Your Other Half: multiple personalites

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 5th, 2016, 3:06 am

dkumd wrote
ok, so, i think i'm understanding now. i didn't really think about this much while i was at work, but as soon as i got in the car, i started hearing his voice. by the end of the drive home i was answering him out loud, and he was begging to come out when we got inside. sure enough, as soon as i closed the door and locked it behind me, miguel took over. he's 25, mexican (as you might guess from the name), and loves to give dave a hard time.

yo wat up its miguel lol. soon as we got home i told dave we doin things my way for a while. dave gotta get me some new clothes tho bro, these boring ass jeans and fuckin soccer shoes aint gon work lol

i told dave we sleepin naked tonite bro, he dont like that shit but he gonna let us try it bro and see how it goes lol

Welcome, miguel. Yeah, being multiple takes a little getting used to. Give Dave a little slack. It sounds like you two will get along great. Change is fun, but don't change everything at one time. Do it gradually. That way he can get used to things changing gradually; changing everything at once can be a shock ... and expensive.

I slept naked for years before anyone else was around. It wasn't something someone had to convince me to do. I started for a practical reason -- why dirty (and need to launder) another set of clothing that no one else sees? -- and enjoyed the freedom. It also frees up drawer space. dave, I would have guessed miguel was Latino but not the specific country. After all, every Latin American country except Brazil speaks Spanish; Brazil speaks Portuguese. And I think that the few Caribbean islands that don't speak Spanish speak French, another Latin-derived language. Elementary profiling: Spanish speaker in the Southwest is from Mexico (or another Central American country); Spanish-speaker in New York is from Puerto Rico; Spanish-speaker in Florida is from Cuba (or another Caribbean island).

Greetings, Miguel. What kind of clothing do you want to get? If it's one of those "I'll know it when I see it" deals, dave may be a bit harder to convince. Not many guys have Ox's love of shopping. It's shopping for books, but, still ... that counts. Books are not a necessity, like groceries. Everybody needs to eat, so grocery shopping is necessary.

Yo, miguel! Welcome, dude!
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 5th, 2016, 10:34 am

yea bro i here ya lol im not tryin to stress dave out too much, he's a good dude i just think he could use some fashion help lol just sum jeans, some fresh sneakers, shirts that aint so nerdy lol

miguel thinks dave's geekiness is hilarious. i think it's great, the contrast is awesome.

an yo thanks for the welcome bros, im glad to be here!!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 5th, 2016, 1:20 pm

dkumd wrote
yea bro i here ya lol im not tryin to stress dave out too much, he's a good dude i just think he could use some fashion help lol just sum jeans, some fresh sneakers, shirts that aint so nerdy lol

miguel thinks dave's geekiness is hilarious. i think it's great, the contrast is awesome.

an yo thanks for the welcome bros, im glad to be here!!

Well, Ox stuck to the late 1960s student fashion uniform -- jeans and a tee shirt (ironically, Ox never liked the look when he was in college, going for what would later be called the "young urban professional" look -- that was later abbreviated to the YUPpie look -- till Honey came along. Ox had been listening to all those Jock files in the early 2000s while he took care of his Mom. It's not like he a had a long list of places places to get dressed for. He had no reason to care that he looked like a former jock who had let himself go. (That look was exactly what Ox had been aiming for, though he had no one to appreciate his success. Mom only cared that he was easy to recognize. She often confused him with Dad ... which had built-in creepiness potential that David Lynch would have adored. I'm sure he would have used it in Blue Velvet if he had could have fit it in.

We all loved the sneaks Ox loved: black ASICS
* Matflex wrestling shoes. You could almost feel the carpet or sidewalk (or wrestling mat) through the soles of the shoe.

Yes, the contrasts between each alter's style is awesome. If someone didn't suspect we were multiple, they might wonder at the differences between how Honey or Yoshi or Rock pick clothing for the same event. We attended the three day mini-Sturges motorcycle weekend rally in three extremely different outfits. How to describe the contrast? I'm sure I can't do it justice.

Ox, I'm sure you would have done just fine! Honestly ... men, sometimes ... this attack of modesty is so unlike you. Ox! Are we expecting another alter? Not that I'm aware of, Honey dear. Sometimes I'm the last to know. Nobody mentions things like this to me! Well, let's just say young professional businesswoman, NASCAR SPrint Cup following sports dude (#24, Jeff Gordon, now retired), and "summer hippie church casual". We would not attend the usual right-wing "Christian" churches around here. Someone put up a list of things for people to do (repent, pray, harass your neighbors about god, etc.) but not one -- zero, zip, zilch, nada, NONE -- of these items mentioned a single potentially inconvenient possibility, such as the practical duties of feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, clothing the naked, and other such things that Jesus actually mentioned doing in his name.

Yo, Honey, lighten up, babe! Yeah, they mailed us a pamphlet or two, but nobody has come door-to-door peddling salvation. Of course that's due to their enforcing the anti-soliciting clause in the lease, but still ... we can avoid the bible-thumpers easy. If we can't avoid them, we can always try to convert them to the worship of Cthulhu ... or Pan. Honey, we were saved a few decades ago and I can still quote Scripture from memory when needed. (I read that book often enough ... every passage, even the really boring books ... like Numbers ... at least ten times.) I can still do the Charismatic rigamarole. We were even baptized in the Jordan River in late February or early March of 1976! That's serious Christian cred. We even earned an Indulgence signed by the Mayor of Jerusalem! I have no idea where it is now, but still ... relax! It' s covered!

Note: Ox's learned opinion is that the Christian three-in-one god
-- look who's talking. What's our total now? ... N-minds-in-one-body, where N equals what? -- really, really, really needs a good editor to eliminate the glaring inconsistencies in his collection of short stories and poems ... as well as a personality transplant and some serious psychiatric counseling. Our total, whoever is using black now, depends on how you count. Currently active and doing comments are Ox, Honey, Yoshi, and Rock. There are one or two others like Dave -- who is a tist like Ox; check out our (Ox, Dave, and Yoshi's) new (as of May 1, 2016) file, file body, and script Canine Penis -- and Snake who are active but don't make comments. Then there are a few who hardly ever show up. We're not sure what happened to them or even if they're still around. So N is at least four but less than ten. I don't know who used black, either. None of us regulars do. Not me, dear. Relax. No, bro! Ain't me, either. Take a chill pill, dude! Hi, everyone. I'm Dave. I can be just as snarky and smartass as Ox. He needs a counter-pain-in-the-ass to take him down a few notches sometimes. I volunteered myself for the position. I don't plan on commenting too much, though, Yoshi, so you can *Stop Glaring* at me!

These multi-color posts are a royal pain-in-the-ass to write and it takes literally hours to make the HTML work correctly ... but they looks so great if and/or when it finally works. Too bad the HTML doesn't copy-and-paste.

* The literature of the ASICS corporation explains the name as an acronym of the Latin phrase anima sana in corpore sano, variously translated as A sound mind in a sound body. or A healthy soul in a healthy body. The phrase is derived from Juvenal's aphorism mens sana in corpore sano or Thales' saying Νοῦς ὑγιὴς ἐν σώματι ὑγιεῖ, A healthy mind in a a healthy body.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby StrayHusky » May 6th, 2016, 12:03 am

I thought I'd post here for the sake of it. I was one of the test subjects for JackDrago's Manly Spirit. That created the cabin in my head, and Eric. Without any hypnosis designed to specifically induce more alters, I've developed two more - Pig and Aurecia. Both are... Unique.

