terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

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terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby privateidaho03 » September 24th, 2012, 4:25 am

respects to master sarnoga ... my palms are sweating and i'm shaking ... just to realize how quickly his teenie weenie curse is working.

i didn't really think it through before i listened to the file. famous last words? the idea reminded me of an old fantasy of mine and i thought i'd check it out ... i didn't even listen all the way through!

two weeks ago i had a pretty big cock ... 7"+ long by 6" around. today i've been edging for hours to get a really firm erection, and the biggest it gets is ... get this ... 5"! i can't believe i've lost 2" of my manhood in two weeks!! and i've also lost about an inch in girth! wtf?! i really had no idea it would just work ... like this. how long do i have left? if i keep shrinking at this rate... maybe a month before all i've got is an "angry inch!!"

i don't have money for a curse reversal right now. i don't even see one for the teenie weenie curse listed on the site! wtf am i supposed to do!? the weird part is, i'm kinda falling in love with idea of having a teenie weenie. i feel ambivalent about even reversing the curse. the creepy part is, i know the "me" i was two weeks ago, would never have been cool with this. no fucking way dude! i have been an avid pussy fucker for fifteen years!! no chick is gonna wanna fuck me after another month! holy fucking shit WTF!!!!???!
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Postby outkast1728 » September 24th, 2012, 4:35 am

I guess you're just gonna have to become a bottom for gay men then dude..... :twisted:
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Postby masterdo77 » September 24th, 2012, 5:31 am

To bring your post to the point: Only use files you like and you can handle the effect if it works. In your case you should see if you can get the few Dollar to buy the cure...

Good luck.
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Postby aureliumdream » September 24th, 2012, 5:49 am

Kinda dangerous to have a curse file hanging around without a dispel or a warning that there is no dispel.

I think you could try contacting Sarnoga, or, if he doesn't respond, EMG and ask them to create a dispel for the curse.

Be prepared to pay though. Curse removal is a pricy business.

Note: I am a newbie. I could be totally wrong.

EDIT: If you're susceptible to it, you could use the TrigPenisGrowth file to counteract the curse somewhat. Considering it's a trigger and not a permanent change, I don't think it would directly conflict with the curse. But it would allow you to grow it back again.

EDIT2: I'd wait for the confirmation from a more experienced hypnotist/hypnofanatic before trying this though. God knows how your mind will react to those two files in tandem.
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Postby hypnoidf » September 24th, 2012, 12:14 pm

Maybe use this : [url]http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/5850/Hypnotic-Reset.php[/url]

Or Deprogramall
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Postby little-bri » September 24th, 2012, 11:02 pm

generally, the curse files have things in them to prevent or preclude the subject (victim?) from being able to reverse or otherwise undo the curse without going through the creator's removal...

i kinda had the same thing happen with EMG's Curse Penis Shrink... i went from a modest 5-6 inches and it is now barely 3 when hard.
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Postby rgn » September 24th, 2012, 11:24 pm

Careful what you wish for? Appears your subconscious is in favor of that old fantasy of yours. You stated you did not listen to the entire file. I am curious, are you experiencing the effects of the file or the effects of your own fantasy?

For those unfamiliar with Sarnoga, he pretty much always gives detailed descriptions of his file's intended effects. He was overly clear with the intended effects of this file, even stating in the comments of the curse version " The effects of this file are cumulative and irreversible". Of course Sarnoga also states the non-curse version is the same as the curse version without the curse suggestions.
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Postby bucknaked » September 25th, 2012, 12:08 am

so, your penis is now a dinky .. quit bragging
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Postby unheard » September 25th, 2012, 12:37 am

Please post pics, especially if it progresses.
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Postby masterdo77 » September 25th, 2012, 10:15 am

Could it be that after a few days you now like the change? Have spoken to another that used a shrink file and he don't want any change back.
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Postby moldmymind » October 6th, 2012, 1:59 pm

I listened for the first time a couple of days ago. I hadn't listened to a sarnoga file for a very long time. What a great commanding voice. I also didn't make it all the way through even though I love the idea. Being older I don't need a big cock as much and the idea of being in a gym locker with a teenie weenie is a hot idea. I did try a second time and again stopped before it ended. From using his files before I have never had permanent effects after stopping if only listening a few times. I think our original poster wants the effect and therefore it may have had a short term reaction just from his wishes. What would be great is if sarnoga made this a three month curse and them back to normal. I bet a lot more of is would go for that. I do hope our poster ends up with what he wants. Or he will learn how to use his tongue a lot.
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Postby Hitsy » October 10th, 2012, 7:24 am

