JackStock's Muscle Growth (NWN) and Grow Taller

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JackStock's Muscle Growth (NWN) and Grow Taller

Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 7th, 2015, 8:31 am

Hi there viewer!

I am embarking on a long-term project to explore the effects of the two files as well as their strength on me to physically change me.

For the record, I am 5' 7 and weigh 90kg, been out of shape pretty much all of my life and now want to do something about it. I am trancing to Grow Taller every morning and Muscle growth before bed.

The idea of both these files combined are to promote rapid and permanently huge muscles as well as bone/penis/testicle growth over time.

I will be reporting every Friday evening with updates and descriptive photo comparisons (may put photos up if I feel confident enough.)

Day 0 was yesterday and I can say that both these files are extremely well-written and voiced, great to trance to whilst potentially getting massive health benefits at the same time.

Until Friday folks. :)
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 7th, 2015, 11:07 pm

who did the files im think i might try it too and good luck
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 8th, 2015, 8:15 am

@5HA99Y JackStock is the person to get hold of. Thanks for the encouragement; files are already working well. I would think twice about the growTaller file if you are looking to shrink in height; I already feel taller..

Muscles definitely feel larger and it's also starting to eat into my stomach fat (most likely to get the abs out) Arms have benefited the most so far and will start an album on Friday to document the changes and update it 2-3 times a week.

Now if you'll excuse me, back to trancing. :)
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Postby KIY » November 8th, 2015, 2:08 pm

Just a couple questions:

Is there a web site or email address to contact for these files? I've been living in poverty for quite a while now and am behind on my technology, so don't know how to work with: @5HA99Y JackStock

How old are you? I'm curious because age can make a real difference.

Good luck with it!
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 8th, 2015, 2:29 pm

KIY wrote:Just a couple questions:

Is there a web site or email address to contact for these files? I've been living in poverty for quite a while now and am behind on my technology, so don't know how to work with: @5HA99Y JackStock

How old are you? I'm curious because age can make a real difference.

Good luck with it!

i just use the pm system on here and im not sure if you are asking the poster his age or both of us ( im 25 ) but i like to do either shrink or grow taller if i can get help or success on either one and the muscle one i really like to try out since im trying to build muscle and looking more buff but so far im eating better and healthier to a point ( my family makes it hard to do this but im doing it ) and im working out about 5 days out of the week
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 8th, 2015, 3:07 pm

I contacted the 'tist via the DM system, I'm 20 and trying to eat healthily on a student budget is not easy..

I am running control variables by abstaining from the gym during the hypnosis trial period to validate the claims made; so far, major improvements in the arms and legs; belly is shrinking and skin is constantly tingling/vibrating! Will put some photos up tomorrow if I have enough time after lectures.
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Postby Jackstock » November 9th, 2015, 8:37 pm

Great feedback, I am very flattered by the multiple responses I've been getting.

Anyway, send me a message if you want the files. I will email them.
(send me your email)
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 10th, 2015, 5:10 am

I will be putting up photos tonight on the progress I am making with this file (forgot to take before photos prior to starting the the session) but it's fair to say that I had next-to-zero muscles before starting the session. As you'll see from the photos, that has changed significantly.

Even as I write this, I can feel them grow bigger and harder. Seems that the suggestions implanted from the session really have taken hold in me. Now to wait for the rest of the body to catch-up (not that it will take very long given the growth I have seen in a mere 4 days..)

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Postby 5HA99Y » November 10th, 2015, 5:05 pm

Im starting this tonight after i get home i tried to listen to one of the file but got disturbed but while listening to the one file my legs felt kinda like they were tingling a bit i keep you posted on the file and let you all know i felt after the first listen

update i listen to both files body felt relax i think i zoned out somewhere one one of the files but not sure which one and i did felt like my body was expanding/inflating so i hope to feel more and see success soon
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Postby KIY » November 12th, 2015, 12:23 am

4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote:I contacted the 'tist via the DM system, I'm 20 and trying to eat healthily on a student budget is not easy..

I am running control variables by abstaining from the gym during the hypnosis trial period to validate the claims made; so far, major improvements in the arms and legs; belly is shrinking and skin is constantly tingling/vibrating! Will put some photos up tomorrow if I have enough time after lectures.

I've been in a real financial mess for a few years and wasn't particularly in touch before then. What is the DM system? I was kind of hoping to go somewhere to read about the files and maybe download them.

Sometimes people have a natural growth spurt in their early twenties, or so I have been told. (I don't recall having one, but people have told me they had one-- or that it isn't uncommon.) I think age may have something to do with the likelihood of results.