First, there's me. Kyle, Marstruc, StrayHusky, all those apply to me specifically. I'm a practicer of both shamanism and demonolatry. I'm the original 'host' for this body. How I see myself is that... Well, to be frank, I'm the odd kind of person. Not really fitting in here or there. I have -a lot- of kinks, which I enjoy. Best that I don't list them here. Moving on.

Eric was my first alter, and remains a dear friend who has gotten me through my worst times, even taking control when I can't cope. He's your typical man/work-out douche, admittedly, but he's a good one. He's managing to finally get me to work out a bit. He has his own kinks too, but eh.

Pig developed from my use of Professor Pig's files and my work on creating Eric and maintaining him with Jack, he's a kinky, rubber-suited boi who wants nothing more than pleasure to to pleasure those around him. I generally don't let him out.
Aurecia however came from someone who I now consider to be a part of me, cloning their entirety into me and replacing my personality. I am quite stubborn, however, so as I worked on Eric, my mind slowly turned her into an alter, as I couldn't bring myself to reject her. She's usually very quiet, but very seductive, manipulative and so on. She loves using what she can, even hypnosis, to corrupt people or encourage them to corrupt themselves.

They aren't speaking right now as it's early morning, and Pig is generally the only other one up, if I have a bit of morning wood. They're all rather nice to have around.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » May 6th, 2016, 2:28 am

Dracari here, Cael's wanting me to get in bed it's 4am, and i almost dozed trying to fall in trance for another run on Your Other Half,.(more we try more we hope.) i was hospitalized 3 days ago (food poisoning which led to Nonstopping vomiting.)but i was released the day after . while there cael was silent... i certainly know she did NOT like it when i had to get the IV line (hurt like a bitch going in just as much commin out) Common please dont talk of that.. it hurt common out because of the tape like bandage that held it on plus the nurse taking it off let it tug on the damned thing!.. and hurry up .. you need to get in bed, *glares at the clock*

Ok ok Cael i'm goin i'm goin. staying up this late is whats defiantly not helping out health *huff*eitherway before i have a fussy Dragoness to deal with, we both havent felt right since comming home, we were gone for only 24hrs, but it left that feeling of your gone for a week or more then commin back home, and i'm more so worried how our trip to our friends place on th 19th will leave us as we're not commin back home till june 1sti'll say it just so i can pull tom into bed.. we're going to the Great Lakes furcon whic is the 27~29th and our mutual friend is taking us to visit the dayton Ohio Air museum the day after. and we're going to be gone more about a week and ahalf. (he's letting us stay with him a week before the con.). we're both worried how being gone that long will leave us emotionally if just 24hrs in a hospital did enough to make us sleep so much since we've been back.but we both should of been in bed an hour ago. and tom is draggin his feet on the matter.. thanks everyone for being supportive we both appreciate it and we didnt want anyone to worry but... tom insisted postin this lil update before we went to bed. ok Cael we're going to bed. Anyway Ox, everyone, (i'm starting to loose track of everyone i've never been great tracking names *bows in shame*) but her and i need sleep so nini for now!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 7th, 2016, 2:16 pm

yo its miguel lol dave letting me run shit today, feels so great bro. he let me get him a fresh fitted and sum socks and a shirt, takin it baby steps but i can tell daves diggin it lol we talkin bout lettin me run shit more often in public specially, i love drivin daves car man its a sick ride lol but he sit up too strait in the seat bro so im teachin him to lean back more, and stop listening to that stupid shit on his radio and bang some rap from dat dope sound system tho lol
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 8th, 2016, 2:11 am

wat up its miguel again, i feel relly bad i yelled at dave today cuz he said we could watch a movie but he dont have it. i got real mad bro, and i said sum mean shit. but dave forgave me, hes such a good dude bro thats my homie man. i think we stronger than ever now but i still feel bad

yeah, miguel was pretty mean, that's true. but i think he was tired from having been out most of the day, and it was our first argument...was bound to happen sometime i guess. we just need to manage how long he's out until he gets his stamina up.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » May 9th, 2016, 5:06 pm

I wish i could get Tom over his fear of needles. i think it's why sometimes he hesitates in taking his Testosterone Injections (i dont like those 1 and a half inch long needles either.) Really cael after almost 3 months you'd think i would be over it but my heart always races and i get nervous as fuck, espically the last two times i've fucked it up.

you really are and excuse my language dear but. a Real Chicken-Shit about it. only if there was something i could do to help Yea its remind me to call UHC and try getting the Gel or patch approved. not trying to be mean hun but thats about the only option. and we cant afford no custom file to help rid the fear of Needles! Yea its called get on yoru heels about disability or a Job then save up for one. (this isnt our First fight but we get along mostly so well :3 ) if i could pinch you cael i would w/o pinching myself ! :P
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » May 11th, 2016, 6:25 pm

Sorry to double post, Tom's relaxing inside right now, i think he's hitting an early midlife crisis and is letting out a babyfur side out alot (wearing his Diapers more, he got a Paci, he's been adopted on Second Life and enrolled in a School on SL. This is the first time i'm alone and in controll its kinda Exciting, but i cought him crying lastnight almost calling me mom. im hoping this isnt something bigger than just what i think it is. but for now its adorable how he's acting when we're alone almost to where i wish were were separate entities and i could hold the little fella in these times in my arms
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 13th, 2016, 6:40 pm

Read through the entire thread, and this whole premise really interests me, while also being somewhat erotic, go figure, almost anything turns me on. Outside of my PC, I am incredibly shy, introverted, a bit of a loner but still have friends, just imagining having an assertive personality to help me out in all those times seems like a dream come true.

Sadly I don't know if I can make it work, due to family (they dont even know Im bisexual, so doubt multiple personalities would be taken well), and I do still kind of want to be me, playing games on my PC all day after college or any work, but Im worried that a second personality may not enjoy that and we'd be at odds, especially since Im pretty lazy when it comes to going outside.

I do struggle in college a bit, as I seem to have reached a point where anything I learn is starting to get increasingly difficult to remember at all, so this assertive personality would preferably be smarter than me if that's even possible, or atleast be able to give more of an effort than I do. Which is strange as I have this whole bimbo/dumbing down fetish which could really be at odds with what the personality would want, plus the fact that Id most likely hide it infront of friends or family (but i'd probably make him/he come out for stuff like presentations infront of class, I cant handle that)

Like, would a personality like that be hard to get, is is somewhat random? Would he/she mind being barely used when at home and such?

Outside of assertiveness, working harder and maybe smarter if possible, I would love the personality to have almost every one of my interests, such as my fetishes, cross dressing, videogames (preferably ones I like like Dark souls, tf2, etc), and the fact that I need to keep things on the down low due to family and such, but Im not sure how possible that is, so Im sorry if this all sounds stupid to all of you who've managed to make this work.

I may never do it due to all these problems, it I may, but Im just worried it will end up bad with a personality that I cant live with comfortably. :(
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 13th, 2016, 6:50 pm

Cant figure out how to edit posts with the new system, so ill say this bit here:

Im also really worried the personality wont enjoy the way Id have things set up. Barely used, mainly used for work... dont know how it would work out :/ I mean Id enjoy the company for sure, I just want to spend time playing games myself for example >.<
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 14th, 2016, 12:36 am


You have questions. As it happens, we have answers.

