Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

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Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » September 2nd, 2017, 7:03 pm

Hi everyone! Before the servers crashed, we had a discussion going about the Bambi files. At the time, I didn't yet have a chance to listen to them. But in the last month, I've managed to get my own apartment and go all out on the files.

I find them to be one of the most powerful files I've ever encountered in the last 15 years of listening to feminization hypnosis. I transitioned to full time 13 years ago, but this file really turns on the bimbo airheadedness, sexy dressing, and craving for cock. In fact, I've had to back off from it, because I feel it's power taking hold of me. And I'm not entirely on board with going 100% all the way.

For those of you who are, check out the file! ... oning.html

Direct link to the download page: ... EtVE0/edit

Also, I recommend this great eraser file as an induction:
Mind Eraser Hypnosis:
When I did my first full 4 hour session with Bambi, I started with this, and it really preps you for the conditioning.

Once you go Bambi, you might never go back...
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Hicks » September 3rd, 2017, 5:05 am

Yeah. I'll vouch for them as well. Did a doozie on me after I went through a single two and a half hour session and was calling myself Bambi in the bathroom immidieatly afterward. I must have, uncharacteristically, spooked and deleted the files, but I've just downloaded them (and the second doll one for later) again and resolve to listen at least once a day for a month. I'm gonna try to take Bambi as a middle name, because I reeeely like and just got literally everybody to call me by my new first name: Dani.

With lubs,

Dani "Bambi" Hicks
Hugs and kisses from accross the internet! ~♡
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby ProfessorPig » September 4th, 2017, 7:47 pm

i have observed the bambi's quite a bit and played with quite a few of them. Bambi's do have quite a bit of fun, but for anyone thinking of listening you need to know that there are many suggestions in here that make this look like a female takeover file. thats not universally true for all listeners, but several have had it happen. i took the time to work out a rough transcript of the files. ... tions.html

these are very powerful files and should not be taken lightly
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby dbhypn0 » September 6th, 2017, 12:07 am

Thanks so much for getting out a transcript. However, 4shared is a pretty awful site for sharing files. Can you put it somewhere else? Pastebin, for example?
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby 14u » September 6th, 2017, 5:35 pm

As a word of caution, these files tie most of the effects to a new persona that takes over whenever you dress up in a specific outfit. All fine and well until, of course, the suggestions about never wanting to change your outfit come along and who needs a normal persona anyway - let's just mute, deafen, blind and lock him up. The á la carte aspect of these files is nice, i wish more people separated their content this way. It also allows you to skip parts that are particularly unhelpful for you, but some of the more problematic concepts appear in the general parts.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby ProfessorPig » September 6th, 2017, 10:47 pm

@dbhypno0 no, but you are welcome to.

@14u you left out the part where you cant take off your uniform and your normal day to day life is slowly growing more and more stressful so Bambi is your only outlet. the idea of skipping parts is problematic because the suggestions are not compartmentalized in their individual sections, most of the tracks have a "Bambi is taking over"/ "Bambi is erasing the old self" suggestion, its not just limited to track 8 (the bambi takeover track). that is a general problem/benefit is found throughout the series. you may be exposing yourself to suggestions early on that have yet to be defined, and so you are accepting them without truly knowing what they mean if you take it ala carte, so if you later see them defined it will be very hard to resist them.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby maliniak » September 7th, 2017, 9:24 am

Why on there is nothing about true nature of these files.
This is highly ethical questionable. It's hurting hypnosis community and people who are listening to this. Why no one is reacting. These files are like mental suicide and no one cares. More of that, everyone on Discord is encouraging to listen, it's like encouraging to commit suicide.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby ProfessorPig » September 7th, 2017, 8:22 pm

the files creator does not believe that it is a takeover file. the believe that whatever you believe will happen will happen (which is true to a degree, but should not be the first line of defense IMO)
one possible reason for their POV is that Bambi has a tendency to hide all the things that Bambi is doing, so they may be legitimately unaware of the true nature of the files, or they could legitimately interpret them another way.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby maliniak » September 8th, 2017, 7:09 am

Someone who wants takeover file to work is sick in the brain and need help from a doctor.
And it's not important whenever someone want this or not, believe in this or not, this is not how takeover works.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » September 13th, 2017, 7:49 pm

I'm not often one to suggest caution with hypnosis files. Having done so many for so many years and really had none take full permanent effect, it's clear that I can for the most part resist just about anything if I choose to. For me, the mental bondage is the key, and these days I go pretty deep with that to really get off, so maybe I'm nearing that "edgeplay" kind of zone on mental bondage and hypnosis. Not sure...

