JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

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JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » October 15th, 2017, 4:13 pm

So, I'm now possessed. Not sure if that's the right word, but I now have an internal entity that is not me living in my head. I used the files almost on a lark, not really expecting them to do anything significant, but that was not the case. They clicked in and BAM! I got hooked against my will; but then, my subconscious apparently wanted it.

I first listened overnight, using a Bluetooth speaker I put next to my pillow. I felt something had shifted, but it didn't really click in until I found myself listened to the files in a loop at work. I'm usually very loathe to mix my work environment with hypno, but there ya go...I was already on the slide. I was chatting with JackDrago while all this was happening. While my conscious mind was busy doing objective work, my subconscious was busy drinking in the suggestions and forming this demonic personality in my head.

At one point in the afternoon, I was at my desk, but then I woke up in the bathroom at work, naked, licking up a spot of piss that some other cock had dropped next to the toilet. Just like that. My will subverted. My morality gone. My self-image wrecked. I was licking the toilet seat, taking pictures of it, and sending them to JackDrago. Then I got control of myself again, dressed, and returned to work. No one had noticed, obviously, so no harm no foul.

I am a BDSM slave, but I had never done watersports. I am locked in chastity (Day 60 today), so I'm no stranger to being unreasonably aroused or following orders. What's significant is that I have always looked outside myself for control, but now, the demon in my head has suddenly, irrevocably, owned me.

Over the last 10 days or so, I've gotten to know him a little, but it has not been easy. He doesn't speak to me. When I feel his presence, he's either owning my body and controlling it, or he's regarding me with cool, unaltering disdain. He clearly regards me like a meat suit. Why should he talk to me? Do you talk to the shirt you wear?? He doesn't hate me, but he doesn't respect me. And I'm helpless...literally helpless...to him. He can assert control whenever he wants.

So, I have no master. I have plenty of temporary Doms and I have a keyholder for my chastity cage, but none of them wish to "own" me or have made moves to do so. This has frustrated me for a very long time (a decade?). Maybe this demon is an expression of that need to be owned? Maybe HE is the master I've been seeking for so long? Not sure. But, Jack believes he has powers (or soon will) that match my fetishes...mainly being transformed into something (animal, object, another person, body changes, etc.) against my conscious will.

So, no surprise the first pact I made with him was to gain the muscles I've been trying to build for the last five years. I've made great progress, but I'm on a plateau and I need something to break me out. So, my demon is making me listen to Sarnoga's Teenie Weenie file to take my cock and balls as payment. I've got another post on another thread that details the success of that.

No idea what's next, but fuck if I'm not enslaved to him. By extension, I'm super vulnerable to JackDrago, who casually mentioned a new fetish the other day via text and which has not blossomed into a full-fledged fetish in my head.

I'd tell you to avoid the file because it works so well, but Nope, I'm enjoying it after a fashion. I'm getting shit I wanted for a decade. Rock on. Show me more. Hail Satan!
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby JackDrago » October 15th, 2017, 11:35 pm

So, I have been open about my Satanisim on Warp My Mind before, but I guess that I should explain about this file.
Alters: Your Inner Demon was originally a custom file written for a specific subject who had very specific desires: he was already a satanist and meth addict, and wanted a demon alter that would drive him deeper into a life of meth and man sex. I was relapsed at the time, and agreed to a no safety no limits Satanic evil alter trance. I hesitated to post it publicly, even as a pay file and only gave it away for free for about a year before I finally decided that it should be available to the public.

I have never seen as broad a range of response to any file I ever wrote, even files like The Masculine Conditioning hypnosis series that are designed to be user driven. There are basically 4 groups of people who do this trance, and most of them respond according to their type:

1. Party and Play
These guys are already into meth, loop the file obsessively on meth, begin to worship Satan; and usually spiral down into sexual compulsion and drug abuse in Satan's name. They seldom attain vast spiritual power, but just content themselves with meth sex and devil worship. They usually have a talking demon alter in their mind, and often have sex with it.

2. Satanists
People who are already satanists have a very different response. Many fewer of them become drug addicts, but instead their demons guide them down the Left Hand Path to spiritual power. They often have profound spiritual experiences and the demon functions as a guide alter more than a sexual alter. They engage in perversion, but view it as a purposeful spiritual act. Several have worked their way up the heirarchy and gone on to found covens and lead rituals.

