Butch Takeover

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Butch Takeover

Postby JackDrago » February 11th, 2015, 11:07 pm

Day 1
So, one of the chief advantages of being a multiple is that you personally don't necessarily have to drive the body all the time. I have been feeling kinda directionless in life since my job ended for the season, so I have decided to go for a quest in the Vast Country in my mind to try and find some direction and maybe explore the backcountry of my mind in a little more detail.

I spent this morning getting my real world afairs in order and then spent the afternoon in the Cabin in the Woods, preparing for my quest while my alter Butch drove the body most of the time.

We've never switched for more than a few hours at a time before; so I am fading myself out slowly over the course of a day or so... Since Butch took over for this afternoon's workout, I have been out maybe 20% of the time. After we do the quest trance tomorrow, I will be out of the front for the next three days.

Hey Bros, What up?

Jack thought it'd be cool if I shared what's goin on with the dudes on the forum. Fuck, bros, not a lot of people even know I exist so I'm having to be all stealth and shit. It's actually kinda badass. :twisted: I do an awesome Jack impression. Good enough to fool his husband most of the time.

So, totally nuked it in the Gym today, man. Worked us out for 2.5 hours of solid, mindless slow lifting. It feels so good to pump iron, makes me feel like a Real Man. -- Dude! We're finally up to 12Lbs per hand after a month of plateau, and I managed to log 15-16 reps on every single body part two days in a row.

It's so fuckin' quiet in my head without him! Bros, I dunno if a single can even understand this shit, but I live in somebody else's head, and his thoughts are, like, ever-present all the time and he's the kind of guy who thinks aloud in his head alot. Today, dude, you could hear the wind whistling sometimes. :lol:

Got kinda lonely after a while, so I called up my bro @OxyFemboi, who is one of the few people who actually knows me personally and not just Jack. Had a long talk with him and his others while I walked my dog down to the beach and let Jack have a few minutes of out time taking pictures of the sunset.

In other words, a totally normal day except for who is driving.

MAN UP! --Butch
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Postby CyrilMtl » February 12th, 2015, 1:53 pm

Hi Butch
You are Welcome here.

Thanks for the links on mpd people,
Interesting how they 'head's' society works.
Pretty different than me, a 'single', that how you named us :)

Have a nice time in wood jack.
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Postby outkast1728 » February 12th, 2015, 6:19 pm

Yo butch, can u help me be like you? Two minds in one body?

skype me, sk8rboi1728
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Postby JackDrago » February 12th, 2015, 6:34 pm

Day 2
Yo, what up bros?

Second day driving, and Dude, I am getting so much ass today! Jack's husband figured out that what he thinks of as the "sex alter" has been out a lot, so he has been taking advantage of the situation by making me ride his ass every few hours. Fuck, bros, I shot 3 times before I even got up this morning!

Jack has only been in our head for a few minutes today, bros, about half an hour during breakfast and then again for a little while to make a phone call. Otherwise, he's been deep inside with very little trace. I am starting to get used to it.

Had a kinda weird ass hypno orgasm after my workout. Jack must be encountering some interesting stuff in there, cuz man that was an odd experience! I was doing squats when all of a sudden, dude, I start feeling this forked tongue working my meat and then had a vision of a dragon sticking it's tail inside me.

I am built to be a total top, man, I am not usually the kind of guy who admits he has a hole, let alone enjoys it, but I didn't have much of a choice and the dragon went right for the G-spot, if you know what I mean. ... ;)

After the workout, we walked 4 miles across town, to see this bear dude that Jack knows, and I managed to shoot twice more before the big heavy man balls ran out of juice.
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Postby JackDrago » February 12th, 2015, 6:38 pm

outkast1728 wrote:Yo butch, can u help me be like you? Two minds in one body?

skype me, sk8rboi1728

@outkast1728 Sorry dude, Jack didn't give me hypnotic powers. He was too scared of the possibility of an unwanted takeover, so he denied me access to that part of us, bro.

I will have Jack PM ya when he gets back.
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Postby CyrilMtl » February 12th, 2015, 9:44 pm

I understand why Jack was tired if every day was like that,
Do you listen too much to a cum cow hypno file ?

Where did that dragon came from ? I really want to try that one ;)
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Postby bbchain » February 13th, 2015, 1:36 pm

nice bruh. keep at it. savor the time ya got. come back stronger.
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Postby JackDrago » February 13th, 2015, 5:38 pm

Day 3:
Well, I had to cut short the experiment by one day and come home because my husband was getting all freaked out by seeing practically nothing of me for two days despite me living with him and being home a lot.