Outside of my PC, I am incredibly shy, introverted, a bit of a loner but still have friends, just imagining having an assertive personality to help me out in all those times seems like a dream come true.

You're not the only one who is painfully shy in person. Ox is as well. I --Yoshi -- am much more assertive. Almost everybody else, including any hermit living in an inaccessible cave, is more assertive and less shy than Ox in person.

I'm worried that a second personality may not enjoy that and we'd be at odds.

... I'm just worried it will end up bad with a personality that I cant live with comfortably. :(

This worry is completely unfounded. Every person who has created an alter-creation file includes suggestions that you and your alter get along well. You're compatible. Yes, my alter(s) and I sometimes disagree. An alter is his own personality, he's not a "new and improved" version of you. We settle disagreements by talking to each other. I explain why I want to do something, giving my reasons. He explains why he thinks it's a bad idea, giving his reasoning. We consider each other's points. Then we take some more. Eventually one of us admits he's wrong ... or we compromise since both of us usually have some points the other has failed to consider. We agree to disagree if it's something that is based on irreconcilable starting points.) If it involves our shared body -- getting a new tattoo, using a hypnosis file that causes physical changes , whatever -- we need to come to an agreement. If it doesn't involve our body, we agree to disagree.

We've read and heard that some alters do not have the same allergies that the original personality does. I have asked that this not be tested. I am allergic to something in coffee; when I drink coffee, I have a migraine within thirty minutes of my first swallow. After allowing them to access my memories of what a migraine feels like, they agreed that their drinking coffee is an exceedingly stupid idea.

I do still kind of want to be me, playing games on my PC all day after college or any work, but I'm worried that a second personality may not enjoy that and we'd be at odds, especially since I'm pretty lazy when it comes to going outside.

I do struggle in college a bit, as I seem to have reached a point where anything I learn is starting to get increasingly difficult to remember at all, so this assertive personality would preferably be smarter than me if that's even possible, or at least be able to give more of an effort than I do. Which is strange as I have this whole bimbo/dumbing down fetish which could really be at odds with what the personality would want, plus the fact that Id most likely hide it in front of friends or family (but i'd probably make him/he come out for stuff like presentations in front of class, I can't handle that) ...

Outside of assertiveness, working harder and maybe smarter if possible, I would love the personality to have almost every one of my interests, such as my fetishes, cross dressing, videogames (preferably ones I like like Dark souls, tf2, etc), and the fact that I need to keep things on the down low due to family and such,

Your personality will not change. Your alter's personality can be whatever you imagine. I took the liberty of editing what you talk about wanting in an alter into a coherent description you can use with ViVe's file as well as adding a few suggestions.
My alter is an assertive personality who helps when I need to be assertive. He is more extroverted that I am. He enjoys giving presentations in front of class as well as similar extrovert activities. He is smarter than I am. He has an excellent memory. He works harder than I can. He and I enjoy talking about our interests, fetishes, and the games we love. He honors my need to keep my bisexuality (and our multiplicity) hidden from my family at this time. He is immune to the effects of the Dumbing Down files. He stays smart and willingly handles our shared body's responsibilities if I decide to use the Dumbing Down files. He has some interests I don't. He enjoys being outside more than I do.

Can't figure out how to edit posts with the new system,

Restoring the ability to edit posts is something that EMG is working on. It is on his Things To Do List. The best workaround I've come up with is to copy your post, delete the post, paste the post in a new POSTREPLY window, make the changes you want, and then post the "new" reply.

I have this whole bimbo/dumbing down fetish which could really be at odds with what the personality would want.

We took care of this with an addendum to the alter description we wrote for you.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 14th, 2016, 8:52 am

Oh wow, thanks so much all of you! That description is almost perfect too, I may add some stuff where he doesn't mind being inside a lot, just incase his liking of outside makes him dislike being inside, I dont want to make him suffer in any way :)

His assertiveness and everything would really help me find a job when Im done with college too, as I worry Im not smart or assertive enough myself to find one, so thats great! I also dont have a hard time to just stop playing games and try to study, it's just that studying doesnt really stick for me anymore, so Id gladly give him control to work hard there to help in studying!

Plus it would help me be able to live out my dumbing fetish easier, with some touch of sluttyness. What im not sure yet is if I want it to be male or female, as I have been considering hormones for breasts for a lot of years now, though that may be far off due to family ofcourse. Im curious, would a shemale personality be possible? Would be great as I already act pretty female, except when infront of friends and family :p

Also, which file are you all exactly using for this? I'd love to download it and try it out next month when summer vacation starts (currently hogged down by assingments)

Again, thank you all so much for those tips and such <3

EDIT: Incase you're curious, I do wish I can become a game programmer in the future, along with making furry (am also a furry yes, as I said, almost every fetish under the sun :p) art atleast decently, sadly I myself kind of lack skills in anything, even when I enjoy doing them, so maybe the personality would be better at drawing than me. (Some example art of what I want to reach would be Kabier's art on Furaffinity). I already have a tablet so he could practice drawing better than me as he'd (still saying he for now as undecided) work harder as you stated.

I also have an online boyfriend and an online master, but sadly both get kind of sad due to mbe being so shy and anti-social to go onto cams or calls, so if this personality is similair enough he can take over there and help, if he hopefully likes them as im super submissive, dont know about him :P I do want to be somewhat slutty (for now its just online, with tons of fetishes) so I hope the other personality would be okay with that!

From all of what I just said now, any better way to alter that addendum you wrote me? :D

Im sorry if I overcomplicated things a lot, it's just that this is a pretty huge thing and I just don't want to to screw it up somehow so we can both live happily together :)
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 14th, 2016, 9:21 am

Greetings, Sorez.

We're glad we could help. Oxy is psychic, so he wrote the description so that your alter could take care of work and exercise while you did the play and home portion of life. Oxy has the same dumb fetish. Unfortunately those files won't work on Ox; his epilepsy meds make it almost impossible to get an erection. (That's what comes of taking the equivalent of 1000 milligrams of phenobarbital per day for forty-one years plus. Zero morning wood and an infinite tolerance for downers.) You can't make horny = happy = dumb if it is impossible to get horny. The Dumbing Down file series depends on making that connection and being able to wank successfully.

If you're not sure if you are transgender now, specify that your male alter is an androgynous bi femboi.

The file we are using is a file Danny1988 and Oxy commissioned from ViVe. The file allows you to customize your alter as much as you desire. We haven't hit any limits yet. Send me an e-mail; I'll give you a link. [Note to everybody: that is a plural "you"'. I will send the file to those who ask nicely.] ViVe decided not to post the file since he thinks it's too powerful to let into anybody's non-responsabile hands. What we are talking about is -- technically -- a hypnotically-induced mental illness called Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Oxy really needs to listen to that file, script it, and record our own version. ViVe called it an alpha file, which means that he didn't consider it worthy of the beta testing phase. [We suspect Oxy and ViVe have similar desires for perfection before anything is posted. He's still revising Canine Penis Version 2.0 even though we posted it.

Oxy is a furry as well. We can exchange drawings of our 'sonas. [Shameless Plug]Oxy's first file -- uploaded on May 1, 2016 -- is titled Canine Penis Version 2.0 and is a rewrite of Kinsuta56's script and the recordings that were made from it. We know it's better, though nobody has rated it yet.[/Shameless Plug]
Link: ... le_id=9597

Note: If you need help in deciding where you fit on the cisgender/transgender scale, use the COGIATI test which is available online. It gives accurate results for males. (There is no analogous test for females.) Link and much more information: Take the test, then read the entire website. It's packed with information.