Good luck.
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Postby Linds » November 12th, 2015, 12:57 am

I'm wondering, how the muscle file works - during trance do you choose which muscles do you want to grow or file is just designed for all of them? I'm in the situation, that I need to improve only muscles in my arms, shoulders and chest.
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 12th, 2015, 2:11 am

It works by growing all the muscle groups, and then keeps them growing constantly.

Hope you take it on; the more people commenting, the better. :) I'll be posting updates tomorrow.
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 13th, 2015, 11:28 am

KIY wrote:
4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote:I contacted the 'tist via the DM system, I'm 20 and trying to eat healthily on a student budget is not easy..

I am running control variables by abstaining from the gym during the hypnosis trial period to validate the claims made; so far, major improvements in the arms and legs; belly is shrinking and skin is constantly tingling/vibrating! Will put some photos up tomorrow if I have enough time after lectures.

I've been in a real financial mess for a few years and wasn't particularly in touch before then. What is the DM system? I was kind of hoping to go somewhere to read about the files and maybe download them.

Sometimes people have a natural growth spurt in their early twenties, or so I have been told. (I don't recall having one, but people have told me they had one-- or that it isn't uncommon.) I think age may have something to do with the likelihood of results.

Good luck.

The human body is supposed to finish up puberty around 21, but I was early to develop and haven't seen any noticeable improvements for a year and a half now. That is, until I found these files!!

Won't be putting up any photos until Wednesday now, going to focus on growing them more now and maybe look at starting to kill off the belly/thigh fat to get the hidden muscles to show themselves to the world.. ;)

Thanks for the encouragement; will just have to keep going with this! Good motivation here.. If anyone else is starting, would love to hear how you are getting on. :)
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Postby Linds » November 13th, 2015, 4:28 pm

4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote:It works by growing all the muscle groups, and then keeps them growing constantly.

Hope you take it on; the more people commenting, the better. :) I'll be posting updates tomorrow.

So this isn't the file for me... I'm satisfied with my legs and I don't need to improve them. I need chest, shoulders, arms and maybe stomach :P
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Postby Jackstock » November 13th, 2015, 10:31 pm

Linds wrote:
4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote:It works by growing all the muscle groups, and then keeps them growing constantly.

Hope you take it on; the more people commenting, the better. :) I'll be posting updates tomorrow.

So this isn't the file for me... I'm satisfied with my legs and I don't need to improve them. I need chest, shoulders, arms and maybe stomach :P

It will still work. You still subconciously grow the muscles that you want :)
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Postby outkast1728 » November 14th, 2015, 12:21 am

Can you email it to me jackstock, outkast1728@gmail.com
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Postby Linds » November 14th, 2015, 12:57 pm

Jackstock wrote:
Linds wrote:
4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote:It works by growing all the muscle groups, and then keeps them growing constantly.

Hope you take it on; the more people commenting, the better. :) I'll be posting updates tomorrow.

So this isn't the file for me... I'm satisfied with my legs and I don't need to improve them. I need chest, shoulders, arms and maybe stomach :P

It will still work. You still subconciously grow the muscles that you want :)

So finally, can I listen to this safely, without worrying that I will get well, but not-proportionally muscled?
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 14th, 2015, 6:06 pm

Jack stock has released another file!

Slight submissive twist to this one, but only to grow the muscles bigger and faster! Hoping to receive it within the next few days, but looks promising already. :)
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 14th, 2015, 6:31 pm

i like to hear this new one too it sounds awesome

day four i still feel tingly/expanding kinda of feeling so im thinking it working on me and im excited to see if i grewwent up in weight at the gym today ill be doing legsabs and im excted to try out the new file

this the most recent one of me i dont have any new one yet this is from 10/16/15 almost a month ago but ill try to remember to get a newer one tonight
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 15th, 2015, 5:10 pm

I'll be joining the gym when I go back from uni; will see what I'm able to lift etc. and start shifting the belly fat..

