Little Girl Hypnofiles ... 2 complete successes

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Little Girl Hypnofiles ... 2 complete successes

Postby demigraff » May 3rd, 2013, 2:56 am

Hi folks!
I've been listening to my own file, "Email Little Girl", and have had 2 triggers so far. I found that emailing myself doesn't seem to work; so the second one of these (which I was curious to try) I posted on pastebin and got someone else to email it back to me.

Here's the little girl transformations I've had so far. Both were amazing, felt real, and made complete sense at the time. I'd love to tell you more about how it felt, but the first session was quite involved, and I don't really remember all the details.

First session; qv wrote:You will make yourself 6 small cards, each with a phrase on them. When it is safe to do so, you will be a good girl and put them facedown on the ground and forget which card is which. Each time you pick up a card, you will feel its effects for one minute, then put them back down and forget reading it. This will continue until you have read every card, at which point you will return to normal and remember everything that occurred. Each time you read a card, the more an effect it has on you, and with each time you read, you will feel the temptation to obey increase.

Now, for the cards... get what materials you need to write them up, and pay close attention to what follows.
The first will say "Horny girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are a 14-year old girl, horny and eager to explore hypnosis and your own body... your own sexuality."
The second will say "Wet girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are a 4-year old girl, excited and happy, and you will feel your bladder fill up, tempting you more and more to wet yourself."
The third will say "Silly girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are a 6-year old girl, happy but feeling like doing totally random stuff just because you can."
The fourth will say "Good girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are a 10-year old girl, feeling good all over your body and mind, encouraging you to accept the suggestions these cards give."
The fifth will say "Stripping girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are an 18-year old girl, feeling sexy, and teasingly taking off an article of clothing, imagining that you're showing off to someone you like."
The sixth will say "Sucking girl", but when you read it, it will be as though you read "You are a 2-year old girl, feeling small and comfy, curling up and sucking your thumb... and when you do, you will feel warm and calm."

And remember... good little girls forget everything about this email and this suggestion :)

I started forgetting the contents of the email almost immediately. I did, however, find a few bits of phrasing slightly jarring. I'm not sure why, but I went back and edited them so my brain would take it in better, and sent the reply back to myself.

When I edited that, I wrote:You have six cards with instructions on. You know they are part of a game. Each time you pick up a card, you will become a different age. You will feel different things depending on the card, and you might get an urge to do something. You will continue to feel these things for one minute, before you can put the card down and pick up another. If you resisted the urge, you may forget what was on that card, while if you gave in, you may just forget where that card was, and feel your desire to give in to the other cards growing stronger.

Every time you obey one of the cards, you will feel a really wonderful tingle of pleasure rush through your body, getting stronger for every different card you have successfully obeyed. You know how that will feel, your whole body filled with pleasure, and the pleasure will make you want more and more to give in to the urges. This will continue until you have obeyed every card, after which you will be able to remove your diaper, return to normal and remember everything that occurred. Every time you repeat a card, its urge will get stronger and stronger.

When you turn over the "Horny girl" card, you will be a 14 year old girl, horny and eager to explore hypnosis and your own body... your own sexuality. You will get the urge to rub yourself through your diaper, stimulating and arousing you even though you have always been told it is wrong to do that.

When you turn over the "Wet girl" card, you will be a 4 year old girl, excited and happy about this game. But you will feel an urge to wet your diaper, and your bladder will feel more and more full with every breath for the whole minute. If you don't need to pee yet, you will also take a drink automatically after drawing this card.

When you turn over the "Silly girl" card, you will be a six year old girl, energetic and happy. If you start to worry about anything, your mind just darts to something else. You love funny things and jokes and your attention won't stay on any one thing too long. You will get the urge to dance, and spin, or do silly things just because you can.

If you read a "Good girl" card, you will be a 10 year old girl. You will feel good all over your body, enjoying the game so much. Your mind and body will feel wonderful, and you will know that this feels twice as good every time you obey a new card. So as you reach for the next card, you will really want to obey it, even before you know which one it is.

If you pick up the "Stripping girl" card, you will feel yourself growing up to be an 18 year old girl. You will know you are an adult and you will feel sexy, knowing everyone loves your body. You will believe that someone you like is watching you, and you will get the urge to take off an item of clothing, trying to excite them as much as possible.

When you pick up the "Sucking girl" card, you will be a 2 year old girl, feeling so small, but so comfortable and safe as you pull your massive duvet around you and curl up. You will feel an urge to suck your thumb, and when you do, you will feel even more safe, warm and calm.

And when you have obeyed all of those cards, you will know that the game is over, and be able to remember everything about how much you enjoyed it. As you think back, you will find yourself growing older, better understanding all the feelings you have experienced, until you are old enough to take off your diaper and be completely grown up again.

When I finally triggered that one, I had no idea what was going to happen. I'd forgotten the contents of the email completely. And much to my surprise, with 6 pieces of paper in front of me, I couldn't remember which one was where, and kept on picking up the same ones. The more I obeyed, the better it felt, until resisting one of the cards seemed to not be worth the effort. I did manage to resist some of them, but whenever I did, it seems I couldn't remember what I'd resisted, so it was a surprise every time.
By the time I'd obeyed 4 of the cards (including "silly girl" more than a few times) it was hard to think straight. I drew the "strip" card, and my first thought is how easy it is to get that rush of pleasure; it was like a whole-body orgasm just from taking my shirt off. Then I grabbed the next card, eager to experience more, and got "good girl" at last. Again, unbelievable pleasure. And the thought in my mind was "need to obey more" as I reached for the next one. I knew I'd resisted some of the cards before, but at that point I couldn't think of anything I wouldn't do if it would let me feel even more pleasure. I turned it over and read "wet girl", which I'd so far managed to resist several times, but holding it didn't even come into my mind.
When I turned over the next one, it was the "horny girl" one, and I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was curious as hell, and I just had to do what the cards said.

Then (even though I said I'd only do one per week), I figured I'd try and see if this file could help me sleep. So I wrote an email to myself, found out that it didn't work, so got someone on IRC to email it to me.

I wrote:You are an 8 year old girl, and you will be 8 years old as long as you wear your diaper. You aren't very grown up, though, and you love to play around like a little kid. You can talk like a big girl, and read, and chat with your friends on the internet, but you prefer to act like a toddler because it is such fun. You still have your pink sippy cup and your purple paci that you love and you don't want to give up because they're so cool.

In fact, the only thing about being a toddler that you're glad to have grown out of is your diapers, because you felt embarassed when you needed them so long. You just used to get so excited by everything that you would forget you needed the bathroom and pee your diapers without thinking. You know what that feels like, to be so interested in something that you just don't notice until its too late. Now you're a big girl, and you're proud of being a big girl, and you only wet your pants if something really, really awesome gets your attention and you don't want to leave it for a moment. You still have to wear diapers for bed, though, because you sometimes find you're too tired to walk to the bathroom when your bed is so comfortable and relaxing, so you just let it go without even thinking. That's OK, because your diapers are really comfortable and help you to relax and go to sleep.

In fact, when you're ready for bed like you are now, everything that makes you feel like a little girl also helps you to relax. Feeling how thick and comfortable your diaper is makes you feel relaxed and tired. Sucking your thumb, or your pacifier, makes you more and more tired. Snuggling with your soft toys helps you drift off to sleep as they fall asleep beside you. Drinking from your sippy cup helps you to feel safe and calm and relaxed like a little baby. And if you need to wet your diaper, even that will feel so relaxing. You don't have to think about it, it just all flows out when you're too tired to try to hold it in, and as you feel yourself peeing in your soft, comfortable diaper, it relaxes you so much that you couldn't keep your eyes open if you wanted to, and you drift off into sweet, pink princess dreams.

And then when you wake up in the morning, as a comfortable and warm little girl, you will feel completely refreshed because you slept so deeply. As soon as your alarm sounds, you will be awake and alert and excited, ready to get up and take your diaper off, then go out and face the world!

I admit, it was a little more complex than it needed to be, but that's what my brain seems to accept. I know I got a good night's sleep, and woke up early in the morning, feeling completely refreshed. (I also woke up a few times in the night, but got back to sleep quite easily)
I remember having really happy dreams, but not what they were.

Can't wait to see what I get next; my email is at if anyone wants to play; if not, I'll try to think of something to send myself on monday.
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Postby werepuppy » May 3rd, 2013, 12:06 pm

Wow more words than i can read but it looks awesome hope you enjoyed that. If I get any good ones I might send them to you too ^_^
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Postby demigraff » May 3rd, 2013, 8:07 pm

I had a new idea tonight, but I'm having some trouble wording it. Especially the bits describing how I should feel. So any wording suggestions, or bits of description, would be much welcome.

basically, you are 3 years old (or some other suitable age). But you're playing at being grown up, pretending to be an adult. And you find you're really good at this game. (Insert list of "you can do XYZ" statements about things that a 3 year old girl can't really do). And you find that playing at doing grownup work is really easy, and is an exciting game. Its really fun. And you feel so proud every time you do one of these grownup things.

But then there's something you can't do, too. I was originally thinking something a 3yo would have recently learned (writing your name?) that you unexpectedly fail at. But folks on chat suggested being ujnable to focus on "unimportant" things. That makes the game boring. Things like getting distracted catching up with your friends' status on facebook, or reading webcomics, are grownup things but they aren't an interesting part of the game.

So ... Any kind person willing to write this up and email it to me? (Unexpected twists very, very welcome)
Can you provide a better description of how proud the child would feel, or a few things a 3yo would be really excited when they find out they can do?
Or if I write it up in the morning, would anybody be willing to email it to me?

Thanks guys :)
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Postby werepuppy » May 4th, 2013, 2:44 am

oh hehe fun ^_^ im gonna do that one for you unless any body else wants to try. Mite take awhile tho cos I got to take a break after alot of writing or i get a head ache and then go back and spell cheque later.
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Postby demigraff » May 4th, 2013, 6:59 am

Thanks Puppy ^_^ Got your email, though I didn't think to check this thread until now. I've read it twice so far, probably about to do so again while copy/paste ... and then I'll try the amnesia trigger and see if I can forget all about it until I've got time and privacy to play. I'm experimenting, wondering if someone asking me questions or giving hints can help me remember bits. Let's see :p

Email I'm about to forget, Werepuppy wrote:This is your new hypnofile. You are going to be a little girl and you will know you are a little girl. You are 4 years only, and always getting excited about lots of things. Every toy and cartoon is so interesting because every thing is new to you and you seem to get obsess over every new game for a couple days and its all you can talk about.