Rewriting your alter description to incorporate the new information:

My alter is an assertive personality who helps when I need to be assertive. He is more extroverted that I am. He enjoys giving presentations in front of class as well as similar extrovert activities. He is smarter than I am. He has an excellent memory. He works harder than I can. His goal is to become a game programmer. He and I enjoy talking about our interests, fetishes, and the games we love. He encourages me to practice so I get better at my art. He is as Dominant as I am submissive; he orders me to become less shy so I am able to satisfy my bf and Master. He honors my need to keep my bisexuality (and our multiplicity) hidden from my family at this time. He is immune to the effects of the Dumbing Down files. He stays smart and willingly handles our shared body's responsibilities if I decide to use the Dumbing Down files. He has some interests I don't. He enjoys being outside more than I do.

We wrote your requests in but they are not phrased in the way you hoped we would phrase them. None of us think that your only purpose in life is to have an alter who takes over all your responsibilities while you are a dumbass barely smart enough to feed yourself and to play video games. You need to work on YOUR ART. If he's doing the coding, you can do the graphics. The only way he can help with your relationship is to make you less submissive on Skype or Kik or whatever. The way this alter is written, in case you didn't notice, is as a Dominant. assertive ... extroverted ... works harder ... smart ... willingly handles responsabilites ...

We have been accused of writing walls of words -- at times it is true -- but at least they are colorful walls of words

Note: All of us KNOW -- NOT BELIEVE, KNOW -- that you will be happier if you come out to your family, at least in terms of being a femboi. Coming out as both bi and femboi would be best, but unless you're actually scared of being homeless on the streets, come out to them as a femboi. Ox went through this as well. Unless your parents are rabidly anti-gay and/or anti-femboi ... come out!
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 14th, 2016, 11:08 am

Oh I understand the art thing, It was mainly a just incase I never manage to improve thing. So just coding from him is fine, especially since that is what would mainly rely on any future jobs. So I'm completely okay with art not working out for that :)

As for coming out, Malta in general allows gays and such, but the people here aren't too open minded about them. My brother is probably okay with it, but he's a tattle-tale that will tell my mother, and she almost fainted when I brought the possibility up years ago, luckily I played it off and she's forgotten about it. So I'm not sure, for now.

I may change "orders" to "helps" me become less shy, as I don't want to be completely pushed into it, some people like atleast SOME cute shyness ;)
I do like the dominant bit though, my boyfriend is a switch, and he does get kind of sad that he's ALWAYS the dominant one in the relationship, so having my other personality have fun being dominant (as he'd probably enjoy it much more than me so I'll let him have that fun :3) while I sit it out would be great for everyone!

As for the whole transgender thing, I mainly think I fit in the middle. I do still want to keep my penis and balls, but I do want breasts, I've always acted incredibly girly while still having male tendencies I wouldn't want to get rid of. So a shemale seems perfectly in the middle, which may never happen depending on the circumstances, but mentally Im there.

An "androgynous bi femboi" seems perfect and would go with me perfectly! Ofcourse, if he manages to materialize from the file!

Once I do start listening to the file, what do I have to do exactly? Does the file ask me during it for the alter description? Because I doubt I'll remember all that by heart if I need to be in trance :P Also where should I specify his gender, before the description? Unless ofcourse the file outright asks you his gender first :p

Also I don't mind the wall of words, I find all of you nice and interesting <3 Again, thank you all so much for helping
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 14th, 2016, 12:04 pm


I think you should at least come out as a femboi. If and/or when your mother asks if you're gay because of all the feminine mannerisms, you can always divert her by asking if she believes that only gays fits those stereotypes? Then laugh. Giggle bashfully. Ham it up. Then laugh uproariously at her gullibility. You aren't denying it ... or affirming it. Most stereotypes are shorthand for people who have no interest in thinking. I have gay friends who span the entire spectrum of gay stereotypes. And some straight friends who act just as gay. Most of them can act about as gay as your favorite diva ... or a telephone pole ... on demand ... or the drop of a dare.

Change what you want. He is your alter, after all. I thought you might need to be pushed into losing enough of your shyness to function online with a Master and a boyfriend. Making excuses like "some people like at least SOME cute shyness." says to me that your shyness is something you feel that you need to hide behind. Having a Dominant and a submissive in the same body is convenient. Your bf will probably be in love with him. So will you.

When you listen, you need to keep at least the general idea of the description in mind. Reduce it to fundamentals: Dominant/assertive/extrovert, game programmer, encourages me/friend, immune to DD files/smart/responsible/hard worker, androgynous femboi. That's five related ideas. I'm sure you can reduce it further. Maybe make a cute rhyme or a drawing to remember it. Keep the description in front of you as you go into trance. Maybe you could use it as your screensaver after you revise it into its final form.

You need to investigate the way they administer transgender medicine in your country. In the USA, there are hoops to go through before you can get the female hormones which grow breasts. After taking the feminizing hormones, there are still further hoops to go through. At any time before the actual surgery, you can change your mind. Shemale is always an option ... as is eunuch.

As far as subliminals go, download Audacity; it's free. I've posted two or three times about Audacity Forum's Silent Subliminals. It should be in my last twenty or so posts. Use the File Navigator to find a Silent Subliminal (search for "Lowry silent") on WMM. Listen to one Silent Subliminal because you want the effect. Silent Subliminals do not have an effect on some people. Find out if you are affected by them. If you are, follow the directions to make the file you ask for in an e-mail into a Silent Subliminal. If not, you'll have to trance to use the file.

And most important: Relax! The worst that can happen is ... nothing!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 14th, 2016, 12:16 pm

This bit was written before you posted, scroll down for my reply to your last post

Also I took the test, and just as I expected:


Told me I am most likely a transgenderist, which is actually what most shemales are, so it's pretty much spot on! Great test!
Guess I should say that my personality should be an androgynous bi femboi transgenderist? Or do you think transgendarist is safe to leave out with androgynous being there?

Also, I hope you don't mind answering some questions about having multiple personalities:

Do the inner thoughts of whoever is the main at that moment get shared with all of you, or does only the main listen to them? I get some pretty weird thoughts at times haha, the curse of have too many fetishes!

How does the current main communicate with the others? Is it like the first question where any inner thoughts the main has work as talking to them, or is it different?

If the current main is watching a video, reading, etc, do the others see all of it, none of it, or is is a matter of what they decide to do?

When it comes to food, when one is eating, do the others get the sensation of the taste too, or do they not get it? (That would be useful incase there's food we dont agree on taste wise, let's just hope he enjoys pasta as much as I do :P)

Again, extremely sorry for going so in depth about all this, I just want to be incredibly sure about this, and make sure it all ends great if I do start it, and that we can enjoy everything ^o^

Replying to your last post now

My mother is very close minded, probably due to her upbringing the same way, but she's still very caring of me so I do love her, just don't want to break anything apart for now.

I am able to video call and such, it's just that I usually try to avoid it really, so Im sure the alter could help :)

I can probably handle some points on the description yeah, and if I try a subliminal version to see if that works, I can keep reminding myself with it. If not, I'll try to trance it up more when Im alone!

