I'm a highly Hypnotic Mistress and....

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I'm a highly Hypnotic Mistress and....

Postby hypnoticmadamejade » July 6th, 2018, 1:53 pm

I would love to hear about the types of inductions and scripts you like.... how long of a file you like, do you like video or just MP3?



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Re: I'm a highly Hypnotic Mistress and....

Postby francin » September 19th, 2018, 1:27 pm

Hello Mistress, i like hypnosis very.much, most transformfiles and kinky posthypnotic suggestions. Im submissive male, 41 years. Video is best, but mostly.i listen mp3. Peter email: xta@post.cz.
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Re: I'm a highly Hypnotic Mistress and....

Postby Jackstock » September 19th, 2018, 4:26 pm

Think less about the inductions and scripts, and think more about the topics. Ask yourself-- what result are they getting in the end? Start working with that.
From surveys of my users (read: biased to MY USERS), most people prefer 30 minute recordings, though some like 45 or 60 mins.
Most users like very specific changes, and you will get the most attention from doing a recording that does ONE simple thing.
Video is always welcome, of course. Try doing both.
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Re: I'm a highly Hypnotic Mistress and....

Postby customized » September 19th, 2018, 9:53 pm

I have been practicing trancing on and off for a looong time. In the beginning I had a hard time going into trance at all because I am very analytical. Now, I can go into trance a lot more easily but it mostly is light trances. I don't often get lost into trance. I remember everything and most of the time I can think by myself and analyse what is being said. I do try not to do that though, getting better at it.

So, because of this, I prefer semi-long inductions. About 15 minutes is good. Longer than that, I usually get bored and it gets me out of it, unless the hypnotist is so talented they make me trance deeply, which is not often at all. And shorter than that, it usually do not work very well for me.

As for the length of the entire file, I'd go with about 30 minutes. While I do like good files that are 45 minutes or so, it's beginning to be quite long to listen everyday. I hardly have time to listen to a 20 minutes file on the week-ends, and sometimes when I do I am too tired and fall asleep.

Again, because I am not the best to go into trance, I prefer mp3s. I do like videos but most of the times I have a harder time concentrating with my eyes open and I don't quite go into trance. Also, I am not that comfortable in a sitting position. It is very hard for me to relax then. Maybe I should try more of them though. Admittedly I did not watch a lot of hypno vids. And as someone who has trouble imaginings things vividly, I guess some vids might help, especially when implanting triggers to becoming aroused when seeing something in particular, like boobs or anything the vids can show me.

One thing I do not like in some femdom files are when they sell a file doing one thing (like premature ejaculation, or wet dreams or compulsive masturbation or any one thing, really) and then they link it to them and being a slave to them ONLY. I'd like those things to be separate. If I want to be addicted to ONE mistress, I'd buy those files. If I want a particular effect, I'd prefer the file to be only about that effect. Of course, mild suggestions to like the mistress or do things for them are fine, as long as I am not forbidden to listen to others or the effect of the file only work with them. If I want something, I want it to happen all the time it can, mostly.
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