Past instruction makes itself known.

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Past instruction makes itself known.

Postby twitchell » December 11th, 2017, 3:35 pm

Sometime ago I was hypnotised by someone and they wanted me to use the name Daisy when signing off emails etc. This was aimed at being a humiliation for me as I would be asked why I signed as Daisy and I'd have to explain. It was so long ago that I really can't remember the details clearly and the instruction wore off, at least I thought it had.

Yesterday my door bell rang and I answered it to find a courier with a parcel for me. “just sign here” he says and I do, I signed Daisy ******* across his tablet screen :oops: . I didn't realise until I'd done it but before I could do anything he was gone. Obviously he doesn't check signatures to carefully and just as well.

I amazed me that this instruction was still in my brain and decided that moment out of the blue to resurface. I have had trouble with long lasting email slave instructions and being drawn to answering humiliating question curses popping back out of the blue after a long time but never this one. Sometimes I wish I'd never tried this hypnosis stuff but then again sometimes I'm glad I did, it can be fun even after all this time.
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Re: Past instruction makes itself known.

Postby CoupleCarpeDiem » April 8th, 2018, 3:46 am

Nice to meet you Daisy ! :twisted:
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Re: Past instruction makes itself known.

Postby latex-cd » April 16th, 2018, 10:37 pm

Dang, that sounds fun actually :)
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Re: Past instruction makes itself known.

Postby twitchell » May 2nd, 2018, 4:44 am

and you CoupleCarpeDiem.
Posts: 26
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Location: England.

Re: Past instruction makes itself known.

Postby ProfessorPig » May 22nd, 2018, 8:05 pm

sounds like your defenses were down in that moment. most other times you would have reservations about following that suggestion, but in that moment with the courier you were distracted and part of you knew it would not matter if you complied with the suggestion. you never know how long triggers will stick around for.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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