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Postby moldmymind » October 10th, 2012, 4:05 pm

I decided to start listening more often. I really had forgotten how powerful sarnoga I. I have not allowed myself to listen to it all the way through but I can feel it working. Even out of trance it seems to takexhold of my thoughts and make me concentrate. I can feel his voice effecting me and it feels very good. Last night I jerked off and didn't get very hard but has one of the best orgasms ever. Now I think I am hooked for good. I am not sure I am ready not to get hard anymore or have sex but if each orgasm is that good it might be worth it. Love to converse with anyone else who had tried it and hoe it effected them
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Postby masterdo77 » October 11th, 2012, 12:29 am

Hitsy wrote:If you're going the same way I did, you can forget about having sex with women anymore. Search "curse penis shrink" in the gallery to see my progress.

Thank you for these pics, but i have a problem with the dates under them... Its the wrong timeline i think.
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Postby Hitsy » October 11th, 2012, 3:48 am

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Postby masterdo77 » October 11th, 2012, 4:34 am

Thanks for your post, what do you think how long you have listened to the file to get this result? And why have you listened?
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Postby Hitsy » October 21st, 2012, 5:44 pm

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Postby psiboi1977 » October 21st, 2012, 8:38 pm

I wonder if someone used something like curse masterbation 24, that it would cause any increase in size...with two curses, it send like they might balance each other out...?
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Postby Hitsy » October 22nd, 2012, 10:12 am

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Postby psiboi1977 » October 22nd, 2012, 9:54 pm

Hitsy, how long have you been trying that file?
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Postby Hitsy » October 23rd, 2012, 4:51 am

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Postby psiboi1977 » October 23rd, 2012, 12:35 pm

I was referring to the growth files, not the shrink ones...
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Postby Hitsy » October 24th, 2012, 6:54 am

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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby debbie32 » November 2nd, 2012, 3:07 pm

well dear learn to live with it now and you may never want to go back hehe
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Postby Hitsy » November 4th, 2012, 5:13 pm

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Postby privateidaho03 » November 5th, 2012, 6:13 am

thanks to everyone who offered helpful ideas and support! it's also been fun and interesting reading other guys' experiences with the shrink files. thought it's about time i give an update on what's going on...

check the gallery if you want the visuals. i finally got around to posting some "progress" ("regress"?) pics ... i put a lot of details of my story on the photo captions, but i'll give a little summary here too. i used to have a pretty big cock... maxed out at 7.5" long by 6.0" around. i would get compliments all the time. some women even told me i was too big. coming out of puberty, my cock was only about 6" long. nothing special. ten years ago i discovered jelqing and within a year i added 1.5" of length and 0.5" girth.

when i first noticed sarnoga's "teeny weenie" file i was intrigued. having an above-average size cock was fine but never proved nearly as exciting as i wanted it to be. i still found myself gravitating to cuckold stories and fantasizing about being dominated, even humiliated, by naturally well endowed dudes.

i decided to listen to sarnoga's file one time, in a light trance. but i started to freak out about five minutes before it was over. originally i figured a single listen wouldn't hurt me, since other hypnosis files i'd tried took many repeated listens to "burn in." however, during this file i could feel a strange tingling in my cock, i could actually feel it working right away, feel it shrinking my cock...

the next day i tried edging for a while and i wasn't getting quite as hard or as long as usual. within a few days it became apparent that all my jelqing gains were gone!! i was back to my original 6," just like that! but it didn't stop there. when i made my original post, my cock had already shrunk to 5" and i was seriously freaking out and wanting it to stop.

not having money for custom curse removal at the time, i tried people's suggestions... seven days of HypnoticReset, seven days of DeprogramAll, seven days of TrigPenisGrowth... and no luck :( in fact during that time it seemed that i was still shrinking!!

after a lot of soul searching, i realized that maybe on some level i really did want a teeny weenie. maybe that's why the file was working so well, so fast ... because it was activating a latent desire deep inside me. the file had turned me on so much before, even thoughts of it would make me hard. so finally I said "fuck it" and relented ... gave into my curiosity and growing erotic urge to listen to "Teeny Weenie" again. i had the presence of mind to throw the file into audacity and clip out the parts about ball shrinkage and "no erections" ... i'm not ready to give up my "boys" or my "pathetic stiffie" yet! I listened to the modified file seven times in seven days ... and just like that it took another 1" off my length and 1/8" off my girth. leaving me today at barely 4" long and 4.75" around :P

the craziest part about this whole thing is the effect it's having on my personality. not as a direct result of the file, but as the result of my new self-concept as a smaller guy. i have to admit, ordinarily i'm pretty fucking cocky. i suppose i can even be an asshole sometimes. i'm not afraid to intimidate other guys with my size and my intelligence. a lot of people just naturally defer to me.