I dont plan on having any surgery, I dislike "fake" breasts and prefer to keep it all natural with hormones and possibly supplements, but that can wait a few years when I have more stance on my life as Im still only just in college afterall.

I'll need to look that up on Audacity, thanks!

Haha yeah I need to relax more, I tend to get really overworked on the smallest of things :P
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » May 15th, 2016, 9:50 pm

i've been out all day cael was watching me mostly .. despite a rough start due to last night a fight broke out over a friend demanding i get rid of my child avatar on SL or GTFO from the area and causing me to see 6 Red Angry eyes every time i got to bed just before REM Sleep.

i spent the Entire day being a little young dragon on Second Life. in School, went on a field trip.. and at the end of teh day a class in grammar (despite im not showing that well XD) the fieldtrip i spent w/ my online Sister for those 3hrs,. the final class followed soon after. .. just the whole day i got to relax for the first time in 8 years. and im not talking about when i manage to trance. i sat back and watched the whole thing,. tom was almost a kid again i've never seen him so happy!, his avatar looked so damned adorable in the Uniform that school made him dress up in.

i think i may run my morning and nightly sessions of Your Other half after these classes since i feel so happy and relaxed afterwards.

here's how he looked like. or shall i say She *snickers* as thats still Me afterall.

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 15th, 2016, 11:12 pm

Hi, Tom and Cael,

It's great to hear from you guys again.

Why is your friend complaining that you have a child avatar?
I mean that literally. Why does he/she care that you have a child avatar? How does it affect him/her? If it doesn't affect him/her, why is he/she complaining?

You avatar is so cute ... and I love the uniform! It's so damned cute ... it's darling!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 16th, 2016, 10:00 am

Oh wow, that character is absolutely adorable!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » May 16th, 2016, 9:24 pm

i should of replied sooner but i've been in classes all day :P but the friend that flipped out was Highly misinformed about Linden Lab's Child Avatar policies. they are ok as long they are NOT in Adult situations (no Ageplay/No Childporn No Sex etc. ) and because the coniquences for violting that ranges from Banning , raised sim rent to loosing the sim entirely, and he pays 299$ a month for the Whole sim. i kinda understand a tiny bit.

but he didnt give me a damn moment to talk. yea we're not naming names but he's highly confrontational when he's in the wrong and someone tries to correct him. , Tom almost got spanked in class for being late to math class. but neither Tom or i is going to let anyone take this from us, he really needs this to help with his daily problems. But tom does have problems when going back and forth the RP Mindset and to friends he's had some slip-ups letting his child "lisps" pass thru. like using "wiff " instead of with or "Dis" instead of this.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 17th, 2016, 12:41 am

Tom wrote
i should of replied sooner but i've been in classes all day :P but the friend that flipped out was Highly misinformed about Linden Lab's Child Avatar policies. they are ok as long they are NOT in Adult situations (no Ageplay/No Childporn No Sex etc. ) and because the coniquences for violting that ranges from Banning , raised sim rent to loosing the sim entirely, and he pays 299$ a month for the Whole sim. i kinda understand a tiny bit.

but he didnt give me a damn moment to talk.

Tom, I am guessing that he felt that he had reason to be concerned. He should have asked you what you were doing. Until he was able to talk to you, perhaps he could have used his coffee break to do some basic research on the Child Avatar Policies. He could have even *gasp* spent ten whole minutes reading them before he jumped to conclusions.

Is jumping to conclusions his main way of getting exercise?

Cael wrote
yea we're not naming names but he's highly confrontational when he's in the wrong and someone tries to correct him. , Tom almost got spanked in class for being late to math class. but neither Tom or i is going to let anyone take this from us, he really needs this to help with his daily problems. But tom does have problems when going back and forth the RP Mindset and to friends he's had some slip-ups letting his child "lisps" pass thru. like using "wiff " instead of with or "Dis" instead of this

Cael, is Tom's friend also on WMM? That would explain all the circumlocutions.

Yo, Cael, say it's a nervous habit or something. When I'm under a lot of stress (like I am now), my old childhood lisp reappears. I usually keep under control, but right now I have a lot more problems than usual. It'll go away when some situations resolve themselves. Until then, please put up with it. And one more bit of information: pointing out when I lisp is just another hassle. Doing that a lot will likely make my lisp worse.

I stuttered when I was in high school -- I missed one Chemistry class a week. Yay! -- and attended a Speech Remediation Class where I was taught practical ways to control my stutter. I also met some really cool dudes I never would have met under any other circumstances. A slight sing-song added to my normal way of speaking -- a barely perceptible sing-song -- eliminates any possibility of stuttering. They had discovered that it is impossible to stutter when you sing. The drumbeat underlying a song's rhythm prevents it. All I had to do was speak in iambic pentameter, like a teenage Shakespearean nerd. [I was in every Academic (College Preparatory Program) High Honors Class. Yay me!]
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby blanketcross » May 17th, 2016, 8:15 pm

So I know this is off topic from the forum reason, but I have to say something.

Holy. Shit.
You can speak iambic pentameter?! Like I understand it is not hard to speak it, but being able to make your sentences that way on the fly fast enough to speak is amazing. I have to try to even write it.

I congratulate you.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 22nd, 2016, 3:03 am

Ox knows this is way off topic, but we started this Forum thread, so we hope we can cut Ox some leeway!

I found this by randomly following some links. Tom and Cael, you guys might be extremely interested in this link:

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » May 22nd, 2016, 5:47 am

OH cool, Furry con stuff, sadly I can never attend any since im stuck on this stupid island for the time being :P
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 23rd, 2016, 9:37 pm

I want to know how this would work if there is already another but their is a barrier between us.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby JackDrago » May 24th, 2016, 6:34 pm

If you already have an alter, you at least know that you can support one. Already multiple subjects have had a 100% success rate with Manly Spirit. I know that Honey is a Your Other Half alter and she gets by fine in a system, but she was Oxy's first alter.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 24th, 2016, 9:49 pm

not quite what I meant. It isn't a alter, but it is there.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 25th, 2016, 12:04 am

not quite what I meant. It isn't a alter, but it is there.

I couldn't find the edit button, monkey tech doesn't make much sense half the time. While I Am being channeled might as well give a run down of what the deal is. She and Reph can't exactly trade places like meant to, and no I couldn't care less if you are feeling sick you let, anyways I Am annoyed the two can't function as the duality I intended when I signed off on this little project.

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 25th, 2016, 12:57 am


I/we have just uploaded a file based on EMG's ]Your Other Half. Here is the information:

Your Other Half - Male ☆
MP3, Body, Script

This file is based on Zafari's script of EMG's Your Other Half file. EMG's description reads in part (gender references have been changed), "This file builds a second but equal personality which is fully male. He doesn't control or dominate; instead he shares your mind and you both share experiences and life. He can even take over at times and you'll remember everything." I added suggestions based on EMG's TrainSleepReinforce. Suggestions are included that the personalities sharing one body live in peace and harmony. Disagreements are resolved by discussion. The effects are permanent and are not reversible, so think seriously about using this file before you decide to listen. I used a male TTS voice since my current recording capacity is limited. Enjoy your new alter/personality.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 25th, 2016, 1:24 am

Going to try the original file. I hope it tears down the curtain between me and Reph, though if another shows up that is fine. C needs me to help with some things, Reph wants to try meatspace. Though if another shows up then they can take the pilot seat while me and Reph go do things Outside.
~Daugo (or Lia)

Two times in one day. This will Work because I Am making sure it Works.
And I know damn well wot those two will be up to if they both are outside together...
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 25th, 2016, 7:37 pm

Just started on the file last night, strangely this one hit harder than any other file. the only other one that had such a impact was CTF, and well.... that file is the Scottish Play of files.
keeping a journal as I go through this.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 27th, 2016, 12:51 pm

Just a update: Something is happening, like there is a egg in my mind now. it isn't near the point of hatching but it is there. having any kind of effect happened sooner than I thought it would, but no other personality yet just a egg.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » May 29th, 2016, 3:01 am

new journals up. seem to have hit a snag. too bad this thread is dead.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 29th, 2016, 4:05 am

daugo wrote
new journals up. seem to have hit a snag. too bad this thread is dead.

