Nope, not disappeared, still here and ready with a continuation review .....
I am definitely getting effects from these files now. I can no longer use the excuse of 'just playing along with the files', as things are definitely happening.
I am struggling with words during my everyday real life conversations, I am forgetting names, places and general information that used to come to me instantly. My conversation skills are certainly dumbing down to a more basic language. I think I mentioned before that my spelling is suffering too, I have to concentrate more when I am typing (and rely on auto correct to save me on a number of occasions). I played the Scrabble board game with friends the other day - well I used to be ok (not great, but ok) at this game, but when I played it, I came last with a patheticly low score - I just couldn't think of any decent words.
But, more importantly .........
The last three times I have gone through the playlist, when I come to almost the end where everything is locked down and the old self is being 'forgotten', I have had the strangest feeling going through my brain - almost like a panic attack, I wonder if this is this my 'original self' trying to fight for survival, whilst fading away? I don't know, but that is the best way to describe it, an identity panic attack.
I am definitely more obsessed with cocks - having bought a 7" flexible dildo to practice being an 'oral fuckhole' on.
This may sound silly (as I am a biological male) but when in trance, and I am told to 'Cum and collapse' I do feel a tingling explosion about half way into where my vagina would be (if I actually had one). There are three files that bring this feeling out the best in me - the fuckdoll fantasy, the milked and restrained and file 10 whereby Bambi is forcibly brought to orgasm by a fucking machine. Definitely some effects with these files.
I am certainly being changed. I am wearing stockings and panties when out in real life during the day (although I do not wear them when I am in work - well not at the moment at least - as if I got caught, I would instantly be fired). I have ordered more feminine clothing in the last three weeks than in the previous two years. When I come home from work, I instantly change into my panties and a satin nightdress (neon pink colour - naturally), wear them around the house and then when I go to bed). I even washed the clothing the other day and hung the garments on the washing line - not worrying that the neighbours may see it (I live alone, so female garments would be something people would question). I've recently bought a realistic doll mask for me to wear which looked fantastic when I tried it on, with my pink wig,
Also a few weeks ago, I ordered from ebay a pair of lockable 'Stripper short ankle booties with 12cm Heels, in pink patent leather. They arrived yesterday and look fantastic. But something happened when I put them on. I slid my foot inside and as I began to lace them up, I felt this incredible wave of euphoria and pleasure deep within myself (again, where my vagina would be, if I actually had one). It was something I have never felt before, and something I struggle to actually describe, it came over me in waves and lasted for a good few minutes. It felt INCREDIBLE!!!!!
I kept the boots on for a while, and was reluctant to take them off to be honest, however, real life always gets in the way, and I took them off eventually.
If this effect is that powerful with only putting on a new pair of booties, then I can only imagine what I will feel like if I put on my doll mask and wig, pvc maid outfit, silk panties, hold up stockings AND the boots. If the 'Uniform Lock' actually works, and the pleasure wave I felt increases in proportion to the amount of bimbo clothing I am wearing, then I may well stay dressed like that forever!
Real life hypnosis update - apparently his computer is broken and he's waiting for it to be fixed (sometime this week according to him), but he said he's not shocked by my requests - so I'm hoping for some progress in that direction soon.
.... things seem to be working!!!!!
