll have noticed more and more people are taller than you now.

Are you getting used to that at all? Or do are you still surprised that when you see someone in the distance you think is shorter than you, only to find out that person's taller? That still happens to me quite a lot - and I've always been this short.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » May 5th, 2016, 3:06 pm


It is crazy to think that without this file I would certainly be taller than her. Knowing that I used to be her height and looking up at her was kind of mind numbing. I kind of wonder what it would be like to look up at a mirror image of my former self. Would I even recognize myself anymore? Fun to think about for sure.

And thanks for making that file! It is very interesting to see my progress mapped out. Its great to see there's some kind of trend to it. I can definitely look back at certain times and remember the weeks where I was stressed at work or had a lot going on and see how it was actually affecting my hypnosis susceptibility.

I cant quite recall being able to feel myself actively shrink. There are times where i feel a tingling or waves of something passing through me, but i have yet to feel myself shrink in real time (actually notice my clothes actively becoming looser on my skin). But hopefully with more time and practice I'll be able to achieve that!


It's great that I'm shorter than you now! Sometimes it still surprises me; running into people I havent seen in a while and expecting them to be looking up at me, only to have me looking up at them. I remember being tall enough to see over the heads of nearly everyone, and now it feels like my view is so crowded. Like walking down a busy street is a lot more of a hassle. I used to always be able to see ahead to where i was going, viewing the entire horizon. And now, I enter a crowd and can't see past all the giant bodies around me.

It makes me feel so tiny and helpless. I also worry a little about getting mugged. Before, my height was intimidating enough to keep shady people clear of me. Now, i probably look like an easy target! I'll need to be sure to hang out with more tall people to ensure i always have security haha.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » May 5th, 2016, 3:09 pm

Another thing I've just thought about: has your smaller self changed your voice pitch? I wondered if because your lungs are now much smaller than they were, your voice pitch might be a little higher than when you was at 6'1" - like the opposite of puberty!

Or haven't you noticed any difference?
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » May 5th, 2016, 3:20 pm

I havent noticed any voice change difference but I could just be deaf to it. You know how when you hear your own voice from someone's recording and think "wow I don't sound like THAT, do I?"

I imagine it's like that. My voice could be different but internally it all still sounds the same.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby Small1sh » May 7th, 2016, 2:32 pm

Another thing I've been thinking of...

I think seesinpinkandwhite's shrinking this much could seriously could be a world record - especially if/when you shrink down to 5 foot! I mean, I don't think anything like this has happened in history, simply because I don't think this has ever been attempted before! But feel free to prove me wrong ;)

I know the guy who became a "hobbit" on here several pages back was really impressive (how tall was his original height?), but I doubt he was 6'1" tall to start with!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby STCL » May 8th, 2016, 3:46 am

His original height was 5'6"
He did it over the course of a month but reverted back almost in the same amount of time with the regrowth file
After some more conversing with him, he told me about how his bf was domming him with the file but it got to the point where he couldn't take his BF, that's why he stopped

I'd honestly be inclined not to beleive the story if not for the fact that I have some during and after pictures on my backup drive

At his request I have agreed not to share them
Current height: 6'1"
Goal height: 5'7"
Starting height: 6'2"
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby OxyFemboi » May 8th, 2016, 3:25 pm

Small1sh wrote
Another thing I've been thinking of...

I think seesinpinkandwhite's shrinking this much could seriously could be a world record - especially if/when you shrink down to 5 foot! I mean, I don't think anything like this has happened in history, simply because I don't think this has ever been attempted before! But feel free to prove me wrong ;)

I'm absolutely sure that I responded to this before. However, there is no record of it in either the Forum thread or in a list of my forum replies, so ... either I dreamed that I responded or someone removed it.

Yes, this could be a World's Record of some sort. I'd suggest that , if you are at all interested in possibly getting your name in the Guinness Book of World Records, y9uo contact them with the particulars. Here are some link in case you are interested: ... ndividual/ ... cords/size

I have found 297 records for "human height shrinking" none of which seem to apply.
I have found 422 records for "change human height", none of which seem to apply.

