How will feminization affect my other personality traits?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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How will feminization affect my other personality traits?

Postby aliceincalifornia » November 2nd, 2018, 3:40 pm

How will a feminization program affect my personality traits that arent related to gender?

So I started listening to lianns files, specifically I listened to breast game first but felt like I couldnt actually drop into trance and so then started listening to living her dream and had really good results. I only listened maybe twice and it was working well already so I dove into some of her other files and its working way better than anything else ever has. I want to listen to the files again so badly. When i have down time ill randomly almost go on autopilot and want to listen more really badly. And it kind of worried me. I know that the entire idea of a curse file is to addict you to come back to it and their would be control but what im scared of is a complete overwrite of who I am. I want to force a change not erase me and make a new person. (For the record i was on hormones for about 5 months but would get panic attacks in public so i want something that can push me further but not get rid of me.)

So with feminization programs, things like the bree series or lianns files, and I guess hypnosis in general, how much control do you have with your identity afterwards? For example I really like to draw and I like certain books and music. All those things will still be there right? Ill still be me just a girl completely right?

Sorry if these are kind of dumbs questions these files have just hooked me like none other and before I give in id like to know im not about to erase myself. After debating complete female takeover and reading up a bunch on it im actually really afraid of it and the idea of not being in control after the hypnosis has changed me is really scary.
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Re: How will feminization affect my other personality traits

Postby Hicks » November 4th, 2018, 8:17 pm

I have been listening to feminization hypnosis for 11 years, and I can tell you that nothing the files don't do will change anything. Hypnosis needs a willing subject, and anything you really really don't want to happen doesn't happen. And remember, what you *say* you want is not always what you *really* want.

I still play video games, I still play table top role playing games, I still draw, still have a game design hobby, still sing excellently (except for right now as I lost my voice to a cold), still enjoy classical music.... I just also love cock and cum, and present myself as a woman publicly every day.

Unless a file explicitly does a thing, it isn't going to do that thing.

More insidious are files that admonish you to "act feminine" because those files encourage you to behave as you thing a feminine person would behave, and that depends entirely on what you believe femininity *is*.

But actual feminine people are just that: people; and like all kinds of different stuff. I made a consious effort to never train with a file that would encourage me to surgically alter my voice, and over time I've come up with a list of *NOPE* that I will not persue. Just be smart about what you're doing, kay?
Hugs and kisses from accross the internet! ~♡
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Re: How will feminization affect my other personality traits

Postby aliceincalifornia » November 4th, 2018, 9:18 pm

Hey hicks thanks so much for the reply :)

Good to hear what makes me me wont change. Yea, all the stuff that just tells me to act feminine is pretty dangerous for me. Unfortunately as a teenager I played with sissy stuff way too much without realizing what hypnosis really was and how it would become addictive and actually change my personality. So whenever im told to act fem I kind of default into thinking those kind of thoughts which I then reject and it creates this bad cycle of me rejecting things that should make me feel happy and fem.

On a semi related note do you have suggestions for files that will focus on things like: presenting feminine every day, makeup clothing and shoe obbsession, and pushing me to medically transition, without anything negative? Im bisexual so im ok if the files have cock and cum training but i dont want things that will lower my iq or make me feel inferior. Thanks again!!
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Re: How will feminization affect my other personality traits

Postby Hicks » November 5th, 2018, 1:24 am

yup! prepare for incoming love bomb.
Hugs and kisses from accross the internet! ~♡
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Re: How will feminization affect my other personality traits

Postby Janis_en_femme » December 14th, 2018, 2:38 pm

The way it may affect your other personality traits is removing any repressed trait. You'll become so accepting of your feminine self that some masculine traits may diminish or even vanish because you may have been behaving that way to fit your image of masculinity. It will be gradual so that you and others may not even notice. I now enjoy shopping especially for shoes.
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