Curse forced gay help

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Curse forced gay help

Postby fireinside23 » May 8th, 2016, 5:05 pm

i, this year in college I got into hypnosis and came across curse forced gay I tried it once nothing really happened still liked girls the same came across different files but curse forced gay always caught my attention I listened to it 4 times since October of 2015 and most recently 2 days ago and last week. Those times were the most I really went into trance but the other times still affected me and made me like dudes and dick. Although today I did beat it to a female but honestly I didn't choose guys cause I know I can get aroused by them. So I think 2 days ago as well as last week affected me because I get a negative type of feeling when seeing girls but I know a attractive girl when I see one same with a guy. I get a big urge to listen to it, like right now I have a warm feeling in my stomach and I won't revert to normal til I do that's why I listened 2 days ago because it was there and I decided I can't do anything til I do. I still get aroused by ladies, get a erection but honestly it not as good as men because I Fantisised about having sex with a dude when I woke up. I have desires to suck dick and take one. I can't watch gay porn just the pictures I jack it to. What is your story on this? Like if I listen a few times a week will I lose my erector and arousal toward women or is that not enough? I get tempted to listen every night and day. What do you think about girls after listening for long? Do you still notice a nice ass, tits, beutiful face or just a good body? Is that warm electrify type of feeling gone? The pussy, is it just a gross feeling looking at one? Sorry for the questions just need to know what I'm up against.
I wrote this last night never really got any replies but today I notice girls, check me out, except for my friends sis that gave me a negative feeling when she came into my room I like thinking about this one girl from high school who I talked to for the first time in 3 years but relationship wise I ponder that I still get aroused by hot girls on tumblr and I tried gay porn I might a liked it for 3 seconds maybe, then just no I hate the eating out part. But the idea of fuckin a dude and getting fucked one arouses me and excites me more than thinking of a girl fuckin me but still does in a way. Please put your input in this too far go Gone? Can I go back to where I was before this file? I guy suggested curse stroke gay it intrigues me but I know it'll screw me up! Part of me wants to be gay all the way, the other part wants to go back. Help please. Any comments are appreciated:) also I wake up most morning wanting to listen to the file and today curse stroke gay
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Joined: March 10th, 2016, 2:14 pm

Re: Curse forced gay help

Postby Necrops » May 9th, 2016, 10:14 am

But the idea of fuckin a dude and getting fucked one arouses me and excites me more than thinking of a girl fuckin me but still does in a way. Please put your input in this too far go Gone? Can I go back to where I was before this file? I guy suggested curse stroke gay it intrigues me but I know it'll screw me up! Part of me wants to be gay all the way, the other part wants to go back. Help please. Any comments are appreciated:) also I wake up most morning wanting to listen to the file and today curse stroke gay

Well, since you've already know you want it due to seeing the effects already, just go for it. There's no sense in denying who you want to be, I don't really see how being gay will "screw 'you' up!" Also if you wanted to, you could try sucking a cock to see how you like it and then deciding.
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Re: Curse forced gay help

Postby fuckingstrawberries » May 9th, 2016, 10:56 pm

If you don't want it, then stop and it'll wear off. That's true of everything.
If you want to feel sure, use a deprogrammer. There's a bunch of good free ones. Or the Forced Straight file.
Don't feel like you have to keep doing it.
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Joined: July 24th, 2015, 12:00 am

Re: Curse forced gay help

Postby Necrops » May 10th, 2016, 1:16 am

Seems to me that this is more than just the file, this has probably been a long time coming and just afraid that he's actually starting to maybe admit he likes guys more or just the same as girls. Either way, he should be happy with his choice.
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Re: Curse forced gay help

Postby fuckingstrawberries » May 10th, 2016, 10:13 pm

It's still his choice and not 'oh it worked, now it's your destiny to be gay.'
Posts: 25
Joined: July 24th, 2015, 12:00 am

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