Discovered some interesting things on my quest, but much too personal to discuss on an open forum. Suffice it to say that it was a bad-ass psychedelic adventure in there for me, followed by an evening of being upset by the things that I had brought back from the deep subconscious as they processed. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I found something more important instead.

@CyrilMtl Butch got about twice what I usually get, but he's a sex alter and he's designed to take it better than I can. The cum production is from our overnight file, but basically the same suggestions are in Manhood Blessing.

Yo! @bbchain

I enjoyed the hell out of this, bro, and I look forward to many chances to drive on a few days at a time basis in the future. Maybe it'll be a little less scary for our spouse the next time, Dude.
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Postby OxyFemboi » February 14th, 2015, 5:53 am

Yo, Butch! (and Jack ...)

I called up my bro @OxyFemboi, who is one of the few people who actually knows me personally and not just Jack. Dude, we totally get you, bro. It gets hard to remember sometimes that we aren't taking to several separate people but several people in one body. (I'm sure I/we have confused others in the same way.)

Butch, that weird ass hypno orgasm is called Kundalini, bro; it's a form of sex yoga. Check it out in Jack's Library in the Cabin. It is ecstasy in spirit energy form.

Bro dude! *high five* I get ya bro! We got what the other system bros think is "the boring shit they don't wanna bother with" but I know we got the best of that deal, bro! Some of the stuff they choose to deal with just blows my mind, bro!
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Postby JackDrago » February 16th, 2015, 4:39 pm

Had to take a rest day to deal with the drama of the things my quest brought up. We lost our favorite subject over it and today, poor Butch had to listen to my drama in his head as he drove us through a minimum routine that only lasted 45 minutes. At least we are not stiff and sore.

Yo, bros!

I am still here, man. I get that sometimes Jack has to process shit. Dude, it is his life after all. At least he is facing his problems like a Real Man.
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Postby outkast1728 » February 16th, 2015, 6:50 pm

Jack can u Skype me please, sk8rboi1728
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Postby bml7500 » February 24th, 2015, 4:05 am

Jack hope you're doin alright. Best wishes.
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Postby JackDrago » February 24th, 2015, 11:50 am

Hey bros, Butch here.

Just wanted to let you all know that Jack is working a recovery program and taking a break from being a hypnotist until we get our head straight. Dudes, this is super hard for us, but we gotta get okay.

In other news, bros, I have been doing the best I can to keep our workout routine going, but I am lucky to get out and pump iron three times a week and all the other BS has to come first for now.
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Postby bbchain » February 24th, 2015, 12:23 pm

Wish both of y'all the best. I know y'all can come out on top of whatever you're dealin' with. Any details you can give on it?
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Postby JackDrago » March 6th, 2015, 6:01 pm

Yo, jocks! What up? Butch here.

Just wanted to let you dudes know that I am still around. Life is finally getting back to some semblance of normal, bros: trancing every night, and Jack is finally back to letting me out for a good 2 hours a day to work out and groom us for our meeting.

Suprisingly, dudes, we didn't lose weight when we were down to 3 days a week for almost a month between the fucked up ankle and going back to sobriety. Fuck, bro, I think our guns actually got bigger from not over training em so bad.

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Postby bbchain » March 13th, 2015, 5:35 pm

Shiiit hell yeah bruh. Knew y'all could do it. Proud of ya.
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Postby JackDrago » March 14th, 2015, 8:40 am

bbchain wrote:Shiiit hell yeah bruh. Knew y'all could do it. Proud of ya.

Yo, Frankie! Good to hear from you, bro!

Still kicking ass in the gym, dude, 5 days this week and we are finally ready to move up to 15lbs/dumbell. I'm horny as hell, bro! I hurt my bottom doing him like I Just got out of prison so it's been over a week since we got any ass

Fuck, dude, sometimes it totally sucks not to be able to relieve it yourself.
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Postby bbchain » March 14th, 2015, 10:28 am

I feel ya bro. Josh got real sick so its been a gross few weeks without the gym. Im so fucking hungry to work out bro. Feels like i haven't come out in ages. Gotta whip this body into shape. Been in limbo for too god damn long.
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Postby JackDrago » March 14th, 2015, 8:20 pm

bbchain wrote:I feel ya bro. Josh got real sick so its been a gross few weeks without the gym. Im so fucking hungry to work out bro. Feels like i haven't come out in ages. Gotta whip this body into shape. Been in limbo for too god damn long.