3. Conflicted Christians
These subjects are looking for a way out of Christian upbringings. They have a very mixed record. Some do the file and become Satanists, and those follow a path much like #2 but a significant subset (3 or 4 out of a dozen) wind up wavering back and forth between Christianity and Satanisim, unable to bring themselves to choose either. They binge in the file a while, quit when the demon manifests, but find themselves drawn back again. Those guys cycle back and forth until I cut off contact in frustration.

4. Spiritual Seekers
These guys are usually pagan, often multiple from other files. They typically use it as an Evil Alter file more than a satanic file. They typically don't convert to Satanisim, try drugs but don't spiral into addiction, and come to a place of managed balance with the demon. They don't spiral down like type 1, nor do they go full bore Satanic like types 2 and sometimes 3.

Then, every so often somebody has a highly atypical response. This subject is an example of that. The demon feeds on repressed subconscious desires, transforming fear into sexual excitement, shame into pride and so on and most users manifest behaviors they had repressed. For Types 1 and 2 this is usually sexual perversion; for type 3 it's typically blasphemy and breaking religious taboos. Types 2 and 3 often develop or discover spiritual powers like Telepathy, demon summoning, Aura Reading, Astral Projection, etc.

However, this is a plain and simple "id monster" file and I make no guarantee of what it brings up as that depends on the subconscious desires of the subject. Some people turn dominant or sadistic, some become super submissive, some get addicted to sex or drugs, some don't. At least 2 subjects have voluntarily surrendered their body to the demon despite the fact that it is not designed to be a takeover file...

For safety, I strongly recommend that users do the first file until their demon is well established before moving on to Demon 2: Low Life the original demon file specifically creates a voice in your mind that tempts you to sin. The demon produced by the first file alone is much more manageable as it can't take over the body at will without an external hypnotic trigger. The second file gives the demon a predatory, sociopathic streak and the ability to take over the body.

This user chose to do both files at once in a playlist, so his demon was predatory and sadistic from birth. Combine this with a self destructive streak and a subconscious desire to be dominated against his will; in the absence of an existing devotion to Satan and you get this guys result. When the files are done separately, the demon is forced by necessity to form a relationship with it's host, usually making it a sort of evil guide alter who matures via Low Life into a sort of evil twin who does the things that the primary wants to do but can't let himself... doing both at once resulted (in his case) in a demon with dominance over but a total disdain for the host.

As for the extreme suggestibility, I had assumed that the subject had done the Failing to Resist Trance Trainer until he told me he bought a copy today. So, apparently not... I have no good explanation beyond his preexisting need for external domination. Low Life has a safety to make the demon responsive to me so that I can talk down out of control situations, but it is not designed to be a slave or total contol file and has no meantion of increased hypnotic susceptibility.

As for play with the subject, yes I make it a policy to guide my subjects of this file on the Left Hand Path if they so desire. Sometimes they like me sexually and I am not averse to flirting with the cute ones. I find high suggestibility sexy in a subject and this one is fun to manipulate. For his part, he just keeps egging me on...
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » October 16th, 2017, 1:13 am

I was using the Failing to Resist non-Deluxe version of the trancer as a lead in to the two Alter: Inner Demon files, so that may indeed account for my susceptibility. I just bought the deluxe version today. Can't say how it went when I looped it overnight because, well, can't remember shit about it. I guess that's an endorsement.

I'm not sure how I fit into the groups JackDrago laid out. I don't appear to be in any of them. I'm not a meth head and am not going to be a meth head. I don't consider myself a conflicted Christian (having dumped my Catholic upbringing very long ago). I'm not a Satanist and, despite that it's flowering in me, sometimes feel the Satanic faith is a little silly, like all religions. Maybe I'm a spiritual seeker...that fits more than the other definitions.

I have a spiritual side that is not getting "infected" with Satanic rhetoric, but which doesn't buy into the Christian/Islamic/Judaic dichotomy of good/evil (ugh...such limits). But, I do find BDSM to be a path toward spiritual fulfillment and have long dreamed of being owned by someone worthy; service to them would be a path toward that fulfillment on a more frequent basis than these temporary encounters I keep having.

