Ocntrl’s Your Personal Way to Become a Slave

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Ocntrl’s Your Personal Way to Become a Slave

Postby warfox » March 14th, 2019, 7:33 am

If you are submissive and want to expand that part of your personality, I highly recommend listening to Ocntrl’s files. All of them are great and compliment each other. In particular he has created files to help become more self-identified as a slave from the inside, using our subconscious and our existing desires to become more of who we already want to be. Truly becoming a Slave, feeling and thinking of ourself that way full-time can have obstacles and roadblocks. Ocntrl’s files help remove self limiting beliefs and destroy ego barriers that might make us resistant to owning that identity.

I have been working with his files and I feel the changes beginning to occur subtly and simply. The more you listen, the more you are taken by the suggestions. The files are new so I am giving them time to make changes. The trances feel like bliss.

The files are clear on their intent but they work on a deep, subconscious level that offers collaboration and symbolism that is unique to each person and changes from listen to listen. They really are files to grow with. I am getting more in touch with who I am without and getting more open to Hypnosis.

I will post updates as I spend more time practicing with the files and see what Ocntrl adds to this journey of seeing myself as a slave and only a Slave and enjoying others perceiving me this way too.
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Re: Ocntrl’s Your Personal Way to Become a Slave

Postby ocntrl » March 14th, 2019, 10:05 am

Dear warfox,

I truly appreciate the fact you put out those kind words here and I am looking forward to learn about your progress with the files that you are using now to become a true slave.

Since many here will have a similar desire, but unique to them in how to achieve it, the experiences you share here can inspire them to embark on this road too, in their own personal way.

So as for myself, I am on the lookout for the updates you will post here as part of this thread, and learn how you are becoming what you have desired to be for so long.

A true slave.

I wish you an amazing, safe, wonderful, surprising and above an very fulfilling journey.

Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Re: Ocntrl’s Your Personal Way to Become a Slave

Postby warfox » March 15th, 2019, 5:51 pm

Ocntrl has recently added a new file, “Your Master’s Desires”
Fellow subs and slaves, this is what you have been waiting for. I don’t know how but Ocntrl is able to pull all of your most intimate, personal feelings of submission to the surface and leave you feeling desperate to serve a superior. I asked for his help in overcoming resistance to perceiving myself as a true slave with no holding back and it is happening to me. I am becoming totally helpless to my own desire to be controlled and dominated. Not just as a fantasy or fetish. But I am beginning to see and fully accept that I am a slave and only a slave... it is not part-time or just in a circumstance. I feel a need to surrender that is overwhelming me with every listen. If you want help becoming who you truly desire to be, these files will help you. You will not be the same afterwards. But not because Ocntrl is changing you. It’s because YOU are changing yourself with his help. If you are brave enough to travel down this path, you will be forever changed and glad.

slave warfox
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Joined: February 26th, 2018, 10:22 pm

Re: Ocntrl’s Your Personal Way to Become a Slave

Postby warfox » March 17th, 2019, 6:03 pm

Just wanted to add an update about my changes. I don’t think of slavery or submission as any kind of fantasy anymore. Working with Ocntrl’s files has been amazing. Changes are happening quickly that are exciting, organic and internal.

Using visual imagery and symbols that are guided throughout the Ego file, I have muted my ego. I look for it and it is not the same. The part of me that was excited about the thought of being a slave but wouldn’t let me truly see myself as a slave is gone.

To most people nothing would seem different. But I notice my behavior and attitude is much more deferential toward everyone. I don’t have a Master currently but even the thought of control or submission to someone else brings on a calm, submissive state that is overwhelming.

I want to find the right Sir or Master to be intimate with but I know when I do, I will not hold back or have reservations about surrendering. Before viewing myself as a slave was something to overcome. Now it is how I hope other men see me and treat me all the time.

This a great journey. It is real. It is profound. And if you apply yourself, I am sure the changes will be quite permanent. It is also safe and there are no negative or unintended consequences. Just a shift in my perception that is humbling and feels natural and wonderful.
Posts: 4
Joined: February 26th, 2018, 10:22 pm

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