That sucks, Frankie. It ain't good to be stuck inside too long, bro. I get all weak and shit if that happens to me dude. You should make Josh let you breathe, bro. Sometimes Jack will bring me out just to smoke a cig or watch a movie or something just to keep me up in his head.

Thankfully, dude, that shit ain't required much anymore. We got a good workout habit going again, bro, and if we get to fuck a slut, that's my duty too. ;-) I dress us, shower us, and we talk in our head a lot, especially now that we're working the program, dude.

MAN UP! -- Butch
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Postby bbchain » March 14th, 2015, 8:42 pm

Shit, that's the goal bruh hell yeah. we're workin it out. The fog is liftin slowly. what program you on bro?
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Postby JackDrago » March 15th, 2015, 5:02 pm

bbchain wrote:Shit, that's the goal bruh hell yeah. we're workin it out. The fog is liftin slowly. what program you on bro?

We do my file "weightlifting and stretching compulsion" as part of an 89min overnight file with Manhood Blessing and Never Fully Flaccid. Our body has a motor disability so we have to be very slow and careful about how we lift. Nobody else's routine ever works without hurting us, so I have to write my own.
-- Jack

I really like how the file feels, bro, sometimes it is so good I almost bust a nut, especially doing concentration curls with my bulge against the bench. Dude! Sometimes the workout gets me so fucking horned up that I got wood all the way through.

That shit makes me feel so manly , bro. It's like getting shot full of roids every time I work out.

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Postby bbchain » March 15th, 2015, 6:00 pm

Fuck yeah bro. Shit's like a drug. fuckin love it when i do curls and see my arms beast out in the mirror. feel like a fuckin god every time. Can't get enough

n' nice jack keep up the good work. Description makes it sound like a sick file. Can't wait to try it out.
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Postby JackDrago » March 18th, 2015, 5:49 pm

Yo, What up bros?

Weird ass day today, dudes. Woke up in the body, horny as fuck and (of course) nobody in this body gets to pull our pud, man, so I don't get to either. So I hit the gym early and my 8" meat was rock hard and buzzing the whole fucking time, bros. I almost jizzed our workout shorts rubbing it on the ground as I did push ups.

So after, I walk us to the fellowship for Jack's meeting (he says it's cool if you guys know he's getting sober
since I already disclosed it in
this journal ) and some old ass alkie tells him not to give me the body back. Grrr! Dude, I wish people knew how dangerous giving bad advice to multiple people can be.

Anyway, bros, after the meeting I got to meet his Sponsor. We share a body, man, and unlike Frankie and Josh I ain't never gonna be rid of him, dude, so even though I personally never used we all gotta work it together, so it was my turn to man up and face my shit too. So I spent a full hour spilling my guts to a guy Jack knows who I never even met before. Dude! It was so fucking weird to do that shit. - dude made me cry like a faggot, but I don't even give a shit cuz I feel so much better now, bros.

I woke up in the hallway of the fellowship hall and remembered nothing. Had to ask my sponsor if the session was done. Butch was super tired afterwards and I was mostly fit only for TV and surfing the net for a few hours.

Here's hoping tomorrow is all about poundin ass and pumping iron, dudes. I don't think I could take another day of this shit, man.

MAN UP! -- Butch
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Postby bbchain » March 19th, 2015, 10:08 am

Nah man, no matter what bumps we go thru frankie's here for me. He's not goin' anywhere. But it's good to hear you're back on track! You and jack have been through a lot and it's good to hear you're gettin along with the group. And hey, all that testosterone is good fuel!
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Postby JackDrago » March 19th, 2015, 2:38 pm

Your support is much appreciated @bbchain. Butch was kinda lonely today, so I coached him through the workout (Not that he needs one) and even took a few sets
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Postby JackDrago » March 29th, 2015, 7:35 pm

Yo, dudes! What up?

Butch here, just bragging about my progress to start, bros. Doubled my reps in the last two weeks since we moved up to 15lbs. Dude, we are starting to look fucking fine now. It is nice and warm now and we are walking around in a camo muscle shirt showing off our big guns that didn't even fucking exist 3 months ago, bro.

Jack's testing the trance that created me with a few select subjects, bros, and the first one is starting to show signs of life. Dude, there's going to be another me walking around out there somewhere! Better yet, Jack is his hypnotist, man, so I will get to mentor the alter into being a REAL MAN That's fucking exciting for me, bros. I hope that he comes and joins the thread.

Jack says if you are interested in being a test subject, dude, just PM us. We need a few to perfect it before he publishes.