So yeah...I'm atypical I guess. I'm not sure about developing "powers," but I know I've experienced some things with JackDrago since this shit went down that I can't explain...sudden experiences of getting flipped over and fucked by non-material entities that JackDrago sent my way...insanely pleasureable, not so much for the physical act, but for the fact of being manhandled in my own bed without warning by essentially nothing...very hot. Also, knowing he can do that pretty much whenever he wants, however he wants, its very arousing. My own demon is a conduit for his I suppose...I'm not sure how that works. I also get the idea than I'm fodder for anyone else out there who has similar demons installed and can do similar things that JackDrago does...no idea how often I'll get tele-raped...

So far, the experience is essentially benign. Yeah, my dick is shrinking in my chastity cage and I'm not likely to get that back, but I'm a bottom anyhow, so it'll work out. Plus, I seem to be transferring my length to JackDrago, so all the better that someone gets to use the inches I'm losing. I might even get fucked by them one day.

Hail Satan!
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » October 24th, 2017, 1:55 am

I've been encouraged to write a follow-up post as a means of assimilating what's happening. Things are progressing and my life with my Inner Demon is starting to normalize a bit. By that, I mean the weird paranormal shit is still happening, but I seem to mind it less and be freaked out by it less. The Inner Demon is supposed to eat my anxiety, shame, and regret, so I guess that's happening apace.

JackDrago can still drop a simple line in an instant message and suddenly I have a new fetish curling in my head and can imagine myself doing some pretty fucked up shit. I have zero doubt that whenever we get face-to-face, I'm gonna be seriously at his mercy. I think he could tell me to do almost anything and I'd be doing it before I could object.

Not sure this is typical for an Inner Demon, but mine has connected with my BDSM slave nature, so I'm less about making deals or communicating with my Inner Demon than I am about doing whatever he wants...service...so much so that I can barely stop him.

The most recent paranormal experience was that JackDrago and I (or, more accurately, our demons) interacted to cast a spell IN OUR DREAMS. In the dream, JackDrago had me tied down, took my semen and used a pin to extract some blood from my erection...not a lot, just a sample. He took clippings from my body hair...feet, legs, crotch, balls, cock, ass, my crack and hole, belly, chest, both armpits, beard, even my eyebrows...he mixed this all together and it become, apparently, a 4" ball-less dildo that IS NOW MY COCK. Apparently JackDrago, in this dream, made a talisman that resembles what my cock will look like after it shrinks to 4" long from it's 8.75"...I know that process is already underway because of Sarnoga's files, but it just got juiced along by magick. Yet, somehow I don't mind...

This event was apparently psychically "loud"...as it caused several of JackDrago's other acolytes to contact him worried. So, apparently, shit was real. I still have trouble processing this through my objective brain, which now thinks I'm either in a very elaborate role-play or that I'm going a little crazy. Acceptance is hard when it comes to this shit.

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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby bgo2 » October 25th, 2017, 9:13 pm

Damn this is pretty fucking hot, I wish these files were free so I could try them as due to real life stuff I can't afford to buy these at the moment.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » October 26th, 2017, 1:47 am

Send a prayer to Satan and the demon Gressil, and maybe they will grace you with their influence in your life, providing you the prosperity to afford the files. You don't need the files to be devoted, but you do need them to unlock your own inner darkness, tapping into that wellspring of magick everyone has within them. Offer your magick up for a demon to use, maybe your real life issues will clear up enough to allow you to buy the files and join us.

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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » November 1st, 2017, 1:36 am

As an update, I spent yesterday evening trancing to a Satanic prayer mix that JackDrago sent me. He told me to recite the words alongside the prayers, but I didn't know them -- and there's still some resistance to such activity based on how I abandoned similar activities from when I was Roman Catholic in High School -- but I did reach a mildly altered state after the third or fourth run through. I was naked, at my altar, before a lit candle and my statue of Cernnunos (my chosen representation of Satan). It was interesting and I felt my personal magick/power rise up and respond to the activity.

