Moderator: EMG
outkast1728 wrote:Yo butch, can u help me be like you? Two minds in one body?
skype me, sk8rboi1728
bbchain wrote:Shiiit hell yeah bruh. Knew y'all could do it. Proud of ya.
bbchain wrote:I feel ya bro. Josh got real sick so its been a gross few weeks without the gym. Im so fucking hungry to work out bro. Feels like i haven't come out in ages. Gotta whip this body into shape. Been in limbo for too god damn long.
bbchain wrote:Shit, that's the goal bruh hell yeah. we're workin it out. The fog is liftin slowly. what program you on bro?
CyrilMtl wrote:Interesting stuff, keep us inform of your progress.
I am not ready to have another me in my head, enough trouble with myself in my head.
outkast1728 wrote:Hey out there to all you new Lil bros, Dean here, been talking with butch and I found out I'm actually the oldest here, so even he's my baby bro...
StrayHusky wrote:Eh... No results after 2 days, but I'm still trying. I... Seem to drop a bit on hearing rain, but no biggie. I don't really know what I'm doing to be quite honest, I'm just hoping that this works.
StrayHusky wrote:Eh... No results after 2 days, but I'm still trying. I... Seem to drop a bit on hearing rain, but no biggie. I don't really know what I'm doing to be quite honest, I'm just hoping that this works.
outkast1728 wrote:DUDES I got a gnarly idea, what if all us bros took side by side pics of ourselves and our geeky other selves so everyone can see how different we are from our other selves?
5HA99Y wrote:jack i have listen to the file twice now i have sent you a pm about you asking but i forgot i had listen to it one before i havent had success yet but i did kinda feel like my body relaxed bit while listening to it ill have to keep on rying
sfhole2stretch wrote:Hey Butch!
Nice you got some time to yourself. I'm still putting up with this in the shadows shit. My dude is constantly watching and never really lets me fully drive. Even right now he's bitchin in the background cuz I'm venting about his anal uptight ass. I love the dude but sometimes he needs to just back the fuck off.
We have good talks and he knows I'm not going anywhere and I love him. We are in stuck in here together. I wish he'd just fucking trust me.
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