There is an easy remedy for this thread lack of life: start your own thread in whichever Forum best suits the topic. It's easy. Go to whatever Forum you decide is the best fit for your topic. In the upper left, above the list of topics, is a button labeled [NEWTOPIC * ]. Click on it. What you put in the Subject: line becomes the title of the topic. I usually use the title of the file (or a short -- much less than Twitter-length -- topic description) I want to talk about. Most questionable topics usually fit -- or can be made to fit -- into the Philosophy, Religion, & Politics Forum.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » June 1st, 2016, 10:02 pm

its been 2 weeks almost, but Cael and i are visiting a friend that we truste dto let them know about us, He's been a great friend and opening his home to use to move in with once we get some kind of Income, but we've started to have an argument one one matter one thats made her cry, I want kids, i want to know what its like to give birth but .. its something i cant Experince nor that tom can. Hun if i could pull you side and hug you closely i would, You see we tried dating once sofar and... when i felt comfortable enough bringing Cael up, *looks down* .. it'll be ok Tom we'll find someone, Someday! *hides a tear on her side.* They ran off and i havent heard from them since.

i almost feel like , being able to at least talk this way so easily came at the price of leaving tom so alone, we both want Continuality in our lives (if that's the word i want.. err we want children more less to carry on the family bloodline as from what i gather from Tom's own memories and our talks that his brother himself and his Cousin , are the last of his family's Bloodline. ) and me wanting kids.. well watching this anime movie Wolf Children didn't help matters much making mew want kids more. Tom's already stopped using Teeny Weenie and been working to undo it. and has put off future plans of a Sex change just for me.

When i said to her and here i'd give the World for her, i Damn Ment it. shoudl there be a way for us to ever exist as two separate beings in separate bodies i've already promised her we'd stay together. Forever. i may of made her up as part of my life lil over 11 years ago when i entered teh furry fandom but i want to think it was a way of us meeting.

As about the MFF FurCon, our friend we've been staying w/ took us to the Great Lakes Furcon up here in Grand Rapids, MI and he's trying hard to get us to the biggest con, "Anthrocon" this year.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » June 1st, 2016, 10:45 pm

[/b]Cael and Tom wrote[/b]
its been 2 weeks almost, but Cael and i are visiting a friend that we truste dto let them know about us, He's been a great friend and opening his home to use to move in with once we get some kind of Income, but we've started to have an argument one one matter one thats made her cry, I want kids, i want to know what its like to give birth but .. its something i cant Experince nor that tom can. Hun if i could pull you side and hug you closely i would, You see we tried dating once sofar and... when i felt comfortable enough bringing Cael up, *looks down* .. it'll be ok Tom we'll find someone, Someday! *hides a tear on her side.* They ran off and i havent heard from them since.

All right. You want to reverse Teeny Weenie. What has been done by hypnosis can usually be undone by hypnosis. It's hard but I think it can be done. First, you need to use some of YSH's masculinity files.

YSH - Lake Of Masculinity 1 - Healthy penis ♂
Link: ... le_id=8292
This is the first file of a transformative mini series that will make you more masculine, called: The Lake of Masculinity. The first part deals with the health of your penis and your erections. Your comments are really appreciated, as they help me make better files in the future.

YSH - Lake Of Masculinity 2 - Thoughts ♂
Link: ... le_id=8301
This is the second part of the mini series "Lake of Masculinity". It will change your thoughts, emotions and behaviors in a way that you become a masculine, confident, happy man. Thank you for listening..

YSH - Lake Of Masculinity 3 - Body ♂, ⚣, ⚥
Link: ... le_id=8486
This is the plain version of the third part of the Lake Of Masculinity 3 series. Here, your body releases the toxins it has accumulated over the years and becomes repaired and rejuvenated at the cellular level, so that you have a healthy, rejuvenated body and a masculine, muscular physique, while the changes from the previous files get reinforced. This file can be listened by anyone who wants his body to be more masculine and muscular. Your comments are always welcome. Thank you for listening

There are lots of other files that YSH has made but you can look them up on your own. (Type in "YSH" and hit search)

When your body is back to normal functioning, donate sperm and ask about in vitro fertilization. It's done all the time. They've heard it all before. They'll probably not even raise an eyebrow.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » June 3rd, 2016, 7:24 pm

Greetings, everyone!

I've been busy ... *grin*

Your Evil Half - Female Alter ☆
MP3, Body, Script

If you have ever heard the expression, "That wasn't me; it must have been my evil twin", you have the idea behind this file. This file uses ideas from other Alter Creation files to create a separate but equal female personality who is extremely evil. There are suggestions included which force the two of you to live in peace and harmony. Neither you nor she can control or dominate the other. The two of you share the same body, so you are legally responsible for anything she does while in control of your shared body. Your second evil (female) personality occasionally controls your body, so you literally become your "evil twin".I added suggestions based on EMG's TrainSleepReinforce. I used a female TTS voice. as my current recording capacity is limited. Enjoy your new alter/personality.
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Your Evil Twin - Male Alter ☆
MP3, Body, Script

If you have ever heard the expression, "That wasn't me; it must have been my evil twin", you have the idea behind this file. This file uses ideas from other Alter Creation files to create a separate but equal male personality who is extremely evil. There are suggestions included which force the two of you to live in peace and harmony. Neither you not he can control or dominate the other. The two of you share the same body, so you are legally responsible for anything he does while in control of your shared body. Your second evil (male) personality occasionally controls your body, so you literally become your "evil twin". I added suggestions based on EMG's TrainSleepReinforce. I used a male TTS voice. as my current recording capacity is limited. Enjoy your new alter/personality.
Comments (0) | Permanent Link | Mark Favorite ♥

I decided to give everyone a choice of a male or female evil personality. Enjoy!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby bgo2 » June 3rd, 2016, 8:10 pm

Greetings, everyone!

I've been busy ... *grin*
I decided to give everyone a choice of a male or female evil personality. Enjoy!

Do this but make them good instead of evil!
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Sorez » June 4th, 2016, 1:25 pm

That would be interesting, having both a good, AND evil alter at the same time, with you being neutral, I wonder how that would play out.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » June 4th, 2016, 9:52 pm

bgo2 wrote
That would be interesting, having both a good, AND evil alter at the same time, with you being neutral, I wonder how that would play out.

Sorez wrote
That would be interesting, having both a good, AND evil alter at the same time, with you being neutral, I wonder how that would play out.