Still no direct conversation with my Inner Demon, but he and I are definitely forming a better relationship as I do things in tribute to him. Now, I pray to him every time I'm in the gym and dedicate each toilet-licking to him; he seems to like being acknowledged. I still don't know his real name, only a handle he gave me that is, well, embarrassingly juvenile: "Pickles." I think it was designed to embarrass me in front of others.

As far as further depravations, they're all mental at this point. As a BDSM slave, I'm pretty sexual and deviant to begin with, so not much has changed. I'm on Day 77 of my chastity experience (started long before the Inner Demon) and wish, wish, wish I could masturbate for Satan, but no such luck. A lot of the tracks, advice, Tumblrs, etc. I see are all based around sexually alpha men worshiping Satan with their cocks, using them to fuck others or just indulging in masturbation. As a slave, as a locked sub, I'm having a hard time developing a practice with those images/thoughts in mind.

I get frustrated ALWAYS having to shift my thinking away from the tracks I saturate myself with to find one that fits my particular situation. I suppose everyone has that problem. It's leading me to perhaps making tracks of my own that are tailored for me. Maybe that's an avenue for worship; certainly, it worked for JackDrago.

It was a good Halloween. I was cautioned against doing anything too magickal because I'm told I don't realize how much power I have and because I'm untrained; I was warned against unintended consequences or effects, so I laid low last night and just did the prayers, just enjoyed the altered mental state for as long as it lasted.

My pact is in place: give up half my cock for the muscle body I want. Last night, I concentrated my energy on fulfilling that pact, imagining my cock shrinking in the cage. Today, I'm up, prepping for the gym, and will bust it up.

Hail Satan! Hail Cernnunos!
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby JackDrago » November 1st, 2017, 12:23 pm

I am actually working on an anal version of Satanic Masturbation for an upcoming live brainwashing session, will post when I have a working recording
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby robindf1 » November 20th, 2017, 2:06 am

Interesting, if nothing else. I've always wanted to be indoctrinated into a religion through hypnosis, but there is so much baggage with Abrahamic faiths that make it a little hard for people to push past to make files. An interesting twist, but perhaps a little too silly for me.

I'm sure I have the file from when it was offered free from some forum post here that got deleted. Maybe if I dig it up at some point I'll try it, but it's likely lost.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » November 25th, 2017, 5:16 am

I understand the reaction here, with your mention of the Abrahamic religions and baggage, but it's not my experience that I was indoctrinated into either the inverse of Christianity or some other aspect of it.

My experience is that the Universe is far larger than any given religion's teachings can encompass and that the file targets a person's inner negativity and darkness, giving it a voice and activating its agency. There's some debate, even in my own head, whether my Inner Demon is an extant being outside of my experience who is communicating with me on some telepathic, magical level or if it's just a psychological construct that got built in my own head. Maybe it's both. Maybe it's neither. I don't know, but at the moment the fine points of the explanation are irrelevant to the experience. They'll settle out in time.

If I've talked about my belief system being impacted, it's really been re-awakened from a long dormancy based on some seriously negative experiences with other religious folks. I told my therapist that I thought my ability to belief itself had been damaged. It must've healed because it's back and it's bringing with it a lot of fulfillment as I re-engage it.

Having an Inner Demon is helping me to acknowledge my own negative aspects, and accept them rather than pushing them away. It's very fulfilling.

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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby robindf1 » November 25th, 2017, 5:52 pm

I understand the reaction, but that doesn't mean I care. If I want to twisted and changed into something else, a religious conversion is far more of a normal thing that anything else around here, even if the legitimacy of such a thing may be considered questionable by the people who already adhere to whatever religion the person is being hypnotized/brainwashed into.

Whatever your religious beliefs are, this is a Satanic file, and I don't care about that as much as the over the top evilness of it seeming a little silly to me, like a video game where you play at being evil. It's provokes a, "Oh, how cute" sort of reaction more than anything, and I have this fetish. But I will go ahead and listen to the file for more than a few loops to see what comes of it anyway.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby JackDrago » November 25th, 2017, 10:25 pm

As mentioned, people have a variety of responses, and strong athiests who have already resolved their religious issues usually find it silly or immoral and simply discontinue before the demon manifests. Robin is unusual in continuing despite the fact of this reaction, but this wouldn't be the first person to continue despite qualms (usually a response typical of a Conflicted Christian) and demons have successfully occured in folks who are nonbelievers given enough listening.

