Newbie Problems

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Newbie Problems

Postby phoenix50 » October 19th, 2020, 4:41 am

Hi guys

New to hypnosis for myself, although I'm trained, I've not practiced it on others for years.
Decided to have a go as the "client" to see how others approach it and have been amazed at how quickly I've progressed in such a short space of time (about 2 weeks).

In terms of trance however:

1. Numbness in extremities...check
2. Foggyness in the mind....check
3. Supreme relaxation...check
4. Trouble sleeping...erm...check?!

For the past couple of nights I have been unable to achieve REM sleep - I close my eyes, start to consciously "dream" (daydream, think about people in my life, events of the day, the usual) but as I start to relax; I find that I am defaulting to a state of trance all by myself - I get waves of relaxation that become quite powerful - but it's not in the slightest bit causing me to fall asleep.

I'm a bit concerned really and wonder if I've overdone it - yesterday I listened to 4 recordings, mostly designed to help someone achieve trance; so I *get* why my subconscious is starting to become quite good at it!

But I can't survive very long without being able to sleep properly each night.

Is the advice to just put the brakes on it for now, thus allowing my mind to return to the previous setup, or am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby phoenix50 » October 20th, 2020, 1:34 am

Ok, so bit of an update.

Another restless night. Got about 3 hours of sleep - feel like I'm functioning on adrenaline now and nothing more.

I tried JackDrago's "Failure to Resist" - and whilst it was very good, I didn't black out (not uncommon) - but I am starting to understand what's going on. He mentions that the conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time and I'm finding that's the problem - I'm focusing on the voice, but it's not particularly sending my conscious mind into a deep trance, in order for the subconscious to take control. In fact, what seems to happen is that the only time I'm "blacking out" is when I attempt to get some sleep and I put myself into a trance - I speak back the triggers in my mind from the audio files and there were definitely a few occasions last night where I blacked out for between 20 minutes and an hour, but of my own volition - is that what's supposed to happen? Because I'm lying there drifting into the trance and thinking "no no no! I need to get some actual sleep!"

But it didn't feel like "sleep" in the traditional sense, and it isn't - which might explain why I've woken up feeling like death warmed up.

I'm also swallowing a lot during the playback of the files, which I think it interrupting my deepening but it's become involuntary now.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, could really use some guidance; and I get that everyone's experiences are unique, but I'm feeling as though I'm losing myself to this and I'm becoming a bit scared I'm never going to be able to go to sleep like I used to again.
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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby phoenix50 » October 22nd, 2020, 2:24 am

Hi all, not sure who is reading this but I feel the need to get it all out, so feel free to pass me by.

So update on progress... sleeping a little better but I'm struggling to know when I'm in trance:

1. I've not "blacked out" yet that everyone seems to keep talking about - I suspect this may come with time?
2. I've limited what I'm listening to, to purely audio that removes resistance and improves deepening in an effort to better train my mind and it seems to be working slowly.
3. Is it common to suddenly feel very hot during trance? My breathing also seems to be shallow and fast - that doesn't feel like I'm relaxing?

Any ideas what it could be?
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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby EMG » October 22nd, 2020, 10:00 am

I'm a little surprised nobody has answered you yet so I'll do my best.

Various sensations while going into trance including itchyness, warmth etc. are not uncommon. The simplest solution(other than finding an induction that works with these things is go into the trance giving yourself permission to move and have these feelings if you need to and let yourself know that you can have these feelings and still be in trance.

As to the lack of sleep, depending on how deeply you trance, trance can replace sleep to some degree so you may just be needing less, if you REALLY feel you need more sleep or are feeling exhausted then try listening to a file before you sleep and give yourself permission to stay under and just fall asleep at the end.

Hypnosis is about your own mind, I can give it directions but it has to accept them and you can give it directions too, all hypnosis is self hypnosis in that you have to allow it to work and want it and you can choose to manipulate the outcome.
No matter where you go, there you are.
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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby phoenix50 » October 23rd, 2020, 4:02 pm

Hey EMG - thank you for the reply I appreciate it.

I'll certainly admit to being a little overwhelmed by it all this past week, that I think my body and brain reacted quite unexpectedly (since I wasn't sure what to expect). I've tried to take some time off from it - give myself a day or two before trying something again, has helped the sleep.

I've also stuck purely to training files - deepeners, trance inductions, basic inductions etc, to try and improve my abilities before I start thinking about all the other things it can do.

I'm still being irritated by constant swallowing, but I get that this is habitual, and eventually I would hope it will blend into the background after a while, provided I stop dwelling on it so much.

Thanks again - I will keep you poste in case it helps others!
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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby keybounce » October 26th, 2020, 1:58 pm

phoenix50 wrote:Hi all, not sure who is reading this but I feel the need to get it all out, so feel free to pass me by.

So update on progress... sleeping a little better but I'm struggling to know when I'm in trance:

As mentioned, different people will have different reactions to being in trance. It is entirely possible to be in trance and not know it -- think that you are fully aware/awake and acting normally. (Advertisers on TV rely on this state, whether they know it or not.)

As for sleep? You might have more luck with other hypno files besides the ones here. I normally use for my sleep trances -- select "gentle" and "sleep" from the boxes, or select the gentle sleep from the randomizer dropdown.

(Warning: some of his kinky stuff gets really excessive.)

I am curious as to which files you have been using here. Most of the inductions I've tried listening to here are combative, which works poorly for me.
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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby phoenix50 » October 26th, 2020, 2:04 pm

hi -and thanks for the reply!

I've been using mostly inductions and trance deepeners by:

Jack Stock
Jack Drago
Jayden MC

And they are all excellent incidentally - I wouldn't want to give the impression they're not working - I think they just take time to work for ME.
Thank you for the link to your site - I shall certainly check it out!

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Re: Newbie Problems

Postby keybounce » October 26th, 2020, 2:41 pm

I've tried a few from EMG, and not found success with them. And ... the Jayden files that I've seen that seem interesting also seem ... lets call it "side effects" that are undesired. So I've not tried them.

I don't know the other artists, sorry.
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