You will feel 4 years old and you are so proud of being a big girl and not a baby any more. You can remember olny recently you used to pee your pants like a baby but now you can use the bath room like a big girl as long as a grown up helps you take your diaper off and reminds you to wipe. You still got to wear a diaper until your mommy is sure you know it properly but you know you are a big girl now.

Now that you know you are a big girl you want to play at being a grown up. You are going to try to get dressed yourself, cook dinner for your self, and do what it is you do for work. You will be able to find clothes and put them on properly so you look good and normal. You will be able to walk to work with out getting lost or ride your bike if you need to. Then you will be so proud about not falling or getting lost. You will be able to go the shops if you need any thing. When you talk to any people who dont know about a hypnosis you can put on a grown up voice and you sound compleatly normal and nobody will ever notice you are a little girl. And every time it will make you smile because you know you are really 4 years old pretending to be a grown up. You can do your work easily. It is like it is a game and it is so fun to play at doing grown up work that you really enjoy it and dont think about any thing else.

You can talk to people just like a grown up and you will feel so good that you manage to make every body think your OK. If you talk to people that know about your hypno though you will know their your friends so you can talk to them like normal and its easier. You dont need to use long words and pretend to be grown up with your friends that know. But you will be all excited about your game of being a grown up so you will easy get distracted and go back to playing at work.

You can cook like a grown up too and you feel so proud of making your own dinner the first time ever. Even if its just a TV dinner you feel so good about it because you know you are 4 years old and you never managed to do that before. But you will b able to do it perfectly.

You will also know you can go to the bathroom like a grown up. You have used the potty like a big girl for a couple weeks now and you know you will be able to do it by yourself. Every time you feel the need to pee you will remember that you are going to go by yourself for the first time,with no body to help you at all. You will be so excited and proud of being a real big girl. And then you will think about all the other big girl things you have done,pretending to be a grown up and you will forget needing to pee. You know how easy it is when you get excited about some thing to let what you were thinking about before just slip your mind. You wont expect this to happen, you will be so confidence about being able to go like a big girl but you MUST DO this. If you are talking to people who know about your hypno then you will tell them that you need to go weewee but you are going to hold it because you are playing at grown up, and as soon as you say this it will be the trigger to forget it. You MUST DO.

Then You wont notice how bad you need to go for a bit. Then when you need to go really bad, or if somebody who know about the hypnosis asks if you are potty trained or if your wearing a diaper while you need to pee, you will know you need to get to the bathroom really bad. As you go to the bathroom every step makes you need to go twice as much and as soon as you are somewhere private you just can't hold it any more. You will be so embareassed that when your playing at a grown up and you didnt even get to be a big girl. If your diaper is soaked you will be able to change yourself like a grown up though and still feel all proud of that.

If playing at a grown up is really helping you get alot of work done though you might choose to leave your diaper on and change it later the next time you need to go so your not wasting time away from your game. You are sure next time you will make it. If you need to change and you really want to keep playing, you might even know how to change your diapers once without waking up from being a little girl. But only once because this is just a game and cant last all day. Sooner or later you take off your diaper to change and stop being a little girl playing, and you will remember everything that happened.
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Postby demigraff » May 6th, 2013, 9:53 am

I was a little worried last night when I read the email again and didn't trance out. But this morning I supplemented my daily listen with an extra file, one of my older ones that uses a more conventional induction (my version of hellion's "suck a pacifier" trance trigger) before the "email little girls" file. That seemed to get me just as deep as before, and this time I didn't get a momentary conscious "has it finished?" feeling in the too-long pause between induction and body.

Then I read Puppy's email again, sucking on my paci, and I completely blanked. My clock says it took nearly 20 minutes, so I should be ready to try this suggestion either tonight or tomorrow.

It's weird, because I feel like I can remember it. I'm like "Yep, I can see it in my mind, I can still remember", but I can hardly recall any details. I guess its like knowing you'd recognise someone if you saw them again, even if you don't know if they had a beard, or what colour their skin was. Mai and qv have tested me a little, to see how much of this one I actually remember.

This is what I got:

  • I'm going to be a little girl (I know that)
  • I think its an actual little girl, not a teen or baby who's sneaking in through the file's ambiguity. So probably between 2 and 10. (But I think I know Puppy well enough to guess that even if I didn't remember)
  • The email was from Werepuppy (amnesia doesn't cover that)
  • I don't remember a suggestion to wet my diaper (and I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that when someone asked, so I think it's unlikely to happen)
  • I apparently told qv before forgetting that I'd be better trying this out in the morning. I've been trying to figure out why, but got nothing. All I can think of is that if the suggestions will take a long time to execute, I'd rather not stay up past 2am and wreck my sleep cycle and more

I can't wait to find out what I'm going to feel!
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Postby demigraff » May 6th, 2013, 2:11 pm

It may be worth noting that when I posted the previous comment, I used the "reply" button at the top, to avoid seeing the email copy/paste and spoiling the surprise. Turns out I didn't need to worry; after posting, I scrolled back up to get to the address bar. "Oh, that's the text from my ...(blank)"

20 minutes later ... still no wiser as to what the email contains. I can't wait to find out, though, once I've got a few hours with no need for contact with the outside world
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Postby demigraff » May 13th, 2013, 4:15 pm

Hi again folks :)

No new emails this week :( Think it would be easier to get somebody to send me something if I write part of it? I was chatting with someone the other day when an idea came to mind, but I'm not really sure how to describe how a 16 year old girl should feel. So I'd much appreciate it if somebody could finish this up and email it to me. Feel free to make changes; I'd love a twist, a "sting in the tail" that I'm not expecting.

Email Prototype; I wrote:You are 16 years old. You can imagine that. You are almost an adult now, but a little unsure about your sexuality. You get angry or upset when people treat you like a child. You really hate still having to wear diapers, as if you're a little girl, but you don't see this as particularly abnormal. It just means your parents don't think you're an adult yet.

You have some cartoons to watch on your laptop. But among those, you have some hentai videos. You know those are only supposed to be watched by adults, so you wonder if watching this will be a way to prove that you really are as grown up as you think you are.
You will start off curious about what you are watching; things you have heard about, but never tried, mostly things you haven't seen before. But because you are just a little girl, the more these things excite you, the more confused you will get. Anything that would normally arouse you, instead makes you feel younger. As you get more excited, you find that you understand less and less of what you were watching, but that doesn't matter so much.

Things that are intended to arouse instead make you feel younger and younger, becoming more innocent but at the same time more happy. When you see people in your cartoons doing weird things, you won't even wonder what they're doing, because you will be so happy, distracted and excitable you just don't care. As long as you are wearing your diaper, anything that would normally arouse you just makes you younger and younger instead.

Not as good as I'd hoped,but maybe somebody can do something with it? Or think of something else to send me?
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Postby littlecaltoy » May 28th, 2013, 6:13 pm

I love this -- the age regression is interesting, but what i love most is the randomness with the cards.
how about something with a deck of cards.
I was thinking the face value of the card would be your age, and the suit would be something you'd have to do.

Send me some thoughts

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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Postby demigraff » May 29th, 2013, 10:02 am

littlecaltoy wrote:I love this -- the age regression is interesting, but what i love most is the randomness with the cards.
how about something with a deck of cards.
I was thinking the face value of the card would be your age, and the suit would be something you'd have to do.

Send me some thoughts

I had another idea with the cards this morning. Had a few little chats about it this morning; most starting with "I had this idea using cards, can I have some feedback?" / "Oh, cards! I got an idea too (explains card game)". But eventually found someone I could talk it through with, to confirm that it sounds reasonable. And found someone willing to write me an email based on it, too, but maybe with a sting in the tail.

My version of the idea is as follows ... Maybe it'll give someone else variant ideas.

1) Cards come in pairs. There are 2 or 4 'odd' cards without a pair, but during the game I don't remember that
2) You turn over 2 cards. If they make a pair, you can remove them.
3) Some cards have an "effect" (changing age? Feeling compelled to giggle like a little girl?) when you reveal the pair
3-a) You remember what the effect is when you see the first card of the pair.
3-b) You might then decide that you don't want that effect, so deliberately turn over one that doesn't match.
3-b-i) If you do that, you forget where those cards are
3-b-ii) When there's only 4 cards left, you have won, so you can escape the effects (if any) of those cards. Except, of course, they'll always end up being the odd cards, so the "choice" is imaginary
3-c) It is hard to remember which cards have an effect and which don't for more than a few minutes; so trying to plan to keep the "worst" pair for the end will seem a tough challenge
4) Hmm ... Maybe start aged 15 or something, and lose a year every time you make a pair. 4 effect pairs, 8 non-effect pairs, and 4 odd cards ... Would let you finish age 3

I can't wait to see what twists he puts into this ^,;,^
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Postby demigraff » May 31st, 2013, 5:14 pm

Got an email this evening ... Hopefully I should be able to try it out on Sunday. That only leaves me a day and a half to keep reinforcing it every time I try to remember, but I think that should be enough.

I'll paste the email here for your amusement ... Wonder if I'll be able to copy/paste without trancing out this time.

Damarus wrote:
You will have 16 cards. You will know they are part of a game.On the cards, you would have written these words, which the effects will be explained next to them below. (X = How many types of this card you should make.

Gibberish X2: You will find yourself unable to speak proper words, resorting to 'baby speak', noises, giggles, and find any kind of vocalisation impossible (Unless in an emergency). You may also sing nursery rhymes (In baby speak)

Giggle time X2 : You will find everything funny and silly, every single thing will seem so amusing to you that you will be unable to stop laughing like a giddy little girl. Clapping in amusement, jumping up and down in your seat and cheering with glee.

Comforter X2: You will find an overwhelming urge to your thumb (Or pacifier if you have one) and feel so safe and comforted in doing so, wanting to curl up with a blanket or teddy bear and snuggle it.

Forget me not X1: You will forget the positions of every single card that you have already seen in the game, and move all the card positions around without looking at them.

Running out X2 : Begin to feel a strong urge to urinate, you will want to cross your legs and hold your pee in as much as possible, but may find that the more you try to hold it back, the more you start to leak into your diaper. If you don't feel the need to pee, you will take a drink automatically.