But I definitely agree with folks suggesting caution for this or any other takeover file. It can be very dangerous for certain minds to implant not just a takeover story, but basically a completely different personality. This can cause splitting and worse in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other conditions. It's not to be taken lightly as there are those whose lives these files could definitely ruin.

But for the rest of us, I kind of like the files... in moderation. This file really is quite powerful. I would do a full session again, but it's a Wednesday night, so I'm going to stay away from Bambi, which could have me awake until 2am... and I have work tomorrow (I'm a secretary).

But I am horny as fuck right now... I'll have to see what else I have tonight...
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby maliniak » September 14th, 2017, 9:44 am

Just be careful, please. And no matter what don't listen to combination 1,2,3,10.
This will literally ruin your career and your life.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby dabc » September 18th, 2017, 1:02 pm

New Bambi files were released this past weekend. ... ntasy.html

Bambi Fucktoy Fantasy
This is a set of fantasy transformation tracks intended as an add-on to the Bambi Fuckdoll Brainwash session. It contains no induction or awakener. Each track is a hypnotic fantasy experience designed to be used with the Bambi Fuckdoll Brainwash recordings as part of a playlist.

As part of this release, Bambi Fuckdoll Brainwash has been slightly remastered to match the audio levels on the new tracks for a better listening experience. If you have downloaded that session before, please download it again for the best possible results.

Track Listing

01 Blowup Pleasure Toy
Bambi is turned into a mindless and inflated blow-up sex doll. Her weightless plastic body is filled with air and extremely sensitive. Her purpose is to accept cock into her holes. She is used by multiple cocks and forced to cum over and over again as a lifeless blow-up toy.

02 Perfect Bimbo Maid
Bambi is trained to be completely obedient whenever she wears a maid uniform. She has perfect bimbo-maid posture and mindlessly awaits instructions. She is compelled to clean and tidy. Following instructions and performing her duties as a maid brings her incredible pleasure. Her will is overridden and she is forced to comply.

03 Restrained and Milked
Bambi's huge swelling titties are wonderfully engorged. She is placed in strict bondage, put to sleep, and milked. She is gagged and force-fed her own milk. She is turned into a dumb, docile cow. Her breasts and nipples are made hyper-sensitive. She slips into a state of brainless bimbo-cow bliss and is brought to orgasm in bondage.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby ForeverSlave16 » September 18th, 2017, 6:27 pm

It's actually kinda funny that this is the first thread I see when I come on here, I was going to make one of my own about these.

So far i've listened to the Bubble Induction (File 1) quite a few times over. I don't always have much time so I was just sort of "priming" myself that way, I guess. But the night...before last, I think? I don't fully recall, but it was recent, I listened to the Bubble Induction and Bubble Acceptance (1 & 2) together. The amnesia suggestions worked ridiculously well for the night and morning after, but now that i've had a day or two without listening I can sort of recall the experience. The strangest part of it for me was the dream that occurred the night of listening to both. It was mostly the average hodgepodge of nonsense that dreams usually are, aside from a very distinct sequence that I can remember vividly of a blonde woman basically "stunning" me (halting my ability to move and vocalize) and manipulating my body like I was on a set of strings.

I'm not able to download the transcription of the files that ProfessorPig posted, but for him or anyone who has, is there anything in the script that may be related to that experience? I've never had dreams connected to anything i've listened to in the past, so this would be a new one for me.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » September 18th, 2017, 7:56 pm

Hehehe, just finished a 3 hour session of the main part and WOW! So hard what to say. Wait lemme try somethin. Mmm, easier to type with a cock in my mouth. Loving my uniform... all the feelings an emtiness swirling my head... so grate

oops, for got to hit sumbit, hehe
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » September 18th, 2017, 8:43 pm

Wow... so yeah... That was about 3 hours of hypnosis, and another couple hours of coming out of it, even after I'd stopped listening. Well... I wanted to masturbate to get out of it, but needed some audio, and put the conditioning back on and... yeah. Loop de loop...

I'm out of it now, but WOW... that was fucking super deep. I'll need to take a super long break now from this, but it's really wonderful and arousing to go through the whole experience.

All the best to you,

(the previous post was obviously Bambi)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby spiraliz » September 26th, 2017, 11:10 pm

Thank you very much...everyone! Very excited, will reply with results. Amazed at the generosity.
Thank you again!

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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby eae » January 23rd, 2018, 5:21 pm

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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby vutall » August 23rd, 2018, 12:24 pm

Thanks for that. Any chance there is any of the addon series like fuckdoll brainwash or the Bambi Enforcement files?
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby daugo » August 30th, 2018, 10:38 pm

will have to analyze these files to see if they are a type of takeover file.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby customized » August 31st, 2018, 8:43 pm

daugo wrote:will have to analyze these files to see if they are a type of takeover file.