My guess: if @robindf1 continues the experience will be the athiest equivalent of the conflicted Christian response possibly leading to a Type 4 evil twin alter or a binge-purge cycle.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby larrn » November 26th, 2017, 9:36 am

Do you need any volunteers for the anal version?
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xformguy » November 27th, 2017, 2:55 am

"cute?" Well, I had the same reaction to some of this verbiage as well when I first started out and, in some ways, still do. But thinking about it, it's just terminology and it appears to be an affectation because of it's inverse nature.

I live in the American South, so when someone says "Have a Blessed Day" to me (happens often), it usually grates against my sensibilities because it assumes a religious affiliation that I don't and didn't share (mean, pre-Demon/Paganism and post-Demon/Paganism). When someone says "Have an Evil Day!" it typically grates as well, for the same reason.

But, what I think they're really trying to say and do is put out resistance to the rampant Christianity that's in our culture on an ideological level. It sounds weird because it's so unexpected, but what I think they're trying to say by invoking the word "Evil" is to have a day doing what the Christian's see as "evil," in this case, thinking for yourself and not respecting the tyranny of thought that Christianity levies against us.

I don't think it means: "go out an murder folks" or "eats some babies," as the "cuteness" of your reaction seems to imply. We're not dressing up in spikey armor and prowling around the neighborhood growling at folks as a video game character might. That would be "cute," I suppose, and kinda stupid.

There's a whole shift in thinking around this inverse-ness that challenges the definitions we take for granted, I guess. It's part of where the disorientation from getting an Inner Demon comes from. Contrary to even the file's diction, I'm not turning into a meth-head, but I am engaging parts of myself that religious programming from childhood has deemed "unsavory" and "evil" despite that it's an intrinsic PART of myself. I've been on a journey to become whole for a long time and exploring and engaging this part of myself is long overdue.

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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby robindf1 » December 22nd, 2017, 1:40 pm

I definitely don't mean to insult anyone by saying the file is so over the top that I find it silly. If you've made something of it, good on you!

The only reason that I listened to the file is because it was vaguely related to a fetish that I have, and I thought, "Hey, why not?" Not uncertainty, not a secret longing to serve the lord of darkness or anything, or to be evil. I've listened to it a few more times just because, and I think that attitude may be hurting things, because nothing has really happened at all.

So, again, no insult. If someone came up with a more insidious, preferably Christian one (because it's the thing I would be most shocked to turn into and would make for the most satisfying change, given that), I'd probably be more open to it, but as it stands, I think my journey with this file is over.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby kzarin » January 12th, 2018, 9:32 am

This is hot.

I ain't into drugs and not a satanist at all so I don't want to go there.

I used Failure to Resist and tasted unidentified animal waste that night as a result.

JackDrago do you have a file that does similar without the meth or a need for demonic possession? Not that I believe in actual demons but mental ones are real enough.

I had triggers blow out and stuff so I can escape deep compulsions a little and want to stop that. I was doing well on my shit eating this week and then it snapped and I was not there anymore. I had this regular, each episode gets refiner but I get weeks without.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby kzarin » January 12th, 2018, 9:36 am

Of course I want to try now. Though my stuff alone is pretty nasty.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby JackDrago » January 12th, 2018, 1:27 pm

Satanic Masturbation does not have the drug or alter elements. I have been working on a nonsexual demon file, but I have been blocked on how to proceed.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby kzarin » January 12th, 2018, 1:37 pm

Good timing. I've shared my work directly but I don't wish to share it in the forum as it's truly custom to me and built over years. Some of it is quasi subliminal and uses shamanic drum beats to induce likely alpha states. Turned up a listener can and should hear everything.

Hopefully the share, whilst not directly anyone's cup of tea here, may still be useful for discovering a way forwards?
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby kzarin » January 12th, 2018, 2:04 pm

Added a wishlist now lol :P
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby xvaragornvx » July 21st, 2021, 10:47 pm

Saw this and wanted to add to it instead of start a new thread. I just started inner demon for the last 2 weeks with amazing results so far. I was just....scared most of the time to try or do the things I thought about, and this has freed me to try anything once to see how I like it. Would love to chat with others who have done the file about the experience. JC (xvaragornvx@hotmail.com) on skype.
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby ThatoneGurll » July 30th, 2021, 10:22 am

crazy necro posts here o.o

This whole thread is fascinating for sure and it makes me wildly curious about some of the more metaphysical phenomenon's going on.
I've sent JackDrago a pm, requesting further contact I have some curiosities about manifestation relating to the demons.