Dress up X2: Remove one item of clothing each time, feeling so good to do so, like you're playing dress up, until you are down to your diaper only. At which point you will just feel pleasure when this card is shown similar to Happy Thoughts.

Happy thoughts X5 : You will get immense pleasure from seeing the card, this will build with each time it is turned until possible orgasm, at which point it will reset to normal and start over.

After you have written the words on the cards, you will shuffle them and spread the cards face down on a table. And forget what you have just set up. You will then find yourself in the mind of a 10 year old girl. And know you're going to play a fun game.

You will turn over 2 cards each turn, If they match they will be removed from the game and you will feel happy and pleasured in doing so and obeying, and regress 1 year of age. If the cards don't match, You will turn the cards back over, forget only the identity of the first card, and then feel the effects of the last card turned for one minute (With the exception of Forget Me Not, which will make you forget the positions every time). Every time you fail a match, or make a pair, your desire and urges to obey the commands will grow and grow until you want nothing but to be such a good girl and do what the cards tell you without hesitation. The game will end when there is only 4 cards left. At which point you will have so much happy pleasure from finishing the game you will have a nice big orgasm and feel wonderful. You can then remove your diaper, revert to normal age, and then write a journal entry / forum post of your experience with the game.

If at any point you are disturbed or your attention is required elsewhere, you will attend to the emergency, and then when safe, return and finish the game, continuing where you left off until the game is over.

After you read this email. You will remember all of the trigger effects in your subconscious memory, but forget them completely in your conscious memory. You will forget the conversation you had with me on the IRC where we set this up, and you will forget this email until you trigger yourself with your diaper. And you will not remember any of it until after the game is finished and you have written out your journal entry.

If there is any section of this description that is unsuitable for you, you can edit it as you see fit, resend the email to yourself, and then forget you did so.

One thing that did seem to stand out enough to break through the "half tranced" feeling as I read it were meta-suggestions; about forgetting the file, and modifying the suggestions. I remember those bits, but the rest of the email is an indistinct shape in the mist, so I guess that's not a problem.

and if anyone else wants to send me commands for next weekend, please do :) My preference is for games; the kind of things where I feel like I can somehow "beat" the suggestions (whether or not it is actually possible). Like the things Watcher0707 uesd to do in email.

I can't wait ^,;,^
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Postby demigraff » June 1st, 2013, 7:47 am

OK ... I'm going to give this a try. Going to edit the email, to show how I would have written it. Seems odd to try this, given that I can't actually remember the suggestions. But maybe while I'm reading it, I can transform it into "how I would have done it" before I forget again. And I have no doubt I'll end up trancing while I do this; I found out last time that copypasting an email onto the forum, my subconscious still knows it's an email.

I'd appreciate anyone else's comments, too. About the things I change, whether you think that should make the file any stronger or not.

I edited what Damarus wrote:
You are a 10 year old girl, and you are excited about playing a new game. You know you will enjoy it so much. You have a set of 16 cards, and you start by dealing them out in a grid, on the table or on the floor, face down. The object of the game is to remove them from the table. You turn the cards over in pairs, and if a pair are the same, you can take them away. If the cards are different, you should try to remember where they are, though you won't be able to remember the position of the first one, and turn them face down again. When there are only 4 cards left, you win.

You know that some of the cards have a magic effect on you when you turn them over. You know that this game is magic, and although you might find it exciting that cards can make you do things, or feel things, you will believe completely that this is possible. Every time you turn over two cards, whether they make a matching pair or not, you will find that it gets easier and easier to feel the effects of the cards, and harder to resist them until you can't even try. If you find a card that you don't want to be effected by, then the only way to resist it is to win the game, to remember where that card is so that you don't turn it over and get affected by it again.

You are a 10 year old girl, excited by playing that game. But every time you match a pair of cards and put them to one side, you will feel yourself getting a year younger. Your thoughts get a little simpler, you feel yourself getting smaller, and you know that this is a completely normal part of the game. Every time you match a pair of cards, you can set them to one side, and you will feel yourself growing a year younger, at the same time so proud that you are winning this game.

Each of the cards in the set has a different magic effect on you. When you turn them over, you immediately know what the effect will be. And when you turn over the second card, you will feel that effect, and be completely unable to resist doing whatever that card makes you do for the next minute. You will also find that as soon as you turn the cards face down again, you won't remember what the first one was; and you will feel the effects of the second card for one minute.

If the 2nd card says "Gibberish", you will find yourself unable to speak proper words, resorting to 'baby speak', noises, giggles, and find any kind of vocalisation impossible for one minute. You may also sing nursery rhymes (In baby speak)

When the second card says "Giggle time" you will find everything funny and silly, every single thing will seem so amusing to you that you will be unable to stop laughing like a giddy little girl. Clapping in amusement, jumping up and down in your seat and cheering with glee, you will feel like a giddy girl for the next minute.

For the "Comforter" card, you will find an overwhelming urge to your thumb or pacifier for the next minute, and feel so safe and comforted in doing so, wanting to curl up with a blanket or teddy bear and snuggle it. Sucking on your thumb, or sucking your pacifier, will make you feel so safe and comfortable, and make it even easier to feel the things the cards make you feel.

Whenever you turn over a card that says "Forget me not" you will forget the positions of every single card that you have already seen in the game. You don't need to remember which card is where, and you will easily be able to find that you can't remember which cards you have already turned over. You might even move all the card positions around without realising you are doing it, arranging them in a different position on the table.

If the 2nd card says "Running out", you will begin to feel a strong urge to urinate. For the next minute, you will feel the need to pee growing stronger and stronger, until you want to cross your legs just to hold your pee in as much as possible. But you may find that the more you try to hold it back, the more you start to leak into your diaper. If your bladder isn't really full, then you will feel the urge to pee anyway, just as if it were real, but you will also take a drink automatically, without thinking, as you feel how proud you are for being able to hold it.

When the second card says "Happy Thoughts", you will feel an incredible pleasure building in your body. It will be the most wonderful feeling you can imagine, and this feeling will get stronger and more enjoyable every time you turn over one of these cards. You might find that after you've played the game for a while, you might experience an orgasm from seeing this card, even if you don't know what that feeling is.

For the card that says "Dress up" you will remove one item of clothing each time, feeling so good to do so, like you're playing dress up, until you are down to your diaper only. If you are only wearing a diaper, you will just feel pleasure when this card is shown similar to Happy Thoughts.

You will find that every time you turn over two cards, if they are the same you will be able to remove them, and you will feel yourself getting a year younger, and you will stay that age until you turn over another pair, getting younger and younger until there are only 4 cards left, and you can remove your diaper and become a grown-up again. And every time you turn over 2 different cards, you will turn them face down again, forget where the first card is, and feel the magical effects of the second card for one minute.

Right ... That's my attempt at making the suggestions "flow" in a way that feels more natural for me, without changing the effects. Do you think I managed that? It seems my memory of the suggestions is already fading, so its hard for me to comment.

Going? Its gone already ... :lol:
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 2nd, 2013, 4:33 pm

Wow ... lots of stuff happened. I can't even remember what happened in what order right now; but here's a log of my discussion on IRC. I find these things are more fun if I can still interact with people as a little girl; but without response, I think I didn't describe all the cards I picked.

Many, many thanks to Damarus :) I think you really got the kind of suggestions I like.