Yes, that would be ... "interesting" as in Chinese-curse "interestng times" interesting. Like those cartoons with an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other shoulder. I'll see how hard it will be to create a GOOD Alter. The definiton of Good depends on the user. Hmmm ... *wanders off distractedly*
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby daugo » June 5th, 2016, 12:07 am

a contrasting duality... that might be something most couldn't handle.
Don't think it would be a good thing to create one good and one evil and try to be neutral.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby shaunwolf » June 6th, 2016, 4:35 pm

Hello!, I have been shadowing here for some time and I though ti would make a post, always have been interested in alter personalities being created through hypnosis, mind control etc. I know their is another user that has created this script here and its quite a good one I will post it now:

"Ok. Now is time to begin a change.
A change happening within you.
There is nothing you can do about it, because you have decided to listen.
And bye deciding to listen, you accepted what is going to happen now.
You have no control over yourself.
Right now, only I have control over you, while you drift
in a nice, warm, cozy, deep, trance.
Now imagine that your fursuit has it's own personality, it's own mind.
The fursuit's personality is dominant.
It will take over your body.
It will think on it's own, have it's own opinion on things.
He has the same age as you, and when you celebrate your birthday, you celebrate his too.
When you put on the fursuit you will drift, feeling so good.
Not a care in the world.
As soon as you put on your fursuit, it will take over.
You have no control over it, but it feels so good.
Thats right.
You are drifting deep in trance.
Letting my words penetrate into your subconcious.
You will crave them taking over.
When you are at work your mind will constantly dwell on the fursuit.
Craving the feeling of letting go, and the fursuit taking over.
As soon as you get home, the first thing you do is put on the fursuit.
When you travel you will make sure to take the fursuit with you.
Any freetime you have, you will have to put on the fursuit and let it take over.
The longer you go without the fursuit, the more unbearable it is to not wear it.
As soon as you put it on, allowing him to take over, under no circumstance are you allowed to take it off.
The only exceptions to this are work, school, cleaning the suit, and family events.
If you are with family or friends, you will want to keep it on, but you don't have to.
Even if you only have one piece on, he will take over.
This means when you are washing the fursuit, you can keep one part of the suit on, and still allow him to take control.
Eventually, after 2 weeks of him succesfully taking over when you put on the fursuit, his powers will grow.
He will begin to stay with you even when you take off the fursuit.
His power over your actions is weak.
But his powers are growing.
Each day over the span of a week he becomes stronger.
The first day without the suit, he will be able to talk to you and interact with you only.
The second day, he has a small amount of influence on what you do.
The third day, he will have greater influence on your actions.
The fourth day, he will barely be able to take over your body, only when you aren't thinking about it, but when you notice it, you will be able to gain control back.
The fifth day, he will be able to take control more easy, and often, but you will still be able to take back control.
The sixth day, he will be completely in control of his body, which used to be yours. When he isn't paying attention you will be able to take over, but it is easy for him to gain control again.\
On the seventh, and final day, he will be able to completely take control of your body.
On this day, you become a prisoner in your mind. You will be able to talk to him, but you cant control his body, or actions.
He will always wear the fursuit because that is where he feels more comfortable.
There is no way for you to ever take back control of your body.
At first you are scared, but then you come to love it.
You are starting to enjoy him taking over now.
He takes well care of your body.
He keeps it fit and extremely healthy.
You realize that this is amazing, and you love not being in control any more.
It is so easy and stress free. "

I am interested if anyone here knows of or how to create a file like this in workable hypnosis form? I also have a werewolf darkness demon file as well that was being worked on:

Do you hear the call of the wolf?

The unexplained longing

that you can never quite explain.

That plaintive, lonely howling

deep in the back of your mind…

Feral, primal, uncontrollable.

Hidden and unfocused,

but definitely there?

If so, your destiny is calling you,

and every time you hear

that howling in your mind

no matter how far away it may seem

you feel it pulling you onwards...

It’s time now.

It’s time to face that destiny

and finally free the demon within you

to show you what the call of the wolf is for.

So, if you are ready:

lay back, relax,

and listen to my voice

and let your mind drift

deeper and deeper

into a nice, deep comfortable trance,

as you listen to my story

and let it shape your mind.

Just picture yourself

walking in a forest,

the fallen leaves

crunching beneath your feet

in the cool, autumn twilight

somewhere in

the backcountry of your mind.

Breathing the cool evening air

as you listen to the sounds of the forest:

the twittering of the birds,

the wind in the trees,

the gentle lapping of waves

against the shore of a nearby lake.

And in your mind

you hear the calling

And you find yourself

drawn to wander

like a lone wolf

along the peaceful shore.

Irresistibly drawn

to something, somewhere

nearby, but impossible to define.

It draws you onward,

further from civilization,

Far away from the well trodden path

without knowing how or why.

And, as you walk through the forest

toward the sound of lapping water,

You step into a circle

of 12 Sycamore trees

decked in autumn’s crimson,

around a circular meadow

full of purple wolfsbane flowers.

And at the far end of the meadow

You come to a view of a beautiful lake,

The last pink clouds of sunset

Reflected in the still waters

Slowly fading away as the sun

drops below the horizon behind you,

ready to be replaced by the moon

Just about to rise above the mountains

faraway on the eastern shore.

So peaceful! So relaxing!

Such a perfect place to meditate....

And somehow you just know

that this is the sacred grove

of the powerful Wolf God.

That this must be the place

where you will meet your destiny.

And in your mind you hear a poem,

that you heard in a movie long ago:

“Even a man

who is pure in heart,

and says his prayers by night;

May become a wolf

when the wolfbane blooms

and the autumn moon is bright.”

And all of a sudden, you realize

that you have found the thing

that you were looking for all this time.

The place where that primal part of you

can finally become free.

You have an overwhelming instinct

to sit and face the water

and meditate upon the sliver

of the rising moon that has begun

to peek above the mountains

far away upon the eastern shore.

Relax and let your mind grow clear

and totally focused on your breath

as the moon rises over your mind


Breathe in, breathe out,

and let all the distractions fade away.

Breathe in, breathe out,

and let the image fill your mind.

The image of the slowly rising moon,

reflecting in the still waters as it emerges,

becoming more and more visible

as it clears the mountains of your mind.

And the higher the moon rises,

the deeper your mind drifts into trance,

and the deeper you go into trance,

the higher the moon rises over your mind.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

And find yourself

drifting deeper and deeper

into a nice, deep, comfortable trance.

So Serene! So relaxing!

sitting among the purple flowers

Watching the moon rise

higher and higher

reflected in the still waters

becoming more and more visible

as it emerges above

the mountains of your mind.

Breathe in, breathe out,

and find yourself

growing more and more relaxed,

more and more suggestible

as you watch the moon emerge.

And as you drift

even deeper into trance,

the sacred groves become

more and more real to you.

Filling your awareness

Completely and totally,

Replacing any thoughts

Of the world outside your mind.

And as the moon

clears the mountains,

You hear the calls

of a pack of wolves

Hailing the rising moon

with a lonely, plaintive howl.

And you find yourself

howling in return,

suddenly aware that

this is where

you have always belonged:

In the grove of the wolf god,

worshipping the rising moon.

And with that howl you summon him,

and you feel an evil presence in your mind.

Burning red eyes, watching you

from the edge of the sacred groves.

Fierce, untamed, and feral.

You freeze in place, paralyzed

by an overwhelming feeling

of the dread of pure evil.

Feeling that thrill,

going up and down your spine.

“I’ve been expecting you”

says the voice in your mind

“You hear my call,

insistent, plaintive, irresistible.

It was always there.

You are one of my special ones.