Muscles definitely have grown a fair bit in size since my last post, will be putting up new photos on Wednesday for comparison (arms only) and this new file is GOLD!! not feeling them grow all the time but that's the point.. they grow constantly now and that is a good feeling to have! Let's hope it all comes good in the end. :)
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Postby outkast1728 » November 15th, 2015, 6:42 pm

Which gallery is it in
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 15th, 2015, 9:38 pm

well i think it working i went up in weights thought not sure if it just working out or the files i think it the files because i dont think i would have went up 55-75lbs on squats and 20-40lbs on theleg machines in 6 days ( i was on vacation thursday-saturday and just started back going to the gym today) i was squating 295lbs and today i squatted 370lbs 6 sets of 10 rep and 4 sets of the other weight machines

oh i lost about 1lbs from when i started i was at 215lbs today im down to 214 i feelng like im seeing results cant wait to see more proof
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Postby KIY » November 18th, 2015, 1:07 am

I tried PMing Jackstock my email address. Unless I missed it, I haven't heard anything. It is still a bit early since not everyone visits this site every day or don't have a lot of time if they do.
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Postby Jackstock » November 18th, 2015, 10:48 am

Check your junk folder, kiy
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 18th, 2015, 2:20 pm

Ok I forgot to listen to the files for two days but start back today I just listened to the grow giant one when I got up and I felt like my legs are in pain like growth pain but it didn't hurt as bad tonight I'll listen to the muscle files and I did felt like my back abs was expanding and pulling in kinda of feeling
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Postby KIY » November 18th, 2015, 9:19 pm

Jackstock wrote:Check your junk folder, kiy

I'll have to look through my in-box-- I get so much junk I might have missed it.

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Postby Jackstock » November 18th, 2015, 11:11 pm

very interesting effects, Shaggy. Great trancing!
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 19th, 2015, 8:00 am

haven't been able to listen for a couple of days thanks to uni coursework deadlines, will be back to my routine tonight with any luck. Still been feeling the growth anyway.

Need more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more..... (I could go forever..)

Will put up more photos of progress on Friday evening (GMT) assuming all goes well.

Peace people. :)
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 19th, 2015, 7:23 pm

Jackstock wrote:very interesting effects, Shaggy. Great trancing!

yeah it was though it only lasted during the trance and a tiny bit after but after the trance it wasnt as painful as it was in the trance
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 20th, 2015, 4:06 pm

Okay this one is a little overdue thanks to heavy commitments...

Muscles definitely are getting bigger and bigger and show no signs of slowing down! Now when I flex my arms, they meet muscle straight away without any give! Legs are definitely stronger as I can make inclines that I couldn't do before and shoulders are aching from pretty heavy (20-25kg on each arm) shopping!

I have also started jackstock's penis growth file and already see some growth! Hoping for a full 10 inches and be huge! 3.35 inches short atm..

Will post photos on Wednesday as I have a packed weekend and first-half of next week ahead, so until next time folks...
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 20th, 2015, 10:05 pm

ok i thought i put down all that i can with what my body felt while listening to jackstocks file this may be long

muscle growth and grow gaint

body as a whole - felt like it went numb not alot but enough where my body and breathing went slow and deep breathing and i felt like whtiny lil hammers were hitting every inch of my body and muscles
my feet felt like they were stretching and flattening and my body felt like it was expanding growing and i felt like liquids were filling me up and i felt vibration though not strong just enought to notice it
and my calfs felt like i was having growning pains it hurt but not enough to get me out of trance or make me move

penis growth

i felt like my penis was tinglying and expanding but not like the normal expanding just felt like that but it mostly felt tingly i havent notice anything in size yet

ill add more when i can
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 21st, 2015, 3:31 am

Thank you, Jack!

I've been listening to the Muscle Growth file for a few days. I've also enhanced its effects by using the Enchanted Keyboard file to have the suggestions take effect more rapidly with a little creative writing.

My gods! I actually have ... abs!

Yes, yes, I know, technically every human comes equipped with their own set. However, I have never seen my abs clearly defined -- hell, my abdominal muscles have never even been "defined" except in my dreams -- until I stared at the bathroom mirror tonight in disbelief. I'm well on my way to having as set of washboard abs ... something I literally never thought I'd see in this lifetime.

I can hardly wait to see what else will develop! A real chest? Dare I dream of ,,, an actual V-tapered upper body? *squeal*

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Postby Jackstock » November 21st, 2015, 8:42 am

Awesome results Oxyfemboi. You clearly know how to let my suggestions wash over you and let them in, giving you a gift.
How about some nice serratus (side muscles) and obliques.... those look great.
youre on an AWESOME path
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 21st, 2015, 9:01 pm

JackStock wrote
Awesome results Oxyfemboi. You clearly know how to let my suggestions wash over you and let them in, giving you a gift.
How about some nice serratus (side muscles) and obliques.... those look great.
you're on an AWESOME path

I know I'm on an awesome path, dude.

I've been told that I'm an great hypnotic subject. I've been trancing for years, decades, even.