20:20 -!- sleepyAngel [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:23 -!- sleepyAngel changed the topic of #AngelsPlayroom to: lil_lil_Angel has been hypnotically programmed to think and feel like a little girl; no idea how old, but come and chat anyway
20:26 -!- dareon{M} [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:28 -!- blonde_sunshine [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:28 <@sleepyAngel> Hey :) Thanks
20:28 < dareon{M}> Hello
20:28 < blonde_sunshine> hello there\
20:28 < blonde_sunshine> saw your room and figured we have similar interests
20:29 -!- hellraiser90 [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:29 < hellraiser90> Hi
20:29 -!- ninjaangel [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:29 <@sleepyAngel> Always good to meet those with similar interests
20:29 * blonde_sunshine smiles
20:29 < ninjaangel> *peeks into the room* o.o
20:30 -!- cassie_inthemaking [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
20:30 <@sleepyAngel> Just about to trigger myself ... think I got everything I'll need. Got diapers, little-kid clothes, pacifier, sippy cup, bottle of cola, no sweets today (bah), and these cards with words on
20:31 * blonde_sunshine sits down and looks over to Angel
20:31 * cassie_inthemaking peeks
20:32 <@sleepyAngel> In case anyone doesn't know already, I've got a post-hypnotic suggestion set up, but I can't remember what it is until afterwards :p Don't even know how old I'll be, or whether I'll be able to chat or not. So ... here goes nothing :p
20:35 -!- You're now known as lil_lil_Angel
20:36 <@lil_lil_Angel> hihi :)
20:36 < ninjaangel> hellos ^_^
20:37 < cassie_inthemaking> herro lil_lil_Angel
20:37 < blonde_sunshine> hi angel
20:37 <@lil_lil_Angel> Hi cassie and blonde and ninjaangel
20:38 <@lil_lil_Angel> *g* I dont think I know you all too well but i love making new friends
20:38 < ninjaangel> hmm i has to go, but have fun alls ^_^
20:39 <@lil_lil_Angel> I got a new game to play today do you want to play with me?
20:39 -!- ninjaangel [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:39 < blonde_sunshine> nice to meet you
20:39 < cassie_inthemaking> what game?
20:39 < hellraiser90> I would lil angel
20:39 <@lil_lil_Angel> hmm i think its a game just for one person tho but you can help me :)
20:40 <@lil_lil_Angel> its a making pairs game but some of the cards are magic i think and its gonna make me do things :) Thats so cool
20:40 < hellraiser90> Sure ^^
20:42 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki i got all the cards on the table now
20:42 < hellraiser90> Ok
20:42 <@lil_lil_Angel> well on my bed anyway
20:43 <@lil_lil_Angel> thought i had one missing but they stuck together
20:43 < hellraiser90> Ok
20:44 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got to keep on trying to make pairs until theres four left i think so im gonna start with one at the top corner
20:44 < hellraiser90> Lets beginn
20:44 <@lil_lil_Angel> this feels so exciting and awesome *giggles*
20:45 < hellraiser90> Why that angel?
20:45 <@lil_lil_Angel> first card says giggle time but its not magic yet I think i got to turn over another one
20:45 -!- cassie_inthemaking [] has left #AngelsPlayroom []
20:45 <@lil_lil_Angel> cos its a game with magic cards
20:46 < hellraiser90> Ok
20:47 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki i got another one and it says happy thougts and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and it feels so good :)
20:47 <@lil_lil_Angel> not a pair yet tho so i got to remember where it is for when i get the other one
20:48 <@lil_lil_Angel> and this time i got dress up and comforter
20:49 <@lil_lil_Angel> what card should i turn over next?
20:50 < hellraiser90> Dont know lil angel
20:51 <@lil_lil_Angel> this time it said running out and happy thoughts
20:52 <@lil_lil_Angel> that one feel so nice i wanna get that again but i know where theres to of them now so i should take it away
20:53 <@lil_lil_Angel> i dunno what happens if i make a pair do i still get to be happy like that
20:53 <@lil_lil_Angel> i want to see what happens tho :)
20:55 <@lil_lil_Angel> awesome! that is so cool guys!
20:56 <@lil_lil_Angel> i think i grew down a year hehe i could feel im getting littler and my shirts too big now
20:56 < hellraiser90> LOL
20:56 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki another one i try i get gibberish and ooh i dunno which one to pick up
20:57 * blonde_sunshine raises my eyebrows as i watch her changing
20:57 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh no fair my diaper came unfastened on one tape and i hardly moved or anything!!!
21:00 <@lil_lil_Angel> im a nauhty girl i stick it back with duck tape hehe
21:01 <@lil_lil_Angel> now what card do i get next :p
21:02 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got giberish and giggle time and now i cant stop laughing its like it really is magic :D
21:02 < hellraiser90> LOL
21:02 * lil_lil_Angel giggles loads and can hardly see the screen
21:03 <@lil_lil_Angel> yes lol lol nearly ROFL to hehe
21:03 * blonde_sunshine smiles and chuckes watching angel
21:03 <@lil_lil_Angel> i cant stop!
21:04 <@lil_lil_Angel> do i got to pick another cards so i can stop laughing i dunno but why they made a game like this its so funny if you had magic crads would yu make somebofy laugh like a little baby
21:05 <@lil_lil_Angel> ok i think thats enough of that :)
21:05 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:05 <@lil_lil_Angel> next up I got another happy thoughts card this one got a pic of tigger on being all bouncey
21:05 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got a Tigger here I love tigger
21:06 <@lil_lil_Angel> i thought i alread got pair of the happy thoughts tho
21:06 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh well maybe theres 2 i can remember where that one is now and make me happy again :)
21:07 <@lil_lil_Angel> so now i know where happy thoughts and comforter and giggle are
21:07 <@lil_lil_Angel> ok see if I can get a pair this time I pick another one :)
21:07 -!- subm^ [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
21:08 <@lil_lil_Angel> yes!!!
21:08 <@lil_lil_Angel> hi subm!
21:08 < subm^> hi lil_lil_Angel
21:09 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got another pair of happy thoughts cards and it makes me feel so good and oh i think i shrunk can magic game cards do that?
21:09 < subm^> wbb
21:09 -!- subm^ [] has left #AngelsPlayroom []
21:09 < hellraiser90> Can be
21:10 <@lil_lil_Angel> my tshirt feels massive like tos too big for me now but my diaper still fits!
21:10 < hellraiser90> Thats Good lil angel
21:10 <@lil_lil_Angel> way cool i think i mite achully be geting littler so im going to be a little girl again?!!
21:11 <@lil_lil_Angel> its nice bein a big girl but i think little girls dont got to do all the chores so it be nice to be little girl again
21:11 <@lil_lil_Angel> you think?
21:12 < hellraiser90> I think its up to you
21:12 < hellraiser90> But a Little Girl is nice
21:13 <@lil_lil_Angel> hehe :) if i win the game i get to be a little girl again would be wicked cool
21:13 <@lil_lil_Angel> but i dont think im really getting littler
21:13 <@lil_lil_Angel> litteler?
21:13 < hellraiser90> I want to have that game too
21:13 <@lil_lil_Angel> that doesnt look rite
21:14 <@lil_lil_Angel> aww i wish i was beter at spellings tho
21:14 < hellraiser90> Its ok Little One ^^
21:15 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki next cards i know where comforter and giggle are so maybe i should try to pick one of them and try to find the other one or i should pick 2 i not seen yet
21:15 < hellraiser90> Try the Not seen
21:15 <@lil_lil_Angel> there should be some maths to work out whats most likeley to win but i dont know that good
21:16 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki thanks :)
21:16 <@lil_lil_Angel> ill start at the edges and spiral in to the middle i think
21:16 <@lil_lil_Angel> so this time i got giggle time ooh i know where the other one is i think
21:17 <@lil_lil_Angel> Yay im so smart hehehe
21:17 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got it but it dont make me giggle again i just feel littler
21:18 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:18 <@lil_lil_Angel> aw this shirt come to my knees i must be a really little girl hehe
21:18 <@lil_lil_Angel> giggles
21:19 -!- blonde_sunshine [] has left #AngelsPlayroom []
21:19 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki next i got forget me nots and comforter
21:20 <@lil_lil_Angel> oops i already new were that was hehe
21:20 <@lil_lil_Angel> its a nice card tho and i like it :)
21:21 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:21 <@lil_lil_Angel> i wonder what forge tme not dose its got flowers picher on it
21:22 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh this time i got one that says running out wif a clock on i wunder what that does
21:22 <@lil_lil_Angel> aaaand dress up
21:23 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got nothing to dress up in tho ill just take my shirt offi ts too big anyhow
21:24 <@lil_lil_Angel> next oh oh oh there s another happythots
21:25 <@lil_lil_Angel> i wish id picked them up the over way round i think only the second one is magic
21:25 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki ill try the one next to itg
21:26 <@lil_lil_Angel> o thats mean thats really mean i think who made this games a big stinky bum thats not nice
21:27 < hellraiser90> Awww
21:28 <@lil_lil_Angel> the card says running out and its got a clock on and its magic made me need the bathroom really really bad and its supposed to make me pee my pants but i can hold it cos im a big girl :)
21:28 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:29 <@lil_lil_Angel> good boys dont put mean cards like that in a game but i can hold it cos Im a big girl :)
21:30 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:30 < hellraiser90> Where did you got that game angel?
21:30 <@lil_lil_Angel> *hugs* thankies for playing with me evn when its wierd stuff like that
21:30 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh i dunno
21:30 <@lil_lil_Angel> hehe
21:30 <@lil_lil_Angel> maybe ill remember later
21:31 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki what i pick next
21:31 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh yeah i was doing all the outside ones first
21:32 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh yays!!! i got 2 next to each other and their both dress up hehe
21:32 <@lil_lil_Angel> i forgot id already looked at that one
21:33 <@lil_lil_Angel> i got haf way there now!! i feel so good
21:33 <@lil_lil_Angel> and i picked gibberish and comforter this time
21:34 <@lil_lil_Angel> hehe i keep turning over the same ones again :p I bet grown ups can rember better
21:35 < hellraiser90> Ok
21:36 <@lil_lil_Angel> evry tim i see that comforter onw wif a pikcher of a dodi on it i wanna have a suck i think thats wat it dose for the magic hehe goodthing i still gots a dodi hehe im six allready so prolly shud of frown it away cos im not a bayby any more
21:39 <@lil_lil_Angel> tis time i turned over giberish and running out i got to not turn over that card agin its mean an im not a bayby im six now im not gonna pee my pants im not im not
21:39 <@lil_lil_Angel> ahh
21:41 <@lil_lil_Angel> it just makes me feel like that for a bit then its all bak to normel so i just gotto hold it a minet
21:42 <@lil_lil_Angel> i can do this i can win this game i got ate cards now and i no were thers comferter and both running out narty cards
21:43 <@lil_lil_Angel> so ill pick the one at the bottom that isnt the running out one and try to find out wheres the pair for that
21:44 <@lil_lil_Angel> and i got happy thoughts and forget me not i dunno is that one not magic or some thing?
21:46 -!- hellraiser90 [] has quit [Client exited]
21:47 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki im gonna do the top line first so i know what ones ive done i got gibberish and comforter
21:49 <@lil_lil_Angel> and this time i got giberish and haapy thouts and it feels soo good hehe
21:50 <@lil_lil_Angel> and i know what the middle ones are so im gonna go round the top and i got comforter hehe im all ready sucking my paci
21:50 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh thats cos i had the other one before hehe i nerly forgoted
21:52 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh no i turned the rong one its the weewee card an i wanna hold it but its so hard
21:53 <@lil_lil_Angel> o i did it yay cool
21:53 <@lil_lil_Angel> im still a big girl hehe :):)
21:54 <@lil_lil_Angel> next in the corner i got forget me nots and gujneidf
21:54 <@lil_lil_Angel> ejsydi giens i dajnt dysans lnythbdin
21:54 <@lil_lil_Angel> awww!
21:55 <@lil_lil_Angel> o fsny tgskbh to toiniw!
21:55 <@lil_lil_Angel> ny dogetd dongt the eidht kettdtd
21:56 <@lil_lil_Angel> i dont like this one!!!
21:56 <@lil_lil_Angel> ah :)
21:57 <@lil_lil_Angel> oki whats next hehe
21:58 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh its the girbish card i dont like that get rid of it rite now hehe
22:01 <@lil_lil_Angel> oh yay i got the comforters too but that means no more dodi hehe
22:02 <@lil_lil_Angel> can i stil suk on mi dodi wen im a for big girl?
22:02 <@lil_lil_Angel> ye i can hehe
22:02 <@lil_lil_Angel> now what i do hehe eeny meeny *g*
22:03 <@lil_lil_Angel> ooh running out i hope i can get the other one but where was it?
22:03 <@lil_lil_Angel> forgets em aww
22:07 <@lil_lil_Angel> hehe aww the magic game made me do a weewee like a bad girl
22:07 <@lil_lil_Angel> fink i lost the game now
22:09 <@lil_lil_Angel> o but i alredy wun hehe ani din
22:14 -!- You're now known as SmilingAngel
22:26 <@SmilingAngel> wow
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 4th, 2013, 10:12 am

A new idea, inspired by something someone else said; not sure what age to put it with, or whether it would be better with a more detailed session. Anyone got any ideas?