They all come here in time.”

And the high clouds

now white in the moonlight

drift across the moon

making a circular rainbow

staring down at you

like the eye of god.

And as you stare into the moon

completely unable to move

you feel the moonlight

burning through you, illuminating

the darkest corners of your soul.

And you hear the panting

of the red eyed wolf

feeling its presence behind you

overwhealming the strength

of your human mind.

“Speak, puny human.”

Says the voice.

And in desperation you pray

“Wolf God,

I offer myself to you

to build with me and

do with me what you will.

I offer all of myself to you

both good and bad.

Remove from me

that which stands in the way

of my usefulness to you.

Grant me strength

to do your bidding.”

“As for your good,”

says the Wolf God

“It it feeble and useless.

Keep it for yourself,

it does not interest me.”

“But as for your evil,

I see some potential.

I will take that

and build upon it

a creature of my own design.”

I am interested in all of your thoughts , perhaps summoning some spirits perhaps. however nothing too dark ( that one demon file no thank you I rather not do those types of things).
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » January 7th, 2018, 10:28 pm


There has been a lot going on since we last posted in this forum. First and foremost, we have a boyfriend. He knows about us being multiple and has been introduced to a few of us. He occasionally feels ganged up on or outnumbered. He's so considerate. *sigh* <3

On November 15, 2017, we had an orchiectomy as part of our transition from male to female. Yes, we are mostly male alters and we're transitioning from male to female. It's as if our body is female, even though we are (mostly) male.

We made a new first person hypnosis file based on our doubts about being male. It's called I Doubt I Am Male and is a $10 Pay FIle. I want only those who are serious listening to this file. It's definitely not a file that people should listen to unless they want this in their life. It will make any cis male doubt that he should have a penis. Unless you want to wonder whether you should be female, don't listen.

There's other stuff that went on but we'll post that later.

Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby ArcherT » February 13th, 2018, 9:38 pm

So's like...dis shit is kinda hard to do now...uh...
Angel changed his name da Tarquin ' cause it's more manly or somedin'. We gonna tru a lotta shit lately bros, no doubt! Didn't dake long for me da start dalking afta Tarquin got his meds togetha an' his life chilled out.

It's hella exhaustin', on toppa bein' sick so's, tryin' da limit how much I do.

We been readin' dat tred where dat dude's demon managed da dake over, wicked shit! Howeva, seems like s'woke up some hella bad dude. 'Mean, dis guy's been scarin' Tarquin fo years! Dat old demon, King, ain't got nothin' on Allen. He's uh...sadistic? Dat da word? Wild, uses people, uh...just hella inherently evil or whateva. Dude wants to run da show, always has, 'specially when Tarquin gets his life in a decent spot. He's terrified, 'm pissed, an' dis guy is bein' a lurkin' cackley bastard.

Anyone got anyone advice whadda do? Maybe he wouldn't be such an ass if we could gets Allen on more even ground.

S'all I got for now my bros, dalk later!
Allen is Demon Monster and belongs to Noah.
Puppy is dog. Good dog. Rwoof. *roll on floor*
Boltz thinks he's a chill badass.
Tarquin is pulling out his hair and babysitting everyone.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » February 23rd, 2018, 7:26 pm

Greetings and all that.

Having a boyfriend (rather than a friend who is a male) is more fun than I thought. And more ... whatever ... but it's all worth it.

I did a little research on Tarquin because fun. Tarquin is an Italian mother's equivalent of the bogeyman ... and the name of the seven kings of Rome before Rome became a republic (and several hundred years later, an Empire). The last one was called Tarquin Superbus -- is anybody besides me willing to admit that they read that Super-Bus (and thought of Disney's animated cars) rather than Superb-us? -- aka Tarquin the Proud. They're really a fascinating set of kings ... and great villains.

I'm working one a private PM re demons and Allen now.

If you have questions about how to make alters get along, ask. We tend to be more successful when we add lines in an alter file like "you guys all get along" with each other than trying to do after-the-fact damage control.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby ranmafan » July 17th, 2019, 8:41 pm

Hello, I was searching and seen this file. I think I had actually listened to a slightly different file called "Furry Companion" file? I listened to it a few times but nothing really happened? It was like a self hypnosis to help you create kind of like a Tulpa or a personality? You chose their personality and form, etc. This was years and years ago? Hell I think I only listened to it a few times? Not many? At first nothing happened, I assumed it had failed so I stopped listening..but then at work I started to like..see a feral cub fox..not physically see but imagine one, like a imaginary friend..and he was really nice..but after awhile he went away. A few years after that..I started like just talking to my fox plush..and to my surprise he kind of answered back?! Again not physically audible but in my head a voice was replying telepathically to what I was talk to it. I thought at first I was just being creative and had a good imagination. Granted I was 26 at the time but I have always been a bit childish? Never really grew up ^^'.

Um so..ever since then, "Roxas" was a main stay and was always here for me? He helped me out, he offered advice, he even sometimes took over our body?! He asked first granted, but he was fronting alot to help us. Over time since 2012, other um.. personalities started to appear? Not just Roxas, and some aren't even furry. We currently have 5 other personalities/alters in our head not counting myself. I had forgotten I had even listened to this file? I tried to find it in the site but can't? But I guess I do have it saved with all my other hypnosis files I have saved since then. Alot of failed furry TF attempts btw heh.

Now it is entirely likely the hypnosis file didn't do anything, I may be insane, and/or I may have DID? We did experience trauma as a child which is usually synonomous with Disassociative Identity Disorder. However, before we listened to this file, I do not recall any other personalities in my head? Sure I talked to myself but we didn't answer back like we do now? And now each one of them have very distinct and sometimes problematic personalities. I have also noticed that um while I am the main/original, I have regressed a bit? That may be from something else or just my natural um regression..or maybe one of the regression files I have also listened to in the past have worked too? I listened to alot of files in the past and none really worked right away so I assumed they didn't work but..I mean..I don't think the Furry Companion file was permanent? But I can't find it on the site no more..I want to say maybe Devon Dreamer made it? At least according to the file I have? *shrugs*

Maybe this is all coincedence? The file mentioned one companion not five..Or maybe I already had DID naturally and this is what it took for us to "split". Does anyone else remember this file? Have you had any success with it?
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby JackDrago » July 23rd, 2019, 10:53 am

@ranmafan Natural DID doesn't preclude the possibility of file generated alters. I have several natural alters (Beast, Tist) and several file created alters (Butch, Robot) if anything having natural DID makes alter hypnosis easier and more effective. Since the files produce alters and that's the main sign of that kind of dissociative disorder, you'd qualify for a DID diagnosis even if the files were the cause.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby ranmafan » February 27th, 2022, 1:50 am

Interesting, sorry for the late reply. Tbh I am always going back on forth on if I have actual DID or if it was from a file or if it was more of a Tulpa sort of thing. I guess I will never know, whenever I do try to bring it up with a mental health specialist they never really take my claims seriously or believe me I feel. Alot don't even recognize DID as a legit disorder still despite the growing number of cases.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » May 22nd, 2022, 1:35 pm

So I am well-known to be receptive to hypnosis, so gave Oxi's version of this file a go to see whether it could have been a factor in some other stuff as of late. Only one listen and I have an alter in here!!! I'll let them introduce themselves once they are ready, but so excited for their development. Thanks fellow trans human Oxi; we'll keep this updated so you can see the progress!
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