They totally are. As I said in another thread on the Success forum, I was listening and I woke up (still in a light trance but totally aware) when she said you won't be able to take off your uniform at ALL. I kind of panicked but still listened to the rest of the files. Yes, a bit later on she says you can get your uniform off while sucking soimething. But later, she's implenting a trigger that makes you NOT able to get it off under any circumstance and says you'll trigger yourself even when sucking. So 1+1=2.

And that's only one of the many suggestions that implies a take-over, There are lots of them, from your personality being trapped in a box and not being able to do anything while Bambi controls everything and wants to take control completely. Things like that.

That's why I quit listening to them, even if I liked the files. Too dangerous for me. Too bad, these a very well-made files. Just too evil for me.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby daugo » September 1st, 2018, 9:34 pm

After listening to some of the audio and reading the transcripts, I may have to declare this series as danger as or more so than curse female takeover.

Though it seems that the bambi files essentially railroad you into continuing to progress in the series. I imagine some can stop before getting too far in, but the insane amount of triggers can lead those who are susceptible to end up on a path of no return.
the fact that these are free, and now widely know, puts them at the top of my list of takeover files (by order of severity).
at least with CFT, and other self proclaimed takeover files that I have found, charge you for the loaded gun.

Whoever did these files is really skilled,possibly amoral, and lacks any sense of ethics.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby stan » September 2nd, 2018, 8:08 am

draugo wrote:Whoever did these files is really skilled,possibly amoral, and lacks any sense of ethics.

I'm sure for some that the takeover and presented changes are just super hot fantasy. Saying that makes them want to try it more.
They may rationalize it away as 'files don't effect me like that'.
(Which is true, until they do).

Personally I think a very small minority are truly in danger from listening to a file of this type. The time spent listening to it to make those changes.
There is a much a problem with porn in general as sissy shit like this that nofap and other push back against.

A bit like any relationship or love that crashed - nobody is willing to say why they fell into it in the first place and accept they made bad decisions and it didn't work them.
It becomes hatred. And banning. And blaming someone else for the process they put themselves through.

Ethically I think the creator makes it fairly clear the files are sissy hypnosis designed to transform you into a bimbo doll.
The file names such as "Mindlocked Cock Zombie" or "Cock Dumb Hole"
or the descriptions

04 Bambi IQ Lock
Bambi's intelligence is completely erased. Her IQ is drastically reduced and her higher thought functions disabled. Her mind is trained to wipe itself over and over again and this effect is linked to many different triggers. Bambi is a helplessly dumb bimbo.

Where exactly did the author unethically tell you this was self improvement weight loss ?
Anyone that voluntarily listened to "Cock Dumb Hole" is sort of aware what the outcome is going to be.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby stan » September 2nd, 2018, 8:11 am

Missed a bit.

You can't even really say I listened to the first set of files without realizing it was feminization hypnosis.

Go take a look at Mind Mistresses' first file sets. Give this to your partner as a sleep aid or something cool to listen to .. then when they respond add other tracks. That's potentially unethical.

Bambi files are Bambi and Bimbo from the outset.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby daugo » September 2nd, 2018, 8:05 pm

While what you say is true, there are things in the files to add encouragement to give in. This can cause people already susceptible to the files to be even more susceptible. I think the problem lies in that people don't know what they want subconsciously. Some can listen to these just to try them out or on a dare and some suggestions latch onto things in the subconscious. The files seem to be designed to have a snowball effect, I believe, layering suggestions and encouragement to try things in a roundabout way. I also think that there is a preconception that the hypnotist is the one holding all the cards, when it is them that have control. Their are a lot of opinions about why and how it is this way, but you can't make people do what they really don't want to do. This is hard to explain I think.

As for Mind Mistresses' files, I have a few of them. A couple never worked on me because I didn't agree with what was being suggested and such, despite listening to them for several weeks. Ones that did work were due to me wanting them to work or just finding one suggestion in them not something I want.

As for me declaring files dangerous, this goes back to the part where people don't really know what they want. The Bambi files have the names to suggest what they do, and people who try them are already mentally at a point to accept the suggestions. Then there are ones who don't know that a suggestion in one of the files is something they may had a curiosity about and it is a seed these files can nurture.

I still stand by what I said about the Bambi files. especially when you take into account what people on this site are drawn to.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby stan » September 3rd, 2018, 12:10 pm

Thanks for the reasoned reply.

anyone truly that suggestible or at risk of deep change on a single listen has far bigger problems to worry about in life in general.

But adults are free to make their own decisions and big mistakes.
I will concede the creator is skilled.

It seems unfair to lump amoral and unethical on top of that as push back. There seems to be a lot of 'bambi is dangerous'

Rather than these are the elements that make it really good - why haven't we got more hypnotists doing files like that ?
More importantly why haven't we got more giving it away for free.

