Help with Visualization

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Help with Visualization

Postby chaserofchub » May 13th, 2016, 11:07 am

So I've recently taken an interest in hypnosis and I'm really enjoying it thus far. I find going into trance enjoyable in and of itself. I've been using EMG's Body Tryout and Visualization Help pretty frequently. The former seems to work for me quite well in terms of physically feeling a body transformation and being able to picture it in my mind. However, despite frequent sessions with the Visualization help file, I can't seem to convince my eyes to see what I want them to see. There were a few fleeting moments where I was looking into a mirror and my vision was a bit hazy / warped, as though I was about to see the transformation, but it passed.

I'm impressed with the amount of progress I've made so far, but I would love to have a breakthrough and make the transformation even more convincing.
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Re: Help with Visualization

Postby ProfessorPig » May 14th, 2016, 2:13 pm

start with closed eye visualization. its much easier to achieve, and the skills you learn will transfer over when you move back to open eye hallucinations. a good comparison here is that it is often much easier to create a scent based hallucination, because most people tune out their sense of smell unless there is something noteworthy. so when you go to hallucinate a scent, you typically only have to create that scent in your mind, rather than having to erase an existing scent and create a new one.

there is also a slippery effect that can happen with hallucinations, when you physically try to see them you are asking for them to be dispelled, because you are trying to focus your eyes on something physical. your eyes cannot focus on something that is imagined because the hallucination is not something created in the eyes, it's created in the mind. and so any focus with the eyes is a distraction from the image created in your mind.

i mentioned it recently in another thread, but it bears repeating, practicing visualization can be incredibly helpful for creating more vivid hallucinations. i typically recommend that you begin by letting your mind wander until you naturally start to daydream. once this happens, you can begin to control the images you see. for example if you saw a car moving down the street, a good place to start would be to imagine that car stopping, and then see it slowly rolling backwards. once you master simple things like that you can start trying out other new tricks, try changing the color of the car, or even the model of car. once you can do those, you might want to try things like changing the car into a horse, or even adding in new objects. eventually you will be able to control everything in the scene. but even with this kind of work, its often useful to leave most of the details fuzzy and just focus on the parts you want to see. you typically don't need to see every brick or every stain on the pavement if it's not important to what you want to visualize.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Help with Visualization

Postby chaserofchub » May 14th, 2016, 4:37 pm

Thanks for the advice!

I've been digging through old threads on the forums on related subjects and there seems to be a consensus that visual hallucinations are difficult to achieve and maintain. I don’t have the expectation of being able to completely alter my perception at will. However, I’m patient and willing to spend the necessary time to learn how to make my visualization more vivid.
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Joined: May 5th, 2016, 4:13 pm

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