Some random muse wrote:You know you are a big girl now, and are proud of being a big girl. You don't wet your diaper any more like alittle baby. But sometimes you feel like nobody treats you like a big girl; now that you're old enough to use the bathroom like a big girl, you have to do it because the grown ups say so. It feels like you don't get to make a choice.

So the next time you feel the need to pee, you will have an idea. You will wet your diaper, just to prove that you are a big girl who can make her own choices and not just do what she's told. You will realise that peeing yourself on purpose shows just how grown up you are, so you can do whatever you want, and you will be so proud of being able to make that choice.

This idea won't last long though, because as soon as you start to pee, you will forget why you made that choice. If you are chatting with people who know about your little girl side, on the warpmymind chat or similar places, you will proudly tell them that you have peed your diaper before you forget. Otherwise, you will just realise that you are wetting yourself and you will not even remember that you did it on purpose until you take the diaper off and grow up.

Anyone got any other ideas to send me for next week? Or anyone think you can work something out with that one, please?
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 6th, 2013, 7:35 am

OK ... Here's an email I'd like to send myself. This is using my new file, which is slightly different. If anyone else can send me this (with any modifications you'd like - but remember that the new file has the potential to affect many future sessions, so shouldn't include too much specific detail).

If nobody else has time, I'll send it myself in the morning. But emails from myself might seem less effective. I want to give this a proper test before I publish the file.

This one will have the subject "WHEN YOU ARE TEN"

When You are Ten wrote:
You know that little kids love to play games, and get really excited about the outcome. Now that you are ten, you find that you get really excited about card games, and will play them at any opportunity.

You can even play card games on the internet, with people in a chat room, and this modern technology seems really awesome. You can play a card game so easily, you just have to tell the other players what cards you are playing. If you're playing a game online like that, you'll never think about cheating as long as you are ten years old. You won't understand how someone could cheat. The idea never crosses your mind, because you are such a good little girl, and you won't think anyone else could cheat either. It would be as silly as trying to stand on the ceiling, or something.

When you are a ten year old girl, playing a card game, you will know that everyone will follow the rules. That's so obvious, you don't need to think about it. And if the game has rules that say you have to feel ambarassed when you play a card, or that the joker makes you laugh uncontrollably, then that's part of the rules. You will do it because that is the rules, and it seems just obvious that you can't break the rules. It won't seem odd at all that you can do these things, because the rules say you can. You can imagine that happening, imagine feeling whatever the rules say you should, and you know it will happen. As long as you're playing a game, when you are ten, the obeying rules will be just what happens.

And also, when you are ten, you especially love card games. Clothes or accessories with playing card symbols on are really cute, and you love to wear them whenever you can. And if someone asks you to play a card game that has grown-up bits in, like forfeits that a little girl like you shouldn't do, you won't mind. You probably just won't know what those words mean, and you won't mind as long as you can do something that's OK for a little girl instead. You don't mind the grownups in the game doing things you don't understand yet, because you feel so excited and joyful about being able to play cards with your friends.
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 7th, 2013, 11:52 am

2 emails on the way home today :-) The first was for "When you are 5" one, which sounds quite interesting. It's more specific than I was imagining when I wrote the file (I was going to use it to just set up some idea of how a kid thinks and feels), but I think its going to be a lot of fun having recurring elements like this. If all goes well, whenever I'm 5 I'll have a baby sister, and when I'm 10 I'll love playing card games with forfeits.

Fingers crossed :) I'll keep on trying these until they work. I managed to copy and paste this one without forgetting it, but still felt vaguely spacy whenever my eyes rested on it.

Jack TheWriter wrote: When you are five years old you will believe that your favorite stuffed animal or dolly is your one year old baby sister named Molly. At random times you will hear your baby sister cry for a nappy change or cry to be fed from a bottle or cry for her pacifier. Since you are a big girl you will be able to take care of everything she needs. You will pretend when changing her nappy(it will feel real to you) but you will give her a real pacifier or bottle filled with milk or juice.

Also when you are five you will be very jealous of your baby sister. You will want to be treated like she is treated and will want to have everything she has. When you have to change her nappy you will get an irresistable urge to put on a nappy yourself. If you are already in a nappy when she needs a nappy change you will try to force yourself to pee in your nappy to be just like her. When you give Molly her pacifier or a bottle you will only let her have it for five seconds before you say "My turn now." and take it from her and use it yourself. You will know that you really don`t need all these baby things and will feel some shame, guilt and embarressment every time you take them from your sister who does need them but that will not stop you from doing it.

then I got a "hypnofile" email, and I couldn't believe how hard it hit me; only just managed to get to a bench before I fell over. Can't remember it at all. I suspect it'll make me 5, but I'm not sure if that's just me assuming that it's designed to be used in combination with the other one.

I managed to copy and paste the body of it, in case anyone is interested. Tranced out again while copying it. Now I'm a little ambiguous, because I was looking forward to playing card games tonight, but now I can look forward to a wonderful, exciting mystery. Maybe I'll be able to play cards on Monday if anyone's available.

Here's the 2nd email today:
Jack TheWriter wrote:You are five years old. You feel very happy, excited and full of energy. You are going to have a tea party and invite all your stuffed animal and dolly friends. You want to look your best for the party so you will put on your prettiest dress and shoes(you can imagine them if you don`t own any dresses or girls shoes). You will be a very good host and take care of all the needs of your guests, including those of any babies that happen to show up. You will feel proud of acting so grown up even though you are only five years old. The tea party should last at least an hour but can last longer if you are having fun. Once the party is over you will revert to normal and remember everything. Enjoy your tea party.
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 8th, 2013, 4:03 am

Had some fun last night :) I'm going to post a logfile from the chatroom, but that's on my laptop so I'll edit it in later.

It was an interesting experience ... Among other things, I was supposed to imagine that a stuffed toy was my baby sister. A couple of times when I was holding her, if I closed my eyes for a second I could imagine a little baby; but at other times, it's like I was a little girl playing, pretending I had a baby. The imagined bits never really seemed "real", but it seemed natural to play.

I guess I'm not up to hallucinations yet; but my subconscious can do the next best thing :)

(For the sake of clarity; Mort is a penguin toy, based on a drawing by Edward Monkton. He lives in a little cardboard shopping bag with his head poking out of the top, and the comic/illustration "The Penguin of Death" on the front. If you want to see my new party dress, bought to reduce the momentary feeling of "why am I wearing boy clothes?" when I get suggestions that mention my clothes, I've posted a pic in the "User Pics" album on here)

I'm going away for the weekend now, but will hopefully be able to try the card game thing on monday night. If you want to play, it might help to know in advance what times will be convenient so we don't miss each other; comment here if you can.
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 8th, 2013, 3:57 pm

And here's the transcript of the chat, for a more detailed summary of what happened:

#AngelsPlayroom wrote:22:04 -!- SmilingAngel [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
22:36 -!- jackthewriter [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
22:37 < jackthewriter> There we go
22:37 <@SmilingAngel> Hey :)
22:38 -!- SmilingAngel changed the topic of #AngelsPlayroom to: Little Angel may be hypnotically regressed to some age chosen by Jack; age-appropriate chat much welcomed
22:39 < jackthewriter> I'll keep in mind that you like to chat online while regressed next time I email you. This one isn't really online friendly but perhaps your mind can work the chatroom into it.
22:39 <@SmilingAngel> Is there anything I'll need for today's suggestions? Props, toys, etc?
22:41 < jackthewriter> Hmmm, if I tell you that I'll pretty much be giving it away, but I did make provisions for you to use your imagination if you don't own some of the things used
22:42 -!- mai|sly [] has joined #AngelsPlayroom
22:42 <@SmilingAngel> I'm going to go read the email again first anyway, to reinforce suggestions
22:42 <@SmilingAngel> Hi mai *hugs*
22:42 < mai|sly> hi :)
22:43 < jackthewriter> greetings mai
22:44 < jackthewriter> Well, Angel, since you put it that way then perhaps you should get some cups and a pitcher or teapot from the kitchen before you start
22:45 < jackthewriter> Everything else you should have in your room.
22:47 < mai|sly> :)
22:47 < mai|sly> hi jack
22:50 < jackthewriter> I'm kind of surprised how lively the warpmymind chatroom has become. I stopped frequenting it a while ago because it was always dead when I was on.
22:50 < mai|sly> :)
22:50 < mai|sly> influx of new people?
22:51 < mai|sly> :)
22:51 < jackthewriter> Now that I see how active it is I'll be coming back more often
22:51 < mai|sly> woo
22:54 <@SmilingAngel> Yay
22:54 < mai|sly> :)
22:55 < jackthewriter> Someone sounds excited :)
22:55 <@SmilingAngel> Right, I'm back, head a little fuzzy from learning and forgetting stuff so quickly
22:55 <@SmilingAngel> Time to be the little girl, then :)
22:56 < jackthewriter> Do you have a set name that you usually use in that mode? I didn't know if you already had one so I didn't supply one in the file.
22:56 <@SmilingAngel> (and in case you forgot, I also have a trigger "Little girls ___(instruction)___" which can be used to fine tune or add to suggestions)
22:56 <@SmilingAngel> I think Angel works fine
22:57 < jackthewriter> That works for me
22:57 <@SmilingAngel> Its still me; just with a different set of memories and perceptual filters
22:57 < mai|sly> :)
23:01 -!- You're now known as lil_lil_angel
23:02 < jackthewriter> greetings lil angel, how are you feeling tonight?
23:02 < mai|sly> hi lil_lil_angel :)
23:03 <@lil_lil_angel> hi
23:03 <@lil_lil_angel> *waves*
23:04 <@lil_lil_angel> im gonna have a tea party i got all my friends here hehe
23:04 * jackthewriter waves back and smiles
23:05 < jackthewriter> Sounds like fun
23:05 <@lil_lil_angel> tigger and morty and mort all here
23:05 <@lil_lil_angel> but im a big girl so i got to look after Molly too
23:06 < jackthewriter> Oh? And who is Molly?
23:07 <@lil_lil_angel> shes my sister
23:07 < mai|sly> awww
23:07 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe tigger got a cup bigger than he is
23:07 < mai|sly> :)
23:07 < jackthewriter> hehe
23:08 < jackthewriter> sounds like a fun party.
23:08 <@lil_lil_angel> yep lots of fun
23:09 < jackthewriter> So are you wearing your regular clothes or something fancy?
23:09 <@lil_lil_angel> i got a new skirt and top for the party
23:09 < mai|sly> oooh, exciting :)
23:09 < jackthewriter> Thats nice.
23:09 < mai|sly> got to look nice for a party :)
23:09 <@lil_lil_angel> you want to see a picture hehe?
23:11 < jackthewriter> Sure. I guess you aren't camera shy like some little girls are.
23:12 < mai|sly> :)
23:12 < jackthewriter> So are you serving any snacks at your tea party?
23:12 <@lil_lil_angel> aww i dont no how to send a picture
23:13 <@lil_lil_angel> i got cheese straws :)
23:13 <@lil_lil_angel> but i et most of them
23:13 < mai|sly> its alright :) don't worry about the picture
23:14 <@lil_lil_angel> oh i got to feed molly back soon
23:14 < jackthewriter> thats okay. you can just tell me what colors your skirt and new top are an I'll be able to imagine how pretty you are.
23:14 < jackthewriter> Thats a good big sister.
23:16 <@lil_lil_angel> gI got a pink skirt and the tops white wif lots of little hearts in all pink and blue
23:16 <@lil_lil_angel> yeah she finished her bottle so quick hehe :)
23:17 < jackthewriter> awww, how cute :)
23:17 < jackthewriter> Really? She drank it all?
23:18 <@lil_lil_angel> i pour out drinks for the pangins too but i dont got to be so careful with them cos they dont cry
23:18 <@lil_lil_angel> yeah she drank a hole bottle moslty
23:18 <@lil_lil_angel> i hardly had any of it at all
23:18 < mai|sly> awww
23:19 < jackthewriter> hehe, well thats okay sisters are suppose to share :)
23:19 <@lil_lil_angel> only a little bit after shes done really
23:19 <@lil_lil_angel> yeah :)
23:20 < jackthewriter> But aren't you a bit old to be drinking from a bottle?
23:20 <@lil_lil_angel> umm maybe
23:21 <@lil_lil_angel> its a sippy cup really not a proper little baby bottle
23:21 * jackthewriter smiles at lil_lil_angel
23:21 <@lil_lil_angel> i like my sippy
23:21 < mai|sly> :)
23:21 < mai|sly> what colour is it?
23:21 <@lil_lil_angel> pink!
23:22 <@lil_lil_angel> an its got all buttons and flowers on
23:22 < mai|sly> thats so pretty!
23:22 < mai|sly> I can see why you like it
23:22 < jackthewriter> hehe. let's see a pink skirt, a pink sippy cup, so I'm guessing your favorite color is..... Yellow?
23:22 <@lil_lil_angel> mortys got a proper grown up cup but thats ok cos its only playing and theres not really anything in it at all
23:23 <@lil_lil_angel> yeah hehe
23:23 <@lil_lil_angel> no its purple silly
23:23 < jackthewriter> oh , well purple is a very nice color
23:23 < mai|sly> i love purple!
23:23 < mai|sly> :)
23:24 <@lil_lil_angel> me too hehe
23:24 <@lil_lil_angel> oh just a minit shes crying again
23:25 < jackthewriter> okay sweetie, take all the time you need
23:26 <@lil_lil_angel> babies all take so much to look after its allways something she wants her bottle or wants a dodi or something but i think shes asleep now after a couple minuts
23:27 <@lil_lil_angel> aww i fergot to give mort a cup oopsie
23:27 <@lil_lil_angel> he can have tiggers now
23:27 < jackthewriter> Is tigger done with his tea already?
23:28 <@lil_lil_angel> *noddies*
23:28 <@lil_lil_angel> its the pengins turn now they got a cup each
23:28 < jackthewriter> oh yeah, I think you forgot to properly introduce me to mort and morty. What do they look like so I can tell them apart?
23:29 <@lil_lil_angel> i dont got tea but im okay cos im sucking mollys' dodi now hehe
23:29 <@lil_lil_angel> oh ill let them use the fone to talk to you
23:30 < jackthewriter> Hmmm, is a dodi a paci over in the US?
23:30 <@lil_lil_angel> morty is mortiece i think i spelled that right shes a emperer penguin and black and white like a panda with a little yellow bit at the top of her tummy
23:30 <@lil_lil_angel> morty says hello waves
23:31 < jackthewriter> Hi morty
23:31 * jackthewriter waves at morty
23:31 <@lil_lil_angel> yep i tink so
23:31 <@lil_lil_angel> and shes wearing a price sticker today i dont no where she got that
23:32 < jackthewriter> thats good, because dodi sounds like something else and I really don't think you want to put THAT in your mouth
23:32 <@lil_lil_angel> it says forest of bowland lolm41
23:32 <@lil_lil_angel> ooh whats that?
23:33 < jackthewriter> hehe, doodie
23:33 <@lil_lil_angel> and this is tigger tigger finished his drink and hes being all bouncie but i wont let him nock the tea over
23:33 <@lil_lil_angel> eww hehe
23:34 <@lil_lil_angel> hi jac,k
23:34 <@lil_lil_angel> thats tigger talking he types really slow even when he type with his tail
23:34 * jackthewriter waves at tigger
23:34 <@lil_lil_angel> and bounce on the keyboard like a tigger
23:35 <@lil_lil_angel> i got tigger a bottle of water now cos i dont got three cups
23:35 < jackthewriter> hehehe, I was just gonna ask you if he bounces to type
23:36 <@lil_lil_angel> and mort is a grey pengin hes mortys dad and he lives in a box that got a picter of him on the front and some words
23:36 < jackthewriter> Thats okay, I bet he needs to drink alot of water with all the excercise he gets from bouncing :)
23:37 <@lil_lil_angel> ye hehe
23:37 < jackthewriter> Does mort like living in a box or does it get lonely in there?
23:38 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe i wanna have some more coke cos my mouths dry but then id have to give molly the dodi back
23:38 <@lil_lil_angel> oh she wants it any way so she can have a suck and ill have a drink
23:38 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe im so nice arent i
23:39 < jackthewriter> Yes you are a very nice sister giving her dodi back to her.
23:39 < jackthewriter> as long as you don't give her back a doodie :P
23:39 <@lil_lil_angel> yep mort likes his box he can come out sometimes and fly around his wings stick out over the top
23:40 <@lil_lil_angel> she still seems like shes upset tho even when i give her back a dodi
23:41 < jackthewriter> Wow, Mort is a flying penguin that is so cool
23:41 < jackthewriter> Hmmm, maybe you should check her nappy
23:41 <@lil_lil_angel> i feel a bit bad taking her dodi but she doesnt know and why shud a baby get all somebody looking after her all the time and i dont
23:42 <@lil_lil_angel> oh yeah hehe i forgot about that thanks
23:43 < jackthewriter> Thats okay, even grown-up forget to check sometime and you are be very mature taking care of your baby sister like that
23:43 <@lil_lil_angel> sometimes i wish i was a baby just like molly too cos she got a cute dummy and cute bottle and all but im all grown up so i cant
23:44 <@lil_lil_angel> aww shes done a weewee so i got to change her
23:44 < jackthewriter> okay sweetie, just let me know when you are done.
23:46 <@lil_lil_angel> there shes all happy now and dry
23:47 < jackthewriter> Thats good. Does she look cute in her fresh nappy?
23:47 <@lil_lil_angel> i got to clean her and change her and get a toy for her to keep her happy so she dont wiggle its not fair nobody does that for me
23:48 <@lil_lil_angel> yep shes happy now and giggles
23:48 <@lil_lil_angel> a good baby
23:48 <@lil_lil_angel> i look after her good
23:49 <@lil_lil_angel> she gets all the treats just for doing a wee in her nappy
23:49 < jackthewriter> aww, thats a shame. It would be really nice if someone did all that for you, wouldn't it?
23:49 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe lucky baby
23:49 < jackthewriter> yeah, very lucky baby
23:50 < jackthewriter> Wouldn't it be great if you could weewee in a nappy like molly and someone would change you?
23:50 <@lil_lil_angel> yep hehe
23:51 <@lil_lil_angel> im gonna do a wee now but i bet nobody comes and change me
23:51 < mai|sly> bet it feels good to wee though, even though no one changes you :)
23:51 < jackthewriter> Your gonna do a weewee in your skirt?
23:52 <@lil_lil_angel> its okay i got a nappy on hehe
23:52 < mai|sly> :)
