Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby manly_mage » August 13th, 2017, 6:19 pm

I'm starting a Patreon to help expand on the masculinization front of hypnosis. I have a sample file, but I want to release some actual alpha/manly/etc content within the coming weeks.

I have a poll there with broad subjects, but I'm thinking of a few files right off the top of my head to be a Patreon-locked file. I'm still open to suggestions!

1) Serpent Alter (based on Storyteller755's MBA files). The file gives life to your penis and testicles, causing them to grow. This alter will crave and demand that you partake in masculine activities such as working out your muscles, sex, or any activities that help boost your masculinity in some way - like cooking a healthy meal to fuel your growing body. This file could have several variants, such as Jock Cock that drains your intelligence to fuel its own while transforming you into a total bro.

2) Muscle Mind Mash. In this file I take command and drown your mind in muscle-thoughts. Building muscle, focus to build muscle, energy to build muscle, and so on. The file would be fairly innocent, it would just shift your focus towards building your body without losing intelligence. However, during the file, your mind will be pretty blank and dumber for the file duration.

3) Bulging Bodybuilder. Your body grows to ridiculous proportions against your better judgement. Transforms you into a cocky alpha that's way too into himself. The file will require you to stand in front of a mirror and see the changes happen. You'll be too stupefied to stop the ridiculous bulging. You'll be a giant that's totally at my command. Each time the file ends, you return to normal. But you're a bit brawnier and more of a bodybuilder every time.

4) Fountain of Alpha. It's basically Continuous Cum Production. A guided trip to an enchanted pond that I've created just for you called Fountain of Alpha. However, there's no water shooting fixture. It's then revealed that those who soak in the water, as you already have, become the fountain fixture. You still stay flesh and blood, but your testicles go into overdrive to produce more masculine hormones and semen. Your penis grows longer and thicker. You will then produce cum at an alarming rate, causing you to frequently leak precum and have massive loads.
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby Munyella » August 30th, 2017, 8:29 am

Some topics that are less overt and more reigned in in their approach.

I'd like ones that focused on specific sports or activities, like files that obsess you with baseball or cycling or something.

Another interesting one would be clothing restrictions or being told exactly stuff what to wear
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby 0turner0 » August 30th, 2017, 10:49 am

such as Jock Cock that drains your intelligence to fuel its own while transforming you into a total bro.

I would absolutely pay for this, I'd never have thought of the idea of an alter centered on a body part, but now that you mention it... it sounds amazing!
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby LessThanZeroMasculinity » September 4th, 2017, 11:25 am

Well, I know not if herein will contain a useful idea for you, nor whether or not this belongs in another forum but here goes:
As unbelievable as this may sound to guys, I actually LOVE the deep, dull ache of testicular pain, and not only do I LOVE it but I find it highly erotic. I am in my middle age bracket now, yet to this day I enjoy a wonderful private (not private anymore I guess, lol) fantasy of being all made up and dolled up to the nines as an UltraUberExtreme-Feminine girly-girl sissy and somehow running into Cory, one of the football jocks, my only real bully in high school who always, usually in front of all the other football jocks and the cheerleaders, called me a pussy and told me that I looked like a girl, ran like a girl, and threw a ball like a girl (Which I indeed did! And although nobody knew for certain, I also made-up and dressed up as a girl at home every chance I got!). And well, this fantasy has me being able to not only remind Cory of just how much of a hopelessly effeminate sissy weakling I was back in high school, but to show him that I was actually at my most masculine then and that since then I have only gotten more feminine, to the point of now finally medically transitioning to female. The fantasy has me admitting to him that even though I still perceive him as a repulsing, disgusting piece of testosterone bound creepazoid chitstain, underneath the perfumed chiffon fluffiness of my multiple poofy white square dance petticoats, underneath my lavender satin A-line skirted girly-girl dress, billowing with white lace, my everlimp microclitty is unusually warm and tingly at the thought of being hit in my balls by him then swallowing his cum. He in turn admits to me that even though he is still deeply repressing his true sexual desires and hence, thinks he believes that he perceives me as a repulsive, exceedingly effeminate, pathetically disgusting, soft, meek, and ever so sweet, sometimes lisping, often limp-wristed, hopelessly cum-guzzling, pussy, pantywaist, wussy, pansy, sissy, transsexual, transvestite faggot weakling, he is tenting his filthy pants with a steaming, throbbing, red-hot, rock-rigid hard-on at the thought of how badly he wants to kiss me all over and lick my micro-clitty. So, he agrees to knee me in the balls and let me suck him off and swallow his entire load, IF I buy him several drinks and a burger, which I do and after he has consumed said, two frighteningly buffed dykes and two street-tough lipstick lesbians (who are actually quite pretty in a weird sort of facially defective way) shooting pool in the gay bar we are in, agree to 'cover' the ladies powder room from anyone coming in until Cory leaves with a good buzz-on, satisfied that he was able to inflict extreme testicular pain on me while enjoying my exceptionally talented blowjob yet still remain closeted, and I have straightened up my dress, fixed my makeup, left the bar in erotic pleasure, also with a good buzz-on, and taken Uber or Lyft to the hospital ER where the doctor in charge determined that since my testicles were crushed beyond saving they required emergency surgical removal. Hence, since it was emergency surgery it was 100% covered by my insurance so I not only got a free double orchiectomy but later got whatever feminizing surgeries I wanted for free as they would all be deemed medically necessary for purposes of psychological health relative to my emergency injury related castration.
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby LessThanZeroMasculinity » September 4th, 2017, 12:07 pm

Oooh, didn't know if I could edit that but I forgot the part about how the surgeon was able to guarantee, promise me, and indeed ensure that I would enjoy phantom testicular pain on demand for the rest of my life and that I was able to "lost wax [lost dried tissue] cast" my estrogen/progesterone/finasteride/spironolactone-atrophied, searing summer sun crispy shrink-dried grapes into a most darling pair of sparkling, gemstone-encrusted, solid gold and platinum earrings and have them semi-permanently affixed to my earlobes where they forever on, conspicuously serve as a fabulous conversation starter at ladies' room touch-up mirrors, red-carpet events, formal dinners, cocktail parties, backstage soirees, and what have you, while Little Miss Pinkie got oh so artfully re-fabricated into an exceptionally innervated, self-lubricating, panty-vibrator-ready neo-honeypot! :) :D
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby hunter » January 7th, 2018, 11:16 am

How about becoming "trapped" in a full football uniform & doing forced gym workouts in it? I would pay for that one.
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby sweatnosis » January 12th, 2018, 8:13 pm

Muscle Mind Mash sounds great as it stands.

Files that emphasize the pride and pleasure of sticking to your routine in the face of temptation, lifting heavier weights, etc.

I'd also be interested in uniform-related temporary (or permanent, I guess; it'd only stick if I wanted it to) transformation. Maybe associating *specific* mental traits with wearing the gear, or specific party's of the uniform, instead of a vague "you're a jock, now." Energy from the base layer, strength from pants or jersey, invincibility from pads, speed and alertness from the sneakers, intense focus from the helmet?

Just spitballing.
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Re: Please give me hypnosis ideas/what you'd like to hear!

Postby LessThanZeroMasculinity » August 13th, 2018, 7:23 am

"How about becoming "trapped" in a full football uniform & doing forced gym workouts in it? I would pay for that one"

Oh my screamin', effing dawg! That would be unbearably intolerable nightmare city for THIS throws, runs, minces-and-sashays-like-a-girl weakling! But I just realized this is "Jocks and masculinization" so I have no business in this thread whatsoever, so I am outta here like ancient history! -;)
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