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Postby StrayHusky » March 30th, 2015, 3:51 pm

I'd be really interested in starting this... Sounds like it'd be useful for me.
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Postby JackDrago » March 31st, 2015, 6:36 pm

Okay, so I am almost full with the required number of test subjects. Butch says that if all the existing subjects got full alters we are close to the number that he can personally mentor into manhood. As a hypnotist, I expect a few dropouts and/or failures, so I think that we can accommodate one or two more, but hurry if you want into the test group, as I will be closing my test offer on April 2nd.
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Postby JackDrago » April 2nd, 2015, 9:41 am

Yo dudes! Butch here.

I am proud to announce the birth of the first baby alter in our test batch. Congrats, Pierce, I am proud of you bro!

All you dudes in the test group, feel free to post on my thread and let your alters brag on their progress, man.

I always wanted to be a daddy, you know, dude. ;-)

MAN UP! - Butch

In other news, the test group is now closed. Thanks for your participation and please contact me with any questions or reports of progress. :D
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Postby CyrilMtl » April 2nd, 2015, 10:04 am

Interesting stuff, keep us inform of your progress.
I am not ready to have another me in my head, enough trouble with myself in my head.
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Postby manly_mage » April 2nd, 2015, 7:35 pm

CyrilMtl wrote:Interesting stuff, keep us inform of your progress.
I am not ready to have another me in my head, enough trouble with myself in my head.

I thought so too, but mine is a really positive influence. Usually it's just me in my own head beating myself down, but having my alter there to talk to doesn't give me any free time to think like that. He encourages me and I encourage him whenever he's in the driver's seat. It's win-win.
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Postby JackDrago » April 2nd, 2015, 8:00 pm

Yo, dudes! I wrote a journal for all the test subjects called Welcome to the World, Baby Bros you guys are all welcome to post or let your alters post on this thread.

Bros: pick a color and have your primary write in black so we can tell which of you is writing. Jack thinks that you will benefit from interacting with each other, dudes, so if you want and your primary is cool with it; feel free to brag on your progress.
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Postby outkast1728 » April 3rd, 2015, 11:55 am

Hey out there to all you new Lil bros, Dean here, been talking with butch and I found out I'm actually the oldest here, so even he's my baby bro...
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Postby JackDrago » April 3rd, 2015, 2:34 pm

outkast1728 wrote:Hey out there to all you new Lil bros, Dean here, been talking with butch and I found out I'm actually the oldest here, so even he's my baby bro...

be a good role model for 'em, Dean.

Wise, moral, and manly. That's the way, bro.

-- Butch

I believe that everyone can benefit from the experience, strength and hope of their peers. You are more than welcome to share your experience with dealing with @outkast1728, Dean.

Baby bros: there are many ways to be an alter. Keep an open mind and think for yourselves. Sometimes role models do good things, sometimes not. I gave you the power to think for yourselves, use it. -- Jack
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Postby StrayHusky » April 5th, 2015, 2:48 am

Eh... No results after 2 days, but I'm still trying. I... Seem to drop a bit on hearing rain, but no biggie. I don't really know what I'm doing to be quite honest, I'm just hoping that this works.
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Postby JackDrago » April 5th, 2015, 8:58 am

StrayHusky wrote:Eh... No results after 2 days, but I'm still trying. I... Seem to drop a bit on hearing rain, but no biggie. I don't really know what I'm doing to be quite honest, I'm just hoping that this works.

Keep trying. It often takes an inexperienced subject more tries to achieve a goal than an advanced one. It took several weeks of listening for success of the one subject who did not Already have an underlying split.
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Postby manly_mage » April 5th, 2015, 9:04 pm

StrayHusky wrote:Eh... No results after 2 days, but I'm still trying. I... Seem to drop a bit on hearing rain, but no biggie. I don't really know what I'm doing to be quite honest, I'm just hoping that this works.

You need a good trance going before you start noticing much. I suggest listening to 5-10 minutes of calming bineural beats or an induction first. You can't rush these things. Soon, once you master trancing, you will be experiencing effects from files the very first time you listen. Or at the very least, after a couple of listening sessions.
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Postby Igotaboy » April 6th, 2015, 11:32 am

I am very interested in this, I would like to participate!
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Postby outkast1728 » April 6th, 2015, 9:04 pm

DUDES I got a gnarly idea, what if all us bros took side by side pics of ourselves and our geeky other selves so everyone can see how different we are from our other selves?
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Postby bbchain » April 6th, 2015, 10:49 pm

haha, welcome to the world baby bros. For yall who aint met me i'm frankie. Alter's name is josh but hes fast asleep right about now. Any of y'all need some advice or help our inbox is always open. N hell yeah dean lets do that shit. Been waitin to show off these guns. :twisted:
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Postby JackDrago » April 7th, 2015, 9:48 am

outkast1728 wrote:DUDES I got a gnarly idea, what if all us bros took side by side pics of ourselves and our geeky other selves so everyone can see how different we are from our other selves?