Yeah. The last time I saw my serratus muscles, I showed my parents. Mom was worried, saying I was getting "concentration camp" thin. Telling her that they were muscles, not ribs, did not help; she was not convinced even when she pushed on one muscle and it gave. She proceeded to cook every fattening meal that she knew I liked for months on end. She was determined that I wouldn't "waste away". sigh

Serratus and obliques coming up, probably with a week or two.

I love squats and deadlifts but hate presses. My legs are as thick as oaks -- calves measured twenty-one inches (21") when I was doing 3x100s on the standing calf raise. (Nobody will believe the final weight I was lifting before the gym closed for good (they lost their lease), but I'll write it anyway: 320.00 lbs of 3x100 ... yes, three (3) sets of one hundred (100) reps); total weigh lifted was 96,000 pounds. Sitting calf raise was not nearly as impressive: "only" 225 lbs x 3x100. Leg day was insane, but I loved training legs. I was depressed for months when they lost their lease and closed for good. A supersized drugstore occupies the former gym site now.

I haven't trained for years and my calves are still eighteen inches (18") around and as hard as granite.

However, my upper body has always sucked ... till now.

Love the file's results!
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Postby Jackstock » November 22nd, 2015, 7:46 am

Holy crap Oxy, your legs are Sequoias!
Yes, I was confused by "3x100"
I have also read that calves need a lot of reps and that one-legged hops are the best exercise for growth.
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Postby KIY » November 22nd, 2015, 2:26 pm

KIY wrote:
Jackstock wrote:Check your junk folder, kiy

I'll have to look through my in-box-- I get so much junk I might have missed it.


I couldn't find the email: my junk folder had what appeared to be variants on the Nigerian Business Scam, I tried going back several days in my Inbox (or at least several pages, about 10 or 15). I may have deleted it without recognizing it, or my email service isn't letting it through to even my Junk-mailbox. (I am having a problem with that with re-establishing an account on another site-- for some reason emails aren't being exchanged.)
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 22nd, 2015, 4:51 pm

JackStock wrote
Holy crap Oxy, your legs are Sequoias!
Yes, I was confused by "3x100"
I have also read that calves need a lot of reps and that one-legged hops are the best exercise for growth.

Yes, calves do need a lot of exercise.

My entire family believes that if a little is good, a lot is better. In other words, when I do something, it's safe to assume that I am going to be totally obsessed with it till I tire of it. I probably could have taught an anatomy course to medical students by the time the gym closed.

This type of exercise program -- it's called "Hundreds": three sets of one hundred reps done with complementary exercises for pairs of sets of muscles such as quads/hams or bis/tris -- was suggested by one of the exercise mags which was doing a series of articles on neglected concepts from years ago. I think the series was in IronMan magazine several decades ago. They were suggesting "Hundreds" for quads or biceps/triceps. I adapted their program, using my extensive knowledge of "pumping iron" for calves. I was using this calf program two or three times a week for a few months. I think I used this program for five or six months; I tossed a lot of old records I thought I'd never use again when I downsized from my former two-bedroom house to my current one-bedroom apartment.

One-legged hops may be the best calisthenic/body weight exercise for calves but machine standing calf raises (works the gastrocnemius; you need to keep the knee straight) combined with sitting calf raises (works the soleus; the knee must be bent ... no problem if you're sitting with your feet are on the ground) beats them all hollow. You absolutely need perfect form to do calf raises with the type of weight I was using.
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Postby Jackstock » November 22nd, 2015, 7:11 pm

interesting 100's program. Never heard of such a thing. Reminds me of German Volume Training.
And Oh yeah, Enchanted Keyboard works AWESOME with this stuff
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Postby ArcherT » November 22nd, 2015, 8:09 pm

So I just started listenin' this evenin' and was all like, I'll just be patient and stuff and hopefully I'll get results soon. My neck,traps, hands, biceps, wrists, and legs are kinda cramping lightly.

First yanno, I thought it was work pains cause my job is real repetitive and muscle intensive. Carpal tunnel, early arthritis, and other ailments pop up regularly. But then I remembered that I ain't had any muscle pains all weekend. On the week days sure, I gotta take a couple of aleve. Yesterday and today I haven't had to touch the stuff 'cept for a headache.

Listened to the file an hour ago I guess? Tried to tell my fiance about it after it ended and can't remember a darned thing. Been havin' those lil' cramps ever since. I was liein' on the bed while listenin' super comfy and what not, and now I feel like I've gone to the gym.