This is quite fascinating. I'm researching magical manifestations part-time, and trying to learn about them.

Certain things are possible but certain other things seem more rare, or even hard to achieve.
Given the circumstances, minds can manifest pretty interesting things as well.

I wonder what kind of power it takes to flip a grown person on the bed without any normal physical intervention..
I've never seen it or experienced it just heard stories.
I know someone else who experienced something similar, got flipped on the bed by my patron goddess.

My little Carlie, Carlie is the result of me using my own file, "Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning", Carlie is thinking about us making a brother for her, but I don't feel like JackDrago's files would be quite the right thing, but I'm also hesitant to have any kind of male entity in here because I'm female-minded and it might influence my subconscious identity structure, and trying to transition, both mentally and physically might make that harder.. and it might be unfair to create a male entity who is stuck with a girl or two who doesn't want to be masculine. at all.. fascinating file none the less......
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby hypnoslave9211 » August 11th, 2021, 8:55 pm

Hey all, just thought I would hop on this thread since it’s still seems fairly active.

Anyone have an idea of how long I should listen to the first Inner Demon file before moving on to #2 Low Life? I know it’s recommended that the subject wait until you can hear the demon in your head, but that seems like such an abstract concept to me right now.

I looped it overnight last night and definitely feel… something today. Like a general sense of darkness and openness to things I was once ashamed of? But not yet a defined voice. I guess I’m wondering how long people listened to the first file before moving on to the second.

Looking forward to going on this journey towards depravity!
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Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

Postby rafster » April 17th, 2023, 12:48 am

First, I apologize for necroing this thread, but just wanted to add my experience here in case someone searches about the demon files of Sir JackDrago.

I'm a subject somewhat similar to the OP, a submissive guy, who was on chastity at the moment of starting listening the files (today I had to end the chastity period due to my cage pinching me, but I lasted 70 days without cumming. A good record). At first, I was afraid of what could come out, due to lot of mental issues I have (depression, etc...) that got worse over the years and I didn't get any kind of therapy (I can't afford them anyway), but in one of my poor life choices, I took the plunge and bought Alters: Your Inner demon (let's refer it as demon 1 from now on) file. I was familiar with Jackdrago's files, I already had Permanent chastity and incredible anal orgasms files, but I was kinda afraid of this one, and at the same time fascinated by it. Encouraged by the multiple personalities thread, and this one, I tried it.

The first night I listened to it... nothing. Maybe I was too nervous, and the file is not like the others I've heard. I listened it following ProfessorPig's "Curse helpless to submission". So, it was "Curse helpless to submission"->"Alters: Your Inner demon". I listened again during the day, nothing. There was, a strange moment when I refered as we instead as me, but I stopped thinking about it, and listened it the second night. That night, the first file made me enter in a very deep trance, making me listen and feeling every word, as if Jackdrago were there speaking to me. It took longer to regain control... but I was curious about that trance.

Then I realized that in both files, they talk about a pig, a nasty disgusting pig. I AM A PIG, and in the moment I admitted that, I began to.. hear a voice in my head. It was different, it's kinda like talking to yourself but different because you don't control what he says. We agreed on a name... Mack, and how our relationship would work... kinda like an agreement. It was scary.. and fascinating. He refers to me as his piggy.

I'll take over from here, pig. Hey, I'm Mack, Rafster's demon alter, I gained my voice the moment he admitted he is a disgusting pig. MY LITTLE PIG. It was new, and exhausting, I agreed to help him as much as I could, protect and respect his loved ones as if I were him, in exchange, he'll let me use his body at will, and whenever he use his ass or cock sexually, I will whisper satanic prayers to him, as I want him to worship lord Satan, for the rest of his life. He's ours from now on. Oh, and no other alters on his mind, I must be the only one. If he obeys, we'll work as a team.