23:52 < jackthewriter> You do??/ wow, you are just like molly now :)
23:53 <@lil_lil_angel> an you cant even see cos this skirt got like undie shorts inside so even if you see up my skirt its just all pink and you cant see my panties or nappy
23:53 <@lil_lil_angel> yep :)
23:53 <@lil_lil_angel> excepts she got a dry one on
23:54 < jackthewriter> hehe, thats vert smart of you.
23:54 < jackthewriter> oh hehe. and I'm guessing yours isn't dry anymore
23:54 * jackthewriter giggles
23:55 <@lil_lil_angel> do you think im a nougty girl now?
23:55 <@lil_lil_angel> Angel pouts I think Im sposed to be a good girl
23:56 <@lil_lil_angel> i can make tea for everybody tho and for tigger and mort and mort do you want some too?
23:56 <@lil_lil_angel> oh and i got some more snacks i just found on the floor a box of my thai
23:56 < jackthewriter> No, you aren't naughty. You are being a good big sister and so what if you share all of molly's stuff. It's not like you are taking the nappy right off her bum.
23:57 <@lil_lil_angel> :)
23:57 < jackthewriter> oooh. what kind of snacks?
23:58 <@lil_lil_angel> it says "my thai" like little biscuits and some sauce to dip them in
23:58 < jackthewriter> Oh yeah, Ill take some tea.
23:58 <@lil_lil_angel> but tigger cant have the cos hed get red saucce all in his fur and have to go in the washing machine again
23:58 * jackthewriter holds out a green cup with yellow stars on it
23:58 <@lil_lil_angel> Angel pours a cup of maginary tea for jack too
23:59 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe its just like your a stuffie too
23:59 < jackthewriter> hehehe, thats funny
00:00 <@lil_lil_angel> ooh these cakes are nice hehe
00:00 < jackthewriter> Lets play a game and see if you can guess what kind of stuffie I'd like to be.
00:00 <@lil_lil_angel> it says on them in little letters baked soy bites with sweet chilli sause
00:00 <@lil_lil_angel> Yay i love games
00:00 < jackthewriter> First clue. I have grey fur.
00:01 <@lil_lil_angel> is it a wolf?
00:01 < jackthewriter> nope, good guess though.
00:01 <@lil_lil_angel> or a snow lepperd
00:01 <@lil_lil_angel> or a badger
00:01 < jackthewriter> Second clue. I have long ears that stand straight up.
00:01 < jackthewriter> nope and nope.
00:02 <@lil_lil_angel> oooh a squirrel
00:02 < jackthewriter> Do squirrels have long ears?
00:02 <@lil_lil_angel> umm
00:02 <@lil_lil_angel> no i dont think so
00:02 < jackthewriter> hehe, but that was a good guess anyway
00:03 < jackthewriter> Ready for another clue?
00:03 <@lil_lil_angel> theyre not grey either hehe i seen one and their like orangey
00:03 <@lil_lil_angel> ooh is it a pengin
00:03 < jackthewriter> well most squirrels over here are grey
00:04 < jackthewriter> have you ever seen a grey penguin??
00:04 <@lil_lil_angel> cos morts ears stand up on top but theyre not really ears but the box makes his wings stand up its really cute
00:04 <@lil_lil_angel> no i guess
00:05 <@lil_lil_angel> this is hard
00:05 < jackthewriter> Here is another clue.
00:05 <@lil_lil_angel> is it a real amimal or like a pony or something thats made up?
00:06 < jackthewriter> Third clue. I have a long tail that has lots of hair on the end of it.
00:06 < jackthewriter> Its a real animal
00:06 <@lil_lil_angel> umm a hors?
00:07 < jackthewriter> nope but you are getting close.
00:07 < jackthewriter> last clue, tigger has a friend who is the same animal as me.
00:08 <@lil_lil_angel> oh its a rabbit!!
00:08 < mai|sly> :)
00:08 <@lil_lil_angel> no rabbits ears are floppy?
00:08 <@lil_lil_angel> Eee ore?
00:08 < jackthewriter> well, a rabbits ears are long but does a rabbit have a long tail?
00:09 <@lil_lil_angel> you wanna be an eeyore like Molly?
00:09 < jackthewriter> and what type of animal is eeyore?
00:09 <@lil_lil_angel> i dunno
00:09 <@lil_lil_angel> i thourt eeyore was made up
00:10 < jackthewriter> Eeyore is a donkey, silly.
00:10 <@lil_lil_angel> cos he can hammer his tail on with a nail and you not got to hammer animals thats naughty
00:10 < jackthewriter> although eeyore ears hang down while most donkey's ears stand straight up
00:11 <@lil_lil_angel> hehe tigger went to see is molly okay and shes cuddling him now
00:11 < jackthewriter> His tail falls off cause he's a stuffie donkey :)
00:11 < jackthewriter> Thats cute :)
00:11 <@lil_lil_angel> im not going to take tigger off her cos thats not nice
00:12 < jackthewriter> yeah, its very nice of you to share your friends with your sister.
00:12 <@lil_lil_angel> i know i borrowed all her stuff but now we can bof be babys and be all looked after and happy
00:12 <@lil_lil_angel> :)
00:13 < jackthewriter> hehe, that sounds great.
00:13 <@lil_lil_angel> im gonna let morty play with molly too cos morty is mort's little sister and molly is my little sister and i like mort hes cool
00:14 < jackthewriter> :)
00:14 <@lil_lil_angel> he can kill you in 412 different ways how cool is that it says so on his box!
00:14 < jackthewriter> OO
00:15 <@lil_lil_angel> can i be a baby for a little bit hehe
00:15 < jackthewriter> wow, I didn't know little girls likes things that kill stuff.
00:15 <@lil_lil_angel> i got to change my diaper i can do it myself cos im a big girl now
00:16 <@lil_lil_angel> but i think maybe i can play being a baby a bit longer and go weewee again first
00:16 < jackthewriter> yep, thats whats great about being a big girl instead of a little girl but its even better to be both at the same time :)
00:16 <@lil_lil_angel> oh he only kills bad guys hes a special penguin
00:17 < jackthewriter> Does he protect you from monsters?
00:17 * lil_lil_angel goes weewee in her panties a little bit and then all blushes now im pink too
00:17 <@lil_lil_angel> yep!!
00:18 <@lil_lil_angel> its nice being a little bit naughty some times
00:19 < jackthewriter> Yeah, being a little naughty can be fun as long as you aren't naughty all the time.
00:19 < jackthewriter> I bet it wouldn't be fun for other girls your age to see you in a nappy.
00:20 <@lil_lil_angel> no hehe theyd say im not grown up yet
00:20 < jackthewriter> Iyeah and they'd probably tease you for it.
00:20 <@lil_lil_angel> but i can keep wearing it until i got to go to school
00:22 * jackthewriter yawns loudly
00:22 <@lil_lil_angel> aww but im never ever gonna let anybody else see :) so they wont know
00:22 <@lil_lil_angel> oh its kinda late now
00:22 < jackthewriter> just a bit, is it close to your bed time?
00:22 <@lil_lil_angel> i should change before bedtime i think
00:23 <@lil_lil_angel> i got to change molly too i think shes done a stinky
00:23 <@lil_lil_angel> i dont know hehe its dark out the window
00:23 < jackthewriter> hmmm, but wouldn't it be great to go to bed in a nappy and change right before school in the morning?
00:24 <@lil_lil_angel> yeah that'd be nice :) but i dont wanna leak
00:24 < jackthewriter> ewww, I bet you don't want to do that just like her :)
00:24 < jackthewriter> yeah, thats true.
00:26 <@lil_lil_angel> thats what babys do not big girls
00:26 < jackthewriter> hehe
00:27 <@lil_lil_angel> all clean now hehe i look after my little baby sis and shes so cute when shes sleep like that i think she didnt wake up
00:28 <@lil_lil_angel> :)
00:28 < jackthewriter> yeah. I'm sure you'd look just as cute sleeping in a nappy too.
00:29 <@lil_lil_angel> :) But I'm gonna change before bed tonite i think so i got a clean on
00:29 < jackthewriter> Thats good.
00:30 <@lil_lil_angel> thanks for comeing to my party and all hehe
00:30 < jackthewriter> Your welcome. And thank you for being such a great host.
00:32 < jackthewriter> So are you gonna go beddie bye now?
00:38 <@lil_lil_angel> Thanks loads :)
00:38 < mai|sly> :)
00:38 -!- You're now known as SleepyAngel
00:38 < mai|sly> night night lil angel :)
00:38 < mai|sly> heh
00:39 <@SleepyAngel> Back to grownup mode now ... as tempting as the idea is of just staying little, I need drugs before bed
00:39 < jackthewriter> heh, welcome back SleepyAngel
00:40 < jackthewriter> I kinda figured mentioning sleep would trigger you reverting back to normal
00:40 <@SleepyAngel> Thankyou very much :) You kept me interested, and you had a great idea for a suggestion :)
00:41 < jackthewriter> From what I've read on your threads and seen here tonight I really envy you.
00:41 < jackthewriter> I've never been able to get hypnosis to work that well or regress so easily.
00:41 <@SleepyAngel> Taking my nappy off usually reverts me; there's ways around that, but I think that should only be for really special occasions
00:42 <@SleepyAngel> Me neither ... only had some mild suggestibility before I tried these files
00:42 < mai|sly> :)
00:42 < jackthewriter> I'm glad you enjoyed it.
00:42 * mai|sly envies sleepyangel too.
00:43 <@SleepyAngel> I think the 'email little girls' file is perfectly tailored to my mind, so works very well
00:43 < jackthewriter> When I sent the email and didn't think I'd be around to witness it so it was a pleasant surprise and a wonderful experience for me too.
00:43 * SleepyAngel hugs you both
00:43 <@SleepyAngel> Glad you had fun :)
00:43 <@SleepyAngel> I try to find time once a week ... don't want to overdo it
00:44 < jackthewriter> Yeah, thats completely understandable.
00:44 <@SleepyAngel> And you reminded me how many soft toys I have :p
00:44 < mai|sly> :P
00:44 * mai|sly hugs
00:45 <@SleepyAngel> Mort and Eeyore usually live on the window ledge, behind my bookshelves. But I remembered the recurring email (or bits of it), and figured a baby sister would work better if she was bigger than 8"
00:45 < jackthewriter> hehehe, I took a guess when I suggested using a stuffie as a surrogate baby but I kinda figured you'd have at least one
00:46 <@SleepyAngel> I normally just use mortice and tigger, but they're small
00:46 < jackthewriter> ahhh, yeah my bear Theo is small too.
00:47 < mai|sly> heh
00:49 <@SleepyAngel> This is one of Mort's cousins ->
00:50 < jackthewriter> can't use links or I'll jump out of the chat. I'm typing this on my xbox and can only have one window open
00:51 < mai|sly> aah
00:51 < jackthewriter> brb
00:51 < mai|sly> irc... on xbox?
00:51 <@SleepyAngel> Yeah, I have plenty of props now. Got a sippy cup, lots of dummies, and even some new clothes today ... figured it makes sense, as little-boy shorts make me think "why am i wearing these?" for a moment, and that's distracting
00:51 < jackthewriter> mibbit
00:51 < mai|sly> :)
00:51 < jackthewriter> from the WMM site
00:51 < jackthewriter> brb
00:58 <@SleepyAngel> Is it OK if I post the log on the forum again? Probably easier than writing up my adventures (I'd like to write about it, but I already have a backlog of things I need to type up)
01:00 < mai|sly> surr
01:00 < mai|sly> *sure
01:02 <@SleepyAngel> Oh, and if you're interested in seeing my "party dress", the pic is the latest in the WMM "User Pics" album
01:02 < mai|sly> i saw it :)
01:02 < mai|sly> its cute!
01:02 <@SleepyAngel> Thanks :)
01:22 -!- mai|sly [] has left #AngelsPlayroom []
01:34 < jackthewriter> Sorry, I'm back
01:36 < jackthewriter> Well, I'm going to check out the pic so I'll have to leave the room to do that. I'll talk to you later, Angel, its been a pleasure
01:37 -!- jackthewriter [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 15th, 2013, 3:46 am

