Female Takeover & Similar Files

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Female Takeover & Similar Files

Postby ForeverSlave16 » September 20th, 2017, 5:41 pm

This isn't really a personal experience post or anything of that nature, maybe it doesn't quite belong here, but i'm curious on the general opinions of files that seek to instill a female persona/personality to coexist or overtake the host personality. Files like Female Takeover, which seems to be big on here, and another series that's a topic for the moment Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning, etc.

It just seems very outlandish to me that an audio file or even repeated live hypnosis sessions could basically give someone multiple personality disorder. And if it is true that an entirely new personality, or even one formed from various scraps of the original host, can be created so easily, what reason is there to consider the original/host personality anything special or worth preserving? I suppose whatever new personality that's instilled could be considered something along the lines of an "invading" entity, but even so, if the host knew the risk and what was promised to happen, would it be anymore "ethical" to eliminate the new one as it would be to allow the new one to thrive?

I'll admit i'm intoxicated and probably overthinking this at the moment, just seemed like an interesting question to pose, since I noticed a thread relating to Female Takeover and a lot of outright hostility directed at the new personality when it would "post" from the host's account. If it's even legit in the first place, anyway. Like I said, still pretty skeptical of the whole business.
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Re: Female Takeover & Similar Files

Postby pest » September 21st, 2017, 3:48 pm

you might find this study though short interesting

The purpose of the study was to clarify the frequency of appearance of a hypnotically induced secondary personality and to compare Ss who were able to create secondary personalities in hypnosis to control Ss who could enter a deep hypnotic trance but were unable to produce secondary personalities.

The sample of 1,200 pupils was made up of the 3 highest grades of the secondary schools in the city of Oulu, Finland. A total of 450 students volunteered to participate in the study. All those who could enter a deep hypnotic state, 78 in all, were selected for closer study. 32 Ss were able and 43 were unable to create multiple personalities in hypnosis.

Ss also underwent a psychiatric interview. In addition, the identity of Ss was measured.

Both the psychiatric interview and identity examination gave parallel results to the effect that Ss capable of producing secondary personalities were clinically healthier and more adaptive than the group without secondary personalities. This finding is at variance with results presented in previous studies.

original link to article

http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1 ... 7608416203
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Re: Female Takeover & Similar Files

Postby JackDrago » September 21st, 2017, 5:51 pm

I have dozens of subjects who successfully split their personality with Manly Spirit and Your Inner Demon, and I have alters from both files myself. It's plenty real to the people who do it.
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Re: Female Takeover & Similar Files

Postby rainbowgirl » November 20th, 2017, 7:16 am

From the outside it might seem at least a teeny bit ludicrous that something like this is possible. With enough time and willingness to not be closed minded, it is way way way more than possible to create another personality :). Including one that can supplant the original.

*pondering* in our case it took multiple listens on a daily basis and a concerted effort by the original guy personality to help me come into existence outside of that. We used the female takeover file btw... hmmmmmm the thread may or may not actually exist anymore because of the server issue and the subsequent loss site information. lol haven't really logged in much since then either.

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Re: Female Takeover & Similar Files

Postby kslava » December 24th, 2017, 10:16 am

Wow Pest! Nice to see an actual study cited on this. The community largely operates on anecdote, so it's really refreshing to see. Thanks!
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