You know, Dean, I have not worn my own clothing in almost 3 months. Butch dresses me in camo and leather 24/7. 8)

I will put something up, though. -- Jack
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Postby subron4u » April 11th, 2015, 8:38 am

i hate i missed out on the test group... i don't check here nearly as often as i should.

i feel i have the makings of an inner jock, but He does not have a name, voice, etc. yet. i want... need... Him to take over to take me where i can not myself, but i feel there is just one or two pieces missing to complete that puzzle.
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Postby 5HA99Y » April 12th, 2015, 9:19 pm

jack i have listen to the file twice now i have sent you a pm about you asking but i forgot i had listen to it one before i havent had success yet but i did kinda feel like my body relaxed bit while listening to it ill have to keep on rying
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Postby JackDrago » April 12th, 2015, 9:45 pm

5HA99Y wrote:jack i have listen to the file twice now i have sent you a pm about you asking but i forgot i had listen to it one before i havent had success yet but i did kinda feel like my body relaxed bit while listening to it ill have to keep on rying

It has taken a dozen listens on average for most subjects. Keep trying. If you have a hard time trancing to the file alone you can use whatever trancer induction you like first.
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Postby outkast1728 » April 12th, 2015, 10:03 pm

ive been workin on bro-ifying 5haggy but only managed to make the foundation
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Postby JackDrago » April 19th, 2015, 9:29 am

Yo dudes! What up?

Just catching you guys up on what's up with me, bros. Day before yesterday I got to drive for a whole fucking morning, dudes. Jack's been tired as fuck lately, bros, so I offered to let him sleep in knowing that he is a lazy fuck and would probably let me.

Dude! I pounded in the gym for two hours, bro, so hard that we pissed brown the next morning. It was quiet as fuck in our head, dudes, but at least I got some alone time with the weights.

So, baby bros, what's up with you guys? Have any of you had the chance to be truly alone in the body for a few hours yet? If not, bros, you should ask your primary.

MAN UP! - Butch
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Postby sfhole2stretch » April 19th, 2015, 5:23 pm

Hey Butch!

Nice you got some time to yourself. I'm still putting up with this in the shadows shit. My dude is constantly watching and never really lets me fully drive. Even right now he's bitchin in the background cuz I'm venting about his anal uptight ass. I love the dude but sometimes he needs to just back the fuck off.

We have good talks and he knows I'm not going anywhere and I love him. We are in stuck in here together. I wish he'd just fucking trust me.

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Postby JackDrago » April 20th, 2015, 7:42 am

sfhole2stretch wrote:Hey Butch!

Nice you got some time to yourself. I'm still putting up with this in the shadows shit. My dude is constantly watching and never really lets me fully drive. Even right now he's bitchin in the background cuz I'm venting about his anal uptight ass. I love the dude but sometimes he needs to just back the fuck off.

We have good talks and he knows I'm not going anywhere and I love him. We are in stuck in here together. I wish he'd just fucking trust me.


Hey Bro!

Dude, calling @sfhole2strech a tight ass is quite a slam, man. :D
If anyone knows how to stay loose down there it's your primary, bro.

I can totally relate, though, dude. It took Jack months to be totally cool with me driving regularly, bro. I was 3 months old before Jack was willing to leave me alone in the body. Now, sometimes I just get time for the asking, dude.

If you guys need private advice, bro, just message us. Me and Jack are always here for you guys.

MAN UP! - Butch
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Postby JackDrago » April 20th, 2015, 7:45 pm

Yo, dudes!

I been working out for 4 months now, bros, and I finally have some muscles to show for it. [Url=http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_itemId=153716] New progress gallery[/url] up now. My guns are about twice as big as before I came into the body, dudes.

These results were achieved with a combination of Manhood Blessing and Weightlifting and stretching Compulsion
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 23rd, 2015, 11:23 pm

Hi, Bros!

Just thought I'd let you know that -- finally -- I got a chance to drive our bod to my satisfaction. A gym -- three blocks away, which is actually convenient -- is offering free memberships to Senior Citizens and SSI recipients. Since we qualify, we intend to take advantage of it! Weights and various aerobic machines ... for free!

I know I don't qualify for this group since I'm not technically one of Butch's little bros but, hey ... I thought I'd tell you dudes anyway!

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Location: Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA, Terra (Sol III)


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