Gotta admit, I had a lotta fun, can't wain't to give it another listen.
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Postby MOD125 » November 23rd, 2015, 10:01 am

Ok I've listened to it two times yesterday and I would say that I look slightly more muscular than before but it could be my imagination, so I will see how it looks after some more time.
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Postby CuriousG81 » November 23rd, 2015, 10:25 am

Gave the muscle growth file a listen twice yesterday before bed.
First time, I could feel my calves cramping up. Felt like dehydration, muscle fatigue
Second time, not much cramping. Just more relaxed

Woke up this morning fatigued as all hell. Got a good 7 hours of rest in, wasn't overly active during the daytime. Nothing out of my normal exercise routine.

More results as the week progresses.
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » November 26th, 2015, 12:29 pm


These files are insane! Back is definitely stronger (able to carry 60kg without major effort), arms are bigger and legs are more powerful!

Best growth so far: my cock has gained 1.5cm in length and .5 in girth. Now stands at 19.5cm erect (bone pressed) and 16cm circumference. Erections are harder and more frequent and my cumshots are getting more powerful.

Jack can I ask a favour: you are the only hypnotist that I have been able to trust, would you be able to make a heavy cummer file to go alongside my growing phallus?

Will report again after the weekend now. Time to keep th growth up. :)
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 26th, 2015, 8:50 pm

i agree with the heavy cummer idea i like to see one too the files are the best ones i have seen i listen to them almost every day ( when i remember too that is )
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 27th, 2015, 6:50 pm

Hey Jack.

We're thoroughly enjoying what your muscle growth files are doing to our body. However, I can't remember any mention of the construction teams removing anything, such as fat, from the body. I want the construction teams removing my "spare tire" while they're adding a layer of muscle ... or did I miss something?
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Postby Jackstock » November 27th, 2015, 9:53 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:Hey Jack.

We're thoroughly enjoying what your muscle growth files are doing to our body. However, I can't remember any mention of the construction teams removing anything, such as fat, from the body. I want the construction teams removing my "spare tire" while they're adding a layer of muscle ... or did I miss something?

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Postby azza0XD » December 2nd, 2015, 5:46 pm

So I've been doing this for around a week so far, listening to both files on a playlist before/while I sleep (I tend to pass out easily.)

I also have been using a subliminal frequency looped at a low volume underneath the playlist, which can be found here if anybody wants to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isjBR_Bbhe4

If you want to loop it, just change youtube to listenonrepeat.

So far the results have been awesome. Can already see muscle gains, already feeling more fit. Probably going to start lifting in a week or so to try and speed up the process.
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » December 17th, 2015, 4:38 am

Hi there all.

Sorry for the lack of reporting recently, been rather preoccupied with studies and moving house.

Long story short, everything has grown except for one thing: fat. That appears to be rducing as my muscles keep growing! Jack one more idea for you: I am keen on shifting any and all excess fat. Could you build this into your next muscle growth file? Would benefit me and I suspect others a lot.

Will report again just before Xmas. :)
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 17th, 2015, 1:40 pm

4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG wrote
Hi there all.

Sorry for the lack of reporting recently, been rather preoccupied with studies and moving house.

Long story short, everything has grown except for one thing: fat. That appears to be reducing as my muscles keep growing! Jack one more idea for you: I am keen on shifting any and all excess fat. Could you build this into your next muscle growth file? Would benefit me and I suspect others a lot.

Will report again just before Xmas. :-)

I know the feeling. Things have been rather confused here as well.

My muscles seem to be growing as well, though my fat seems to be staying constant.

I also am keen on reducing total fat. I would appreciate it if there could be some suggestions for eliminating fat -- perhaps the fat could be used as fuel by the construction workers -- incorporated in the next 'Muscle Growth file as well.

By the way, 4N3XP(etc) ... I like the "an experimental being" username, though it's hard to come up with a nickname with all the numbers.
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Postby Jackstock » December 18th, 2015, 11:31 am

I am listening and noting; your requests are on the way.
Thanks for submitting to the growth (I know you cant help it tho)
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 18th, 2015, 3:19 pm

JackStock wrote
I am listening and noting; your requests are on the way.
Thanks for submitting to the growth (I know you cant help it tho)

When you incorporate fat burning, please make sure that visceral fat (the deep fat that surrounds the various organs) is included in the fat burning. Subcutaneous fat (the fat right under the skin which produces a "spare tire" , it is the fat measured by skin calipers) is more unsightly but less dangerous than visceral fat. More information can be found here: http://www.webmd.com/diet/the-truth-about-fat?page=1 The article is four screens long and is extremely informative.

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