I think there is a danger in all porn. All sissy hypnosis. All erotic hypnosis.
Their is a danger to permanently change your sexuality through conditioning if no other process.

And most don't realise until it is far too late. Bambi files are not unique in that regard.

Hell, most of us are here because we've got this fetish where it would be great (as either hypnotist or subject) be able to hypnotise someone to do exactly what they want to do but are to afraid to admit to. Yeah, it's a weird paradigm when you break it down like that and it doesn't work that way for most subjects :P
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby daugo » September 3rd, 2018, 8:43 pm

But adults are free to make their own decisions and big mistakes.

I really should let these things go and just let people to chose their own damnation but I'm too curious about how and why people have strong reactions to these files.
I say files are dangerous as a hope that people will avoid them, but then I remember that saying that will just make people seek out the files after the fact.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby MayTong » September 13th, 2018, 10:51 pm

Its like taking a purely historical point of view about Nazi germany and noting the strides the Nazi party made to

A) make Germany a better place before and during the war, for the German people not the jewish people obviously

B) showing how propaganda is seen from the other side of the war and the reasoning behind it

C) the great strides in technology they made

D) the environmental policies they put in placed to try to help the world, their world.

Now before I get hate mail I'm by no means saying the Nazi party was a good thing. The people at the top were pure evil.

Usually I get the usual Nazi's suck and were in human monsters, then I respond with they didn't drop two nukes on Japan...

Now you think I went off topic but think about the argument... People get circular because they aren't well informed, even the educated ones can be very dense. We don't seem to teach critical thinking anymore. So people don't think about the grand picture, and what that means. Historically the Nazi's turned the German economy around from a depression that started after WW1 and went until the Nazi party came to power. (good) They turned everyone's attention to the Jewish people who owned a lot because they were frugal (bad) This motivated the German people to produce and save (good) They gathered the Jewish people and slaughtered them (bad) Most people in America, Britian and the rest of the allied powers see the bad, but the German people saw only the good.

We have someone who made files to brainwash people into bimbos. We as a media culture say bimbos are awesome and we need more to service men (and women because who's judging). A few of us look at the situation and go, hey what about living and earning money. Its hard to get a good paying job when you can't count past 5. But that doesn't reach those that want to be a bimbo because they are tired at life and just want to let others control their world. And in some cases (like myself, Transgendered M2F, had a rough decade, unable to earn a livable wage, hounded by debt collectors, 2 kids, wife disabled, soul bread winner) want the escape. They want permission to let go and not think about it. These files, though dangerous give that permission and it all seems worth it to sacrifice everything and be the bimbo because we will be taken care of by our dom/master/mistress. As you can see I have seriously thought about both sides, and part of me wants to give in and let myself be that cum slut.

Will it happen who knows but I have been trying the files. They are pleasant to listen to and help relax me at night.
Have I seen anything happen...


Will I I don't know.

Hope this helps explain the wall you keep hitting while trying to be a whistle blower. I applaud your sense of personal responsibility to those on this sight who listen with reckless abandon. And sorry for the long answer.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » October 14th, 2018, 7:32 pm

Hypnosis is a drug. It's dangerous, AND it can be fun.

I myself have called out files before (Allison_in_Love, which were fantastic, but just over the line on various ethics issues; primarily being a bed-wetting file without saying so AT ALL).

Regarding Curse Female Takeover, in reading all the conversation it became clear that individual with mental illness should probably have steered clear of that, as it could exacerbate certain specific kinds of mental illness.

But honestly, with certain kinds of mental illness or even just plain predilections toward certain things, people should only approach with caution. If you are having a rough time in life and escaping to hypnosis, you might want to ask yourself some hard questions about what you're trying to escape and why. If that escape can play out like addiction, then you are probably a lot more susceptible to files.

Personally, I find (almost annoyingly sometimes) that I'm not susceptible to addiction much nor very susceptible to hypnosis (though I have built up susceptibility through gradual training over the last 15 years of listening to various files).

Bambi is fun for me. It's also very powerful. The tension of resistance versus submission is fantastic, just the right amount for me. For others, it may be way too much. And I don't know such people, but I'll bet there are some who would find it mundane and boring.

When I've listened to Bambi, I've sometimes taken hours, even half an entire day being immersed in that mindset. It's a fantastic release. But eventually, I come back to reality and no amount of strength of the files suggestions can hold me. Orgasm usually does that, even though there are measures to counteract that in more recent files.