but lately i've been feeling a growing humility, almost sheepishness, around other guys. my cock size now puts me in the bottom 2% of men, whereas before i was in the 99th percentile. when i'm with other guys, hanging out with my friends, etc., i can't help thinking about their cocks and how much bigger they probably are than mine. even when I see teenagers and younger guys ... i realize there's a good chance their pre-pubescent cocks are already bigger than mine. there's something terribly humiliating and insulting about that. and at the same time its tremendously arousing.

i find myself almost constantly aroused these days. but it's different, subtler, mixed with other strange emotions. my attitude used to be that i was "God's gift to women." now I feel it changing ... i'm getting the sense that my life's role is "humble servant of the Goddess." i feel myself becoming less selfish and more open, kinder, and softer toward others. i feel i want to enrich other people's lives whereas before I only wanted to enrich my own. i want to find a woman who I can shower with love and affection and protection. i want to make sure all her needs are taken care of ... even if I'm not man enough to fulfill the most important one, it doesn't matter as long as she is fulfilled ... i would make sure she has easy guilt-free access to whatever real men she desires to meet her needs and give her that true deep pleasure that makes life worth living.

it's like a whole new erotic landscape is opening up for me. a lot of my old forbidden desires ... bicuriosity, curiosity about being penetrated, cuckold fantasies ... are coming to life in a whole new way. i'm not sure where all this is headed. i can only close by saying ... and i NEVER thought i would be saying this ... but i think i'm falling in love with my teeny weenie! <3
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Postby Hitsy » November 6th, 2012, 6:29 pm

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Postby pashrinker » November 11th, 2012, 10:25 pm

wow, I never really had too much success with the original curse penis shrink. I know which one I'm going to start using now... I just hope I don't regret it
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Postby psiboi1977 » November 11th, 2012, 11:26 pm

why would you regret it pashrinker? do you not want the shrinkage?
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teeny weinnie

Postby debbie32 » November 14th, 2012, 6:00 pm

I have been practicing these techniques and find it working. I use to be so self conscious of my size but now with it shrinking along with my testicles I feel more natural as a sissy. Just love staring at the little nubbie now looking more and more as a sissy vagina. My b/f has even commented and loves my new look. Sparkles and glitters is how I feel in my lingerie and panties now
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Postby Tangy » November 15th, 2012, 4:51 pm

Hitsy wrote:
Hitsy wrote:I never bother to set the time on my camera. I think its still set to 2010, but there have been times when it turns on and has a completely random year set.

May you will grow a Virgina Playtex and dutch products stuff like that.
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Postby Hitsy » November 16th, 2012, 4:32 am

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Trying out the file - curious, I guess

Postby Warper7 » November 18th, 2012, 8:28 pm

Hi and thanks for all the discussion on this topic. Back a few years I started listening to EMG's Curse Penis Shrink file and figured that there was no way that it could work. How could it? I was almost challenging his ability to make something like that happen. I really got into it, listening daily for many months. Then, after a very long time, I finally got a boner and I was floored. I'd gone from 7.5 inches down to 6 but with no change in girth. I stopped and expected it to grow back, but it didn't. Then, many months later, I listened again and got 'hooked' a second time and lost another inch, down to 5. That has not changed over the past 3 years or so. But now I'm back listening to Sarnoga's The Curse of the Teeny Weenie - just started it last week. I have to say that I like it more than EMG's file (sorry, EMG) and find it more trance-enducing. Not sure where this one will take me but at this point I'm going along for the ride. Sarnoga's voice is definitely compelling. Will try to keep you posted from time to time but as these things seem to take quite a lot of time, it won't be very soon. Any advice is welcome. Warper7
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Postby psiboi1977 » November 19th, 2012, 11:55 pm

from what I've been reading, it sounds like this one might make things go faster...anyone else agree?
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Postby Hitsy » November 20th, 2012, 2:47 am

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Postby Warper7 » November 20th, 2012, 8:22 pm

Well, that's two endorsements for quick results. I can tell you that I no longer get hard or have much urge in that direction. I don't feel like trying at this point. I'm sure it's the file at work, so maybe it will be as you say, pretty quick. I will keep you posted in case any one might be interested and want to try this out for themselves. I'm beginning to warm up to the idea that having a teeny weenie is not such a bad thing though not so long ago I would probably not have felt the same way.
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Postby KIY » November 20th, 2012, 9:12 pm

Please do keep us posted.

