expectations and realities

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expectations and realities

Postby kiram » October 29th, 2020, 4:09 am

Even though it has been quiet around here, i thought i'd pose a question to see if my expectations are out of line. Background, i've been using various files for 20 plus years, at this point. I find them quite relaxing and enjoyable to spend time with. Most often, i'll listen before bed, but sometimes will listen as I lie down during day for rest/nap.

There have only been a couple of times where I've noticed any significant changes or effects from files. First was from a non ABDL file where the result was some un controlled movements of my arms and body, which worked quite well and was surprising Second was from EMG's 20 minutes as a baby, where for a little bit after listening, i was unable to do much but squirm on my bed.

This brings me to the question. I've been pondering for a while, but thought more about it yesterday. Are my expectations for diaper files higher than what the realities might be? One thing I hear in many files is "wetting like a baby", or helplessly wetting. Now, I am analytical minded, so this may be too far, but i'm wondering if in my mind i define these differently than they are intended, and am setting up for failure.

What i hear from those two statements is that wetting will happen subconsciously, without thought or knowledge, and the diaper will be wet without effort. I think of a semi constant dribble, when i think of wetting like a baby.

Other ways it could be defined include:
When diapered, you feel the need to urinate, and you consciously wet your diapers, as it feels good and you enjoy it. You don't consider going to the potty.

You wear diapers, feel the need, hold it and then push a bit, and wet your diapers, again this is conscious and controlled. You may or may not consider the potty.

The first two seem more aligned with 'wetting like a baby' or helplessly as you use your diapers and don't consider the potty.

After all the files i've used, the effects I can see include increased desire to wear diapers, increased desire to wet and mess them, greater pleasure in doing either/both, but other than standing up where it is easy to relax and wet, i have to consciously push/relax to let go. Sitting being easier than lying down. When lying down, it sort of feels like everything is relaxed in my body except for a muscle around my bladder area which is tight. The other thing i'm seeing is that becoming a bit 'excited' makes it much more difficult to pee, and i'll notice that is sometimes the culprit.

Anyway, not sure this will make sense to people or not, but i wanted to try to gather my thoughts.
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Re: expectations and realities

Postby infantpup » October 29th, 2020, 6:03 am

Heya Kiram!
I'm no expert, but these are my thoughts after 10 or so years here. With hypnosis, I think the way you frame the results can impact results/expectations, but all of your definitions for wetting like a baby are reasonable goals. Moreso, I think what you're running into is the passive vs active form of engagement or mental vs physical? Aside from a trigger here and there that can encourage immediate action, I've found that the more 'permanent' results have to be worked on and encouraged by my choices to bring them into that natural/reactive zone.

The hypnosis can help reframe your mindset, desires, choices, etc, but your body has behaviors ingrained into it from decades of reinforcement.

For wetting in different positions, you'll have to help your body get over its habits and more or less practice the relaxed flow. I think the, '12 month diaper training program,' has tips for this, but it's generally about starting to wet in a position you're comfortable 'going' in, and slowly moving towards the position you want to be comfortable in. So like, sitting down, letting go, and gradually leaning backwards to lay down while keeping the flow going. It's a kind of physical training to stay relaxed while going, and trying to extend that open/relaxed bladder state as often as possible. From there, it's just building the mental reassurance that your diaper will hold everything as you go, or that it's okay if your diaper leaks because ideally you wouldn't be able to stop anyways. (You can technically work on this relaxation at any time, even on the potty, but that can still limit your comfort zone to one place and position).
It's a process, and I still have to work on it a lot myself, but I think this has helped me a lot with following through. And hey, being able to feel that your bladder is tight while laying down sounds like a good first step in moving it towards relaxing!

As for getting around the 'excitement,' I sadly don't have any advice, haha. I'd say 'relieving' it, but that often puts me in a mini-purge zone where I don't want anything to do with diapers for a while.

Hope this helps!
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Re: expectations and realities

Postby jeremy12321 » October 29th, 2020, 12:29 pm

The only concrete, without-a-doubt, effect I’ve seen in my recent listening is that I legitimately yawn when I’m told to at the beginning of one of my files.

That being said, I’ve been needing a lot more diaper changes lately. I’m consciously pushing, but I think the files might be making me want to push? It’s a logical disconnect for me, too, because I hear that I’m cursed and that I can’t control my bodily functions anymore, which I totally can, but I guess it’s a fake it til ya make it kind of deal.

Having a super logical brain sucks sometimes, right? Is there a hypnotist that can fix that? ;-)
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Re: expectations and realities

Postby bill4725 » November 20th, 2020, 3:28 pm

hypno files for me have been unsuccessful but I have combined them with other means of influence that being personal affirmations and my wife using elements of the files while I'm otherwise distracted (usually while nursing).

My wife has always been a willing participant in diaper play but not anything sexual as the thought of having someone in a nappy having sex with her is actually a turnoff for her usually sex wouldn't happen for a good 48hrs after a nappy game, and only when nappies had been out of sight for that time. When I opened up to her about wanting to wet the bed and have to wear a night-time nappy she wasn't too thrilled but came round to the idea as shes always been the more dominant in our whole relationship not just in the bedroom she liked the idea having to get me ready for bed every night. that was shortly after I found this site and downloaded various files and slept with them looping in headphones for a good 4-5months nothing really happened I think I woke up with a wet nappy about 6 times and I'm not sure whether I just woke up wet and went back to sleep or wet in my sleep.

during this time my wife my wife had become interested in the whole hypnosis thing and had been reading various articles and books of positive reinforcement and mantra's and other what I had regarded new age mumbo jumbo (not that I do anymore) one night she got me ready for bed and told me she wanted to try something, she got in beside me propped up against her pillows and told me to lay with my head on her lap she then opened up her pyjama top and latched me on to her breast she had listened to the hypno files and began to talk about the stuff in them I had never really gone into trance in any real way listening to the files, I have to be honest the relaxation and mind opening really improved and this is still our nightly routine and when we're done I play the files on loop through the night (she did however state on a number of occasions if as much a drop of anything came out of her I would never see another nappy for my entire life as she had no desire to have to pump or breastfeed anyone on a daily basis).

Now if this was a fantasy post I would now tell you that I'm in nappies day and night and cant control my bladder or bowels and I'm a full time baby and my wife is now my mommy but thats not the case I am however wet in the morning 75% of the time nappy games are still a once in a while thing but the wife is more open to having sex either before she gets me ready for bed or if I take my nappy off completely before we have intercourse. A little bit concerning is she has her eye on some penis shrinking files as she thinks mini me gets in the way alot while she putting my nappy on and if I was a little smaller down there it might be easier, have to say I'm not a big fan
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Re: expectations and realities

Postby kiram » June 1st, 2021, 4:29 am

Anyone else have any input on this?
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