NOW... that all being said, I've had gender confirmation surgery recently. One of the reasons I liked Bambi also is that it doesn't specify genitals (I think?), and that it doesn't focus too heavily on sex (or I often, but not always, skip file portions that do). I don't know what these files will be like now that I've had surgery. And more to the point is the question of the fact that right now I'm not sure how to orgasm, nor do I want to, because I want to heal more before going further with that (I have played around a little here and there). So the interesting question with Bambi now would be whether I could get myself out of it now that I don't have that abrupt masculine orgasm experience to get out of it. Perhaps it would be more of a trap now than it used to be... We shall see...

P.S. There is new material on the Bambi site as of July.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby kslava » December 22nd, 2018, 11:31 pm

A new set of files have come out for Bambi: Bambi Enforcement.

As before, I would like to recommend EXTREME CAUTION with these files. In fact, I'm not going to post a link, but you can find them if you're diligent.

I have listened to this set a few times now and the power of them was overwhelming. I could not escape the mindset for several hours after the session, and I continued training loops for roughly an hour each of the next few days. I truly began to lose a sense of control over these, and that is highly unusual for me, even with some of the most powerful hypnosis files. Now, everyone's experience will vary, but please note that I don't normally fall for files like this but this did this to me.

These files can cause legitimate SEX ADDICTION and destroy a person's life if you're not careful. Now if you have no job and no family and ideally someone looking out for you (like a daddy), then this is probably what you're looking for. Otherwise, if you have commitments in your life, this will cause problems.

Just giving another warning, a stronger one than last time, because these are the most powerful files I've ever listened to. That being said, it also means they're REALLY well made. But they genuinely are only for those who want to be lifestylers. This is one door too far for me... I bow to the TRUE bimbos who walk through this door, because you will genuinely lose everything you've ever known in your life before these files...
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby cristovaop » December 24th, 2018, 4:18 pm

I've tried the basic files and add a few after several days of training with only induction, deep, and awake.

Oh boy I was hooked.

I'm on a travel because of work, I'm married. But on the hotel room I had a pink panty and a pink dildo after only 3 weeks of listening. What pulled me from the pink pool I was warmly sinking was some off days that allowed me to travel back home to my wife. Being away from the files for 4 days cut whatever "thing" they were having over me. The result? I threw out both the pink props I had in the garbage.

But again I returned to my travels, away from my woman, and the desire grows daily on me to return to the files. "Only the basic ones" my mind say. "As to quickly pass time". So I returned to WMM after maybe one or more years away and found exactly a topic on the Bambi subject. What I can tell is that it works, even for me, who had trouble trancing before.
If someone wishes, I can try to find the diary I was making to post here for analysis.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby gillian2013 » January 3rd, 2019, 11:41 am

I am highly susceptible....have been from the very first file I ever listened to. I just listened to the bubble induction and bubble acceptance files. As with most files that re-arrange your head I realize that I have been programmed....but either I don't care or I have been instructed not to care. These two files are quite will want to accept and obey. The triggers are also quite effective with feelings of pleasure reinforcing the words used and a natural desire to feel that pleasure again makes you want to be triggered again thereby establishing a pleasure loop/reward. I will probably listen to the rest of the files although I have some trepidation. However, since I am now flashing back to the lovely feelings I experienced I feel I can't stop now. Will update on results a bit later down the road.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby ProfessorPig » January 3rd, 2019, 3:29 pm

as powerful as the initial results are, the files get better the longer you listen. the later files amplify the effects of the earlier files. these files are on the more dangerous and more fun end of the spectrum. your mind has an inner fail safe switch that will have you rejecting results that come on too fast and too powerful, and these files have tripped that switch for many people causing them to leave the discord server. if you do start listening to these files make sure you maintain proper bambi hygiene and separate out your work life and your play life clearly. if you start listening to the bambi files at work, or wearing your uniform to work, or doing other things that blur the lines between bambi and the old self, then you are going to have problems.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Mike242 » March 28th, 2019, 11:27 pm

I haven't fucked with hypnosis very much for years, but I was always most interested in bimbo hypnosis. Nothing that I found ever came close to Goddess Gracie's stuff, but this shit sounds really high quality.

So, I downloaded all of it, and I just got done listening to the induction and acceptance track. I planned on listening to it all the way through but I had to pee partway through track 3 and decided to just stop there, having pre-trained with the inductions so that it will probably work better tomorrow. It really reminds me of Goddess Gracie's stuff but seems more powerful.

If it feels really weird and takeover-ish, I probably will call it quits with it as I have with other similar files. If it really is sinister like that then that's unfortunate. I don't mind the idea of BEING Bambi, but if Bambi is just someone else inside my mind then that's not much fun. But anyway, this shit is super interesting to me so I will keep listening daily until it freaks me out, I guess. I will post again if it's interesting, I guess lol. But honestly i listened to Goddess Gracie's stuff a lot back in the day and it never truly effected me in any noticeable way. So i dunno.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby marchhare » March 29th, 2019, 5:53 am


Never mind!

