Earworm file for weightloss and feminization.

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Moderator: EMG

Earworm file for weightloss and feminization.

Postby kyletainer » December 7th, 2017, 12:36 pm

Idea for an experiment that occurred to me: use some kind of music that is apt to become stuck in someone's mind to create a sort of self looping self reinforcing file. Commands/suggestions cause listener to experience the effects of the file whether they are actively listening to the file, or just hearing the music in their mind. Effects should include experiencing the effects of doing a dance cardio workout, estrogen being released as an endorphin, addiction to music and dancing, becoming aroused and possible orgasm from dancing.
The mind is more powerful than most people will ever know.
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Joined: December 1st, 2017, 2:43 pm

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