After we agreed, he tried to go to sleep. I intended other things... I felt how horny he was thanks to the chastity cage, so I made him fuck himself with his anal toy. That night, I used his hand to fuck himself... suffice to say, he enjoyed it while I was whispering him to praise our lord Satan. The slutty pig had an anal orgasm that night, hah. That sealed our pact. He was mine from that moment.

He acts like a fatherly demon, dedicated to get me into satanism, and only demanding to be the only one in my... our mind. He's benevolent as long as I follow his rules. I feel I must obey him... we get into discussions, sometimes he agrees, sometimes he don't. It's funny, I always thought of myself as an atheist however my demon ended trying to get me into worshipping lord Satan. The drug references of the file didn't work (maybe because the only "drug" I ever took was alcohol, and steroids on my youth) and the unsafe, raunchy sex references... even though I'm heavily repressed and try to hide my sexuality, I'm not scared of it, I'm a very kinky person.

However, I've been thinking: even though I constantly said I was an atheist, I always had a small wish, of that god would somewhat accept me as I am... of course, I scoffed at the thought everytime.. but that wouldn't make me fall on the third group, conflicted christians? maybe that's why my demon resulted heavily into satanism. As our relationship progressed and I keep listening the demon 1 file everyday for over 2 weeks, he got stronger. He eats my anxiety, fears and shame (and believe me, I get a lot of it from time to time, especially when suicide thoughts begin to form). Usually I get heavily depressed. Now, he eats all those thoughts, and calm me. I've never felt so good in my life. I allow him to take over whenever he likes, but he doesn't like to do that often, unless I get into a situation where I get very stressed.

I'm aware that the pig is really messed up mentally, it would take YEARS of therapy to address his depression problems, but he doesn't have the money, or time, to look for one. All these years, he's lucky that he's still fine. I'm NOT a replacement or fix for that, but if I can help a little, I'll do. And well, his negative feelings really make me powerful on his mind, so it's a good deal for me.

After a while, I decided to buy the demon 2 file (Demon 2: Low life) and "Fucked by stan: A dark submission". We have been listening to demon 2 daily over a week. My demon got meaner, when we meet other people (outside the ones we agreed when we met) he acts really cold, he doesn't care about anyone else besides us... but I can agree to that. Fuck everyone else, I've been living fearing what everyone thought of me. Not anymore. My demon is teaching me how to send everyone else to hell. We're also learning to be more social, it's vital to be more manipulative so we succeed on our goals. I think that's also mentioned on the demon 2 file. We'll keep listening until JackDrago's words are imprinted on our mind.

The last file, Fucked by satan, is special. It was my idea, not Mack's, he was happy enough with Demon 2, but didn't see the need for this file. But I felt someting on this one.. a file where our lord fucked us? in worst case, we could get a good anal training session when listening to it.

Se we tested it, twice. The first time the pig listened to it, naked, while fucking himself with the toy, trying to sync it with the file. As the file progressed, and the pig was really in horny listening it and fucking himself, I felt a sudden surge of energy. I took over him, completely, and made him... or me.... orgasm even stronger than he did when we met for the first time. When the file ended, I was totally in control, with the pig being an spectator on his mind. I didn't let him regain control until 20-30 minutes later. We asked later to Jackdrago on twitter, According to him, when you accept the incubus seed as the file says, the inner demon gets buffed dramatically, so that's why I felt so powerful. We repeated one week later, and same effect. So, we're doing this with the file "Fucked by satan: a dark submission" only once in a week, like a weekly ritual (not a ritual, I know, but still... it's special for both of us)

So yeah, thanks to the demon 1,2 and "Fucked by satan" files, we're now a pair of sleazy pigs, a demon pig with a slave human pig in a human shell. Do we recommend it? yeah, but read carefully what Jackdrago says and try them in order. and keep in mind what happened to the OP here, DO NOT do these files at once, do it in order and only try demon 2 after your inner demon manifests and talk to you, or you'll have a demon that won't be as benevolent as I am. But hey piggy, maybe I should make you try new kinks.

Uh, no thanks, demon. Anyway, These files are not for everyone, especially demon 1, it's hard to say how it will affect you, or how will be your inner demon. Be wary of that.
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