Just keep listening and everything will be awesome! :D

It is good for your soul! ;)

The creator of the Bambi Sleep series is not a hypnotist, he/she is an angel.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby sandra06 » March 31st, 2019, 3:55 pm

Just finished 1,2,3 and 10 right now... following your warnings... i dont remember too much, the moment i woke up was a little easier to remember, i think, but minutes later everything is fuzzy...i spent some time looking for the way to listen to the whole file but not in the same day. Today i got some kind of headache, i am very horny right now, wanting to listen to the file again, feeling myself as a horny bimbo and going higher and higher every time i thing about the name Bambi or reading it. Love the name and i think that it matches me. Tomorrow i will try another combination. Next part is reducing iq, but thats something im not sure i want to try, to write right now is making my try my best. going from one word to another rewriting my thoughts .
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby sandra06 » April 4th, 2019, 1:39 pm

i had listened to the 1,2,3 and 10 for 3 days in a row, today it will be the 4th. Nothing about wearing femme clothes on the description of the files but today i spent the whole day wearing a bra, and right now is hard to try to take it off, i presumed that im suggested after reading all the post that i found these days. Listening to the files made me drop very deep from almost the beginning i really dont remember what on the files is said. Today i will listening to 1 but if it worths the same way next time i will use 0. i think that im pretty suggested by all this thing... i have been thinking about listening to the file again the whole day, and every time i went to the page to read the description of the files, looking to add a new one to the playlist, because i feel the need to do that, when i read the tittle "bambi" or on the description i feel something rare... it's some kind of pleasure, but not "pleasure", i dont know how to explain that... it's some kind of satisfaction pleasure, as knowing that i like to be this state...
So.. i dont know if i will add a file today, and if i do it, i dont know what number i will choose. maybe i will choose number 5, it seems softer than the other two files.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby whipme43 » April 6th, 2019, 4:35 pm

Yes, these files are very powerful and for real.

I read the warnings, but ignored them thinking this was just a game, but this is real.

I just read in one of the other posts that this makes you feel anxious when you're not dressed. 'that's how i realize this is real. im only relaxed when i'm dressed. the split personality is real, greg doesn't even know i'm writing this.

soo, like yeah, totally stay away from these files.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby sandra06 » April 7th, 2019, 12:15 pm

2 days without files, last day i listened to 1,2,3,5 and 10... these two days, sometimes, i noted myself swinging lightly as i walk and sometimes i noted myself standing provocative... i don't know if i did all the time or just at the moment i noted it. Anyway, the need for listening the files has grew up. i think that today i will try 0,2,3,4,5 and 10. just to try if i feel the IQ going down and how it works...
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Ghost1971 » April 23rd, 2019, 11:10 am

These files were recommended to me on a Bimbo Brainwashing/Hypnosis forum on Fetlife recently, and I checked out the blog, virus checked the downloaded files and gave it a go.

Wow, I must admit these are very well produced and well thought out. They are both a highly erotic turn on along with a slightly scary element. If my listening is correct, these files lead to an almost eventual 'Identity Death' of the original listener replaced with the Busty Bimbo Fuck-Puppet Bambi persona.

As I said - the loss of my actual identity is a scary thought (and had these hypnosis files actually work, definitely something to be concerned about), BUT, the thought of becoming Bambi is also a huge turn on.

I'll keep listening to them, and see what happens (if anything), although I don't hold out for much success. Over the years I've listened to many files from EMG (the Candy files), MsJ (Cocksucker Curse or Cure and the Little Miss Squidgy files being her best), and many, many files from Goddess Gracie - all to a very minimal/poor limited effect.

I've read many of the comments on this board about these files and the main question being asked is - why would I continue with these reported 'dangerous' files?

The easy answer is this; having been in the BDSM scene for many years, reality always disappointed when compared to fantasy (having a Mistress is great, being controlled is great - but in reality, that's not really the case. I do have full control, I can 'step out' of the play, guide the play or even stop the play whenever I want to. Therefore that loss of control I'm looking for doesn't actually exist).

I am desperate to know that hypnosis files actually work, and not simply a back of the mind fantasy, I am desperate to feel that loss of control and that things really are out of my hands/control - even if it is only for a short time. Hypnosis has always been that last chance of feeling like that.

I need to know I have no control and actually, genuinely have no control.

I need to know hypnosis works.

And therefore, I have to keep trying with these files .......... hoping they won't lead to yet another disappointment.

... besides, just listening to them is a huge turn on anyway.



PS. Any advice and comments are most definitely welcome.