So, seesinpinkandwhite, you could be the first person who has shrunk seven inches ... or if you make it done to five feet, thirteen inches. It would also be great publicity for WMM and smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel for your Height file. I'm assuming that you have records of some sort -- doctor records, driver's license, pictures, etc, -- that document that you were once six feet one inch.

STCL wrote
His original height was 5'6"
He did it over the course of a month but reverted back almost in the same amount of time with the regrowth file
After some more conversing with him, he told me about how his bf was dominating him with the file but it got to the point where he couldn't take his BF, that's why he stopped

I'd honestly be inclined not to believe the story if not for the fact that I have some during and after pictures on my backup drive

His boyfriend sounds like a real asshole. Are they still together? Did your "hobbit" friend get back to his original height or it is "more or less" his original height (plus or minus an inch)?

small1sh wrote
Another thing I've just thought about: has your smaller self changed your voice pitch? I wondered if because your lungs are now much smaller than they were, your voice pitch might be a little higher than when you was at 6'1" - like the opposite of puberty!

I haven't noticed any voice change difference but I could just be deaf to it

If you've ever listened to a recording of yourself and thought you sound completely different, you're not alone. But more than that, you were also correct. Here's why it sounds different.

You see, when you speak, you hear your voice as other people do, but you also hear a contribution which comes from vibrations passing through your skull. In this video, Greg Foot explains how that changes what you hear—and why, sadly, the recording of your voice is actually how you sound to everyone but you. []
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » May 10th, 2016, 9:57 am

Hey shorties,

Hope everyone is having a good week. Been pretty uneventful for me. Got to see miss tall girl again, which was great! We just went to a bar to get a few drinks and chat.

Funny thing was, i got ID'd at the bar. I usually never get my ID checked but i guess I'm looking much younger the smaller I get haha.

Starting Height: 73"
Current Height: 65.2"
Goal Height: 60"

Starting Weight: 171 lbs
Current Weight: 125 lbs
Posts: 39
Joined: June 29th, 2015, 12:00 am

Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby smaller2 » May 10th, 2016, 5:20 pm

Good to hear from you as always seesinpinkandwhite.

Are you sure about your posted numbers today? In a week you are down only 0.4 inches of height, but have a loss of 6 pounds. Are you getting thinner? Congrats on continued good times with the tall lady, I wonder if how many drinks it takes to get you hammered has gone down with your size.

Cheers and happy continued dwindling away! When you are with the lady, or thinking about her, maybe see how much that 'pleasure causes shrinking' goes for you. Enjoy!
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby jonesj » May 11th, 2016, 4:30 pm

In awe of your progress seesinpinkandwhite.

I managed to lose around five inches very slowly, but you are down almost a foot. You were a tall guy to begin with, so it must be weird now to be getting near the point when even average sized guys will start dwarfing you.

I found that I lost a lot of bulk. There are short guys who can have a physical presence through their bulk but if you shrink in proportion you end up being little all over. I'm not surprised that you ended up being ID carded. You said before that you were 6 foot by the age of 14. That height must seem a long way away now.

You are not far off the 97th percentile. To have taken yourself voluntarily from being a reasonably big guy to being a guy who is almost certain to be smaller and weaker than any other guy he meets is awesome.
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Re: Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height

Postby seesinpinkandwhite » May 13th, 2016, 6:21 am

@smaller2: I think I've been losing more weight. On top of the weight loss from the shrinking, i also havent gone to the gym since i started the file, so i believe I'm also losing my muscle mass and it's catching up to me. But weight can also fluctuate quite a bit through out a given day so I usually don't take the exact number to heart until it is consistent.

Id definitely love to try a pleasure leads to shrinking scenario with this girl, but we're still getting to know each other though :) we'll be seeing each other again this weekend though! And i certainly get tipsy a lot faster with alcohol. When i was tall, i could drink beers casually all night and be good for hours. Now the second beer of the night is getting to me quite quickly!

@jonesj: thanks for the support! 5 inches is great progress! Im curious to hear your story...would you share it with us?

As i mentioned above, ive certainly lost my bulk as well, but its not only a result of shrinking but also not going to the gym. I used to lift weights when i was bigger but now ive given it up. I definitely feel weaker and have lost quite a bit of muscle mass. I dont even want to know how much my bench and squat have dropped haha
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