The card game thing turned out a lot of fun :) First attempt didn't work so well, with some confusion and someone sending sexual suggestions. I drifted back to my normal mindset after a while.

Second attempt was better; played hearts for a while, and I never imagined that the other people might be playing along. Would be nice to try again with other people following the suggestions, though ... I guess it must get a little boring for them. The wave of pleasure for winning a trick of hearts was amazing; confirmation again that orgasms are mostly in the mind.

Then I played a different game with mai; I've actually got a chat log for this one, which I'll share as soon as I get home this evening.

This weekend is going to be pretty hectic, though, so I'd really appreciate it if someone else could send me a hypnofile email, in case I get a chance to relax on monday
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 22nd, 2013, 2:06 pm

Nothing to report recently :(

Here's another idea, though. I figure as I've been having trouble sleeping.
Ideally, I'd appreciate it if somebody could tweak this a little bit (or write me a one-shot hypnofile email which uses some perversion of the same idea).

Or if that's too much to ask, just add a little more description of how it feels to be a 3 year old girl, to help me envision it better.

Or even just send me the email (self-triggers don't seem to be as effective)

Subject: 'When you are three' wrote:
You are three years old. You don't plan too far ahead. You don't need to think much, you don't need to see the big picture because you know people will do that for you. You just like to do whatever you think might be fun at the time. You might like to watch videos, or play with whatever toýs are around.

You are a big girl now, you're 3, and you know you aren't a baby any more. You don't have accidents like a baby, you know you can use the bathroom like a big girl if you want to. You might sometimes wet your diaper if you're too busy playing and you don't want to stop, but you still feel like a big girl because it's your choice. If anyone dares you to wet your diaper, you will do it just to prove that you're a big girl who can make that choice.

But any time you wet your diaper, you will feel all the alertness draining out of your body. It feels so relaxing, and makes you feel so good. as long as you are 3 years old, peeing in your diaper will feel so comfortable and relaxing that your eyes feel heavy and you feel just so sleepy, you might nod off right where you are, like a good little girl taking a nap.

so ... anyone got the time to either improve that, or just send it to me?

Other files would also be appreciated ... Next Sunday, I might be going to an event with other ageplayers, and I'd really love to be able to let my little side out.
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Postby starchildskiss78 » June 22nd, 2013, 2:37 pm

I sent it to you. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. :)
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Postby demigraff » June 22nd, 2013, 2:45 pm

starchildskiss78 wrote:I sent it to you. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. :)

Thanks :) I just got it. Hopefully that'll give me an easy (and fun) way out when I'm having trouble sleeping.

No idea yet how old I'll be next weekend ... so if anybody has some ideas, I'd love a little surprise :)
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Postby starchildskiss78 » June 22nd, 2013, 3:18 pm

demigraff wrote:
starchildskiss78 wrote:I sent it to you. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. :)

Thanks :) I just got it. Hopefully that'll give me an easy (and fun) way out when I'm having trouble sleeping.

No idea yet how old I'll be next weekend ... so if anybody has some ideas, I'd love a little surprise :)

I'll try to think of something myself. If nothing else I am always eager to forward your emails to you! :)
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Postby demigraff » June 23rd, 2013, 7:53 am

Thankyou starchildskiss :)

I got another email ... Read it a couple of times now. I'll try to be on IRC when I trigger it (tonight?) just in case the author's description of how it feels to be that age isn't complete enough to help me imagine it.

Looking forward to seeing how it feels :)

[quote=Damarus] When you are triggered, you will be in the body and mind of a 9 year old. You will have a coin near by, You will toss the coin 7 times.

If it is heads, you will age one year, if it's tails, you will regress 1 year.

Whatever you are after the 7 coins is what age mindset you will remain for an hour and do what you like, where you will revert after the time is finished.

Forget this email other than the lasting impression that you will need a coin the next time you are triggered.[/quote]
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Postby demigraff » June 27th, 2013, 8:18 am

On sunday, I'm going to an ageplay party. Now, most of the people there won't be into hypnosis, but I think if I get some suitable suggestions, I should be able to have some fun :) I'm going to share the email with people there, anyway. So my ideal would be to have some behaviour triggers that other people can use easily if they want to tease, or something that might get triggered by accident. Along with, of course, something to say how old I'll be, and some description of mood or outlook.

I suggested that making me 5 probably wouldn't be good, because the "little sister" trigger wouldn't fit in too well. I also mentioned the "when you are 3" trigger for falling asleep, but said it should be OK to be 3, because that's unlikely to be triggered anyway.

Here's the email I got. I get the impression its longer than most, but I also feel like there's something missing. Can anyone help me explain why?

>  you slip into relaxation just from thinking about it
>  it feels so good and is so natural
>  you can remember the feeling so easy
>  and your unconscious
>  just takes you there without thought
>  as your mind begins to relax and open
>  and you notice your eyes are open as you gaze at the screen without thought
>  and you notice your face gently softens so warm without thought
>  and then your lips gently open as
>  your unconscious
>  breathes so slow and deep without thought
>  and your heart beats slow and regular without thought
>  and you notice your mind is so clear and so relaxed which is
>  so easy
>  as you feel yourself being seduced into the swirling pleasure
>  and you sink more and more
>  into the pleasure of deep relaxation
>  and you wonder if you should try and resist because
>  it feels so very good
>  and you know your mind is being taken as
>  you are less and less able to think
>  and you try and remember why you try to resist the deep pleasure
>  and of course you can't remember
>  and you can't remember the future of course
>  and the now is just a moment of the future passing into the past so
>  there is nothing to remember and that is
>  so easu
>  so good
>  so deep
>  and all resistance disappears as the swirling pleasure fills your mind
>  more and more
>  as you sink deeper and deeper
>  and it feels so good to be so relaxed
>  the few moments you need to refresh your mind
>  so easy
>  so good
>  so deep
>  and I don't know how deep you will go in trance because
>  that is for
>  your unconscious
>  to know
>  but I know your unconscious
>  will take you as deep as you desire because
>  it feels so very good as
>  you sink in the swirling pleasure
>  and you know you are good
>  and you feel so very good
>  and you know your mind is powerful beyond what you know and
>  you are more and more able to use that power the deeper you trance
>  and you feel Me help you into your chair
>  and you sink into the soft smooth warm cushions
>  the soft smooth warm secure old leather of the chair
>  and you notice it feels so good that you sink deeper and deeper
>  and now you notice a mirror on the wall in front of you
>  and you see yourself and
>  your face is in a gentle soft warm smile
>  as you breathe so slow and deepe
>  and your eyes are open and gazing softly as you nod in pleasure
>  and you see yourself now younger
>  the mirror shows you younger and younger
>  and you feel yourself sinking into the chair as you are a little smaller
>  and now you are only 10 and so happy
>  and you watch as you gradually become younger and younger
>  and now you see Me scoop you up and sit with you in My lap
>  so warm and cuddly
>  and you feel my warm and loving arms
>  as you are smaller and smaller fitting just into My arms
>  and you giggle and gurgle with happiness
>  and I rock you gently as I look deep into your eyes
>  so loving and so warm and so gentle
>  and you feel your baby mind so happy and so secure and no thoughts
>  just feelings, feelings of being so loved and so secure
>  and so warm
>  and you see Me check your diaper
>  and I notice it is a little wet so I pick you up and gently holding you
>  we go to the changing table and
>  I lay you on your back as you giggle and laugh
>  I kiss your stomach and make a smooching sound that makes you giggle more
>  and now I gently undo the nappy and
>  then I gently clean your bottom and use a little powder that smells so nice to dry you
>  and I find a nice new dry diaper
>  and now holding you up gently I put on the new nappy
>  and it feels so clean and fresh
>  and you see my love as I pick you up again
>  and we sit back in the chair and I rock you gently
>  and you see yourself gurlgling and so happy
>  so warm and so secure and so good
>  locking deep in your eyes with caring love
>  and now it is time for your party
>  we put on a beautiful little dress
>  and you see yourself in a mirror
>  and see you happy smile
>  and then we go to the party
>  and you know that if someone dares you to wet your diaper then
>  you will do it to prove you have no control
>  wetting feels incredibly relaxing and makes you fall asleep  
>  and now you can awaken
>  so refreshed
>  so good
>  almost there
>  now totally awake and so good
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naughty girl hehe

Postby werepuppy » July 2nd, 2013, 9:05 am

Hi i not been around a bit but I got an idea if your still going to that party thing. For any body else whose being little in RL too. May be you can put it together like a good email.

you know good little girls feel good. So your 8 but any time some body calls you good girl or says your cute you get a bit more little until your only 2.

you know naughty girls who pee their panties get their bottom smacked. So if you get smacked it makes you feel more little and also you need to pee twice as much with every smack.

if some body calls you a naughty girl or says you need punished then you remember that a smack bottom will make you wet your self like a little girl. You really dont want that and youll do anything to stop it cos your a big girl but before you remember its going to happen its all ready too late to stop it so all you can do is say sorry or try to run away before you get spanked.

I think most age play people are a bit naughty and talk about grownup things and bdsm stuff too. That all goes over your head and you dont think about it you just know its grown up talk and you dont need to know. That makes you feel even more little. But if you see some body else get their bottom spanked you feel a little bit excited and jealous tho you dont know why. Every time another little girl or boy gets a smack you feel like you want to be smacked too and you feel more naughty and want it more and more until some body says you need to b punished then you rember what will happen and why you dont want it.

before you going to be little with other people you make a card with these suggestions on. If any body asks how old you are you give them a card as well as answer. You cant read it tho and trying just reminds you your a sweet little girl who dont know how to read grown up words yet. May be you put pictures on the card to color in but if you try to read the card you wont know what it says and it will just make you feel more and more little.
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Postby demigraff » July 2nd, 2013, 12:20 pm

Sounds like fun :)

Unfortunately, the littles event was on sunday (I'll write up a report about it soon, if anyone asks).
Hopefully someone will remember this when the next event comes up at Hallowe'en :) I do like those suggestions. Someonje on the chatroom mentioned tickling as a trigger, too ... I'd like to try that one too (as much as I hate being tickled in adult mode)
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Postby juanf » August 7th, 2013, 2:41 pm

demigraff wrote:Sounds like fun :)

Unfortunately, the littles event was on sunday (I'll write up a report about it soon, if anyone asks

No updates? >.<
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