(There's no point being an adult if you can't be childish now and again)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby sandra06 » April 25th, 2019, 11:52 am

keep posting, i will start over in a few days... as soon as i have time again for myself :)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Ghost1971 » May 8th, 2019, 10:46 am

OK, have been listening to all the Bambi files over the last three weeks+ in 1-2.5hour sessions, and here is an up to date report on the results (or lack of them) so far.

Please note, I am aware that you must really want these files to work, in order for them to have any effect, and believe me, I really want these files to work!

The Bambi Plastic Fuckdoll Puppet and Bambi Milked and Restrained files are incredibly powerful and certainly mess with your head at the time, these are the two main ones I drift well with.

These files are extremely addictive, and remain a huge turn on. I do want/need MORE!!!!

I do 'lose time' when listening to them - and am always surprised at how much time has passed when I turn the files off. However, one of the problems I get when listening to any hypnosis audio files is I start to drift, or drift, and then there's an adrenaline spike and I seem to come back up again, this happens multiple times throughout the sessions and I feel spoils the overall effect - does anyone have any recommendations on how to combat this?

I have purchased new/more slutty clothing, and am (albeit concealed) wearing items out in real life more than I used to, and not worrying about it so much.

To my surprise, the other day I actually slightly flirted with a young barman, I made a comment about how quiet it was that night compared to the previous nights chaos, he said a lot of people had left either that or perhaps he smelled. I immediately replied that he certainly didn't smell bad, but very nice in fact and smiled at him. I don't know where this comment came from, and it certainly isn't something I would normally do. But, playing 'Devils Advocate' perhaps I was simply making small-talk on a quiet night.

As you can probably read, there has been no effect on my intelligence at the moment, I remain fully intact. However, in work a few days ago, I found it very difficult to read out an address and date of birth, no matter how I tried I could not get the words and letters to come out correctly, it lasted a few minutes and I was quite embarrassed by it. I was very tired at the time, and coming to an end of multiple shifts - which is possible I guess.

I have found myself sashaying from time to time when walking, just to see what it feels like.

I seem to be very tired all the time, listening to these files are certainly taking a toll on my overall life. A number of jobs around the house (and in my life in general) are being put to one side, as I simply don't have the time to get around to doing them. My sleep patterns are not good at the moment either.

(Apologies if this comment disrupts the message board rules) My masturbation sessions have been disrupted considerably, I am certainly having trouble reaching a climax.

All the above can be taken in either direction, I am tired, run down, and 'playing along' with what could simply be a masturbation fantasy,

OR (and a fair part of me is secretly hoping for this)

They files are beginning to have some effect .......... I do hope so! As I said in my previous post, life in the BDSM scene, has always been give and take between the Dominant and the submissive, but it is the submissive that controls the scene/play - there is, in actuality, not loss of control. God, I hope this works!

I have been holding back on a complete dress up transformation, and so the Uniform Lock and difficulty in clothing etc removal has not yet been tested, will be saving that for another few weeks time (in order to let everything fully bed in), I guess that will be the real test (and where Bambi is at her strongest).

The only other downside is that if everything does actually work the way it is supposed to, and desired. There is no-one to utter the trigger commands - that would be another test (and I guess the final one), as resistance (after many, many weeks of conditioning/brainwashing/hypnosis) would show it was all fake.

Anyway, enough of the downbeat comments, onwards to more, More, MORE Bambi!

(There's no point being an adult if you can't be childish now and again)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby bizarrosage » May 11th, 2019, 2:00 pm

If you'd like someone to help test the triggers, I'd love to help out.
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Ghost1971 » May 11th, 2019, 2:09 pm

Cool! Give me a few more weeks of intensive listening. Have already been drifting more with these file over the last three days.

Feeling positive, God I hope this works!

(There's no point being an adult if you can't be childish now and again)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby luvmyflame » May 13th, 2019, 3:40 pm

Wow, very glad I came to this thread. I was considering listening to the bambi files for fun, since it explicitly says on the blog that you are only bambi while dressed - even if you slowly want to be dressed more and more.

But being told you can NEVER take the outfit off in some of the files?! I think I just avoided a bad scenario if I were to have gotten addicted to these...

EDIT: Check out this theory I wrote that can potentially make Bambi files "safe": viewforum.php?f=3
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby sandra06 » May 15th, 2019, 12:02 pm

love to read from you Ghost1971!! i didn't listen to the files again, a lot of lack of time :'(
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby behindtheglass » June 1st, 2019, 1:11 pm

I've been listening for a week and initially had insomnia, probably due to late night listening and not nodding off afterwards. Now I'm fine but still crave listening 24/7.

I honestly don't know if I have tranced or fallen asleep, but twice I've woken up on track 10 with her telling me to forget stuff I've no idea has taken place. I'm hoping it's working but aside from the amnesia I have no idea. It's very addictive, and I guess some people may have problems with that.