My mind is kind of different, and Sarnoga's stuff doesn't really work so well for me. (Of course, with the Teeny Weenie files, I had the problem that, when he says "Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what my grandmother always said, but it didn't help her any." the thought popped into my head "Your grandmother said her balls itch?!", and that pretty much ended being able to use the file. (The thought keep returning every time I tried to use the file, and I really couldn't maintain a trance for the rest of the file.) Plus, I found the question of "where does a shadow go?" a too interesting question to analyze, but that is a different topic altogether.
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Postby mondaytuesday » November 23rd, 2012, 8:15 am

Though the warning and experience shared in the forum was clear and right in front of my eyes, I listened to Curse of the teeney weenie yesterday morning.

Went to the bathroom to pee (actually I just realized I was sitting down to pee, that's weird) and I looked down and I still cannot believe this stub bump of worthless flesh that I found.

I stared and stared. i was like tiny hut in the woods of my pubes.

Did privateidaho03 ever return to normal? Or what did he become?

Oh, crap, I'm a freakin moron. I want to go listen to it again right now, just to see if I can figure it out.
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Postby mondaytuesday » November 23rd, 2012, 8:22 am

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Postby 1love » November 27th, 2012, 1:29 pm

Ive honestly lost count of how many times ive listened to this file and curse penis shrink gone. Ive listened for a long long time now, and no shrinkage at all. I nuked my brain with it while i slept every night for 2 weeks. I have had absolutely 0 shrinkage.
I think i may be one of those unlucky people who cant be hypnotized.
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Postby KIY » November 27th, 2012, 4:25 pm

Maybe you should try not sleeping while using it. Sleeping can actually make a file less effective. Although a trance can resemble sleep, sleeping and trancing are not the same.

You may also want to try a different file. Just because one doesn't work for you doesn't mean that none will work for you.

Good luck.
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Postby Scarlett_S » November 27th, 2012, 5:05 pm

I'm starting on this tonight, first with the Teeny Weenie file. If after a week or so of solid listening it doesn't work, I'll try something else. Before pics are in my gallery, and oddly enough I couldn't get a full hard-on when taking the pictures. I wonder if it's just the anticipation :P
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Postby 1love » November 28th, 2012, 4:32 pm

KIY wrote:Maybe you should try not sleeping while using it. Sleeping can actually make a file less effective. Although a trance can resemble sleep, sleeping and trancing are not the same.

You may also want to try a different file. Just because one doesn't work for you doesn't mean that none will work for you.

Good luck.

That was just a two week period. Ive listened to both files so many times in trance while awake.

But to be honest, no hypnosis file has ever really worked for me.
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Postby Scarlett_S » December 6th, 2012, 5:40 pm

So how does Sarnoga's Teeny Weenie stack up to EMG's Curse Penis Shrink?
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Postby Hitsy » December 6th, 2012, 5:51 pm

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Postby Scarlett_S » December 6th, 2012, 5:57 pm

Huh. Alrighty then. It's definitely easy to go under with. I'm listening to it now, just listening to the words consciously to screen it for anything I don't want, and it's hard to keep on the surface.
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Postby masterdo77 » December 6th, 2012, 6:00 pm

And post pictures of your dick regulary so we can see the changes
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Postby Scarlett_S » December 6th, 2012, 6:11 pm

I have some in the User pics gallery. It's the first result, last time I checked. I'm not sure if I should count the conscious listen I just did and my listen last night... I fell asleep, apparently. I had it on loop and woke up about 15 minutes into the second listen. I'm assuming it's the second. But I was sleeping, so I don't know if it counts :/

Jury, can we get a ruling here?
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Postby masterdo77 » December 6th, 2012, 6:13 pm

I saw your pics and upload more regulary so we can see what happens. Sleep while listening is ok.
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Postby Scarlett_S » December 6th, 2012, 6:16 pm

I uploaded those and didn't have a chance to listen to it until last night, so the pictures are largely still up-to-date. I'll try to do it weekly, starting Sunday.
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