I want it to work and I want the wipers on, I want to get locked in a uniform. I lock myself in one sometimes anyway, so not having a guaranteed key is scary and very arousing.

The 'sleep' trigger doesn't work.... Yet... It's weird coz it's B4mbi sleep, but the point is B not to go to sleep, it's supposed to be you !!

Either way I want this to work for kicks only. I'm married with kids so do not want the whole shebang. I just need a bit of quiet time with B and a uniform every now and then.

I'm trying 1,2,3 & 10 on Monday night, plus a larger set on Wednesday with the opportunity to see if I'm locked in my uniform on Thursday morning. It could get awkward if I'm stuck and supposed to be meeting the team for lunch.....

Slightly worried there are many threads like these, with people like me (and Ghost) reporting back, who just disappear..... We are weird eh? X
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby behindtheglass » June 1st, 2019, 2:46 pm

Just to add a few more details. Track 9 gave me an incredible orgasm, which did continue for a while as narrator suggested. But now whilst I'm often really aroused I have found it really difficult to masterbate. The track actually suggests this, so is it working? I hope so. I love the kink. Wish they had a chastity track too....
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby Ghost1971 » June 3rd, 2019, 4:30 pm

Nope, not disappeared, still here and ready with a continuation review .....


I am definitely getting effects from these files now. I can no longer use the excuse of 'just playing along with the files', as things are definitely happening.

I am struggling with words during my everyday real life conversations, I am forgetting names, places and general information that used to come to me instantly. My conversation skills are certainly dumbing down to a more basic language. I think I mentioned before that my spelling is suffering too, I have to concentrate more when I am typing (and rely on auto correct to save me on a number of occasions). I played the Scrabble board game with friends the other day - well I used to be ok (not great, but ok) at this game, but when I played it, I came last with a patheticly low score - I just couldn't think of any decent words.

But, more importantly .........

The last three times I have gone through the playlist, when I come to almost the end where everything is locked down and the old self is being 'forgotten', I have had the strangest feeling going through my brain - almost like a panic attack, I wonder if this is this my 'original self' trying to fight for survival, whilst fading away? I don't know, but that is the best way to describe it, an identity panic attack.

I am definitely more obsessed with cocks - having bought a 7" flexible dildo to practice being an 'oral fuckhole' on.

This may sound silly (as I am a biological male) but when in trance, and I am told to 'Cum and collapse' I do feel a tingling explosion about half way into where my vagina would be (if I actually had one). There are three files that bring this feeling out the best in me - the fuckdoll fantasy, the milked and restrained and file 10 whereby Bambi is forcibly brought to orgasm by a fucking machine. Definitely some effects with these files.

I am certainly being changed. I am wearing stockings and panties when out in real life during the day (although I do not wear them when I am in work - well not at the moment at least - as if I got caught, I would instantly be fired). I have ordered more feminine clothing in the last three weeks than in the previous two years. When I come home from work, I instantly change into my panties and a satin nightdress (neon pink colour - naturally), wear them around the house and then when I go to bed). I even washed the clothing the other day and hung the garments on the washing line - not worrying that the neighbours may see it (I live alone, so female garments would be something people would question). I've recently bought a realistic doll mask for me to wear which looked fantastic when I tried it on, with my pink wig,

Also a few weeks ago, I ordered from ebay a pair of lockable 'Stripper short ankle booties with 12cm Heels, in pink patent leather. They arrived yesterday and look fantastic. But something happened when I put them on. I slid my foot inside and as I began to lace them up, I felt this incredible wave of euphoria and pleasure deep within myself (again, where my vagina would be, if I actually had one). It was something I have never felt before, and something I struggle to actually describe, it came over me in waves and lasted for a good few minutes. It felt INCREDIBLE!!!!!

I kept the boots on for a while, and was reluctant to take them off to be honest, however, real life always gets in the way, and I took them off eventually.

If this effect is that powerful with only putting on a new pair of booties, then I can only imagine what I will feel like if I put on my doll mask and wig, pvc maid outfit, silk panties, hold up stockings AND the boots. If the 'Uniform Lock' actually works, and the pleasure wave I felt increases in proportion to the amount of bimbo clothing I am wearing, then I may well stay dressed like that forever!

Real life hypnosis update - apparently his computer is broken and he's waiting for it to be fixed (sometime this week according to him), but he said he's not shocked by my requests - so I'm hoping for some progress in that direction soon.

.... things seem to be working!!!!! :D Woo-hoo!!


(There's no point being an adult if you can't be childish now and again)
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Re: Bambi Bimbodoll Conditioning

Postby bizarrosage » June 3rd, 2019, 5:03 pm

Sent you a pm :)
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